Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014

What tattoo should i get?

Q. Hey so i got 5 tattoos and i want another one but not too big because i am getting married next year and i am already engaged, here are my tattoos this is not me in the pics they are just the same tattoos i have .... The 2nd one...... the 3rd one the 4th one the last one
So now that you saw them here is what im thinking of getting or however i want you to paste a link for a tattoo you like so i can get thanks


hope i could help

I have a homemade tattoo?
Q. Really stupid drunk idea i let somebody do on me. It happened about 4 months ago maybe.
It is on the bone on the inside of my ankle and is a music note.
It was done with black liquid eyeliner and a regular needle i believe.
Really dumb, I know.
I have seen many tattoos like that fade quite a bit, almost gone.
I'm wondering if anyone knows that it possibly will fade.
If so, how long will it take to fade.
If it would fade, eventually I would get it covered up with something small.
But I am only 16, and my parents would be pissed if they found it. It's been a bitch to cover up.
i dont drink anymore by the way... this was one of many bad decisions... =]

A. Wow live and learn huh?

Well, I know this woman who's 40. She has her ex's name tattooed on her inner ankle. Well her ex (husband at the time) cheated on her and due to other circumstances ended up in jail. She was so furious she sat there and scrubbed that tattoo until it bled and kept on after that. it's now just a scar that's skin colored.

I wouldn't recommend that, but it's possible to make a tattoo fade, especially with time. I would wear socks as much as possible. Also, sun will make a tattoo fade. Lemon juice applied to the site everyday might do something?

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What do you think about women with tattoos?

Q. I personally like women who have tattoos. They can have a lot of tattoos or just 1 or 3 tattoos. But, what is your opinion of women with tattoos. Do you think its hot or does it mean they are more open in the terms that they are less shy? Answer and let me know what's your opinion.

A. When men get tattoos, they are unique and meaningful.
When women get tattoos, it's always the same thing: a rose on her boob, which you're not supposed to look at, or some kind of target above her butt. What does some stupid, psuedo-Indian design on a woman's lower back say? "I'm in touch with the spirit of nature?" Probably not. It doesn't even say "Look at my lower back" or "I need loads of attention" It says "I'm just decoration." Women don't have enough philosophy or personality on which to base a tattoo. That's why they suck at getting them.

Do you think women look trashy with tattoos?
Q. how many is enough to be called trashy and what kind do you think makes women look trashiest?

A. You date women with tattoos, you don't marry them. I do think women with tattoos look more promiscuous than those without. Men do call the lower back tattoo a "tramp stamp" for a reason. When I was younger I loved to date women with tattoos, I though it was sexy but as I matured so did my taste in women.

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Q. What tattoos/piercings should I get ?
I have nose, monroe, belly button, and one tattoo on my lower back, but i want something more.


Here's a bunch of links to tattoos to get you started. By the way, I think you are super pretty, even with the fake tan. You can pull it off for sure. I would get a sexy tattoo, like the ones on your hip.

I want to know about hip tattooing?
Q. why is hip tattooing not so preferred?

A. I've only know it to be not prefered on a female, due to the fact that over time with weight gain pregnancy, the tattoo will become distorted. I also think because women are the ones that primarily do get tattoos on their hips, some people in society may view them as feminine tattoos. I don't belive this, but some may.

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Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

do u have a tattoo?

Q. if u do what is it and y did u get it.?

i have an elephant on my back right side sholder blade it symbloy's luck loyality strength ambition courage to me

A. I have one kinda in between my neck & between my shoulder blades. It's a fairy or a woman with wings. I got it because I'd wanted something that would fit my name for a long time. I was having problems finding something that I really liked or someone to draw me something out. So, I saw this in a tattoo parlor & got it. My hubby had already gotten a few & I had none. It's the only one I have, though. I really want something to go across my back. I'm just not real positive as to what, yet.

is the ganesh a bad omen for women?
Q. my fiance is gonna get a ganesh tattooed on her body as part of a new beginning for her,and was recently told it was a bad omen for a women to have it tattoed on her,is this true,

A. No, that's ridiculous. Ganesh is the Hindu Elephant God. He is benevolent and helps remove blocks that come up for people. In fact, he is a GOOD omen and whenever I see him, I smile. Your fiance is making a good choice of a tattoo!

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Man what do you thing about woman with tattoo?


A. Depends on the guy and how up tight he is
And it depends on how much tattoo you have and the design but most guy don't care

Is a Phoenix tattoo just for women?
Q. I really want to get a phoenix tattoo on the top of my arm right at the top but i'm worried a phoenix is a feminine tattoo? Opinion?

A. NO I've seen both men and women with phoenix designs. The design could be made to look masculine or feminine.

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Swallow tattoos on women horrible or nice?

Q. I really like the look of having a medium sized swallow on my hipbone.
But after a little research i have found out that men have them as a sign of trying to be tough/hard?
I have the chance to get it done this thursday and as i said i like the look of them and im game for getting it .. Buut i would appreciate opinions aswell?
I have quite an alternative punky style
Im 17, heavily pierced .. couple of tattoos.
I would also appreciate people suggesting tattoo designs to me to do with doves and stuff like that aswell.
also, would it look a bit weird just having one?
or would two look better?

A. I beg to differ. Swallow tattoos are popular with young women, and are simply a beautiful bird, that has had acceptance in the art for half a decade. Also, a tattoo does not have to have 'Deep Personal Meaning' as the tattoo shop/soap operas would have you believe. You can get something simply because you like it. A picture is worth a thousand words, always has been. And step up to the plate, and tell these idiots that you got it cause they're beautiful and you wanted it. Swallows are righteous. Doves are nice, as well, and incorperate religious overtones. Take care.

Do you have tattoos ladies?
Q. I find some tattoos on women verrrrrry sexy. Can you tell me what tattoos you have and where they are located ladies?

A. No tattoos yet, but soon I hope! I'd like to get one on my shoulder...i'm thinking either a tetris pattern (I'm part russian and i love video games) or a really realistic hot pepper or hot dog. I'm still deciding tho.

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Tattoo on shoulder blade?

Q. ok so for my 18th birthday i get a tattoo. i dont know if i want this bird thing (follow link)

or just get a short/ sweet saying? if ur for the saying, write a SHORT quote thats GOOD that will fit on my shoulder blade.

