Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

What is the best area to tattoo if you don't want it to distort or fade?

Q. I just want to get a small tattoo that says "words, words, words." I words are easily distorted as a tattoo and that's what I'm worried about. I also know that tattooing the ribcage and stomach/hip area is bad for women because it will stretch during pregnancy. I would like to get it on my ribcage or hip, but as I just said, that's not possible.

So what areas of the body are the least prone to stretching and distorting?

A. I'm not sure, but I would suggest drawing on yourself with a Sharpie where you want the tattoo and then move around to see how it distorts.

My tattoos on my forearm don't seem to stretch very much. Tattoos on the wrist can look centered when your wrist is turned up, but when you turn your arm over, it curves onto the top (just draw on yourself and you'll see what I mean!)

What are some good bicep tattoos for women?
Q. The main thing I am considering is a tree with the trunk being at my armpit with some wording with it. I wanted to know of some other good things to get tattooed there for women.

BQ: What is the pain level of a bicep tattoo? I've heard muscle is a good place for tattoos.

A. No tattoo is a good tattoo for a women.

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Guys: what would you think of a small rib tattoo on a woman?

Q. I'm 18 and I really want to get a hamsa (hand of god) tattoo design on the side of my ribcage, but I want it to be relatively small (smaller than the majority of the hamsa rib tattoos i've seen). If I really want it in a few months I'm going to get it either way because it's my body, but I was just curious what you guys would think of that on a girl. It would be my only tattoo. Thanks! I'm a runner and stuff btw so it's not like I'm overweight and want to show off an unattractive part of my body.

A. "what eva what eva, its my body i can do what i waaaant" , ...... and to anwser your question I have no idea what a hamsa or hand of god looks like so i cant really answer your question. However geting a rib tattoo for your first one isnt recomended. I have a 6-7 hour rib tattoo on my entire left side of my body. I also had around 15 hours of ink done previous to that including some on my chest. About an hour into my rib tattoo was more painful than all of my other ink put together. Also the rib area is a good place to put a big tattoo. You have plenty of good spots to put small tattoos.

What can the depth a tattoo be compared to?
Q. I know its like 1/16th in. deep, but I want a comparison for a better idea so I know if I've felt that pain and/or if I can handle it.

A. Unless you've had a tattoo, there's no way to have "felt that pain" before. I will say this, everyone is different, and every AREA of the body is different for each person pain wise as well. A few are staples though, such as the rib cage being the most painful for men and women equally.

One thing I can tell you for sure, is the pain of a laser removal exceeds that of the tattooing itself ten-fold. It's the most intense, blinding pain I've ever felt in my life. If you're not even sure if you can handle the pain of getting one, you might need to re-think your reasons for getting it because removal is unreal, and 10x as expensive.

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Animal tattoos for a guy and animal tattoos for a girl?

Q. Can u list animals most associated with guys and all the animals most associated with girls please...
Girl tattoos i'm guessing are like butterflies, dragonflies, very common.. etc... for a guy i'm guessing a bull, wolf, scorpion etc ty... i'm a guy wand want to get an animal tattoo

A. Actually, you don't have to separate animals by what is girly or manly.
You can get any animal or insect or reptile that you want whether you are male or female.
What matters is how the animal is depicted, and how well the artist carries out the image.
Of course you can take any animal and make it cute and cartoony, or you can make it mean and aggressive looking, but what is best, is to take the animal of choice and find an image that you really like (not because you think it will look manly), and then find a good tattoo artist to do it for you, and then for you to wear it well and with confidence.

The Yakuza are a great example. They are tough and manly men, but their tattoos are often quite beautiful and graceful, of chrysanthemums, and butterflies, birds, fish, and dragons.
The end result is an amazing look, which now both men and women have:,r:37,s:0
Here's some images of animal tattoos:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=67d84e51a989f2c5&biw=1600&bih=676

Find whatever animal appeals to you, or you relate to, and find a dynamite image and a skilled tattoo artist.


I'd like a Japanese woman's opinion of a guy with tattoos?
Q. I'm a 24 yr. old white guy from California. I work in the corporate world, am very nice and professional. I actually look like my avatar. I'm planning on moving to Japan for work after I get an MBA and I would really like to meet a nice Japanese girl out there. I have two large tattoos, one on each calve, and I am trying to find out how Japanese women living in Japan feel about them. I know its very subjective, but some input would help. Like I said above, I'm a very nice, normal person (not a stereotypical tattooed person or Yakuza), I just love tattoo art. Do you think most would look at the person rather than what they have on their body? It appears that tattoos are still taboo in Japan (as mostly Yakuza have them), but I know things are changing and people are opening up. Any comments welcome.

A. I like Japanese girls with tats and Iam sure you could find a nice Japanese girl with tats. I had many tats and I had me a Japanese girl with a dragon all over her legs and back. It was very nice.

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How can I convince my g/f to accept new friend with tattoo's?

Q. So much is happening here in India. Esperanza and I are finally starting to relax now that we've identified the place where we want to get Ryan his tat. Thanks for the suggestions, everybody! We still have to book the appointment.

Anyway, remember that “backpacker” we saw getting tattooed at Baby Tiger Tattoo in Randi Market? We ended up seeing her in a ‘dhaba’ (like a diner) with her boyfriend....and their little one! It turns out they are Israeli. So we chatted with them and about their tattoo experience. Aleah (the backpacker) has a whole bunch of tattoo’s. She has:
- a white tiger on her left ankle

- two tigers with Chinese symbol’s for best friends in between on left shoulder

- memorial for her dead ferret on right ankle

- a dragonfly on right shoulder
- a dragonfly on wrist – that was the one we saw her getting!

She told us the story behind each one, and we were very touched. So meaningful! All I can say is that we are VERY anxious (in a good way)!

Their daughter, Netanya, is around 7 month’s, so she and Ryan got along well. Aleah and Namir (bf) invited us to go hiking with them in Dharamsala – that is up in the mountain’s where the Dalai Lama lives!!!

We really want to go, but there is one small problem. As you know, Esperanza thinks women with tattoo’s are sort of trashy.....I know, I know....she can’t help it though, it’s her cultural upbringing. I think it’s ironic because Aleah and Namir are Israeli and they are not “supposed” to get tattoo’s either...Ranza doesn’t get the irony.

Help! What can I do to convince her otherwise??? I REALLY want to go to Dharamsala (and I know she would enjoy it, too)....

A. I have been following this saga from the beginning, From the dragonfly picture that I saw from the "Baby Tiger" artist, she is an amazing artist and I am sure that this backpacker's other ink is amazing as well! I really can't wait to see a picture of the ferret tattoo if you can get one because I lost my pet rat a while ago, and I have been looking for a memorial tattoo design on the internet and haven't been able to find one! I think with a picture of the memorial tattoo for the back packer's ferret in hand, I might be able to go to my artist and get my tattoo started! I mean without an exact picture of what you want, how can you expect your artist to get the tattoo right?!?
But I digress...
Anyway, if Esperanza has seen the amazing art that on this woman, and she still thinks that tattoos on women are trashy, then there is no changing her mind! I mean, it is pretty much the same as someone seeing Jesus perform a miracle live, right in front of them, and them still not believing! At this point there may be no hope. However, before your friends start off on their journey, can you please get the ferret pic and email it to me? my address is tribal_and_butterflies_ and_rats_4 ever @ (take out the spaces).
Thanks and good luck with Ranza!

