Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

What is a good place for a last name tattoo on women?

Q. So my dilemma is that I have 9 tattoos already. I have one on my foot, one on my ankle, one on the side of my leg, one on my wrist, one on each boob, one behind my ear, one on my shoulder and one on the back of my neck. I have plans to get a half sleeve on my right arm, and a tree and a date on on my right wrist. Now if you're gunna tell me tattoos are trashy go right ahead. I really do not care what you think, I just want opinions. I am not going to base my decision solely on the answers I receive on here. I have some ideas of my own as to where to get it, I just would like to see what other people think. All my tattoos have some sort of meaning to me, I don't get a tattoo just for the sake of getting a tattoo. The reason I have chose my last name is because no matter what it will always be apart of me. Even if I get married I will still have a connection to my last name.
If you're going to give me stupid answers don't even bother answering. Grow up.

A. People can be so rude and opinionated about tattoos these days. As long as they mean something to you, it doesn't matter what anyone else says

For a name tattoo it depends on how the writing style is going to be. Personally if I were to do my last name I would have it written like this

down the side of my back, just on the edge of being on the side.
Then I could add swirl and shadow accents around the edges going downward (helps elongate my body shape as I am quite petite)

What tattoo can I get that represents a strong woman? I will be covering up cutting scars?
Q. One piece of the tattoo is going to be a puzzle piece for my best friend. He's done wonders for me, my life, and basically why I stopped cutting. He's going to flip with excitement when he sees it...

I want to add something more though. I want something for myself too.

At first I just wanted a sleeping fox. Something small, my arm is small.

Then I was thinking maybe I should shy away from something like that. Only because I worry about the end result because it's hard to draw a sleeping fox, let alone tattoo it. I feel like I'll still stick with that, maybe add the puzzle piece somewhere in there too...but I'm not 100% yet.

It's supposed to be a small, quick, using my gift certificate kind of trip. I don't want nothing too much.

A. Hello, my sister used to cut as well and when she went to get her wrist scars covered she decided with the lotus, It generally means to overcome hardship or if something bad has happened in your life. this is hers.. ... you could also somehow ask the artist to outline a puzzle piece into it or something.
and if you dont like that Idea, you could also get the word strength tattooed over your scars and depending on what your friends name is you could have him color in one of the letters if his first name begins with S T R E N G T H . Or also have the tattoo guy incorperate somekind of puzzle piece into it as well. I hoped this helped. and good luck too you

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I'm getting a cherry blossom tattoo in two weeks...?

Q. I have an idea of what I want, but my artist wants me to bring in pictures as an example (as similar to what I want as possible).

I want pink flowers (of course the examples don't have to be pink), and a not-too-thick branch.

Can you guys try to find some pictures for me?

There isn't anything to elaborate on or be more specific of. I just want cherry blossom tattoo pictures.



Should I correct my tuberous breasts with surgery?
Q. I'm 21, my breasts never developed during puberty and recently I discovered that I have a condition called tuberous breast deformity (from plastic surgeons, of course). If you google pictures, you'll see that the deformity comes in a range of severity. All of the breasts with this deformity are characterized by constriction/tightening of the skin under the breast, enlarged/puffy nipples, underdeveloped, widely-spaced, assymetrical breasts. My case appears mild to moderate, not as severe as some of the pictures on the internet where the tissue has fully herniated into the areola. They look normal when the nipples are hardened.

I've been looking into surgery to correct this problem. I have researched different techniques and found that BRAVA tissue expansion with fat grafting would be most appropriate for me. BRAVA expansion is done by pumping the breast to expand the tissue under the breast and fat grafting deposits the patient's own fat into the expanded tissue. This appeals to me because I want to avoid implants at all costs. You can see the improvement with this technique here:

My breasts look a lot like the first's woman's pre-op

My question is whether the surgery will be worth it the expense/pain/time. I feel really self-conscious about my breasts and I always wear a bra. In fact, boys have noticed and asked me why I always do. I dread getting intimate with someone and having to remove my bra. I wonder if I'm blowing it out of proportion and over reacting to a small imperfection or whether this is a real deformity that has real psychological consequences. Its pretty depressing to be told you're deformed. So I've come here to gather some perspective, hopefully both from men and women. Men, would this turn you off? Women, have you had experience with this yourself?
edit: Implants cannot correct tuberous breasts, only breast reshaping (mastopexy) can (many women have made this mistake and the results are terrifying), but implants can be apart of treatment. I don't want implants personally because there are many complications that come with them. Silicones can puncture, gel implants can move. You're committing yourself to reconstructive surgery for life with them because at some point they will start to age/sag but they won't age/sag like normal breasts. I want natural-*looking* results (because what is actually natural about women when we tweak everything anyway?) that will age normally and not prevent me/others from squeezing and being rough with them. This is why I want fat grafting instead since it will heal and be a "real" breast.

A. You absolutely should if you want. This is a bit long so if you are trolling us you probably will not read it though someone might. This might sound "jerkish" but I do not know you. So, you do not have to like me. There is nothing attractive about a woman who is insecure, not confident or uncomfortable in being a woman. Women who are embarrassed or hide. Don't be a skank. But be proud. MEH you ain't that bothers me. People are jerks, I get it..... I knew a girl with EXACTLY your problem.

Let me first say since long before surgery people have been changing the shape or their body.

YOU CAN modify your body from the extreme above or think or modern corset (Waist training). Think about shows like biggest loser. While reality TV. It is real to a large degree. Your body sculpt or change it.

I am a weird guy. I appreciate a women who is strong, secure, passionate.... Comfortable in her skin and confident being a woman (emotionally/intellectually) followed by sexually. These are UNIQUE TO ME! I appreciate that. It is unique people with presence I am drawn to rather than the model who ate and is now vomiting in the corner. We are told she is HOT. But, I bet a lot of guys are like me? I am tattooed/"bad boy" but not remotely a freak. SHE HAD your issue, I loved her breasts and they were not a health risk. They were fun! The same breasts everywhere gets old. These were different. The change was welcomed/exciting. She was comfortable with them and I liked and enjoyed her which translated to them.

We did several things though. I did not want her to. I liked them. But she wanted to so something. My job was to help.

We used dieting (She increased calories/fat). Some fat went to breasts. She did a bit more exercise walking to target fat that went to her waist/legs. We pierced her nipples with curved barbells that matched her symmetry (perfect). We used massage (healthy skin, healthy circulation, healthy tissue). Breasts are an organ and must be taken care of. This allowed for growth or diet to work. Despite the world might say they do not work we did use a pill like BustMaxx and used regular creams and "herbal remedies". After 12 months. Keeping it PG she looked HOT. We maintained diet/massage, I think she got a tat or two to help with aesthetics/balance. We changed piercings as desired. We did some stuff relevant to body mod/stretching. We were both into BDSM. So, I will not talk about that but there were obvious results.