A. Pretty cool. The shoulder blade is the best place for a women to have a tattoo.You can easily hide it if need be. Old ladies at funerals & things stare at mine on my ankle.Makes me very uncomfortable but glad I have my tatts. Mine were drawn out of my friends imagination & the patterns were tossed. No other tattoos around like them.Don't get one you'll regret later.Like a freaky skull or something. Enjoy your tatt.

what the most popular tattoo area?
Q. what area tattoo do u have? i have one in my back lower where near my butt

A. For women it would be the lower back. For men, it would be the shoulder or bicep area. I have a tattoo on my left shoulder, right bicep, left chest muscle, and stomach.

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What military in the world will take me with excessive tattoos..?

Q. im covered,head,one on face,hands,arms,feet,legs etc what military besides the french foreign legion will take me? i know i reposted this question but the other one wont let me edit it for some reason. and they US military said its a no go for me
Jesus christ,im not trying to ask about the US military! im talking about any other world military and the one on my face is an asterisk right under my eye.
Well i read a report this guy did on the FFL message board,he was sent away for his excessive tattoos but then found out the doctor was jewish and he had a swastika on his back so he thinks that was it and NOT the tattoos? any ideas?

A. Once again...

Army Changes Tattoo Policy

The Army has revised its policy on tattoos in an effort to bolster recruitment of highly-qualified individuals who might otherwise have been excluded from joining.

Tattoos are now permitted on the hands and back of the neck if they are not �extremist, indecent, sexist or racist.� Army Regulation 670-1, which was modified via a message released Jan. 25, also now specifies: �Any tattoo or brand anywhere on the head or face is prohibited except for permanent make-up.�

For women, allowable make-up would be permanent eye-liner, eyebrows and makeup applied to fill in lips, officials said. They said permanent make-up should be conservative and complement the uniform and complexion in both style and color and will not be trendy.

The change was made because Army officials realized the number of potential recruits bearing skin art had grown enormously over the years.

About 30 percent of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 have tattoos, according to a Scripps Howard News Service and Ohio University survey. For those under age 25, the number is about 28 percent. In all, the post-baby-boom generations are more than three times as likely as boomers to have tattoos.

As a result of tattoo attitude changes, Army Regulation 670-1, chapter 1-8E (1) has been modified via an ALARACT 017/2006 message.

Additionally, paragraph 1-8B (1) (A) was revised to state: �Tattoos that are not extremist, indecent, sexist or racist are allowed on the hands and neck. Initial entry determinations will be made according to current guidance.�

The Army has never allowed indecent tattoos on any part of the body, G1 officials pointed out.

The new policy allows recruits and all Soldiers to sport tattoos on the neck behind an imaginary line straight down and back of the jawbone, provided the tattoos don�t violate good taste.

�The only tattoos acceptable on the neck are those on the back of the neck,� said Hank Minitrez, Army G-1 Human Resources Policy spokesman. �The �back� of the neck is defined as being just under the ear lobe and across the back of the head. Throat tattoos on that portion of the neck considered the front, the ear lobe forward) are prohibited.�

Soldiers who are considering putting tattoos on their hands and necks, should consider asking their chain of command prior to being inked.

�While the Army places trust in the integrity of its Soldiers and leaders, if a Soldier has a questionable case regarding tattoos, he or she should seek the advice of the local commander through the chain of command,� added Minitrez.

Should a Soldier not seek advice and have tattoos applied that aren�t in keeping with AR-670, the command will counsel the Soldier on medical options, but may not order the Soldier to have the tattoos removed. However, if a Soldier opts not to take the medical option at Army expense, the Soldier may be discharged from service.

The U.S. Coast Guard has a limitation on the size of a tattoo in percentages of a given area that will not exceed 25 percent of the space between wrist and elbow, knee and ankle, but it does not allow tattoos on the hands or neck.

The Army�s new policy, however, does not mean Soldiers should rush out and have the backs of their necks or their hands entirely covered in decorative art, Minitrez said.

�The Army does not have a percentage policy for tattoos,� Minitrez said. �As long as tattoos do not distract from good military order and discipline and are not extremist, racist, sexist or indecent they�re permitted.�

If a Soldier�s current command has no issue with his/her tattoos, the Soldier should have personnel files so notated that the Soldier is in line with AR-670, officials said. Though not mandatory, having the notation entered serves as back-up documentation at a follow-on command which might feel the Soldier�s tattoos don�t meet Army regulations.

Once you're in, it's a different story...

I met a gentleman back in the mid-90's who was a Sniper in the 82nd Airborne. He had gotten his spotter's name, who was killed in Panama, tattooed in large, black, gothic letters starting just below his right ear and down across his neck to his heart. Of course it was a violation, but who the heck was going to tell him?

Tattooed women, Do you have any tattoos on your ankle/leg? If not then why? Is a sleeve better on arm or leg?
Q. This made me curious ever since I read someone else's similar questions. I have tattoos on each side of my ankle and just assumed that it never looked bad or bothered anyone, since I've gotten all compliments. I never understood though why people are saying that tattoos on the leg only look right on "certain" women who know how to pull off that look. What does that mean? I like the way a leg sleeve looks (a small one) + it can easily be concealed when needed. Also, why would anyone think it looks too masculine for a women to tattoo her leg.- Most guys I see have their arms & back, not their legs!

A. I have a tattoo on my ankle. It doesn't quite go all the way around and I do plan on finishing it, as well as getting one on my other ankle. For me, I would get my legs covered before my arms. It's easier to cover if you need to do so. I wear jeans most of the year anyway, so it would be less likely to fade.

To each their own. Put your tattoos where you want them, not where other people think they should be.

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Opinion on girls with tattoos...?

Q. I've been thinking about eventually getting another tattoo, not for a while due to my last tattoo (I got the biggest piece I ever wanted done, so I'm pretty satisfied for the time being.) Anyway, my boyfriend of 2 years isn't crazy about them. I didn't get my 2 tattoos done without his approval, so it's not like he's mad or anything. I'm just curious as to what a lot of other guys/people think about them. There are certain tattoos I would LOVE to get, such as behind the ear or my wrist but then the side of me with morals kicks in. Some reason it bothers me to think of having a tattoo on my left wrist, the same hand I will wear my wedding ring but I've always felt like the right was a bad idea because that'll be the first thing someone sees if you shake their hand. I also think a lot about tattoos that would make it almost inevitable to cover up when I eventually get married. Don't get me wrong, I love my tattoos. But out of respect for my family, I would rather them be covered not by makeup but just a dress that covers them. Anyway, any opinions on all of this? Thanks!
Ok HI, I wasn't asking for people to tell me they are trashy. I'll reiterate, open minded opinions. Also, the family isn't very religious in that sense, and they are ok with my tattoos. It's just not something that they would want out in the open on my wedding day, mainly because it's big enough to be a distraction. My other tattoo is on my foot, so that's not an issue. And this is the USA, didn't ask about women in Asia.

A. If you know enough to hide tattoos, then you already know you should not get any. And yet, you have them, and even want more. Something is wrong with this picture! Here is my opinion on girls with tattoos: I recommend to men that they stay away from a woman with any tattoo, anywhere. I could say the same thing to women about men with tattoos. Tattoos mean trouble. Tattoos are a huge "red flag" that means one or more of the following:
"I am a misfit"
"I will cause you big problems",
"Get to know me and you will regret it"
"I am immature",
"I am needy",
�I am foolish�,
�I am shallow�
�I make bad decisions�,
�I have no sense of right and wrong,�
�I follow fads�,
�I am unemployable�,
"I have been to prison",
"I belong to a criminal gang",
"I am promiscuous",
"I work in the sex-services industry",
"I can not sustain a long term relationship".
�I will fail in my life�
A tattoo is little better than a cartoon�you can�t get a good quality drawing on the human skin. It will deface your body like ugly graffiti defaces a public building. I strongly suggest that you do not get a tattoo. There is a big cost to getting a tattoo, and it is far more than wasted money. The true cost of a tattoo is a lifetime of regret. Most regret it within 5 years. There is an 80% chance you will regret it in your lifetime. The regret starts after you start to notice how people react to you. Many people will look at you with disgust, for tattoos are offensive to many, many people. Your chances of getting a good job will be greatly diminished�most companies will not hire you since your tattoo will be seen as offensive to other workers. The majority of western people get tattooed when young and their decision making process is not yet matured. Youth tends to be impulsive. Young people are still developing and they need to be very careful in making important, permanent decisions. The reasons young people get tattooed are not mature (i.e. they want people to notice them, they want to pretentiously �honor� someone in a way that will attract notice, they want to pretentiously present some �deep� quotation on their skin in the hope that people will think they too are �deep�, they are rebelling against their parents or society, they are conforming to what they think are social norms, they are unable to see ahead and view the negative results of their actions, etc.) If you want to see the true level of cultural development for tattoos and other body modifications, look at this video: . In a large sense, nothing illustrates the degeneration of western culture more than the entertainment industry encouraging impulsive youth to permanently disfigure themselves in order to �express themselves�. But such is the power of suggestion that more and more young people are buying into this Hollywood lie that tattoos are a cutting edge way to �express� yourself. But that is so not true. You should express yourself with your words and actions, not by inking graffiti onto your living flesh. Good luck to you in your life. But do not get tattooed. Tattoos are permanent. You can not take them back. There are so many questions on this board about how to remove unwanted tattoos. Pay attention to them. They are there for a reason: People do not want to keep their tattoos. One day you will wish you had never gotten your tattoo(s) and will start to ask how you can get rid of them. Be smart and do not put yourself in this position.

women, are chest tattoos sexy?
Q. i got a tattoo across my back for my first tattoo, it took 4 hours of needle time and i loved it lol i wanna go back for another soon, but i want one across my chest this time, my question is to the women.. are tattoos sexy and appealing to you guys, and what about a chest one, itll be one with meaning and all that and itll be a good looking one, just a random question :) thanks

A. yes i love tattoos.
although I know ALOT of girls wont agree with me.
idk there is just something about them that is so bold
and brave. And they tell a story about that person before
they even speak one word. I don't even care if a guy is COVERED.
Its a very personal thing. And if its what their into then its cool by me!

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Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

Why do people get tattoos?

Q. �Tattoos, ear piercings, implants.. modification... why do people modify and tattoo themselves when it is not only imaginably extremely painful but financially costly too?
Here are some of the most well known modified people in the world:
Rick. Who�s aim is to appear as a zombie. So far, more than 24 hours worth of tattoos --costing over $4,075 Canadian dollars�
Dennis Avner, aka "Catman" , he has undergone extensive surgery - Tattoos, implants, teeth filing and shaping.
Julia Gnuse, aka illustrated lady, was born with a condition that causes her skin to blister regularly and scar. She used tattoos to cover this up. After 10 years she made it into a Guinness Record as worldwide most tattooed woman.
Tom Leppard, 73 years old has £5,500 worth of leopard spot tattoos covering his body.
Eric Sprague known as the Lizardman was one of the first people to have a split tongue .
The winner in multi-layered tattooing is Lucky Diamond Rich, who has taken 1,000 hours having his body modified.
The Guinness World Records most pierced woman Elaine Davidson. In 2002 she had 462 piercings, with 192 on her face alone. In 2005 there were 3,950, reported at the Edinburgh festival. Her genitalia area having the most - 500. The total weight is estimated at 3 kilograms. In May 2008 Davidson's piercings totalled at 5,920 and Feb 2009 at 6,005.

Etienne Dumont is an art & culture critic and is covered head to toe in tattoos. He also has silicon implants and, 2.7 inch rings in each earlobe and plexiglass piercings through the nose and bottom lip.
Here you can see this unknown Brazilian man has some heavy tentacle suction-cup implants
These are some of the most extreme examples of tattoos and modifications ever known but the world is filled with everyday people sporadically or regularly visiting tattoo parlours as just a standard routine

A. I suppose it's beneath your intelligence level to ask the question in your own words. Instead you merely copy and paste somebody else's article as your own "research".

What do Americans know of Scotland?
Q. Where is it? ect...

A. Scotland is in the U.K. region of Europe. I think it is just north of England. They wear kilts, play bagpipes, eat something called haggis (which I don't know what that is) and they are verys similar to Ireland. Scotland is a Celtic country just like Ireland. They share a similar style in last names, mostly names that have a Mc as a part of them. A lot of Celtic music comes from Scotland as well.

England ruled Scotland for many generations. The English burnt their houses down, raped their women, killed them, and did all kinds of horrible things to them. William Wallace, a Scotsman, was a big leader in the fight for Scotland's independence. Watch the movie "Braveheart" starring Mel Gibson as William Wallace if you haven't seen it. It will show you just a hint of what the English actually did to the Scottish until Scotland won it's freedom from England.

I've actually met a Scottish woman before. Her name was Irene and I met her a few years ago in a bookstore. My sister was with me. She was a really neat lady. I just listened to her talk most of the time because I loved the way she talked. I love people with accents. She said that in Edinburgh, Scotland, they have an annual festival called the Tattoo festival, but it doesn't have much of anything to do with actual tattoos. I don't remember what it actually is about, though.

As with every country, Scotland has it's own neat culture, customs, beautiful sights and scenery, and neat people. I have never been there, but I am going to go there someday. I have heard that I have some Scottish in me, so I might go and see if I can find any family history there. I know I have a lot of Irish in me, so Scottish isn't too far fetched I guess.

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Are tattoos on women trashy?

Q. I have 5 tattoos and want to get more. Some people say that tattoos on women are trashy and I totally disagree! What do you think? Trashy or not? and why?

A. Well, you can answer this one to your own satisfaction yourself. First, type in 'beautiful women' on your search bar. Every other woman is showing her private parts. Then type in 'beautiful tattooed women'. You'll see hardly any nudity at all. A lot of ink, and a lot of modesty. So, check it out, then you tell me.

getting a tattoo close to a very private part is it slutty?
Q. ok so Im a girl 20 yrs old and getting my first tattoo on the top left of my private part ( You know what Im talking about lol) and its the little symbol with the horns for the zodiac sign aries, its going to be about 3- 5 inches. I decided to get that cuz aries are very passionate people n that part of my body sounded perfect until a guy told me its kinda slutty to get tattooed THERE . do you guys think the same???
thanks KAT, Im gonna wax so it takes longer for the hair to grow.

A. miss. very embarrassed by the answers you received. there is no such thing as a tramp stamp or a slutty tat. women were the first to receive artwork ancient egyptian empire. the answers? you have received a total ignorant babble. these people should have art work. four simple words. LEARN TO RESPECT WOMEN. your choice of art is just fine. the answers sick. please ignore the comments. just another example of macho morons who are the reason that disrespect to women has reached its all time low. thier is no pain, it is the fear of the unknown and the sound of the artists gun like a dentist drill. todays equipment todays artists no pain. plus women have much higher pain tolerance than macho males.

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What military in the world will take me with excessive tattoos..?

Q. im covered,head,one on face,hands,arms,feet,legs etc what military besides the french foreign legion will take me? i know i reposted this question but the other one wont let me edit it for some reason. and they US military said its a no go for me
Jesus christ,im not trying to ask about the US military! im talking about any other world military and the one on my face is an asterisk right under my eye.
Well i read a report this guy did on the FFL message board,he was sent away for his excessive tattoos but then found out the doctor was jewish and he had a swastika on his back so he thinks that was it and NOT the tattoos? any ideas?

A. Once again...

Army Changes Tattoo Policy

The Army has revised its policy on tattoos in an effort to bolster recruitment of highly-qualified individuals who might otherwise have been excluded from joining.

Tattoos are now permitted on the hands and back of the neck if they are not �extremist, indecent, sexist or racist.� Army Regulation 670-1, which was modified via a message released Jan. 25, also now specifies: �Any tattoo or brand anywhere on the head or face is prohibited except for permanent make-up.�

For women, allowable make-up would be permanent eye-liner, eyebrows and makeup applied to fill in lips, officials said. They said permanent make-up should be conservative and complement the uniform and complexion in both style and color and will not be trendy.

The change was made because Army officials realized the number of potential recruits bearing skin art had grown enormously over the years.

About 30 percent of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 have tattoos, according to a Scripps Howard News Service and Ohio University survey. For those under age 25, the number is about 28 percent. In all, the post-baby-boom generations are more than three times as likely as boomers to have tattoos.

As a result of tattoo attitude changes, Army Regulation 670-1, chapter 1-8E (1) has been modified via an ALARACT 017/2006 message.

Additionally, paragraph 1-8B (1) (A) was revised to state: �Tattoos that are not extremist, indecent, sexist or racist are allowed on the hands and neck. Initial entry determinations will be made according to current guidance.�

The Army has never allowed indecent tattoos on any part of the body, G1 officials pointed out.

The new policy allows recruits and all Soldiers to sport tattoos on the neck behind an imaginary line straight down and back of the jawbone, provided the tattoos don�t violate good taste.

�The only tattoos acceptable on the neck are those on the back of the neck,� said Hank Minitrez, Army G-1 Human Resources Policy spokesman. �The �back� of the neck is defined as being just under the ear lobe and across the back of the head. Throat tattoos on that portion of the neck considered the front, the ear lobe forward) are prohibited.�

Soldiers who are considering putting tattoos on their hands and necks, should consider asking their chain of command prior to being inked.

�While the Army places trust in the integrity of its Soldiers and leaders, if a Soldier has a questionable case regarding tattoos, he or she should seek the advice of the local commander through the chain of command,� added Minitrez.

Should a Soldier not seek advice and have tattoos applied that aren�t in keeping with AR-670, the command will counsel the Soldier on medical options, but may not order the Soldier to have the tattoos removed. However, if a Soldier opts not to take the medical option at Army expense, the Soldier may be discharged from service.

The U.S. Coast Guard has a limitation on the size of a tattoo in percentages of a given area that will not exceed 25 percent of the space between wrist and elbow, knee and ankle, but it does not allow tattoos on the hands or neck.

The Army�s new policy, however, does not mean Soldiers should rush out and have the backs of their necks or their hands entirely covered in decorative art, Minitrez said.

�The Army does not have a percentage policy for tattoos,� Minitrez said. �As long as tattoos do not distract from good military order and discipline and are not extremist, racist, sexist or indecent they�re permitted.�

If a Soldier�s current command has no issue with his/her tattoos, the Soldier should have personnel files so notated that the Soldier is in line with AR-670, officials said. Though not mandatory, having the notation entered serves as back-up documentation at a follow-on command which might feel the Soldier�s tattoos don�t meet Army regulations.

Once you're in, it's a different story...

I met a gentleman back in the mid-90's who was a Sniper in the 82nd Airborne. He had gotten his spotter's name, who was killed in Panama, tattooed in large, black, gothic letters starting just below his right ear and down across his neck to his heart. Of course it was a violation, but who the heck was going to tell him?

Guy Foot Tattoo.........?
Q. Would it be normal or okay if a guy got a foot tattoo? I found a maori design of a humpback whale and i think it would be awesome to get one on each outer side of my foot. However, I've never really seen a guy with a foot tattoo. Do you think it is normal for a guy to get a foot tattoo? Why or why not?

A. of course it would be OK. it hurts aswell so its even more manly than a normal tattoo. they are affiliated with women nowadays because they like to have small sexy tattoos that can be easily covered, but there is no reason men can't have them either.

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Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

Thigh tattoo opinions?