How important is "originality" in a tattoo design?
Q. Check out this quote from an interview with Pat Fish (a woman tattoo artist world famous for her Celtic designs). It came out in 2003:

"College students cast about for something with meaning. The great default is something written in Japanese. It's low commitment, and they can feel wicked and tattooed. Frankly, a tiny kanji looks better than a miniscule rose. We call those 'zits on sticks.' The most common tattoo we do, besides kanji, is suns. Especially on girls' lower backs. For the last four or five years, we've done at least one a day. I hung a sign on the front door of my house that says, 'This is the bungalow that suns on butt cracks bought.'" ......

"We work out of files. I have a file of just suns. That way, I don't have to keep drawing the same thing. After the customer looks at 500 different suns, one-third will pick the same sun. It's the logo for this generation—Leo Zulueta's tribal sun. Then they can make it even more meaningful by putting a kanji in the center! My mantra about that is, 'The baker doesn't complain when the muffins sell well.' So, if we bake another dozen kanji, we're happy to do it!"

Hmmm...What’s the “logo” for THIS generation?

Here is the artist’s cynical viewpoint. Most are probably sick of doing the same “unoriginal” pieces. (Earlier in this article she says “That’s what employees are for!”)

But there is also a value in the standard design; everyone needs to be familiar with it so its “standard” meaning comes across. If every traffic light used different colors to mean “stop” and “go,” it would be really confusing.

Your thoughts?
I walked by Pat Fish's shop today (it's really close to my house) and peeked in....there is a whole HUGE wall of kanji flash, with the meanings of each character! I can really sympathize with her cynical attitude, but this just made the shop look really bad!

A. I completely feel sorry for tattoo artists who do 3-4 tramp stamps a day. As a piercing apprentice I feel as if I might scream every time some generic girl comes in to get either her tongue, her belly button, or both pierced. You can't blame people though, we're all victims trying to look cool. Some of us might not go out and get tattooed on a whim, but we will express it in other ways.

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How to stop being scared by a scary movie?

Q. Ok I went to see a film with my friends and I pretend I wasn't scare and well. Let's just say it's been five days since I saw it and I still can't sleep. Plz help I'm so tired but I get so creeped out!! Btw the film was women in black

A. pray psalm 26 if u scared.
the real God (Christian God: the Holy Trinity) created a set number of angels on the 2nd day...let's say 30 billion. 1/3 of all angels rebelled against God...10 billion...God turned the rebels into spiritual darkness aka demons. well, technically, God had mercy on them because He didn't kill them or send them straight to hell. God gave them a chance to repent of what they've done. so, demons had about at least 7000 years to ask God to forgive them. they didn't do it. so, now they'll burn in hell with all the people who follow them (aka witches/wizzards, astrologers/tarot card readers, mediums/seers, ghost hunters, etc.). well, of course, if these witches/astrologers/mediums/etc. repent of their sins and ask God to forgive them, God will forgive them. so, what I 'm saying, everybody's got a shot to go to heaven - they just have to ask God to forgive them their sins.
demons disguise themselves as ghosts, greys, aliens, pagan gods, etc. basically just everywhere u go (something paranormal or religious like ouija board, channeling, dead relatives during seances), it's the demons almost all the time. to fight demons, u gotta be a christian. here are some christians' thoughts. spread the warning, please.
jigsaw from 'saw' movie is the antichrist.
devil is black with red eyes.
antichrist is white with red eyes.
jigsaw will rule from jerusalem in a few years.
jerusalem is the whore of babylon.
mark of the beast is similar to the 'in time' movie tattoo; it
will be given with small gray world passport by lasers.
Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov (1982-1993) said this:
-china will attack russia
-jews will lose war against muslims
-80 foot dinosaurs will come out thru lakes and sinkholes. don't go near lakes and sinkholes.
-statue of liberty will make one step forward and then collapse
-antichrist has white powder on his face. his eyes are red. don't worship him.
-green electronic tattoo will be given by lasers when people stretch their hands to receive small gray world passport. don't take chip. don't take world passport. don't take any tattoos.
-demons dress in fake human skin and fly in ufo ships. don't go into a ufo ship.
people who go into ufo ships to be healed by demons, come out zombies.

Im a devoted Christian and the last time I went to church nor prayed was 2 years ago?
Q. I refuse to go to church amd pray until God make justice.

Im a very ugly looking person and I behaved how God wanted my whole life.

all my friends have girlfriends but I don't.

theres a very good looking atheist guy that do drugs and use the women as sexual objects yet God rewarded him by making him handsome.

that is so unfair. I cry all the time and sometimes think of commiting suicide.

A. suicide leads to hell. aborted kids go to hell for 33 years. bible specifically says to not be gay. sodom and gomarah were punished for being gay. evil antichrist is gay. bible clearly forbids tattoos. read book of revelation. all who receive the final armageddon type tattoo will not be forgiven. don't u get it? tattoos give rights to demons to bother you. remember that aliens and ghosts are demons. most of the time dreams are from the devil. so, don't believe in dreams. antichrist is pale with red eyes and wears gloves just like jigsaw from saw movie. but antichrist makes fire come down from the sky and moves at the speed of light 'cause demons (who appear as angels of light) carry him. mark of the beast is similar to the in time movie tattoo. when people stretch hands to receive small grey world passport, this 666 tattoo is given by lasers. chips and electronic tattoos are ways to track people to laser them. food stores will be set up to laser people. police will laser people on highways. those who go to be healed in ufo ships by demons will become spiritual zombies. dinosaurs will come out thru lakes and sinkholes though.

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What is the tackiest tattoo you have ever seen?

Q. Forget the damn butterflies, the black (terribly drawn) panther on the calve or the double hearts on the upper arm. I've seen plenty of tacky tattoos, but the tackiest of all was a woman with a Tweety tattoo (not kidding!) Can you top this one?

A. One of my friends has the "Your name" tattoo on his butt.His mom has a rose tattooed on her right breast and shows it to anybody who asks to see it.Not just the tattoo but the whole breast.The tackiest however.One of my coworkers has a vagina tattoo on his neck.He has to wear turtlenecks when we have company visit the plant so he doesnt offend anyone.

Where is a place to get a tattoo with out it looking strecthed/distorted if I become pregnant?
Q. When women has a tattoo on her stomach my friends would say "Oh that's not going to look pretty after she gives birth." So I know not the stomach. But what about every where else? When women become pregnant the body tends to gain weight all over so it would cause the tattoo to stretch right?

A. well most of ur upper body
arms ,neck or hands .. lower parts of ur legs , below ur knees

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Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

where on my body should i get this tattoo?

the artist is using this picture to work with, so it wont look exactly like this, but you get the idea
I am a woman, 5'7 130 lbs (just so you know i'm average size). I DONT want legs, stomach, chest, or lower back done. I'd like it to be somewhat hideable as well. Not sure on size yet, that really depends on placement. I don't want to go bigger than like 6 inches though.

none of this "this is going to be on the body for the rest of your life" crap, please. I've made the appointment and i'm getting it done on MY body.

A. i would say on your hip, so that it could be ALMOST but not really covered by underwear or bathing suit bottoms.. that way, you can see it whenever, but it isn't like, fully in sight all the time :)

but if you want to show it off, maybe like right in the middle of your back, below your shoulders but like above your lower back... or maybe on your foot or on your ribs (either under your breasts or more beside them).

those are my ideas! :) have fun

Buy or Sell: David Fincher is the master of making the scariest non-horror films?
Q. Perhaps creepy would be a better word than scary, but regardless, I find that his films creep me out more than any horror film. The scene in Zodiac in the potential Zodiac killer's basement is suspense at it's finest, and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo slowly gets freakier. Even his "lighter" films (The Social Network) have these dark atmospheres to them.

He's definitely one of my favorite filmmakers.

BQ: Does anybody really consider Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and War Horse to be better than The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo? If so, why?

A. Absolutely agreed! I wouldn't go so far as to call him the "master" since I haven't seen every non-horror film to pass judgement. But definitely yeah, he's experimented lots too, but one thing's clear--he's never strayed away from the creepy atmospheric feel every movie of his has. I completely agree with you on that. Fincher’s films have been about the pathologies of men. From Fight Club to Zodiac to Se7en, he looked at the darker side of their nature, he’s reveled in it. He even managed to make a movie about Facebook’s founder feel creepy, urgent, and disturbing. But not since he directed Sigourney Weaver in Alien3 and now, Rooney Mara; has his “dangerous pit bull” been a woman. I've seen Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and it's got everything you expect from a Fincher-movie. I preferred the Swedish version, but Fincher did justice to the Millennium book, so I can't complain (apart from the ending change).

He's one of my favourite filmmakers too. If anything I'd call him a perfectionist, because of the number of 'takes' he does to perfect a scene. I think it's brilliant when someone takes their work very seriously not "take one, ok that's done let's pack up and leave". He strives to entertain, with every frame in each film. Can't help but admire him. :)

BQ: War Horse and ELIC do not deserve to be on the list of "Best Motion Picture", period. Heck yes, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was better! Hell, Drive, Shame, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2, Rise of the Planet of the Apes-- were all better and had more "meat" than War...and ELIC. I'm sorry, but I simply don't get the ELIC nom. I get the usual Spielberg recognition in the category (if it's not best director, then best film), I'm not against nominating the usual "veterans" if their movies were genuinely good. I mean, Fincher at least deserved a best director nod. And Scorsese tried his hand in 2 new genres he was completely unfamiliar with 3D and kids. At least he tried to push the envelope. I'm sorry if I'm being a bit harsh, but Spielberg staunchly insists on finding a happy ending even in the calamity of the First World War, but that he slathers it on so thick and leaves so soft an impression. It has the usual Spielberg customary flair but never reaches greatness due to it being syrupy and proudly sentimental. It's like when you have a kid that keeps getting A* at a essay, but then gets a B and he wonders why? It's because on his standards, he could've been better, been more innovative, pushed some boundries. Spielberg's that kid. I know I didn't really answer the BQ very well, lol. I just get mad when I think about War Horse and remember how amazing so many other movies were and deserve some recognition and praise for their hard work :/

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What do you think about tattoos on a teacher?

Q. I'm going to be a high school teacher and I super conscious of where my tattoos go. I like tattoos very much be feel afraid of society's reactions.
My husband does tattoos so hopefully you get the idea of my joy of tattoos.
Thank you, Inge, but I'm afraid children won't take me seriously because of tattoos.

A. Haha, if I didn't know better it could have been me asking this very question! I'm currently doing a degree in history and am hoping to take a PGCE (I'm in the UK) and go into secondary history teaching. And I have the very same issue. After a lot of deliberation I eventually moved onto my upper arms, but I do feel nervous that I'm always going to have to wear half length sleeves or longer, I'm not good with heat! (fortunately that doesn't come about so much in England, and the hottest period of the year is holiday anyway!). But I'm desperate to go onto my lower arms, I don't feel my arms are close to complete yet, but I'm only 21 and worry at this age that I might be making a mistake about deciding for myself to always wear long sleeves for the next four decades or more of my life. So I'm going to wait until I'm in the job and then make my decision.

Anyway sorry I'm rambling without answering your question. Personally, obviously, I have zero problem with tattoos on teachers. I also think you'll find that you won't lose any respect from the children; if anything (if you're talking about secondary teaching) you're more likely to gain respect from them. When a teacher at my school would let slip that he or she had a hidden tattoo somewhere we saw it as the coolest thing. I think to kids it turns you into more of a human and less of an ogre. There might be the occasional student who takes this to mean you don't have the same level of authority, but I think that attitude would be well into the minority and nothing that the correct discipline couldn't see to.

I think the biggest problem is the parents and the school itself. I tried to do a bit of research before moving onto my arms as to attitudes schools take to teachers with *visible* tattoos. Most of the people I spoke to (generally teachers) said their school either forbids visible ink all together, or allows it on a discretionary basis as long as it's relatively subtle and not a full sleeve or throat tattoo or anything too in your face. I've yet to come across a school that allows its teachers to display all and any amount of ink freely, but this is in England, attitudes could well vary all over the world, they might even vary within this country, I've only researched probably within a 50 mile radius. The work I'd be having on my forearms would be more than a subtle little thing so this is why I'm leaving it for now. But I spoke to a couple of teachers I know, husband and wife, one has one full sleeve and the other has both arms fully sleeved. They simply wear long sleeves, and say it's never been a problem for them. The woman simply wears loose fitting thin material when it's very warm.

So I think as long as your tattoos have the ability to be hidden (ie anywhere other than hands, neck and face) then you won't have any problem as long as you're willing to wear the clothing to cover them, if you do end up working for a school who will not allow it. Nobody has to know about your hidden tattoos at the end of the day!

can you give me a rough estimate and price range for this tattoo?
Q. well a friend and I are wanting to get a tattoo tomorrow. since it's my first one I want to start small, so I want to get the Roman numeral for three on my wrist, but not bigger than a quarter or so. And in black ink. How much do you estimate that could be?

A. I feel like I should copy and paste from my last post. Are you sure you should get one on your wrist, a lot of companies do not like seeing tats on their employees specially a woman.

The tat should cost around $40-50, if it is as small as I think it is.

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What do you think is the cut off point for a female to get a tattoo?

Q. Do you think where and when a women gets a tattoo should be determined by age, shape etc? What do you think?
THIS is just a question I think some one has issues you need to work on.... If asking a question is being a snob I think some therapy is in your future.
Thank you others for your honest opinion... Thanks
Thanks for so many answers. I have for years thinking about getting one. I'm turning 42 on 12/31 and thinking of getting one for my birthday.

A. I think this is a matter of personal preference. It's your body, illustrate whatever parts you'd like. Personally, I don't like tattoos on breasts. To me, they can't be made more attractive than they are on their own. And I work in labor and delivery, so I'm of the opinion that you should wait til you're done having babies to get a tattoo on your belly, unless you really don't care if that cute little dolphin turns into a whale later.

I'm not sure I fully understood your question. Are you asking if there should be a cut off age, as in too old or too young? I don't think so. Part of being young is doing new things, and possibly learning to live with regret. It makes you wiser. ANd my 70 year old grandmother just got her first tattoo. You're never too old to have fun.

Is getting a tattoo on a breast dangerous?
Q. Is getting a tattoo on a breast dangerous? If medical links to answer this question can be provided I´ll appreciatte it.

If a tattoo expert can give his opinion that´ll be great.

If you don´t know a thing about this, please don´t answer, when people do that I go and check for answer while I could be working, thanks :)
What is it with people answering with criticism and stuff that doesn´t have to do with the question?

First of all, it´s not for me. I´m concerned for a friend. I´m male. Just one person has answered with serious info and a link to mor e info.

I agree in part that a woman having the breas t tattoed might not look too good, but then again, a small one might look good.

Ey, I think big tattoos are thrashy, but I don´t go looking for other people´s question to tell them that, cause I respect their point of view.

Why can´t you guys stick to answering questions you like, and you might be helpful with?

