Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

Tattoo on shoulder blade?

Q. ok so for my 18th birthday i get a tattoo. i dont know if i want this bird thing (follow link)


or just get a short/ sweet saying? if ur for the saying, write a SHORT quote thats GOOD that will fit on my shoulder blade.

A. Pretty cool. The shoulder blade is the best place for a women to have a tattoo.You can easily hide it if need be. Old ladies at funerals & things stare at mine on my ankle.Makes me very uncomfortable but glad I have my tatts. Mine were drawn out of my friends imagination & the patterns were tossed. No other tattoos around like them.Don't get one you'll regret later.Like a freaky skull or something. Enjoy your tatt.

what the most popular tattoo area?
Q. what area tattoo do u have? i have one in my back lower where near my butt

A. For women it would be the lower back. For men, it would be the shoulder or bicep area. I have a tattoo on my left shoulder, right bicep, left chest muscle, and stomach.

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