Q. So I've been REALLY wanting a tattoo for a while now and I'm pretty serious about it. I have a huge list of ideas, but there are a few things that are stopping me. The first is money, but that's the last thing I'd deal with. Next is placement. I've always wanted small tattoos, kind of minimalistic on my arms and maybe shoulders/back, but lately I've been really in love with the idea of a tattoo on the top of my thigh, but kind of more towards the outside of my thigh. Is this a good location? I'd use this for a bigger piece, like an Alphonse Mucha piece, or something that I design myself, but my question is, is it a tasteful location? I'm not necessarily concerned about what strangers think, but I AM worried about what my dad will think (he's not a huge fan of the idea of tattoos). I figured I could easily hide it under a lot of pairs of pants, but by the time summer comes, I'd be showing it off to the world. When I show it off with shorts, will it look weird? Just that one piece? Also, is it generally less painful to get a tattoo in this location? Because that's something else I'm concerned about. I have never had a tattoo so I'm thinking this might not necessarily be the best first tattoo.... Your opinions?
Oh and if you happen to live in Minnesota, do you happen to know of anyone who would be a great artist for an Alphonse Mucha tattoo? Or I guess do you know of just a great tattoo artist in general?

A. Upper right thigh for a woman is a great spot in my opinion, it's a place where you can hide it easily if needed, and when you want it to be it's sexy. And it's a great spot for bigger pieces. On the plus side it's one of the less painful places. As long as it's the outer thigh. And not on the hip. But I would recommend it. (: sounds like a great idea

What are your opinions on thigh tattoos on women?
Q. Do they look okay on someone who has no other tattoos?
Does it look better if you have one on each thigh, or just one thigh done?
Do they stretch really badly?
Oh, and I can't do anywhere that still shows while fully clothed, so no neck, arms, wrists, hands, feet, ankles, that kind of thing.
And nothing on the belly-area, as that would stretch like crazy if I ever had a baby.
No tramp stamps, either.

A. Personally, I think it looks fine whether it's one or two legs.
A tattoos look can only be affected if you gain/lose an extreme amount of weight, if you gain/lose a little bit of weight, you have nothing to worry about.

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Looking for a tattoo explanation(pictures inside)?

Q. So I've wanting a tattoo for years. Upon searching I've found this design here and there & I love the look of it. I just don't know what it's called, what it means, or it's origin. Just curious before I put it on my body lol. Thought I'd post some pictures & if you have some alike please share!
(shoulder piece)

A. It means someone has wasted a lot of money on a pointless tattoo. My business would not hire someone with a tattoo as depicted in the first picture. Very unprofessional. By the way, average wages are $65,000. Second picture would most definitely keep someone from being hired.
Woman in the third picture has ruined her appearance.
Lastly, none of these tattoos will improve you life.

What should I add to my first tattoo?
Q. Hey! Im getting a tattoo soon and I think i know what I want to get. I think I might be getting a feather with birds coming from the tip. ( if you can see that link. If not its similar to this,r:5,s:0&tx=28&ty=54.

But I want to add a quote to it I think. I want it to sort of represent me escaping from the abuse of my father and being free. I might want to do one of the following quotes.

"Know your worth"
or "We accept the love we think we deserve"
"without struggle there is no progress"

Or maybe I shouldn't add a quote?

I want opinions. I would like the tattoo in the same spot as the first picture, so on my shoulder blade area. So I'm not sure where the quote would go or what not. Help please!

A. I like the design. personally, I wouldn't add a quote. the symbolism in the feather/birds is enough, to me.

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Shoulder blade tattoo designs for women?

Q. I want a tattoo that goes from shoulder blade to shoulder blade (it doesn't cover just one shoulder goes across.) I am looking for a tribal or a star design. Keep in mind that I am a girl who is turning 18 and I want something that it cute. Any pictures? Thanks!

A. Have a serious look at

All the best

Tattoo design for a women's luck/gambling tattoo?
Q. I have this idea drawn out with my nickname, the union jack and american flag, a top hat, cars with my favorite number 86 (here's a crude little sketch I made(a little drunk but w/e) )

Do any tattoo artists on here want to help me out change something to make it flow better or give me some insight? thanks!
Oh i forgot, it's going to be in the 'fourth quarter' of my back as in a grid, the bottom right
| |
Try right clicking the x and 'show picture', thats what happens when you use photobucket for 4 years i guess idk, but try that to see it

A. i`m not a tattoo artist, but i got a tat. 5 months ago on my right shoulder blade .. i just think your sketch is really nice (:

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fu dog tattoo on a girl?

Q. idk if i would ever get one, but i love the meaning behind fu dogs. if i did get one, i have no clue what colors i would use or where to put it... so my questions are...
-opinion of a girl with a fu dog tattoo?
-what colors would be good?
-how big and where would look good on a girl? (i wouldnt want it very big)

i like the look of these ones,r:0,s:0,i:72

A. Lots of women get them. See TATTOO magazine, I've seen many pix of fu dog tats in there, all on women.

What do you tattood guys think of women with tattoos?
Q. Women with many tattoos. Like maybe a sleeve..a few on their legs..etc. Women with a bunch of tattoos like the women in the tattoo magazines... as well as the womans body type with all of the tattoos too...what are your opinions.

A. People who judge others who have tattoos are shallow and not worth the time, They will NEVER love you or care for who you truly are. If you like/want/have tattoos then you are who you are. Screw the rest. They say "thank god tattoos come with pain or every pussy would have one"

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Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Favorite Quotes...Love, motivational... & good tattoo ideas...?

Q. well im thinking about getting a nice love quote with my boyfriend of 2 years, it would be both of our first tattoo's...
any suggestions???
What's your favorite quote?

A. You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Dr. Seuss

You learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh, but you can never truly love someone until you find out what makes them cry. Author Unknown

The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves. Victor Hugo

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it. Swedish Proverb

I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone. Javan

Love makes time pass; time makes love pass. French Proverb

Love is the beauty of the soul. St. Augustine

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same. Flavia Weedn

Life is one fool thing after another whereas love is two fool things after each other. Oscar Wilde

To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead. Bertrand Russell, Earl Russell

Know this: though love is weak and hate is strong, Yet hate is short, and love is very long. Kenneth Boudling

Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end. Author Unknown

There would be no passion in this world if we never had to fight for what we love. Susie Switzer

It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. Friedrich Nietzsche

In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged. Hans Nouwens

He who is filled with love is filled with God himself. Saint Augustine 347

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu

I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love. Henry Ward Beecher

Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence. Vincent Van Gogh

To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world. Brandi Snyder

There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love. Bryant H. McGill

Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more it is willing to see less. Will Moss

Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey. Lord Byron

Love is my religion - I could die for it. John Keats

A man is not where he lives, but where he loves. Latin Proverb

Love is like war; easy to begin but very hard to stop, Henry Louis Mencken

If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don't, they never were. Kahlil Gibran

Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. Robert Heinlein

Love is an attempt to change a piece of a dream-world into reality. Henry David Thoreau

Promise me you'll never forget me because if I thought you would I'd never leave. Winnie the Pooh

Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a mans last romance. Oscar Wilde

The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost. G.K. Chesterton

You will find, as you look back upon your life, that the moments when you really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. Henry Drummond

Sometimes it's a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and still be fascinated by their presence. David Byrne

Have a nice day! :)

Tattoo quote Ideas HELP need opinions!!!?
Q. I want to get a chest tattoo quote. I want it to be meaningful but short & strong. It cant be no more than 5 words.
About my self: Im very motivated person, strong , have ambition, determination, believe in god, love pushing myself. Im just a warrior.