You wouldn´t like it if I went into your questions and answer with critiscism.

Anyway, I´m not going to report abuse this time.

IMPORTANT: what do you mean by if you want to kill your kids? is a tattoo on a breast really dangerous to babies? Please only answer if what you say is based on facts. Thanks.

A. Okay.

First of all, I would just like to say that I am a 22 year old woman, and I have 15 tattoos.

I am NOT trashy.

Now, let me answer your question.

I have tattoos ON my breasts.

I have stars tattooed around both nipples.

I have had them done for almost 3 years now, and I absolutely love them.

I can also tell you that having a tattoo on your breast is no different than having one on another part of your body.

As long as the tattoo is done properly, it does not pose any health risks to the person (OR a baby...).

I have actually won a trophy for the tattoos on my breasts at a tattoo convention.

So, I hope you take my answer seriously, because I think in this case I DO know what I'm talking about.

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where on my body should i get this tattoo?

the artist is using this picture to work with, so it wont look exactly like this, but you get the idea
I am a woman, 5'7 130 lbs (just so you know i'm average size). I DONT want legs, stomach, chest, or lower back done. I'd like it to be somewhat hideable as well. Not sure on size yet, that really depends on placement. I don't want to go bigger than like 6 inches though.

none of this "this is going to be on the body for the rest of your life" crap, please. I've made the appointment and i'm getting it done on MY body.

A. i would say on your hip, so that it could be ALMOST but not really covered by underwear or bathing suit bottoms.. that way, you can see it whenever, but it isn't like, fully in sight all the time :)

but if you want to show it off, maybe like right in the middle of your back, below your shoulders but like above your lower back... or maybe on your foot or on your ribs (either under your breasts or more beside them).

those are my ideas! :) have fun

Buy or Sell: David Fincher is the master of making the scariest non-horror films?
Q. Perhaps creepy would be a better word than scary, but regardless, I find that his films creep me out more than any horror film. The scene in Zodiac in the potential Zodiac killer's basement is suspense at it's finest, and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo slowly gets freakier. Even his "lighter" films (The Social Network) have these dark atmospheres to them.

He's definitely one of my favorite filmmakers.

BQ: Does anybody really consider Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and War Horse to be better than The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo? If so, why?

A. Absolutely agreed! I wouldn't go so far as to call him the "master" since I haven't seen every non-horror film to pass judgement. But definitely yeah, he's experimented lots too, but one thing's clear--he's never strayed away from the creepy atmospheric feel every movie of his has. I completely agree with you on that. Fincher’s films have been about the pathologies of men. From Fight Club to Zodiac to Se7en, he looked at the darker side of their nature, he’s reveled in it. He even managed to make a movie about Facebook’s founder feel creepy, urgent, and disturbing. But not since he directed Sigourney Weaver in Alien3 and now, Rooney Mara; has his “dangerous pit bull” been a woman. I've seen Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and it's got everything you expect from a Fincher-movie. I preferred the Swedish version, but Fincher did justice to the Millennium book, so I can't complain (apart from the ending change).

He's one of my favourite filmmakers too. If anything I'd call him a perfectionist, because of the number of 'takes' he does to perfect a scene. I think it's brilliant when someone takes their work very seriously not "take one, ok that's done let's pack up and leave". He strives to entertain, with every frame in each film. Can't help but admire him. :)

BQ: War Horse and ELIC do not deserve to be on the list of "Best Motion Picture", period. Heck yes, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was better! Hell, Drive, Shame, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2, Rise of the Planet of the Apes-- were all better and had more "meat" than War...and ELIC. I'm sorry, but I simply don't get the ELIC nom. I get the usual Spielberg recognition in the category (if it's not best director, then best film), I'm not against nominating the usual "veterans" if their movies were genuinely good. I mean, Fincher at least deserved a best director nod. And Scorsese tried his hand in 2 new genres he was completely unfamiliar with 3D and kids. At least he tried to push the envelope. I'm sorry if I'm being a bit harsh, but Spielberg staunchly insists on finding a happy ending even in the calamity of the First World War, but that he slathers it on so thick and leaves so soft an impression. It has the usual Spielberg customary flair but never reaches greatness due to it being syrupy and proudly sentimental. It's like when you have a kid that keeps getting A* at a essay, but then gets a B and he wonders why? It's because on his standards, he could've been better, been more innovative, pushed some boundries. Spielberg's that kid. I know I didn't really answer the BQ very well, lol. I just get mad when I think about War Horse and remember how amazing so many other movies were and deserve some recognition and praise for their hard work :/

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Can I get some ideas for a tattoo about life struggles & the strength to overcome an addiction?

Q. I'm trying to help come up with some ideas for a tattoo for a friend. Looking for some ideas representing the strength & courage to over come life obstacles & addiction. No chinese symbols or anything like that. This tattoo is for a male, if that helps.

A. I like this idea:

It's the Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

This one is on a woman but it's not girly:
It's an anchor with the words" Lived to Tell"

Hope it helps.


What happens when a woman hits her sexual peak?
Q. I have heard that men peak around 18 and women peak in their 30s. I'm sure it varies a bit from person to person, but that's supposed to be an average. So anyway, how does this sexual peak happen? Does she gradually become more of a sexual person? Does she want sex more and more as the days go by? Does it suddenly hit her one day? Is she frigid one day and a sex maniac the next day? Tell me what you know.

A. Women's big sexual peak is after their tattoos have faded, their eyes have gone from sparkly to hollow, and their chins are in need of shaving. They burst upon the sex express demanding an increase of coitus from the usual once a month to twice a month for all months containing an "R".

Laugh. It's too true. Laugh, don't argue. Words are useless in the face of experiences.

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Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

Any ideas for a tattoo to represent being an exotic dancer.?

Q. I love what I do, but I've about had my year in the field and don't want to push anything. I want a tattoo to represent this part of my life. I lived and learned from it. I don't want some trashy "tramp stamp" or something obvious.

A. I like the pinup idea, but I was thinking of a small silhouette tattoo, someplace discreet, like your hip. Because it would be filled in black, you could do it fairly small and not have to worry about details smudging. It could be of a woman leaning with her back against the pole, maybe one knee raise with the foot against the pole...

Also, a Lady Luck silhouette would work...

Is a Cross tattoo on your hip inappropriate?
Q. Ok so I know hip tattoos are supposed to be a more sensual location that an arm tattoo for instance. I'm Catholic and very religious and I was thinking about getting a small cross and some words in latin on my hip. I just want people's opinion on whether the hip is a too inappropriate or disrespectful a location for a cross?

A. I have a cross on my chest just over my heart. I'm a Christian and admittedly i did put alot of thought into it first. I think as long as you are getting it for good reason then you would never regret it.
I got mine because i had some bad experiences with my church but then i met my husband who brought me to a different church, helped me find faith again....then cheated and lied and hurt me, so i wanted a reminder that my faith was my own and not a bad thing...hence why i put it over my heart.

The only thing i would say is be very careful of the style of the cross you get. Women's cross tattoo designs tend to be very fine lines which on places that stretch isn't a great idea :)

Have you thought abut trying to design your own cross? Just start with a shape you like and work around it to create something that is really truly personal to you and your faith.

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Will my tattoos prevent me from finding a steady girlfriend in Korea?

Q. I have one foot completely covered and one half sleeve, shoulder and a full back tattoo. Generally speaking is this too taboo? Will a westerner with all these tattoos, have a hard time finding a steady girlfriend in Korea?

