Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013

what are the standards for modeling for fashion?

Q. I want to be a model really bad but i don't what the standards are ..

A. For women, if you want to be seen on the cover of a national fashion magazine, to sign a lucrative national ad contract, to become a “supermodel”, or even to be a “fashion model”, you need the following when you start:

1. Be between 15-19 years old.
2. Be between 5′9″ and 6′ tall.
3. Be thin. Really, really thin. Something like 105-115 pounds, except for Plus models, who can be dress sizes 10-20 or so, depending on the market.
4. Don’t have especially large breasts (34C is generally the upper bound of acceptable), lots of stretch marks, tattoos, piercings or highly tanned skin. Dark skin is fine, lots of tan is not fine.
5. Be beautiful. Not necessarily pretty, but beautiful. An interesting, beautiful face is at least as good for a fashion model as is an “all American” look.
6. Have the right personality for it: a strong commitment to modeling (not just an interest in it), an ability to take rejection (something most beautiful girls aren’t good at), a thick skin, not a lot of modesty (nobody cares what you don’t want someone to see, we have a fashion show to put on . . .) and a lot of self confidence.
7. Be willing to relocate to a major market, with New York City strongly preferred.
8. Be willing to travel to strange locations with no friends there to support you, little money, little help, lots of opportunity for both good and bad things to happen to you.

What is the tattoo male model Rafael Lazzini has?
Q. Of the woman on his arm?


It's just a tattoo of a girl. I don't think you have to search something more behind it ;) Maybe it's a lucky charm?

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Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

What is the sexiest place for a woman to have a tattoo and what would it be?

Q. I would do a tattoo on someone in the Pittsburgh Pa area if it is a quality image if you choose the flash, or I can pick something to do. I have done tattoos in the late 90's but had seven surgeries from a bad car crash, and am doing tattoos again.

A. Coming from a female, I think a small tattoo on one hip would look good

Why is getting a tattoo such an agonising choice?
Q. For the people who actually think about it and not get a tattoo while they are drunk or something and regret it later, why do you think it's such an agonizing choice? Is it because you know it's permanent and it has to mean something?
Yes they have laser tattoo removal now and supposedly wrecking balm but think about how expensive the laser treatment is, some say it's just as expensive if not more so than getting the actual tattoo. So if were going to laser it for sure, what would be the point of getting a tattoo. I personally wouldn't want a huge tattoo or put it somewhere obvious, I just want one or two small, discreet ones.

A. Because it is a big decision! You're permanently scarring your body for life. It is a lifestyle change, especially with larger tattoos. You're immediately a different class of person, in the eyes of some. Things that have been factors in my decisions in the past include -

This will be on show in a wedding dress if I get married, do I really want that? (I came to the conclusion I'd wear a long sleeved high backed dress if I get married!).

This will mean I'll have to wear long sleeves for work on hot days - can I cope with that? (I came to the conclusion that floaty, loose fitting long sleeved tops are just as good at keeping you cool as t-shirts are!).

This will mean I'll never have pure skin again, do I really want that? (I eventually deciphered that this was just cold feet before getting my first, and that inked skin is no less pure than uninked).

This will mean some men would be put off wanting to be with me, would I want that? (I decided that if someone was as shallow to judge me on the surface of my skin, and that much of a prude, I wouldn't want him anyway!).

They will look horrible when I'm an old woman, on wrinkly skin, do I want that? (I came to the conclusion that 1. you don't see many old women walking around flashing their bodies, 2. my skin will be horrible and wrinkly with or without ink, 3. it's only such a weird thought because you don't see many tattooed old women, but by the time I'm old it'll be far more common, 4. even if they end up looking completely crap when I am old, the meaning behind each one of them will still remain in my mind and in my heart, which is more important than the appearance of them to me, and 5. I would prefer to get to my deathbed knowing I have lived my life as I wanted while I was young enough to enjoy it, instead of holding back on doing the things I wanted, because we all die anyway and then we are just bodies in the ground - there is no point to life, we're just here for the duration, so make the most of it while you can).

This will mean that I'll be 'one of them' instead of 'one of us' - is that too much of a lifestyle change? (I decided certainly not and hopped right over to the 'dark side' mwahaha).

All things like that. None of those decisions were made lightly or quickly. Getting tattoos is a big lifestyle change, particularly if you get extensive work. So you just need to take your time with it, dont rush into anything, you have a long life ahead of you.

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How long does it take a person to go from a jail to a prison?

Q. I know i have to go to court and from court to jail and then to prison correct? so how long does it take to go from jail to the prison? Also I hear alot about intake will there be an intake at the jail and prison? if so are the intake process any different between the 2?

A. In Texas, figure about 40 days to get from jail to prison. The state has to start paying the county to house you after 45 days, which is something they don't want to do.

If you're ever stayed overnight at a jail, you know what intake is there. It's everything that happens from the time you first walk in the door and someone asks you if you have medical problems to the time you reach your bunk...fingerprints, mug shot, interview, etc.

Intake for prison is a little different. You strip and change out of your jail uniform into a transport uniform, get chained up, and get on the van with any other women going to prison. They take you across state to the intake facility. Intake then takes a couple of weeks, after which you sit around waiting to get transferred to your permanent unit. The whole process takes about a month.

In Texas, the first thing that happens is a strip search and property get told what you can keep, what you have to send to relatives, and what gets thrown away. They inspect you head to toe and note all your scars and tattoos. You shower and dress, and go to a place called the "dog pound" (because it has open cells that resemble a giant dog pound). I think it's about 4 women to a cell. From there, it's just like checking into a jail...hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait...except that every time they take you out for something, they return you to your cell when you're done.

During intake, you'll get complete medical and dental exams, various psychological tests, an IQ test, tests to see how much high school stuff you remember, etc. The idea is to see if you need any particular classes and such. Part of this is the Sociology I and Sociology II tests. They are the exact same test...questions about your crime, your family life, you history, how you get along with people. The difference is that during Sociology I, the questions are "straight"...they just ask, and you answer. During Sociology II, they try to push your buttons. