Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

Looking for a tattoo explanation(pictures inside)?

Q. So I've wanting a tattoo for years. Upon searching I've found this design here and there & I love the look of it. I just don't know what it's called, what it means, or it's origin. Just curious before I put it on my body lol. Thought I'd post some pictures & if you have some alike please share!



(shoulder piece)


A. It means someone has wasted a lot of money on a pointless tattoo. My business would not hire someone with a tattoo as depicted in the first picture. Very unprofessional. By the way, average wages are $65,000. Second picture would most definitely keep someone from being hired.
Woman in the third picture has ruined her appearance.
Lastly, none of these tattoos will improve you life.

What should I add to my first tattoo?
Q. Hey! Im getting a tattoo soon and I think i know what I want to get. I think I might be getting a feather with birds coming from the tip. (http://fashionwhoree.tumblr.com/post/14673789561/i-will-get-this-before-i-die) if you can see that link. If not its similar to this http://www.google.com/imgres?q=feather+tattoo&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1024&bih=605&tbm=isch&tbnid=QAcq8OUd2xxV9M:&imgrefurl=http://areatrendy.com/feather-tattoo-design-for-women/&docid=hmxpbrYzsN_o7M&imgurl=http://areatrendy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Feather-Tattoo-Design-For-Women-5.jpg&w=550&h=356&ei=S1Y1T93LB-SU0QHGvYHOAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=802&sig=104875934395728503182&page=1&tbnh=117&tbnw=155&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&tx=28&ty=54.

But I want to add a quote to it I think. I want it to sort of represent me escaping from the abuse of my father and being free. I might want to do one of the following quotes.

"Know your worth"
or "We accept the love we think we deserve"
"without struggle there is no progress"

Or maybe I shouldn't add a quote?

I want opinions. I would like the tattoo in the same spot as the first picture, so on my shoulder blade area. So I'm not sure where the quote would go or what not. Help please!

A. I like the design. personally, I wouldn't add a quote. the symbolism in the feather/birds is enough, to me.

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