Im looking for something for example like this

"Against All Odds"

"Let Go - Let God"

Which one do you like? So please if you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to comment below :)

A. What are wanting to accomplish with your tat?

*Attract women or men?
*Profess your religious fanaticism? (most tats screaming about God are NOT signs of Faith. The Bible expressly warns against such false shows of faith in God)
*Make people look at you when you take your shirt off?

It's certainly NOT for you. YOU will NEVER see or read what you put on your chest. You are doing it to show off for some reason only YOU know.
OTHERWISE, you'd make it small and somewhere YOU could see it, like your inner arm or wrist.

So it's very hard to suggest which phrase (of no more than 5 words) will best fit your expressionistic needs for your intended audience.
What is "meaningful" for you would be something YOU could read and be inspired by.
But a meaningful quote for a meat billboard really won't motivate or inspire anyone who sees it across your chest, and you'll never see it, except upside down as you stare at your chest, or backwards when you look in the mirror...

I think both of them suck. "Against all odds" is stupid. You'd be dead, so gee, what an accomplishment. Join the other 7 billion people on the planet. We ALL are here against the odds...dur.

"Let go - let God" is about as FAR from " Im very motivated person, strong , have ambition, determination, as you can get." You are NOT strong if you have to let God choose for you. God gave Man free will. It's in Genesis. He did it for a reason, and that was NOT to pretend that HE chooses for you. Same with motivation. What motivation if you expect God to do it instead of you?
So in addition to false proclamation of your faith, you choose a phrase to compound the irony and

My suggestion? Skip the tat, and try to memorize a new quote every week. Then you'll at least show the INTELLIGENCE to use a quote for you, INTERNALLY, rather than as a lame piece of "LOOK at MEEEEEEeeee!!!" attention grabbing...

And I have 3 tats, one on my wrist for ME, one on my back shoulder for lovers, and one on my butt for an ex as personal closure.

You don't ask strangers about your tats. Your tats are supposed to MEAN SOMETHING to YOU, and where you place them should be just as meaningful. Not just to make yourself living signage...


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Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Is this a good tattoo to get on my whole back?


I was looking at some pictures of people from the tattoo fair, and I found this really interesting one above. It is the woman with the purple and black tattoo on her back, not the green. So what do you guys think?

A. I think that its pretty cool, but personally, I would get something different. When it comes to a back piece, you want it to be unique, something that nobody else has. I like all of what this tattoo is, but i would get something different. Yes, bring in this photo to the tattoo artist and tell them that you want something like this, inspired by this, but not this exactly.

Q. do you need a license?

Also if you do i heard of tattoo schools & even online courses, is that training able to replace an apprenticeship?
because I know in the area I live Most of the artists aren't willing to let a woman apprentice under them. so if i had to pay $1800 to get classes that would get me a license just as well, id prefer it.

PLEASE provide some info

A. It is indeed illegal to tattoo from any location that is not first cleared by the board of health. Major fines can be imposed as well as jail time. Can people legally tattoo from home? Sure, but they have been inspected and made all the needed adjustments at that location in order to preform such an action as tattooing. And in order to administer a tattoo in most any state (except New Mexico and D.C.) a tattoo business license is required.

I don't know what state you are in so I cannot tell you exactly.

The online courses are crap and money gimmicks. Do not fall prey to them. An artist will take on an apprentice no matter what sex you are. And actually, not sure where you got your info from, the chance to take on a female apprentice is something most any artist will do and want to do. There is nothing more respected in the industry than a chick that can sling some quality ink. So do not let that discourage you.

If your state requires an apprenticeship to obtain a license then NO, a class will not do it for you and be more of a waste. These so called classes are normally done by others who have started out on there own and figured they could make a dime or two by creating videos of doing tattoos. They are garbage and none of them are respected in the industry. If you must learn on your own take every opportunity you have to attend every tattoo convention and participate in or sign up for the many seminars that are held at them.

But there is NOTHING equal to a quality apprenticeship. Save your 1800 and use that to obtain an apprenticeship.

Feel free to drop me an email and I can give you some more detail and suggestions on what you can expect or what you should do. In my opinion at least.
Also, check out the question I am posting here where I gave a pretty detailed description on tips for an apprenticeship:;_ylt=Aq5UWNJeYUp5AEw.bBWqeOrsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090213033745AAuYziR

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I wanna get my daughters name tattooed?

Q. with her foot prints any ideas where it would look cute? nd what are nice fonts for tattoos?

A. when are you woman going to learn?
tattoos on females make you look cheap tarts

Can you help w/tattoo ideas?
Q. I'm a woman who wants an Italian tattoo. Maybe the words Bella Fia but I want a design with it. What kind of design could I use? Thanks

A. you could make the lettering into the design and go with an extreme cursive font.

something such as the link, depending on your style. i think fonts like that look beautiful as tattoos

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Poll: I have a theory to why women are crazy?

Q. Well back then billions of years ago when dinosaurs existed, women always stayed at home.

and I was playing my Sims, and the wife turned crazy because she didn't get out of the house often.

My conclusion.