SO IN SHORT there absolutely things you can do:

Herbal / Alternative Medicine (or working out on your own) takes away from multi billion dollar profits of mostly rich white male corporation or massive pharmaceutical companies. So, many people knock it. It IS NOT EASY, it took 6 months to see some changes and 12 for real visible changes then maintained forever. Most people are too lazy and only try these methods for a few weeks then whine BOOHOO nothing.

After 12 mo damn. Now you reminded me of her, I am going to look her up. You need to be comfortable being a woman. There is nothing wrong with modifying your body. People who are motivated enough or care about how they look are attractive.... Most people just get jealous you are not lazy like them and complain.. Then complain more then become angry.

Make sense? (EDIT: We did those things.... To make her breasts look more "normal"... Fuller, rounder, more natural...... In the end though I thought I really loved the 100% unique look. I definitely liked the more natural look. Plus she was happier)

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What is the tackiest tattoo you have ever seen?

Q. Forget the damn butterflies, the black (terribly drawn) panther on the calve or the double hearts on the upper arm. I've seen plenty of tacky tattoos, but the tackiest of all was a woman with a Tweety tattoo (not kidding!) Can you top this one?

A. One of my friends has the "Your name" tattoo on his butt.His mom has a rose tattooed on her right breast and shows it to anybody who asks to see it.Not just the tattoo but the whole breast.The tackiest however.One of my coworkers has a vagina tattoo on his neck.He has to wear turtlenecks when we have company visit the plant so he doesnt offend anyone.

Where is a place to get a tattoo with out it looking strecthed/distorted if I become pregnant?
Q. When women has a tattoo on her stomach my friends would say "Oh that's not going to look pretty after she gives birth." So I know not the stomach. But what about every where else? When women become pregnant the body tends to gain weight all over so it would cause the tattoo to stretch right?

A. well most of ur upper body
arms ,neck or hands .. lower parts of ur legs , below ur knees

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If a woman removed her nipples, would it be legal for her to walk around shirtless?

Q. A woman can show the top of her boobs, the sides of her boobs, and even the bottoms of her boobs without being arrested. But, if her nipples show in public, then suddenly she's breaking the law. Does that mean that they can remove their nipples and be able to walk around shirtless? I know it's a weird question, but I've never understood why men can show their nipples out in public, but women would be arrested for doing that.

A. And then there's the woman that had the double mastectomy and her whole chest tattooed. facebook censored it. probably not.

How to get over jealousy and insecurity?
Q. I'm engaged. I love my fiancé deeply and he treats me better than anyone I've ever. There's one issue, and that's my insecurity. I feel like I'm ruining everything. I'm not generally an insecure person, it's because of things that happened.. But I need advice on how to get over them before I completely ruin things. He has apologized for everything, changed it all, and genuinely feels bad. These are the things that have happened, in no particular order.

1) he told me a story about cheating on his ex with her best friend. Months later, he made a sexual comment to MY best friend on Facebook.

2) until I finally blew up about it, he was always going on and on about what he liked in women.. None of which I had. Example - I've heard about how he has a thing for women in glasses about a billion times. I don't wear glasses. New Years Eve, I made myself into everything he says he wants (except tattoos).. And I got the biggest reaction out of me. He talked about how beautiful i was, he was all over me all night. His contact picture for me on his phone is similar.. He claims it's the only picture I've sent him but I've sent him tons, but just one with glasses, my hair up, etc.

3) once, he blatantly checked out tattooed girls online in front of me. Verbally judging each one as hot or not. He has apologized for doing it.

4) this is the big one. There was another girl in the picture, and I kinda consider what he was doing as an emotional affair. He was texting her first thing in the morning and last thing at night every single morning and saying he had promised her he would. He initially tried to hide the nature of his relationship with her.. But it finally came out that he had a thing for her for a super long time. And when he was telling me about it, it was clear he still did. My thought about it was that I was being put second. Why wouldnt he want to talk to ME first and last? tHe also blatantly refused to make me the same promise

I want to get over this. :(

A. This is a good opportunity to try a threesome with your fiancee and the girl in the picture. Threesomes are a great way to sort out your feelings.

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How is this going to affect my tattoo?

Q. I got a wrist tattoo on Saturday and it is a pretty simple design (it's the cruelty free bunny) so it would have been pretty difficult to mess it up. The tattoo looks good now, but when the tattooer did it on Saturday, she didn't shave my wrist beforehand.

My arm hair is very fine and blonde so it is difficult to see (it is almost invisible on my wrists/forearms), but I do have hair there. Shouldn't she have shaved my wrists first? How is this going to affect my tattoo?

A. If you got your tattoo in a professional shop, by a professional tattooist, then you don't have anything to worry about. We don't always shave the area we are tattooing because it isn't always necessary. Your tattoo will be fine. Wrists aren't especially hairy areas on women, unless of course you're Italian like me, lol. I had to have my wrist/forearm area shaved thoroughly beforehand.
Congratulations on your new tattoo!

Where can I get an amazing wrist tattoo in Southern California?
Q. I want a tattoo on my left wrist. I want it to say "Smile when the world frowns upon you". I'm looking to get it in late December for my 18th birthday. It would be great if the tattoo place was in orange county, but if not it's okay, I'll make the drive for an amazing tattoo!! It would also be great if the place also did piercings too. Just in case I chicken out. Please leave the place's link so I can check out their work :)

A. Tattoo Designs For Women On Wrist Tattoo Designs For Women On Wrist 2.Inside Wrist Easy To Cover By Long Shirt Or Bracelet.Love Tattoo Design On Wrist For College Girls.Feminine Wrist Tattoo Designs Wristband Tattoos.Best Female Celebrity Wrist Tattoo Designs Tattoo Designs.Wrist Hands Womens Girls Tattoos Free Tattoo Designs Sexy Tattoo.Wrist Tattoos For Men And Women Tips And Ideas For Tattoo Designs.Women Wrist Tattoos.Facilitate Wrist Tattoos Are Individual Of The Largely Elegant Designs...

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Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

What would a woman think if she saw a man covered with tattooes from waist to feet?

Q. Right now i am covered from waist to mid shins and some tattoos covering toes, but please ladies tell me what you would think if your loved one reveled this to you , or guys with experience in this odd topic . Thx for all the opinions =)
lol lol lol 'sigh' i guess ill just have to find the one hell of a open minded girl now

A. There is no one answer! This is ridiculous! Do you really expect me to answer for all female kind?
If someone loves you, they love YOU! Who cares otherwise?
You don't need to look for an open minded girl, you just need to by YOU and not worry about anything but being true to who you are. You do not need to defend or explain or apologize.
When you relax and just be yourself, your true love will find you!
She may not have a single tattoo. She may be covered. She may never have given it a thought one way or another. But she will see you, and like what she sees, and that is that.
Relax, live your life, don't worry in this silly manner.

How to cover up back of the forearm quote tattoo.?
Q. I got a arabic quote tattoo the length of the back of my forearm and it got translated incorrectly so I always have people who speak arabic telling me its wrong. I have no idea how to cover it up. I also have a tattoo covering my inner forearm. I am a young woman..

A. Get the correct translation to an Arab tattoo artist and see if they can fix it because the Arabic calligraphy is very flexible and easily manipulated so it might work.