A. Korea's attitude toward tattoos is gradually changing. Tattoos are considered to be markings of an asian mafia membership (such as Yakuza or Chinese Triads). Most Koreans will understand that you are not in a mafia but they still may be reluctant to get too close to you personally because of the cultural attitudes towards tattoos. While you are here, do as much to cover the tattoos as possible. I know this advice sounds harsh, but it will keep you from being ostracized. A Korean girl will need to be slowly eased into the fact that you have tattoos because it will be a major culture shock to her. Hiding your tattoos is also important because they will attract the wrong kind of Korean women, the ones who hop from western guy to western guy seeking material pleasures. There are many attractive western girls here also that are completely okay with tattoos.

What is a good place for a last name tattoo on women?
Q. So my dilemma is that I have 9 tattoos already. I have one on my foot, one on my ankle, one on the side of my leg, one on my wrist, one on each boob, one behind my ear, one on my shoulder and one on the back of my neck. I have plans to get a half sleeve on my right arm, and a tree and a date on on my right wrist. Now if you're gunna tell me tattoos are trashy go right ahead. I really do not care what you think, I just want opinions. I am not going to base my decision solely on the answers I receive on here. I have some ideas of my own as to where to get it, I just would like to see what other people think. All my tattoos have some sort of meaning to me, I don't get a tattoo just for the sake of getting a tattoo. The reason I have chose my last name is because no matter what it will always be apart of me. Even if I get married I will still have a connection to my last name.
If you're going to give me stupid answers don't even bother answering. Grow up.

A. People can be so rude and opinionated about tattoos these days. As long as they mean something to you, it doesn't matter what anyone else says

For a name tattoo it depends on how the writing style is going to be. Personally if I were to do my last name I would have it written like this

down the side of my back, just on the edge of being on the side.
Then I could add swirl and shadow accents around the edges going downward (helps elongate my body shape as I am quite petite)

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Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

How old is old enough to get extreme facial mods?

Q. Regarding extreme facial mods, people often say things like "think about it for a long time and don't do it on impulse", "you'll regret it when you're older" and "you'll never be able to get a job". I'll be 30 in April and I'm a freelance artist and jewelry maker. I have a few tattoos and piercings; but for many years I've wanted to get several extreme facial mods. I might get a self-designed Maori style chin tattoo soon; but that would likely be on the first major mod. Eventually I'd also love to get my tongue split, spiral scarification on my cheeks and horn implants. I know that it sounds immature; but I'm a 29 year old artist and a big part of it for me is being a superfreak and freaking "normal" people out in public. What does everyone think?

A. Start small with the Maori chin tattoo first. This tattoo has been worn by women for 12,000 years so you wont be the first. It is also extremely easy to coverup with "Dermablend" makeup, so work, weddings, funerals wont be a problem. If all goes well them get the scarification, then split tongue and finally any implants. If all goes well, you will look awesome!

what do people think about white girls with a chinese goddess tattoo?
Q. I am getting a Chinese goddess on my back, the goddess is based on the book beautiful women, and the imagery is stunning as will my tattoo be, what do most people think about white people (females) getting chinese or Japanese inspired goddess/geisha tattoos? you never see a chinese girl with a Celtic arm band. do you all thin it is sexy, dishonorable, art lover
no I am not trying to be a harajuku girl or anything like that lol I just happen to love the art in this book and the goddess has great meaning to me

A. I can't answer for what Chinese people would think - but if easterners were getting tattoos inspired by my culture I think I would find it flattering if anything, if it was a good piece of work! I wouldn't think anything less of you for having it, particularly if you have an appreciation for the culture and the art. It's much better than all the teenagers getting (usually incorrect) Kanji symbols just for the hell of it when they have no understanding or particular affinity to the culture their tattoo comes from. I know those kind of tattoos are often the butt of many oriental's jokes, moreso because they almost always have the wrong meaning! At the end of the day, most tattoo styles have their roots in one culture or another, even if we don't realise it. Pin up girl tattoos are traditionally American but I know a lot of British people with them, for example! I go on a tattoo forum and recently there was a guy on there ranting on about how it was so disrespectful and pathetic how non-maori's often had maori tattoos (he was from new zealand) and that how his tattoo was better because it had no meaning it was just a 'popular pattern', until I pointed out that his tattoo was celtic and had it's roots in scotland, wales and ireland, at which point he shut up! Anyway, as long as you're happy with the design and the meaning it holds for you then the opinions of others are totally irrelevant!

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Women only: Do you have tattoo and where is it? What is it of?

Q. I just got one this last summer on my lower back and I am 40. My 17 year old daughter went with me so I had to act like it did not hurt too bad! It actually hurt like hell-but I love it now Mine has the word "IMAGINE" with angel wings highlighted in lavender on each side. Kind of a tribute to someone ery special who has passed.
I didn't ask if you thought they were trashy I asked if you had one-so glad you got your 2 points for answering. Mine is dedicated to my dad who passed from brain cancer 3+ years ago. The song "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me was my inspiration.
I am actually going to let my daughter get one (small) on her foot. She is a dancer so we are looking for a symbol to use.
Thanks for all the answers-it was fun!

A. Lower Back - Butterfly & Fairy on a Big heart with 3 little hearts floating around them like bubbles. 3-4 little bubbles added to make it look dreamy.. It's really pretty cool. Had it done in Vegas by the "famous" Hart & Huntington Tattoo Company, one of Las Vegas’s hottest tattoo parlors I might add.... It's located inside the Palms Casino Resort. Great Place!

Should I use developer 40 to help dye my hair res?
Q. I have long, black, thick wavy/curly hair. I dyed my hair red with loreal hilights for
Dark her + 30 developer. Midway down my hair did not take as good as the first half. Should i redo t with 30 or 40?

I have never dyed my hair before and i never flat iron it. Should i just use the 40 to get the brightest I want?

A. You should have bought the home dye KIT.
Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair. Overlapping dye onto previously colored hair is what creates dullness and dryness. If you color your hair @ home or salon, let your roots grow out as long as you can stand, so the line of demarcation is easier to spot. Only run color through the lengths for five minutes to refresh the ends. To extend the time between touch-ups, use a gloss and deep -conditioning treatments. They will help smooth cuticles roughed up by daily wear & tear, and the hair will look shinier. ~ Harry Josh, hairstylist of the celebrities.

Celebrity wears two-tone hair dye all the time, trying to grow out their dye. They call that the ombre style.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.
> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 36 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <

Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Hallowe’en party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. It’s made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. It’s well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time. Skin specialist Najjia Ashraf reveals that there are barely any dyes that don’t contain this toxin; even the ones who claim they don’t, are not being honest. “Big brands often escape the blame by suggesting they are ammonia-free. However, ammonia and PPD are two very different things and PPD is present in nearly every dye because it is what gives off the colour,” she explains.

Google: A 38-year old mother left in a coma after using hair dye. SHE DYED HER HAIR MANY TIMES BEFORE, USING THE SAME BRAND. The British woman who went into coma after a reaction to hair dye has died after a year. Updated 11-25-12. The woman suffered a heart failure, struggled for breath and became unconsciousness. Her family blamed paraphenylenediamine, a chemical found in hair colour. Her family has now called for paraphenylenediamine to be banned from home dye kits. In 2000, a 38-year-old Indian-origin woman from Birmingham, Narinder Devi, died after an allergic reaction to hair dye.

Permanent black hair dye is linked to causing leukemia and lymphomas.

Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.

Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps" 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone.

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How can one visually compensate for their lame personality?