A. dinosaurs live underground.
zombies are people who go into ufo ships to be healed by "aliens".
you live only once. after you die, you either go to hell or heaven.
different creatures like phoenixes, dinosaurs, monsters really exist, but be careful because demons know about these creatures and will mix in their lies to draw you away from God.
white magic=black magic=asking demons for help=spells=really bad for your future.
meditation leads to demon possession.
pagan gods/goddesses are demons. all demons are male though.
tattoos give rights to demons to bother you.
women, who had giants as kids with demons (anunaki), were cursed by God to become sirens.
masons, who built tower of babel to fight God, were cursed by God to become apemen and elephantmen.
vampires/werewolves are high-level witches who are completely demon-possessed.
aliens are demons. ghosts are demons. demons move the ouija board too.
demons show pictures to psychics/mediums/seers/astrologers. tarot cards and crystal ball are tricks to fool the eye.
80 foot dinosaurs will come out from underground through sinkholes and lakes, and start eating people up; antichrist is a red-eye gay man with white powder on his face; mark of the antichrist is a green electronic nwo tattoo with sixes that is given by lasers when people stretch their hands to receive a new small gray world passport; fallen angels=demons=aliens in ufos=ascended masters=ghosts=channeled entities=dead relatives during seances=spirit guides=pagan gods=greys=automatic writing spirits, etc.; atlantis (where aliens make humans their puppets) is underneath mariana trench; china will attack russia; don't worship the antichrist; don't take "the chip, world passport, and nwo tattoo"; don't go into a ufo ship under any circumstances

What's your weapon of choice for a zombie apocalypse?
Q. Mine would be a fork,knife and spoon helmet.

A. zombies are people who go into ufo ships to be healed by "aliens".
you live only once. after you die, you either go to hell or heaven.
different creatures like phoenixes, dinosaurs, monsters really exist, but be careful because demons know about these creatures and will mix in their lies to draw you away from God.
white magic=black magic=asking demons for help=spells=really bad for your future.
meditation leads to demon possession.
pagan gods/goddesses are demons. all demons are male though.
tattoos give rights to demons to bother you.
women, who had giants as kids with demons (anunaki), were cursed by God to become sirens.
masons, who built tower of babel to fight God, were cursed by God to become apemen and elephantmen.
vampires/werewolves are high-level witches who are completely demon-possessed.
aliens are demons. ghosts are demons. demons move the ouija board too.
demons show pictures to psychics/mediums/seers/astrologers. tarot cards and crystal ball are tricks to fool the eye.
80 foot dinosaurs will come out from underground through sinkholes and lakes, and start eating people up; antichrist is a red-eye gay man with white powder on his face; mark of the antichrist is a green electronic nwo tattoo with sixes that is given by lasers when people stretch their hands to receive a new small gray world passport; fallen angels=demons=aliens in ufos=ascended masters=ghosts=channeled entities=dead relatives during seances=spirit guides=pagan gods=greys=automatic writing spirits, etc.; atlantis (where aliens make humans their puppets) is underneath mariana trench; china will attack russia; don't worship the antichrist; don't take "the chip, world passport, and nwo tattoo"; don't go into a ufo ship under any circumstances

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What to do about my ex boyfriend new girlfriend?

Q. My ex dumped me for someone new...his new girlfriend didn't know anything about us being together while he hooked up with her. The new girlfriend leaves me disrespectful messages on myspace and tells me i don't have shit on her, says shes better then me, i don't have shit and my ex don't want me. She told me he has a Tatto with her name on his arm, then showed me a pic of a Tatto on her back with his name and said they both have matching tatto(confused). She keeps telling me he says he will never come back to me and they are getting married. (My ex is in prison. We were off and on for 2 years. he is 24 and i'm 29 and the new girlfriend is 20 years old). Why does she think i owe her when she was f**king and sucking on my man when i was with him? Why does she thinks she better then me? Why does my ex tell her my business? I don't know anything about her but she knows a lot about me! one of her best friends told me she took a letter my ex wrote his new girl and he didn't ask her how she was doing, didn't say hello nor asked about the baby she was pregnant with (come to kind out she lied about being pregnant her brother told me). They told me she does drugs like he does (they do crystal meth... i don't do them, i go to school). Please tell me why is he doing this to me when he did me wrong? I don't know his new girlfriend he left me for...Why is she so damn disrespectful???

A. Honey your a full grown woman of 29 years old, she is a 20 year old idiot and very very immature. I am from the UK, a mother of grown up children older than you, and a grandmother too of course, and yes that is the real me as I am now in my Yahoo ID along with my answer to you. I am telling you this, not because I think I am an expert on the ways of life and people, true I have lived many years longer than you, but you do gain wisdom as you age, so I am actually hope my word might help you.

The first thing to do is ignore this brat of a female, who I would hazard a guess is telling a whole pack of lies to suit her own means. To me its as clear as the nose on my face, this stupid girl is jealous and feels threatened by you, even though your not with the guy anymore. She says things like he has a matching tattoo etc, keeps telling you all these things he supposedly says to her about his undying love for her now, can't you see for yourself, if you were but a fly on the wallpaper so to speak, and where in the same room with them at any one time (that's why I say think of yourself as a fly on the wall paper for they'd not know you were there then), but if you were in the same room you'd be hearing a whole lot different that this bitch is telling you. I reckon the guy, even though on drugs etc, is getting pretty fed up with her already. I doubt very much if he has said anything bad about you, and because he is not, its making her the insecure one hence she is jealous of you.

Just ignore this stupid female, she is acting and behaving like a 13 year old child, in fact I take that back, kids probably would act a whole lot maturer. I am not surprise she lied about being pregnant, probably told the guy eventually that she miscarried - but she is an out and out liar and a no good person. I am not saying he will go back with you, she is actually terrified of that, and I think by what you say you'd not take him back anyway, but that is a private and personal thing to you, I'd hope you'd not for your own sake, but its not my business, we all have the right to choose what we do in life. But yes you must certainly ignore her. If she starts trying to contact you in person then tell her to go to hell, if she don't then call the police on her.

Ignore her, don't respond on facebook or any other internet thing your both on, don't even mention her to other people on face book either, take that back seat, ignore. Now concentrate on your own life, go out with your girls, have fun, and aim for the things in life that you really want, for you deserve them. Your an individual and your unique and a special person like we all are, minus that awful sounding person your talking about here. Laugh about it to yourself, sure its disrespect to you, but you got the satisfaction this girl is so so jealous and insecure about you. She deserves the pain she's in. Your the one who is free, so come on put on that brave face and smile.