Good luck.

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Why do young women get tattoos on thier lower back?

Q. I've come across many women between 20 and 35 years of age with tattoos on their lower back. I realize this has been going on for awhile. My male friends perceive this as a sign that these women tend to be more promiscuous, with very liberal sexual tendencies. Are they right?

A. yes. as with anything, this is not always true. but generally speaking, yes! its the same with the hip (tramp stamp) why would you get a tattoo above your butt/crotch, when you know you are constantly going to be asked to show it, unless you actually want to? and the ones that get upset the most about it are the ones that were at the bar the nite bfore showin it to an entire football team in the VIP. i have seen it everyday for 5 years. trust me on this one.TATTOO ARTISTS OF AMERICA. HELPING MEN FIND THE WOMEN THAT LIKE IT FROM BEHIND!

What do you think of young women with tattoos?
Q. What is your opinion on young women (like, 18-30) who have tattoos?
Either a seductive low-back tattoo, or artsy elaborate shoulder blade tattoos, or colourful half to full sleeves?

I've asked this question in the tattoo forum, but now I want to hear from people in the general fashion boards. ;D

A. I think they make women look very unattractive. They are tramp stamps.

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Does anyone know if a tattoo affects your breast milk?

Q. I would not think it does but I wondered if anyone has done any research on it. My husband and I are designating our children with animals so our first son will be given a bear. I am getting bear paw prints on my back but want to know if I need to wait till I am completely done nursing. I hope not bc obviously he is something that we are both proud of and want to show it together. My husband is getting a bear on his shoulder.


There is no evidence that getting a tattoo will affect breastfeeding. There should be no harm to mom or baby from the dyes injected. If you get a tattoo, the biggest concern for anyone (not just nursing moms) is infection (hepatitis or HIV)-- so make sure the place you go has good references and is clean.
Is it safe to get a tattoo while breastfeeding?

Tattoos are created by injecting ink into the dermal (second and third) layer of the skin. Tattooists use a hand-held electric machine that is fitted with solid needles coated in the ink. The needles enter the skin hundreds of times a minute to a depth of up to a few millimeters. The ink that is used in tattoos in the United States is subject to FDA regulation as cosmetics, but none are approved for injection under the skin. However, the ink molecules are too large to pass into breastmilk.

General information about tattooing also applies to breastfeeding women. Local and systemic infections are the most prevalent risks of tattooing. Local infections can occur when the recommended aftercare regimen is not followed. Aftercare includes keeping the tattoo clean with mild soap and water, not picking at the scabs and keeping the tattoo out of the sun. Tylenol is often prescribed for the pain, if needed. Systemic infections occur when universal precautions are not followed by the tattoo artist and can include such diseases as hepatitis, tetanus and HIV.

It is very important to screen the tattooist and the shop carefully, checking with the local health department for local laws and regulations. Professional tattooists will follow universal precautions such as sterilization of the tattoo machine using an autoclave, single-use inks, ink cups, gloves and needles, bagging of equipment to avoid cross contamination, and thorough hand washing with disinfectant soap. Most tattooists will not knowingly tattoo a pregnant or breastfeeding mother. It is suggested that mothers wait at least until the child's first birthday to give their bodies a chance to recover completely from childbirth before getting a tattoo.
Is it safe to have a tattoo removed while breastfeeding?

Tattoo removal is now accomplished with the use of lasers. The laser energy causes the tattoo pigment to fragment into smaller particles which are picked up by the body's immune system and filtered out. The removal process is bloodless, low risk and has minimal side effects. The same aftercare as for a tattoo applies to its removal.

There is no evidence suggesting that tattoos affect the breastfeeding relationship or have any effect on breastmilk. If you have chosen to adorn your body with a tattoo and give your baby the baby the best start in life by breastfeeding you can feel comfortable in your decision.

Are Tattoos Compatible with Breastfeeding?

How can I help my 13 year old daughter remove her NIPPLE piercing?
Q. How can I remove a nipple piercing from my 13 year old daughter?
She got her nipple pierced, lord knows where, and I need to remove it. I really don't care where she got it, I just need to get it out of her. I've tried and when I failed I made her father try to remove it and her brother and even her uncle and a male friend of mine. How can I remove the nipple piercing safely?

A. Take her to a doctor to remove it.

He should take a v shaped "clamp", spread the ring to get the ball out and then it should come right out.

Otherwise, sterilized needle nose pliers will do the trick. Those tension rings can be a ***** to remove.

On a side note: You need to talk to your daughter. What is a thirteen year old doing with what is considered a sexual piercing? Who did this? Did she get it at a piercing party?

You need to open the lines of communication with your child and know where she is and what she is doing, before she comes home with a FTW tattoo on her hand or something.

Edited to add: Those telling this woman to take her daughter to a piercing shop - that's a no go. One of the reasons it is illegal to piece in this area under the age of 18 ANYWHERE is because this is considered a sexual piercing. A piercer and a shop can be sued if they touch her daughter's breast or even see it for child sexual abuse (seriously). No place that does piercings will touch her because they are all aware of this, and the horror stories where people can be sued for this very thing. She needs to take her daughter to the family doctor.

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How to plan out a tattoo sleeve?

Q. So I'm seriously thinking about starting a sleeve. I have some tattoos that I really want to get done, but they are not all in the same theme... would it look weird?

What are some ways to plan out a sleeve? I'm just scared that the tattoos won't tie together and that it will look like a bunch of individual tattoos instead of a flowing series.

A. Sleeve tattoo

You choose the following:
1. The concept or theme. For example is it going to be about music, love, romance, Alice in Wonderland, or nature. This is all up to you. It should always reflect who you are in your heart and soul.

2. You choose the style. Here are the main ones: Tribal, Fineline Color, Fineline Black and grey, Japanese, Traditional America or New School. If you need examples feel free to email me and I will send some.

3. Pick the images you want in the sleeves. For example a music sleeve would have your favorite musicians, instruments, music staff and notes, etc. They should be in the same theme or they look weird.

4. Next you choose open or closed sleeves. Open sleeves leaves lots of space between the images to give it an airy feel. Closed sleeves means all skin is tattooed even between images, this give the sleeve a more powerful look and feel. The choice is up to you.

5. Next choose an artist. This is not for the average tattoo artist. It has to be a master artist, someone who has done a lot of sleeves. Many times there are none in your area so you will have to travel. If you need recommendations email me at the email address below and I will give you some.

The rest is up to the custom artist. They will draw up the sleeve first and show you what they have, except tribal is best drawn right on the arm. Make sure you tell them you want a proper sleeve, which means it should start on the top of the shoulder, include the armpit (Yeah it hurts) and finish on the top of the hand like an opera glove. If you want it perfect you can include knuckle and finger tattoos. Don�t worry about the hand, because with a full sleeve it cannot be hid anyway, so everyone will know so why not do it right.

If you have any other questions, feel free to email them to me at

Good Luck. When sleeves are done right on a woman, they can look awesome and even change your entire life for the better.