Q. like say i'm totally lame... and to counteract this lameness, i was planning on getting five pairs of skinny jeans, some facial piercings, and a new haircut just like Oprah's...

do you think this is adequate to mask my lameness?.. is there anything else i could do to maximize my coolness?..

Social Science > Women's Studies > Oprah is God

A. *You soooo have to get a lower back tattoo and go see "Twilight." Doing those things should maximize your coolness..I think.

What does it signify about a woman if she's into erotic fantasy art--this seems to be a recent subculture?
Q. Similar to the new Twilight craze for teens only for women 25-45.

It's almost the equivalent of the modern day pin-up girl, but with a BDSM spin--dirty/edgy, heavy makeup, exotic lingerie, tattoos, wings, maybe some bondage and a sword. It's borderline porn but sells in American malls on calendars without restriction.

It almost seems like a subdued expression of lesbianism, but many or most of these women claim they're straight.

A. I only like that kind of artwork if there are a couple of subs in it to do her bidding. Otherwise, just a Domme by herself would not interest me. As Rio said, it's about putting yourself in the woman's place, not being with her yourself. I don't think I'd want a calendar like that, though, lol. I like my kittens and landscapes. ;-)

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Where does the saying live well, love much, laugh often come from?

Q. I want to get the saying "live love laugh" as a tattoo but I would like to know it's origin.

A. Bessie Anderson Stanley wrote a poem in 1904 entitled "Success." It reads in its entirety:

He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much;
Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children;
Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;
Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it;
Who has left the world better than he found it,
Whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;
Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had;
Whose life was an inspiration;
Whose memory a benediction.

I'm tired of tattoos, piercings and hair dye. I want to do something new and different.?
Q. Everyone I know has tattoos, piercings and hair that's dyed different colors including myself. I just dyed my hair back to black and now I want to do something totally different. What can I do?

A. Well that depends.... what are you into? Whats your personal style? You didnt give much of a hint.
Google Vargas Girls. I love those old fashioned pin up girls, and I use them for inspiration.
Maybe you wanna try a disco look? Disco might be dead, but there is always Disco Zombie :)
I also love sailor/nautical themed looks on tatted women. Its classy and funky.
If none of that floats your boat, then I got 2 words for you. Disney. Princess.

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Got 5 tattoos, Cant find a job, (I DO NOT WANT TO BE A TATTOO ARTIST)!!!?

Q. Hey so lately i have been looking for a job and people are telling me i cant work there because i have got many tattoos that most are visible.. Here are some of the tattoos i have it is not me in the pictures but they are the exact same tattoos as what i have..Here they are.. The 2nd one...... the 3rd one the 4th one the last one
What jobs could i apply for??? Thanks
Thanks in advance

A. The one on your hand and the ones on your wrists are probably the problem.

The one on your foot can be covered up with shoes.
The one on your forearm can be covered up with a shirt (I had to do this for a previous job).
The one on the back of your neck can be covered up with hair.

When I worked at a restaurant/ food place, they didn't care about tattoos.
I work in construction, but in an office, but I don't think they care about the guys out there working that they have tattoos.

What tattoo should i get?
Q. Hey so i got 5 tattoos and i want another one but not too big because i am getting married next year and i am already engaged, here are my tattoos this is not me in the pics they are just the same tattoos i have .... The 2nd one...... the 3rd one the 4th one the last one
So now that you saw them here is what im thinking of getting or however i want you to paste a link for a tattoo you like so i can get thanks


hope i could help

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Animal tattoos for a guy and animal tattoos for a girl?

Q. Can u list animals most associated with guys and all the animals most associated with girls please...
Girl tattoos i'm guessing are like butterflies, dragonflies, very common.. etc... for a guy i'm guessing a bull, wolf, scorpion etc ty... i'm a guy wand want to get an animal tattoo

A. Actually, you don't have to separate animals by what is girly or manly.
You can get any animal or insect or reptile that you want whether you are male or female.
What matters is how the animal is depicted, and how well the artist carries out the image.
Of course you can take any animal and make it cute and cartoony, or you can make it mean and aggressive looking, but what is best, is to take the animal of choice and find an image that you really like (not because you think it will look manly), and then find a good tattoo artist to do it for you, and then for you to wear it well and with confidence.

The Yakuza are a great example. They are tough and manly men, but their tattoos are often quite beautiful and graceful, of chrysanthemums, and butterflies, birds, fish, and dragons.
The end result is an amazing look, which now both men and women have:,r:37,s:0
Here's some images of animal tattoos:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=67d84e51a989f2c5&biw=1600&bih=676

Find whatever animal appeals to you, or you relate to, and find a dynamite image and a skilled tattoo artist.


I'd like a Japanese woman's opinion of a guy with tattoos?
Q. I'm a 24 yr. old white guy from California. I work in the corporate world, am very nice and professional. I actually look like my avatar. I'm planning on moving to Japan for work after I get an MBA and I would really like to meet a nice Japanese girl out there. I have two large tattoos, one on each calve, and I am trying to find out how Japanese women living in Japan feel about them. I know its very subjective, but some input would help. Like I said above, I'm a very nice, normal person (not a stereotypical tattooed person or Yakuza), I just love tattoo art. Do you think most would look at the person rather than what they have on their body? It appears that tattoos are still taboo in Japan (as mostly Yakuza have them), but I know things are changing and people are opening up. Any comments welcome.

A. I like Japanese girls with tats and Iam sure you could find a nice Japanese girl with tats. I had many tats and I had me a Japanese girl with a dragon all over her legs and back. It was very nice.

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Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

If i get a tattoo on my rib cage , will it be affected in the future when i become pregnant ?

Q. It will be a quote of about 8 words going diagonally down my rib cage , nothing too big .

When i become pregnant , and get bigg , then small again ,what normally happens ?

A. Any body can be toned back into shape after a pregnancy. I'm sure you've seen imagery out there of women in their 50's that have the bodies of 20 year olds. Haha, as far as tattoos are concerned, depending on *where* you get it on your ribs, you may or may not have problems. (I digress; eventually, a text tattoo will get "old" looking, so you'll need to get it touched up eventually... but that's whether you're pregnant or not).

If your pregnancy does effect it, it would likely stretch the lettering out and make it... "thicker", I guess is the only way I can describe it. Cocoa butter rubbed on your skin on a daily basis will make it easier for the skin to maintain elasticity and it'll help the skin go back to its... "original" pliability after the pregnancy. Of course, you will have to get back to your original weight after having a baby, which for some women, is never an easy task.

I'm trying to say, it doesn't have to turn into an unsightly mess if you don't want it to or if you don't allow it to happen. But you're going to have to work for that result.

Any good priced tattoo shops in the east bay ?
Q. Hi I am looking for a good , clean place to go to get some ink done I been looking around a lil so for prices around 80-100 . Is there any other places that you may know of but for a better starting price ? I want to get some words on my ribs . But I want to find an artist who can do any font size , the last three ppl I asked said they cant do words only in large size .. That to me is BS ...So if you know of anyone or any shops in the east bay area ca that do an awesome job on whatever you ask for and great starting price please let me know .Thank you for you help too :)

A. The reality of it is not bs. Lettering should be a certain size so it can be legible and stand the test of time. Anything smaller won't look good after a couple of years. The fact that it's on the ribs creates another difficulty factor resulting in putting a bigger font size there. The ribs suck, they hurt like a bastard and they are difficult to tattoo their. Their is a popular trend right now of people (usually women) getting their first tattoo of a quote on the ribs in the smallest font possible. Those three elements raise the bar for difficulty. There literally is no room for error. People don't sit well for rib tattoos, they squirm and not to mention they breathe making your steady hand not so steady. My advice is to go with a bigger font, it will look better 10 years from now rather than a tiny font that will look like bs in a couple.