Good Luck

How would a half sleeve tattoo look on me?
Q. I am thinking of getting a half sleeve tattoo.
It is going to be a castle at night and it is going to have like rapunzel hair and he is going to try to animate me as rapunzel with my face but her hair and im going to then draw an outline of a prince and when i meet my "prince" i will fill him in. (i know kinda chessy)
then i want a star's in the night and they repersents the people i care most about so everytime it will be a star for my close family and best friends and then having a colorful shooting star that wil repersent my daughter. I am just afraid because of my tattoo my type of guys won't approach me. Cause i am into the jock type of guys or the long haired blonde country boy. But not like Sk8ter boys. I am 23. I just got a divorce and i am a photographer. (do that tat won't interdere with my job) plus i am nothing like the goth person i honestly have never wore black in my life i am a perky blonde. Wear a very girly style kinda the girl next door look i have been told and people think a tattoo and with my girl next door look would be so cute. so i am kinda confused i really want it but i do want a nice father figure for my child.
So if you saw me on the street with my tat what would you think even though my style is REALLY girly with skirts, dresses,

A. Every guy is different, so it's kind of hard to say what guys will like or not, but I am a country boy so I can speak for the majority of other guys like me. Small town/ farming guys don't like big blocky tattoos on women. It could be a very artistic piece, but any guy will see that and think you have no class. Plus, I am never a fan of getting a boyfriend/girlfriend tattooed on you. You said you're divorced, so you know that there is nothing guaranteeing you two will be together forever. If you were to break up, you're left with their face or name permanently written on your body. I'm sorry if this isn't the answer you were looking for, but it's just my opinion.

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I dyed my hair and now I need to relax it, what relaxer do I use because I was tood u cant use every relaxer?

Q. I need help my hair is long due

A. First of all, heat & chemicals = hair's worst enemies, add RELAXERS to the formula that's twice as much risks, for formaldehyde causing cancer, hair loss and damaged hair.

Hair straighteners are known as hair relaxers, keratin treatments and hair-smoothing products. Relaxers made his/her hair FALL OUT!


2. She's 15.

Google: Jennifer Aniston's Hair Disaster Nov. 6-13.
The reason Jen went for the ol' snip-a-roo wasn't to be on trend. It's because her hair is fried and falling out after getting a Brazilian Blowout. You know those amazing salon hair treatments that can make the thickest, frizziest hair Pantene commercial-esque? She didn't come to me for advice, I could have said NO don't!
It's been all over the news, but why wasn't her hairstylist informed, they're partners in the new hair product, on which she is a spokesperson!

Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.

> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 36 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <�
Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Hallowe�en party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. It�s made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. It�s well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time. Skin specialist Najjia Ashraf reveals that there are barely any dyes that don�t contain this toxin; even the ones who claim they don�t, are not being honest. �Big brands often escape the blame by suggesting they are ammonia-free. However, ammonia and PPD are two very different things and PPD is present in nearly every dye because it is what gives off the colour,� she explains.

Google: A 38-year old mother left in a coma after using hair dye. SHE DYED HER HAIR MANY TIMES BEFORE, USING THE SAME BRAND. The British woman who went into coma after a reaction to hair dye has died after a year. Updated 11-25-12. The woman suffered a heart failure, struggled for breath and became unconsciousness. Her family blamed paraphenylenediamine, a chemical found in hair colour. Her family has now called for paraphenylenediamine to be banned from home dye kits. In 2000, a 38-year-old Indian-origin woman from Birmingham, Narinder Devi, died after an allergic reaction to hair dye.

Permanent black hair dye is linked to causing leukemia and lymphomas.

Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.

I want to get my hair perm straight but will it damage my hair even more?
Q. My hair isn't that long. I dye it every 2 months black. I've only bleached it once but that all gone. I straighten my hair every week because I have very freeze hair! My hair isn't that healthy. I want to get the perm but ppl have told me my hair might fall. I need advice!!

A. Yes.

Permanent black hair dye is linked to causing leukemia and lymphomas.

Hair straighteners are known as hair relaxers, keratin treatments and hair-smoothing products.

Relaxers made his/her hair FALL OUT!


2. She's 15.

Google: Jennifer Aniston's Hair Disaster Nov. 6-13.
The reason Jen went for the ol' snip-a-roo wasn't to be on trend. It's because her hair is fried and falling out after getting a Brazilian Blowout. You know those amazing salon hair treatments that can make the thickest, frizziest hair Pantene commercial-esque? She didn't come to me for advice, I could have said NO don't!
It's been all over the news, but why wasn't her hairstylist informed, they're partners in the new hair product, on which she is a spokesperson!

Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.
> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 36 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <�
Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Hallowe�en party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. It�s made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. It�s well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time. Skin specialist Najjia Ashraf reveals that there are barely any dyes that don�t contain this toxin; even the ones who claim they don�t, are not being honest. �Big brands often escape the blame by suggesting they are ammonia-free. However, ammonia and PPD are two very different things and PPD is present in nearly every dye because it is what gives off the colour,� she explains.

Google: A 38-year old mother left in a coma after using hair dye. SHE DYED HER HAIR MANY TIMES BEFORE, USING THE SAME BRAND. The British woman who went into coma after a reaction to hair dye has died after a year. Updated 11-25-12. The woman suffered a heart failure, struggled for breath and became unconsciousness. Her family blamed paraphenylenediamine, a chemical found in hair colour. Her family has now called for paraphenylenediamine to be banned from home dye kits. In 2000, a 38-year-old Indian-origin woman from Birmingham, Narinder Devi, died after an allergic reaction to hair dye.

Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.

Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps" 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone.�

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How can i add to this tattoo ?

Q. I'm getting a rose tattoo i designed myself really soon. but the thing is it looks kind of plain
i do want to add to it, but what do you think i could add? any unique ideas?
plus dont say, its up to you or whatever i just want some ideas thaanks !

A. If the rose is pretty it will not seem plain. Tip: make it colorful

If you wanna add something see this:
1 (better without the crown IMO)

Would a tattoo on a woman's inner forearm look manly?

A. I have a tattoo on my inner forearm, somewhat identical to Cher lloyds tattoo. - THIS ONE :)

I was scared it looked a little manly, but however i get compliments on it all the time.

It you like it, go for it! No ones to judge whether somethings "manly" or not, its totally up to you!

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Minggu, 01 Juni 2014

Guy's! What do u think when u see a woman with a tattoo on her breast?

Q. I want one on my breast but I don't want to be seen as a loose woman.

A. if you want one get it but only if it has a meaning behind it! I'm going to be honest its true you get your first opinion in like the first 3seconds you see them, when i'm seeing people coming and going everyday in work i automatically think oh they seen they seem a bit dodgey..but honestly when i see a tattoo on a woments breast i think oh she's cheap especially when it's an older woman and the tattoo looks awful and saggy! Get it somewhere you can cover up if you want i would advise against it but its your body! Don't let anyone dictate how you 'decorate' it!

How do women do this...?
Q. When you women want a tattoo on your breasts, do you actually go to the tattoo place or somebody you know who does it and just bare your breasts before them? If you do, how do you handle the embarrassment or is there any?

A. Why would a woman want a tattoo on her breast? I do not know any woman who has a tattoo on her breast, that does not make sense to have one there, but then again, whatever floats your boat... =P

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