Is it tacky to get my fiancé's first letter tattooed on the bottom of my ring finger ?
Q. By bottom, I mean closest to the knuckle but underneath. Thoughts? Also, will a ring rubbing on it etc, damage the tattoo over time?

A. Here's the one and only half-way sensible ring-finger tattoo I've ever heard of:

When a woman who was a surgeon was married, she had a tattoo done on her fourth finger, left hand that depicted a wedding ring. This was because she always had to scrub very thoroughly before an operation, and she would have been required to remove a regular wedding ring and keep track of it somewhere else.

Don't be like the sailor who had a whole string of crossed-out hearts down his arm, each one bearing a different name. (Hope that never needs to happen!)

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If you have breast cancer do you HAVE to get your breast removed?

Q. is there another option? we have been learning about this in my health class and im jjust wondering. and also could you get breast implants to replace your lost breast, and would they be able to replace the nipple and aerolia too?

A. The surgery recommended depends on the individual's particular cancer; the size of the tumour and whether the cancer has spread to lymph nodes are just some of the factors taken into consideration when deciding whether to recommend mastectomy (removal of the breast) or lumpectomy.

I had a mastectomy. Given the position of my tumour, a lumpectomy probably wouldn't have had very satisfactory results aesthetically, but the main reason for removing my breast was that in addition to the tumour and cancerous lymph nodes, the breast had widespread ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), which means precancerous cells.

Breast reconstruction is a possibility in many cases, which can include a 'nipple'; and some people choose to have areola tattooed onto the reconstructed breast.

I personally decided against reconstruction. What many people don't realise is that breast reconstruction is a huge operation, much more so than a mastectomy. It is major surgery that takes many hours to complete (between 9 and 14 hours depending on the type of reconstruction was the information I had & years ago), and is not always successful - I have known a few women whose reconstructed breasts had to be removed - more surgery. I decided once under the knife was enough for me.

Why on earth were they teaching you about breast cancer in health class? Are they also teaching you about prostate cancer and Alzheimer's - two more conditions that you won't have to worry about until you are very, very much older.

We are always seeing questions on here from teenage girls terrified they have breast cancer because of lessons in school.

I hope whoever delivered your class gave you these facts: breast cancer is almost unheard of in under 25s, a girl aged 16 - 19 has less than a one in one million chance of developing it (which means that she is statistically more than twice as likely to be struck by lightning), and the risk to a girl under 16 is statistically zero.

Fewer than 0.1% of all those diagnosed with breast cancer are under 30, and only 5% are under 40. Most (80%) are over 50 and the average age at diagnosis is a little over 60.

I also very much hope they told you that at your age you should NOT be doing breast checks - they'll tell you nothing and worry you unnecessarily. The American Cancer Society and all other responsible and reputable cancer organisations recommend that women begin breast self examination at no younger than 20, if then; and some cancer professionals say 30. Before that it's pointless; firstly because there are so many hormonal changes that there is no 'normal' - and self examination is about a woman knowing what's normal for her and reporting any changes. And secondly because the chance of breast cancer is almost nil.

Tattoo care question does this matter?
Q. I'm getting a tattoo under my breast.
like right below my bra or right under it

My questions are
1)Will it look stupid because I'm small chested?
2)Is it best If I go bra less as much as possible when the tattoo is healing
3)My phrase is 7 words long,what font size is best to not look to small or to large

Brock Fesmire

How so?

A. 1. Personally I find that sort of tattoo more visually appealing on a woman that isn't as "top heavy" so to speak. I feel the tattoo stands out better on models with a smaller chest size in that location.
2. If you can it'll help- You don't want anything rubbing against the tattoo while it's healing.
3. I would speak with your artist in regards to this- He or she can help you choose a font large enough it'll not blur with time, but not so large that it will look less appealing. Personally I would try for something where all 7 words fit under your breast at a slight curve, but it's your tattoo and your decision. Your tattoo artist will be able to tell you what will work and what will not, and be able to give you ideas on what will be more visually appealing based on the tattoo and your body.

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Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

What are some "The Rose Tattoo" by Tennessee Williams quotes?

Q. I have to do a project for my English class & we just finished reading "The Rose Tattoo". In our project we need to include quotes which I tried finding on Google, but can't seem to find any good ones.

A. "A woman can be dignified in her grief but when it�s carried too far it becomes a sort of self-indulgence. Oh, I knew this was going to happen when you broke the church law and had your husband cremated!� ~ Father De Leo, The Rose Tattoo

�When he was shot at the wheel of the truck, it crashed and caught fire. But deliberate cremation is not the same thing. It�s an abomination in the sight of God.� ~ Father De Leo, The Rose Tattoo

Just as in our world, various societal components play a major part in the characters� every day lives. Religion is one of these components, and is particularly influential in The Rose Tattoo.

Cremation, disposal of a corpse by fire, is an ancient tradition and is often followed by the family saving or burying the ashes. Serafina chose to use cremation rather than burial as a means to dispose of her husband�s body, even though at that time it was against catholic law. In 1917, the Code of Canon Law forbade cremation for Catholics, and it was prohibited until 1963, when it was allowed, only if it was not chosen as a sign of denial of Christian teaching. The Rose Tattoo was written in 1951; therefore Serafina was breaking the ordinance.

Since 1963, the Catholic Church has issued many statements and instructions, urging that �the practice of burying the bodies of the faithful is by all means to be kept,� and �the Church earnestly recommends that the pious custom of burying the bodies of the dead by observed.�

So, although it is permissible for Catholics to practice cremation, it is strongly frowned upon by church officials.

Reasons that the Catholic Church gives for disagreeing with cremation:
(from the Committee on the Liturgy, United States conference for Catholic Bishops)

� the physical human body represents the experience of baptism
� the human body is a temple of the Holy Spirit
� �The body which lies in death recalls the personal story of faith, the past relationships, and the continued spiritual presence of the deceased person.�
� the worship of ashes could be construed as idol worship

Is a rose tattoo on my left forearm girly?
Q. i had my sibling design me a rose tattoo design for my left forearm, is it a bit girly or not really acceptable for a bloke? its like a dark rose with and paint effect and blue paint effect background, thoughts? thanks

A. In the tattoo world, the rose tattoo is considered a classic and worn by both men and woman and has been done so for hundreds of years.

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Any ideas for a tattoo to represent being an exotic dancer.?

Q. I love what I do, but I've about had my year in the field and don't want to push anything. I want a tattoo to represent this part of my life. I lived and learned from it. I don't want some trashy "tramp stamp" or something obvious.

A. I like the pinup idea, but I was thinking of a small silhouette tattoo, someplace discreet, like your hip. Because it would be filled in black, you could do it fairly small and not have to worry about details smudging. It could be of a woman leaning with her back against the pole, maybe one knee raise with the foot against the pole...

Also, a Lady Luck silhouette would work...