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What do the dots on an Indian woman's chin mean?

Q. What do the dots (3 or 4 in a triangle or diamond pattern) on the chin of a Hindu or Muslim woman (I am not sure which she was) mean? I think they were tattooed on not just make-up.

I tried doing a Google search, but all the answers came up related to bindis on the forehead or Maori chin tattoos but not dots on the chin of South-Asian women.

A. I do NOT know about MUSLIMS.Only Muslims can Answer.

In Hindus --in small babies chins--NOT of a Woman--a "Black" dot using caramalised rice powder,used to be put. That is called "Dhrishti" in Sanskrit and "Nazar" in Hindi.

It is just a "Belief"--many people, when they see a small baby might feel that the baby is "Cute"--beautiful/handsome--smart etc. This "Sight" (Dhrishti) might affect the child's health etc.Just to "Ward-off" any Negative Effects they put this "Black" dot,which they "believe" will work.

What do the dots on an Indian woman's chin mean?
Q. What do the dots (3 or 4 in a triangle or diamond pattern) on the chin of a Hindu or Muslim woman (I am not sure which she was) mean? I think they were tattooed on not just make-up.

I tried doing a Google search, but all the answers came up related to bindis on the forehead or Maori chin tattoos but not dots on the chin of South-Asian women.

A. Normally makeup, just decoration, done by certain village woman in india. Most hindu.

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What color accessories to use for a little black dress?

Q. My husband is graduating from a military school next month and I found a cute casual black dress for the ceremony. (no tattoo showing/no cleavage/knee length/cap sleeve/ribbon waist detail) Im unsure what color shoes and handbag to opt for though. The graduation is mid morning - mid afternoon, so I don't want to look too glam. Oh, and what about hosiery? Any suggestions?

A. ill help you out! :D
well, i dont know if red is too elegant but...:

or black and white ALWAYS looks good:;jsessionid=JFBJW6JbHpfQg1LbVnY1tNn2cJSV2KnZt8mnCjBvs2vSxTc9fpfj!-1958638027?prd=33051118499&cm_mmc=LinkShare*Women%27s%2520Accessories*BKE%2520Clear%2520Bangle%2520Bracelet%2520Set&siteID=Hy3bqNL2jtQ-z.zGj8DAqOFnNljrdhW_dg&sku=9970980000&bmUID=1233469716670

or just go with any classic gold jewlery you have
for hosiery:
if you want it to have more color
or texture
or just plain black

good luck!!! hope i helped!!

How do you go about a Federal Business Grant?
Q. I own a very successful tattoo shop and would like to expand my business, and I was aware of a business grant how would i go about it?

A. It is hard to find grants to start a business -- especially for a tatoo shop.

Unlike the myths that some perpetuate, federal government and even private foundations hardly give grant money for starting a for-profit business.

One possible exception is for companies developing or exporting agricultural goods, including food and forest product. Another exception could be the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs , which fund the research and development of technological innovation that meets specific government needs.

Even SBA does NOT give out grants. From the SBA website

"The U.S. Small Business Administration does not offer grants to start or expand small businesses, although it does offer a wide variety of loan programs. (See for more information) While SBA does offer some grant programs, these are generally designed to expand and enhance organizations that provide small business management, technical, or financial assistance. These grants generally support non-profit organizations, intermediary lending institutions, and state and local governments."

Nonetheless, you can go to the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) and - these are two sites created by the federal government to provide transparency and information on grants. Browse through the listings and see if you can find any grant that would support a for-profit venture.

Most of the federal grants are given to specific target groups with specific requirements (e.g. minority business owners involved in transportation related contracts emanating from DOT - Grant#20.905 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Short Term Lending Program

Grants are also often given to non profit groups or organizations involved in training or other similar activities (grant 59.043 Women's Business Ownership Assistance that are given to those who will create women's business center that will train women entrepreneurs

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Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

What is the meaning of the quote, A woman's strength is the irresistible might of weakness.?

Q. Ok, I was reading a few quotes that I may want to get tattooed on me and came across this one by Ralph Waldo Emerson. I don't know exactly what it means. I have an idea but I want some other input on it because I don't want to make a decision unless im sure of its meaning. Please comment and leave your thoughts. Thank you.

A. I haven't read the poem, but you know that whole damsel-in-distress thing that men are supposed to find irresistible? That's how I would interpret it. Femininity is often perceived as more delicate and weak and there is a mindset out there among some women (not a great mindset, but it exists) that you can exploit this perception to get men to do what they want them to do.

I'm wanting a tattoo quote and I need help with the quote ?
Q. I'm wanting a tattoo quote, short and sweet, something about strength and my mum, it will be a nice suprise for her and she deserves it, our dad left us and i want something representing how much i love her .
oh no we arn't religious either, something short and meaningful, all ideas a great though thankyou

A. i have a few that may not be just about your mom but strong women in general.

“A woman is like a tea bag, you can not tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water"
“A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done.”
"No pressure, no diamonds."
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
"A mother's love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking”
“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother”

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What sign or aspect would get tattoos?

Q. and physically break their skin to break through from convention
Saturn is bones.. does it happen to be the skin as well?
it's true that water signs get tatoos.. i figured already it's like one of their emotional numbing or transcendence things.. but i heard Libra is the sign for the skin..
I know some Libras would never think of getting a tattoo so, it couldn't be Libra alone that does this..
The physiological experience and reasons for getting a tattoo would have to involve some other placements and certain aspects

A. Interesting question.
Makes me think of Venus-Saturn aspects...
I've heard that some women with it wear a lot of make-up
and it's common among pageant queens...
maybe it can take different forms like make someone really
devoted in getting tattoos....
I'm probably completely off (if you actually can be, as people could come up with a bunch of different aspects for this) but this is just a thought I'm sharing.

I love tattoos but I'm not claiming it's because of my venus conjunct saturn :P
*waits for TD's for sharing my thoughts*

Most popular tags to place in the "tags" section of a YouTube video as of now (July 2010) to increase views?
Q. Hi yeah I'm looking for educated answers, sensible ones and as many as possible please as would really help me - many thanks and top points to best answer.