What breast cancer tattoo should I get?
Q. I'm 19 years old, and my mom is my world. She was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Every woman in my family for the last five generations, excluding myself for now, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I would like to get a tattoo in honor of my mother and all of my family member who have battled with breast cancer. I was thinking of getting a Jesus fish with a pink ribbon intertwined on my foot. Does anyone else have any ideas? I would really appreciate them.

A. Think before you pink! You and your family are so much more than a dang pink ribbon! Your mother is so much more than a disease! If you wish to get a tattoo that honors your family, leave out the pink ribbon and get something that represents their lives and not their illness!

A family tree comes to mind . . .

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What part of the body do you think is a stupid place to get a tattoo?

Q. What part of the body do you think is a stupid place to get a tattoo and it annoys you ?

Woman getting tattoo's on there belly and then getting pregnant 4 years down the line is stupid

and sorry but i hate it when folk get small tattoo's on there wrist i think its pointless sorry to people who like them :)

What about yourself ?

A. On the inside of the lower lip....

How can I convince my g/f to accept new friend with tattoo's?
Q. So much is happening here in India. Esperanza and I are finally starting to relax now that we've identified the place where we want to get Ryan his tat. Thanks for the suggestions, everybody! We still have to book the appointment.

Anyway, remember that �backpacker� we saw getting tattooed at Baby Tiger Tattoo in Randi Market? We ended up seeing her in a �dhaba� (like a diner) with her boyfriend....and their little one! It turns out they are Israeli. So we chatted with them and about their tattoo experience. Aleah (the backpacker) has a whole bunch of tattoo�s. She has:
- a white tiger on her left ankle�
- two tigers with Chinese symbol�s for best friends in between on left shoulder�
- memorial for her dead ferret on right ankle�
- a dragonfly on right shoulder
- a dragonfly on wrist � that was the one we saw her getting!

She told us the story behind each one, and we were very touched. So meaningful! All I can say is that we are VERY anxious (in a good way)!

Their daughter, Netanya, is around 7 month�s, so she and Ryan got along well. Aleah and Namir (bf) invited us to go hiking with them in Dharamsala � that is up in the mountain�s where the Dalai Lama lives!!!

We really want to go, but there is one small problem. As you know, Esperanza thinks women with tattoo�s are sort of trashy.....I know, I know....she can�t help it though, it�s her cultural upbringing. I think it�s ironic because Aleah and Namir are Israeli and they are not �supposed� to get tattoo�s either...Ranza doesn�t get the irony.

Help! What can I do to convince her otherwise??? I REALLY want to go to Dharamsala (and I know she would enjoy it, too)....

A. I have been following this saga from the beginning, From the dragonfly picture that I saw from the "Baby Tiger" artist, she is an amazing artist and I am sure that this backpacker's other ink is amazing as well! I really can't wait to see a picture of the ferret tattoo if you can get one because I lost my pet rat a while ago, and I have been looking for a memorial tattoo design on the internet and haven't been able to find one! I think with a picture of the memorial tattoo for the back packer's ferret in hand, I might be able to go to my artist and get my tattoo started! I mean without an exact picture of what you want, how can you expect your artist to get the tattoo right?!?
But I digress...
Anyway, if Esperanza has seen the amazing art that on this woman, and she still thinks that tattoos on women are trashy, then there is no changing her mind! I mean, it is pretty much the same as someone seeing Jesus perform a miracle live, right in front of them, and them still not believing! At this point there may be no hope. However, before your friends start off on their journey, can you please get the ferret pic and email it to me? my address is tribal_and_butterflies_ and_rats_4 ever @ (take out the spaces).
Thanks and good luck with Ranza!

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Need some tattoo suggestions?

Q. Ive been thinking about getting a tattoo, particularly an octopus (theres reason behind it, but i wont get into that), but i wasnt sure where to get it, how big to get it.. etc.

Im 19, female, and i usually dress pretty girly, i wear alot of skirts and tank tops.. i just wanted to get it in a spot that wont look trashy or overly masculine. I dont really want a cute looking octopus, i wanted a more gnarly one like this:

any suggestions are helpful :)

A. I think the location of these women's large octopus pieces look really nice and feminine:

My favorite placement of these is the last one. I also think that if arranged properly, it would look pretty classy in this kind of location/arrangement:

Good luck making a decision!

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Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

Why do women get that tattoos in the same spot?

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How to stop being scared by a scary movie?

Q. Ok I went to see a film with my friends and I pretend I wasn't scare and well. Let's just say it's been five days since I saw it and I still can't sleep. Plz help I'm so tired but I get so creeped out!! Btw the film was women in black

A. pray psalm 26 if u scared.
the real God (Christian God: the Holy Trinity) created a set number of angels on the 2nd day...let's say 30 billion. 1/3 of all angels rebelled against God...10 billion...God turned the rebels into spiritual darkness aka demons. well, technically, God had mercy on them because He didn't kill them or send them straight to hell. God gave them a chance to repent of what they've done. so, demons had about at least 7000 years to ask God to forgive them. they didn't do it. so, now they'll burn in hell with all the people who follow them (aka witches/wizzards, astrologers/tarot card readers, mediums/seers, ghost hunters, etc.). well, of course, if these witches/astrologers/mediums/etc. repent of their sins and ask God to forgive them, God will forgive them. so, what I 'm saying, everybody's got a shot to go to heaven - they just have to ask God to forgive them their sins.
demons disguise themselves as ghosts, greys, aliens, pagan gods, etc. basically just everywhere u go (something paranormal or religious like ouija board, channeling, dead relatives during seances), it's the demons almost all the time. to fight demons, u gotta be a christian. here are some christians' thoughts. spread the warning, please.
jigsaw from 'saw' movie is the antichrist.
devil is black with red eyes.
antichrist is white with red eyes.
jigsaw will rule from jerusalem in a few years.
jerusalem is the whore of babylon.
mark of the beast is similar to the 'in time' movie tattoo; it
will be given with small gray world passport by lasers.
Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov (1982-1993) said this:
-china will attack russia
-jews will lose war against muslims
-80 foot dinosaurs will come out thru lakes and sinkholes. don't go near lakes and sinkholes.
-statue of liberty will make one step forward and then collapse
-antichrist has white powder on his face. his eyes are red. don't worship him.
-green electronic tattoo will be given by lasers when people stretch their hands to receive small gray world passport. don't take chip. don't take world passport. don't take any tattoos.
-demons dress in fake human skin and fly in ufo ships. don't go into a ufo ship.
people who go into ufo ships to be healed by demons, come out zombies.

Im a devoted Christian and the last time I went to church nor prayed was 2 years ago?
Q. I refuse to go to church amd pray until God make justice.

Im a very ugly looking person and I behaved how God wanted my whole life.

all my friends have girlfriends but I don't.

theres a very good looking atheist guy that do drugs and use the women as sexual objects yet God rewarded him by making him handsome.

that is so unfair. I cry all the time and sometimes think of commiting suicide.

A. suicide leads to hell. aborted kids go to hell for 33 years. bible specifically says to not be gay. sodom and gomarah were punished for being gay. evil antichrist is gay. bible clearly forbids tattoos. read book of revelation. all who receive the final armageddon type tattoo will not be forgiven. don't u get it? tattoos give rights to demons to bother you. remember that aliens and ghosts are demons. most of the time dreams are from the devil. so, don't believe in dreams. antichrist is pale with red eyes and wears gloves just like jigsaw from saw movie. but antichrist makes fire come down from the sky and moves at the speed of light 'cause demons (who appear as angels of light) carry him. mark of the beast is similar to the in time movie tattoo. when people stretch hands to receive small grey world passport, this 666 tattoo is given by lasers. chips and electronic tattoos are ways to track people to laser them. food stores will be set up to laser people. police will laser people on highways. those who go to be healed in ufo ships by demons will become spiritual zombies. dinosaurs will come out thru lakes and sinkholes though.

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What are discriminations that a woman that has full body tattoos goes thru?

Q. im doing something on stereotyping for a specific group of people and i decided to do it on women that are fully tattooed because i believe some actual live a normalish life. i just want feed back thanks!
not just full body tattoos maybe just plenty of visible tattoos....

A. i am a chica with a full back piece that's obviously visible during summer months due to me wearing tank tops, etc... i also have a few small visible tattoos on my arms/hands.

i also am a mother.

i get weird looks all the time, but more so i am surprised at the amount of compliments/questions i get from people who you would never think were interested.

i feel sometimes people may find me intimidating, uneducated, or just a wild child due to my tattoos... add some brightly colored hair to the mix (like i used to have.. hehe) and the scowls are even more frequent. i am, of course, none of the above... just someone who likes "skin art"... as in all walks of life, from the cute un-tattooed girl who drives the escalade, to the fully tattooed dude on a motorcycle, there will always be stereotypes.

What do you think about women having tattoos?
Q. I don't mean substantially tattooed, just like a couple. Two small wrist tattoos, one on each wrist. Or just tattoos on women in general. ? Thanks.

A. I don't like it when people have one or two small tattoos*, get big custom work or just don't bother.

Properly tattooed women are fantastic. My wife has her sleeves done.

One, significant, personal, piece is different to a f*cking dolphin/star/flower/bird/cherry blossom.

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If a woman removed her nipples, would it be legal for her to walk around shirtless?

Q. A woman can show the top of her boobs, the sides of her boobs, and even the bottoms of her boobs without being arrested. But, if her nipples show in public, then suddenly she's breaking the law. Does that mean that they can remove their nipples and be able to walk around shirtless? I know it's a weird question, but I've never understood why men can show their nipples out in public, but women would be arrested for doing that.

A. And then there's the woman that had the double mastectomy and her whole chest tattooed. facebook censored it. probably not.

How to get over jealousy and insecurity?
Q. I'm engaged. I love my fiancé deeply and he treats me better than anyone I've ever. There's one issue, and that's my insecurity. I feel like I'm ruining everything. I'm not generally an insecure person, it's because of things that happened.. But I need advice on how to get over them before I completely ruin things. He has apologized for everything, changed it all, and genuinely feels bad. These are the things that have happened, in no particular order.

1) he told me a story about cheating on his ex with her best friend. Months later, he made a sexual comment to MY best friend on Facebook.

2) until I finally blew up about it, he was always going on and on about what he liked in women.. None of which I had. Example - I've heard about how he has a thing for women in glasses about a billion times. I don't wear glasses. New Years Eve, I made myself into everything he says he wants (except tattoos).. And I got the biggest reaction out of me. He talked about how beautiful i was, he was all over me all night. His contact picture for me on his phone is similar.. He claims it's the only picture I've sent him but I've sent him tons, but just one with glasses, my hair up, etc.

3) once, he blatantly checked out tattooed girls online in front of me. Verbally judging each one as hot or not. He has apologized for doing it.

4) this is the big one. There was another girl in the picture, and I kinda consider what he was doing as an emotional affair. He was texting her first thing in the morning and last thing at night every single morning and saying he had promised her he would. He initially tried to hide the nature of his relationship with her.. But it finally came out that he had a thing for her for a super long time. And when he was telling me about it, it was clear he still did. My thought about it was that I was being put second. Why wouldnt he want to talk to ME first and last? tHe also blatantly refused to make me the same promise

I want to get over this. :(

A. This is a good opportunity to try a threesome with your fiancee and the girl in the picture. Threesomes are a great way to sort out your feelings.

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Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Was it pretty normal for celtic and briton warriors to have tattoos and piercings?

Q. Out of all the different ethnic tribes of that age, with germanic and slavic people, were the celts most into tattoos and piercings and all of that?
Oh yeah, the Picts did have them eh. Second guy, I think some did. I know I have seen pictures, unromanticized, of Gaels with piercings and stuff.

A. Tattoos and body painting, yes. One of the bog-men from Lindow Moss had some kind of greenish/blue paint on him. Tattooing was probably common (the Romans described it) although the preserved British/Irish remains we've found so far haven't had tattoos--but the copper age man from the Alps, Oetzi, had tattoos,and some Russian prehistoric bodies were covered in very ornate designs. Certainly there's no reason why British tribes wouldn't have had tribal markings too.
Piercings are less likely,with the exception of earrings. A metal piercing would obviously still be in place with an ancient body,and I cannot recall any being found. The nearest I can think of was a bronze age British woman who may have had a small ceramic nose stud or lip plug.Can't say for sure that's what it was, but it was lying somewhere near her face.
I think some of the recent artistic depictions of celts have made them look a bit too much like 'new age traveller' types tbh :ie dreads and stuff braided or rolled into their hair. In fact celtic people were rather proud of their looks--especially the hair, which, rather than having it in some matted clump, they fashioned into ornate creations with lime or imported hairgel (true!). They actually had soap too,and were figure conscious-a fat warrior could be fined!

If a person gets a tattoo, is it possible to have it removed?
Q. I�m not asking this for myself (if ur even wondering)�I absolutely HATE tattoos and I would never think of getting one at all�I�m just wondering about people who do get them, is it actually possible to remove it?

A. Here are the fun choices
Laser. In laser tattoo removal, pulses of laser break up the tattoo pigment in the skin. There are three lasers used for tattoo removal, called the Q-switched Nd: Yag, Q-switched Alexandrite, and the Q-switched Ruby. The "Q-switching" term refers to the pulses of the laser which are short, high-intensity pulses. The laser used depends upon the colors of the tattoo. Several treatments are usually necessary to remove the entire tattoo. The laser fragments the tattoo pigment, which your own immune system then removes. While the laser does break up the pigment, it also does some damage to your skin, sometimes causing blisters and possibly scarring. Follow a photojournalistic account of one woman's laser tattoo removal journey at Cockeyed.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy. (IPL) uses pulses of light (not laser) with a wavelength between 400-1200 nanometers to target the tattoo pigment in your skin. Your body's own immune system removes the pigment once it's been dislodged. People who are naturally dark-skinned or have dark-skinned relatives are more likely to experience hypo- or hyperpigmentation as a result of intense pulsed light therapy.
Excision. You've probably had teeth excised. Tattoo excision is a similar process. Anesthetic is used to numb the area, and the tattoo is removed via surgery. The skin is then stitched together, or in some cases involving large areas, a skin graft is used. With large tattoos, however, the tattoo is sometimes taken out in parts, beginning with the center and then removing the sides during a later surgery or surgeries.
Dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is just what it sounds like-abrasion of the skin (or derm). The top layer of your skin is abraded away. Ouch! After the procedure, the skin is red and raw and takes several months to heal.
Cover-Up. Some people choose to cover up an existing tattoo with a new tattoo. You'll have to choose a design that works with your existing tattoo. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, take a look at an example here at TattooArtists. You'll want to choose your tattoo artist carefully for this procedure; ask to see examples of his previous cover-up work.
Tattoo Removal Creams. Tattoo removal creams claim to fade the colors of your tattoo. Most of the companies advertising tattoo removal creams seem sketchy at best, and some products may include unsafe chemicals.