A. activism, advertising, alcohol, alternative-news, ancient-history, animals, animation, anime, architecture, arts, astronomy, atheist, bizarre, blogs, books, buddhism, business, cars, cartoons, cats, celebrities, christianity, classic-rock, clothing, comedy-movies, comics, computer-graphics, computer-hardware, computers, cooking, crafts, crime, cyberculture, dogs, drawing, drugs, ecommerce, environment, fashion, fine-arts, firefox, geography, graphic-design, guitar, guns, hacking, health, history, humor, illusions, interior-design, internet, internet-tools, iraq, liberal-politics, liberties, linguistics, linux, literature, mac-os, mathematics, movies, multimedia, music, nature, network-security, news, online-games, open-source, painting, philosophy, photography, physics, poetry, politics, programming, psychology, quizzes, relationships, religion, satire, science, science-fiction, self-improvement, shopping, software, space-exploration, stumblers, stumbleupon, tattoos, travel, tv, video, video-games, web-design, windows, writing, actors, america, apple, art, aviation, blog, blogging, bush, california, car, cartoon, cat, celebrity, charity, children, climate-change, college, comedy, comic, community, dance, death, debate, design, diet, diy, dog, economy, election, elections, energy, entertainment, exercise, facebook, film, finance, flash, flowers, food, football, funny, gadgets, game, games, gaming, global-warming, god, google, graffiti, green, home, humour, illustration, images, internet-marketing, life, living, love, mac, marriage, math, media, medicine, microsoft, money, music-video, obama, oil, online, paintings, pakistan, peace, photo, photos, photoshop, pictures, pirates, president, quotes, recipe, recipes, republican, rock, sculpture, security, social-media, social-networking, society, space, star-wars, tech, technology, television, tips, tools, tutorials, ubuntu, vegan, video, videos, vintage, war, water, web, web-development, weird, wordpress, youtube, sex, sexy, hot, love, porn, president, 2008, 2009, winter, secret, omg, no, way, amplafitesttag, art, arts, bank, barackobama, bi, bisexual, blues, broadway, business, c, canvass, children, classical, college, comedy, community, communityservice, concert, conference, convention, country, county, dance, debatewatchparty, design, development, drive, election, election08, entrepreneur, event, events, fair, family, festival, field, filmfest, florida, football, for, free, fun, fundraising, halloween, haunted, indie, iowavoteearlyforchangeweekofac, jazz, kids, league, live, local, localfieldoffice, london, management, marketing, media, meeting, music, musicals, mybo, national, networking, new, nfl, nyc, obama, of, office, organizing, party, performance, phone, phonebank, pop, pride, prideevent, pridefest, registration, rock, service, show, shows, social, sport, sports, startup, technology, theater, tour, voter, voterregistrationdrive, w, web, western, women, women for obama, workshop, free, money, cash, movie, download, horny, quickscope, free, lobby, hard, scope, barrett, intervention, high, ******, 1600, microsoft, points, 10th, prestige, ak47, montage, sniper, m9, acr, m16, you, tube, rawr, lol, mp3, download, hillary, clinton, ohio, indiana, apple, banana, modern, warfare, leaked, info, gameplay, ninja, defuse, mw2, snd, optic, h3cz, sniper, montage, mp5k, 50cal, acog, Modern, Warfare, M16, footage, Sniper, Montage, by, OpTic, H3CZ, .50cal, m200, copycat, steady, aim, pro, nation, gaming, hecz, dtreats, hutchisyodaddy, zzirgrizz, topnotchmultimedia, waw, dogs, infinity, ward, tutorials, 3ds, max, song, vegas, adobe, photoshop, cs4, ps3, xbox, 360, hack, exooutsider, nextgenupdate, search, and, destroy, hood, thug, jake, brandon, retard, hangove, hill on, a, the, as, an, how, to, tags, pavelow, harrier, knife, too, damn, good, for, you, nuke, chopper, gunner, scary, zombie, exploits, tuts, views, sir, mix, a, lot, baseball, basketball, football, hockey, unban, sony, camcorder, ipod, orange, purple, haze, blue, pineapple, microsoft, never, get, patchaed, banned, loser, halo, left, dead, argentina, australia, evolution, of, dance, potter, book, puppet, pals, paper, airplanes, pregnant, quagmire, soundboard, springboard, blackra1n, jail, break, touch, iphone, grabber, nano, itunes, lag, keyboard, escape, search, keyvault, drive, hoops, goal, net, celtics, magic, lakers, los, angeles, sorry, if, words, are, in, twice, eminem, cent, ludacris, gucci, boobs, belt, saint, video, garden, chicken, steak, cow, liger, tiger, zebra, trees, garden, urban, random, :), will, jordan, sick, nasty, gross, lazy, insect, pursuit, happiness, romantic, spelling, humming, birds, eachother, microwave, japan, malaysia, africa, vietnam, indians, elephant, lone, these, were, all, thought, up, by, myself, carpol, tunnels, stewie, fat, man, lois, cartman, suprise, aperance, gotta, school, sucks, worst, biggest, fattest, funniest, longest, first

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What would you do if your 18-year-old daughter wanted to get a tattoo?

Q. If she wanted to get one on the back of her neck, the inside of the wrist, or on her foot. Personally, I think if a woman gets a tattoo it shouldn't be in a visible place. The lower back isn't visible.

A. Just tell her to think about what she wants her future career to be.....most places dont like visible tatoos! But if she wants them there really isnt anything you can do to stop her just make sure she gets something she wont be ashamed of when she is like 80!

How painful is a tattoo on your forehead?
Q. Don't give me a speech or preach about tattoo on my forehead I want it a little above the between of my eyes a simple stick cross. How painful would this be?

A. I answer these questions related to pain in the same way every time.

The pain in different places differs from person to person, pain threshold does have a lot of input but, for example, my chest tattoo didn't hurt at all, where as some people I know said their chest tattoo hurt a lot!

Anyway, here's a basic pain level chart I always reffer people to.

Pain level 1
These include the upper arm, forearm, calf, Bum, and Thigh. For a 1st tattoo these are great points to begin your inked journey.

Pain level 2
These include the centre back, front / side of thighs and shoulders. This is also not too bad a start for your first tattoo. The shoulders and central back region can be area that require quite a lot of movement. The skin on these areas is much looser meaning it takes longer to tattoo and also longer to heal. On areas that have lots of movement such as these, require more care once a tattoo is completed. Due to the thigh area being quite a dense muscle mass and also quite tight skin, it may tend to bruise the day after.

Pain level 3
These include the knees, elbows, hands, head, neck, feet, chest and back of thighs. Beginners beware of starting at these areas. You would need to be determined to have tattoos here as the high sensitivity would require a lot of mental focus to get you through. The poor quality of skin on both the knees and elbows will result in a very slow tattoo process and nerves are very close to the surface in these areas. This could result in the tattooing being unbearable for any length of time for some people. As with the orange areas these tend to be high movement areas and will require a longer healing timescale. You may find that to achieve a good solid colour, you may have to repeat the tattoo process on these areas. As a side note the chest area on men can be much more sensitive to pain than a woman, yet due to the tighter skin on a male, the tattoo can be completed quicker.

Pain level 4 (OWCHIE!)
Areas include hips, ribcage, stomach, back of knees, armpit, inside of elbow, nipples, lips, inside of thighs and genitals. Are you really sure you want to get that tattoo? As these areas can elicit crying, half finished tattoos or even the customer passing out. This could just be more than you may be able to handle. All of these purple areas are considered by most to be the most painful areas to be tattooed. The stretchy or thin skin over bone are slow to tattoo, some of these may require multiple sessions to achieve solid colour and smooth shading. Healing can be just as painful as receiving the tattoo and may require a few days off from your regular activities.


•Women are your more sensitive the week prior to and during your cycle. Plan around those dates to have the best experience possible when getting your tattoo.
•Use lotion everyday on the area to be tattooed at least 1 week prior for healthier skin and better results.
•Do not go out in the sun at least one week prior to being tattooed (including tanning beds) This drys the skin and if peeling occurs could damage the tattoo.
•Consider what you will wear for 2 weeks while healing if your tattoo is in an area like the foot, waist, shoulders or chest. Shoes, waistbands, belts, underwear, and bras can all damage tattoos if you do not plan ahead. Find comfortable clothing that will not touch or rub during this time.
•Always eat a good meal before being tattooed and drink plenty of fluids.
•Be sure to get a good nights rest before your appointment.
•Ask what kind of aftercare products you will need when you set up to get your tattoo.
•Mention any allergies you may have, pigments, dyes, perfumes.
•Some medication may thin your blood, check with your doctor before being tattooed.
•Anyone with an autoimmune disorder needs to check with their doctor and should bring a note to be tattooed.

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