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Is a cloud design tattoo considered feminine?

Q. I currently have a sleeve started with 50 randomly placed stars on my right arm. The original filler of the Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty torch, and "Don't Tread on Me" shield and sword didn't quite fit in without the important features being blocked by stars. Plan B would be clouds as a filler; are cloud design mostly for women, men, or both?

A. Cloud tattoo's are more common for women, but there are enough men who have a cloud tattoo on them, mostly combined with something.

The big difference is that when a man gets a tattoo from a cloud, he wants it to be more rough (fatter lines, heavier shadows, those kind of things)

Do you think woman look hot with tattoos and body piercings ?
Q. Or do you think it's cheap and makes the woman look hard and sleazy ?They don't call them tramp stamps for nothing.

A. I had my tongue pierced when I was 16 but I went out and got wrecked and bit my tongue and cracked part of my tooth off! Bad move looking back. One of my mates used to have her clit pierced. I would never get that i would be too scared!

Tattoos I have two little ones close together at the bottom of my back. I have a butterfly that me and my mate both have and we got when we were 18. I also have my husbands name I got at 19.

My husband has a couple of tribal (one he designed himself), my name and Sunderland Football Club. They are all in black and I like that on a man like David Beckham yummy. He is getting our daughters name soon when we get more money.

We like watching Miami Ink thats a great programme and the people on it are brilliant tattooists.

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Would you feel comfortable having your daughter date a guy who had the playboy bunny logo tattooed on his back?

Q. And a naked woman tattooed on his chest. And also a tattoo of Che Guevara?

I ask because I'm 17, and my boyfriend is 18, and my parents feel really uncomfortable about his tattooes.
That's where my parents and I disagree, if he didn't respect women, then why would he have a woman tattooed on his body in the first place?

A. Is he rude? Disrespectful? Mean to you?

Personally i dont care what someone has tattoed on their body if they treat my daughter right its really meaningless.

Try to get your parents to see past the tattoos if he is nice to you then it shouldnt matter to them and they will hopefully see past his appearance to who he really is.

What do you think about older women with tattoos?
Q. so, im thinking about getting tattoos like crazy. Mostly on my arms. People always be like that's stupid what are you going to do when you get old, but im thinking if you're 80 with tattoos.. Who cares because you'll still look old just with tattoos. I mean if your 110, with or without tattoos, im pretty sure you're not going to be the most beautiful thing on the planet. Just send me you're opinion on this.

A. I would think, hey, there's an older woman with tattoos, she must be a unique, strong-willed person. I am getting close to forty, and have two full sleeves, leg tattoos, and back tattoos. I love all of my tattoos just as much today as I did back when I got them. I say, get settled into adulthood, then tattoo yourself crazy!!!

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What do you think of girls with tattoos just below pants levels?

Q. many women have what some called tramp stamps. Do you think it is a sign of a sexual easy woman?

A. Having any tattoo or the location of any tattoo isn't a indication of someone's sexual promiscuity.

Tattoos have nothing to do with someone being sexually active or not...just as not having any tattoos doesn't indicate that either.

How are tattoos on the rib cage looked at for men?
Q. So I'm a total tattoo newbie. I'd like to get something in the next year or so and have been thinking about placement. It's a stupid question, but like I know that there are some places on the body that are generally reserved for women, such as the lower back, around the belly button, sometimes the feet, etc. Is the rib cage generally an asexual location? For whatever reason I really like the looks of a rib cage tattoo, especially if they're kind of bigger.

A. I have both my sides, up to my ribs tattooed, I love it haha. And it looks great on guys!! I personally think that spot tattooed on anyone is attractive and awesome! Does hurt though ;]

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Where can I find a good tattoo cover-up?

Q. My wedding is in June and my bridesmaids have tattoos everywhere. I dont want tattoos in my pictures.Does anyone know of a good cover up,like makeup or something?

A. Did you try sheer cover....I saw it on an infomercial and it covered up a big birthmark a woman had right on her face

How to cover up back of the forearm quote tattoo.?
Q. I got a arabic quote tattoo the length of the back of my forearm and it got translated incorrectly so I always have people who speak arabic telling me its wrong. I have no idea how to cover it up. I also have a tattoo covering my inner forearm. I am a young woman..

A. Get the correct translation to an Arab tattoo artist and see if they can fix it because the Arabic calligraphy is very flexible and easily manipulated so it might work.

Good luck.

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How do you become a plus sized model?!?

Q. I work in advertising. I have lost 60 pounds and I am currently chubby but not fat. I am almost 5'6 and have been thinking that maybe I should try plus sized modeling. Everyone tells me how beautiful a face I have and how I am so photogenic. Any idea how to break into the industry? What agencies have plus size divisions etc?

A. You need to consider a few things before pursuing such a career (that is, if you are talking about a legitimate modeling career). There are requirements for plus size models, and they include height and size restrictions. You need to be at least 5�8� (5�10� is preferable in the bigger markets like NYC, Miami, L.A., etc) and fall between sizes 8 and 16/18. Yes, plus sizes start at size 8 as far as agencies are concerned. Right off the bat you are too short, but if you insist on giving it a go anyway, read on.

You need to be well-proportioned, toned and in good shape, have great skin, hair and teeth, and be quite photogenic - let's not forget - we're talking about MODELING. It also helps if you have few, if any, tattoos. If you have these things going for you, I encourage you to attend an open call at an agency near you that represents plus size models. You can find one by calling agencies that are listed in your local yellow pages and asking if they rep plus size girls, and then asking when their plus size open calls occur. You will need to get in front of an agent who will determine your marketability in this industry and advise you accordingly. Walk in wearing light makeup, simple but well-fitting clothing, and lose the high heels - they will know how tall you are so don't try to fudge it. Again, you are too short, and you will not get far going up against girls who know what the industry requires and who actually fit the bill.

Bring some simple shots of yourself that show your face and your full body - they don't need to be professional shots. They will look at your photos and will see your potential without all the makeup. You may be measured on the spot, or asked to be photographed in your underwear, so get rid of your inhibitions NOW.

You need to be in or near a large market � smaller towns don�t normally have modeling agencies, let alone plus size divisions. Your competition knows where to go, and they are going there, believe me. You can be stunningly beautiful, but if you can�t make it to an open call or casting because you live too far away and cannot travel at the drop of a hat, you definitely have a strike against you. Your competition is thrilled to know that you don't have the money for a bus ticket or that your car is in the shop - means more opportunity for them!

If you are marketable, the agent will ask you to do several test shoots that you have to pay for, so please be ready to spend money and time developing your look. Agencies do not typically pick up these fees � the model must do so. (You will need to spend money to get your career off the ground - modeling is not a get-rich-quick career. If you have kids and/or school to finish, you need to plan how you're going to balance it all.) You may be asked to cut/trim/color your hair, get manicures and pedicures and to hit the gym before the shoot. You will be given a list of photographers that you can call to schedule a shoot, and you will pay them directly. A good agency will never ask for money directly � it�s a transaction between you and the photog. If you want to get the most out of your test shoots, you should hire a makeup artist, hair stylist and fashion stylist to work on the shoot with you.

When your shots come back, your potential agent will see if you have what it takes, and then she/he will submit your photos to clients and see what kind of response you get. They usually submit a comp card, which is a collection of photos that you need to pay for, to the clients to get their feedback. There are no guarantees, and you will only work if clients like/need your look.

You can visit the plus size modeling thread at and get advice from working models, photographers, stylists, makeup artists and others within the industry. Take any support you get with a grain of salt - there are plenty of women who will say that you've "got it," but they usually just want to be nice and not have a hand in dashing your dreams. I personally don't want a hand in misleading anyone. AND if someone says you don't really have it (including me with my height comments), don't take it personally - you're not being judged as a person, not on your looks, but on your marketability as a model - if you can't take the heat you should find another career.

Best of luck!

How can you find young women (18+) would would like to model nude?
Q. I'm trying to put together a photo book and I'm looking for models with a story to tell...I'd like to have an artistic nude picture of them with their story. It can be about anything. Let me know if you or anyone you know is interested.

A. It is certainly not "perverted" to take nude photos and I can understand some of your difficulty in finding models.

There are many places that you can find models, however, and it should not be a very big problem or one that cannot be overcome.

The first place to seek nude models is a modeling agency. Look in your local phone book for "modeling agencies." Be prepared to pay a model for her time and nude models will not be inexpensive. Professional models normally charge a premium for nude work.

A second way might be to approach an art teacher at a local college and inquire about life models. You might find someone who would pose for tasteful photos and who might not charge quite as much as a professional photographic model.

A third way might be to advertise in the local paper or on Craig's list, making sure to state that there is no eroticism or pornography involved. If you get any response make it clear that the model is welcomed to bring along any friend either male or female to chaperon the proceedings.

I also suggest meeting the model and the friend away from your chosen photographic place or studio before the shoot to ascertain both your and their safety, trustworthiness, appearance, etc. and to go over the details and what is expected of each participant.

There is a web site which features alternative models such as those with tattoos, body piercings, etc. and it might be worthwhile to contact some of the models there or to advertise there and let them know that you are willing to shoot photos with the dual purpose of producing your book and helping them to get some well produced photos (if you are capable of producing such.)

I forget what the name of the site is, but you might find it by searching the archive here on Yahoo answers as I am sure that I have seen the reference more than once. It might be something like "Black Widow."

Maybe ask the questions "What site is it that features alternative style models (tattoos and piercings) both nude and semi-nude?" I'm sure you'll get a response.

Good luck in your endeavor.


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Do people realize you limit your employment opporunities dramicly change when you get a neck tattoo?

Q. Being asst manager at a tire shoe when your 50 is not cool. Making $8.50 an hour.

Before you get your panties in a wad.....I know there is exception to this, but not many.

A. Your question doesn't make any sense, but at least I can understand what you mean.

That's not completely true, though. Really, it depends where on the neck the tattoo is placed and what kind of job(s) you're looking for. Where I work, they don't really care at all if you have tattoos, so long as they're not vulgar. And for women, a tattoo behind the ear or on the back of the neck can easily be hidden by hair. Jeannie Mai has tattoos on her neck, and I'd say she's doing pretty damn well for herself.

Also, people don't get jobs so others will think they are cool. Most people get jobs for the sole purpose of being able to keep a roof over their head and food on the table. Not everyone can go out and follow their dreams, and not everyone has the desire to make a lot of money. Some people prefer a simpler life.

What do you think about tattoos on a teacher?
Q. I'm going to be a high school teacher and I super conscious of where my tattoos go. I like tattoos very much be feel afraid of society's reactions.
My husband does tattoos so hopefully you get the idea of my joy of tattoos.
Thank you, Inge, but I'm afraid children won't take me seriously because of tattoos.

A. Haha, if I didn't know better it could have been me asking this very question! I'm currently doing a degree in history and am hoping to take a PGCE (I'm in the UK) and go into secondary history teaching. And I have the very same issue. After a lot of deliberation I eventually moved onto my upper arms, but I do feel nervous that I'm always going to have to wear half length sleeves or longer, I'm not good with heat! (fortunately that doesn't come about so much in England, and the hottest period of the year is holiday anyway!). But I'm desperate to go onto my lower arms, I don't feel my arms are close to complete yet, but I'm only 21 and worry at this age that I might be making a mistake about deciding for myself to always wear long sleeves for the next four decades or more of my life. So I'm going to wait until I'm in the job and then make my decision.

Anyway sorry I'm rambling without answering your question. Personally, obviously, I have zero problem with tattoos on teachers. I also think you'll find that you won't lose any respect from the children; if anything (if you're talking about secondary teaching) you're more likely to gain respect from them. When a teacher at my school would let slip that he or she had a hidden tattoo somewhere we saw it as the coolest thing. I think to kids it turns you into more of a human and less of an ogre. There might be the occasional student who takes this to mean you don't have the same level of authority, but I think that attitude would be well into the minority and nothing that the correct discipline couldn't see to.

I think the biggest problem is the parents and the school itself. I tried to do a bit of research before moving onto my arms as to attitudes schools take to teachers with *visible* tattoos. Most of the people I spoke to (generally teachers) said their school either forbids visible ink all together, or allows it on a discretionary basis as long as it's relatively subtle and not a full sleeve or throat tattoo or anything too in your face. I've yet to come across a school that allows its teachers to display all and any amount of ink freely, but this is in England, attitudes could well vary all over the world, they might even vary within this country, I've only researched probably within a 50 mile radius. The work I'd be having on my forearms would be more than a subtle little thing so this is why I'm leaving it for now. But I spoke to a couple of teachers I know, husband and wife, one has one full sleeve and the other has both arms fully sleeved. They simply wear long sleeves, and say it's never been a problem for them. The woman simply wears loose fitting thin material when it's very warm.

So I think as long as your tattoos have the ability to be hidden (ie anywhere other than hands, neck and face) then you won't have any problem as long as you're willing to wear the clothing to cover them, if you do end up working for a school who will not allow it. Nobody has to know about your hidden tattoos at the end of the day!

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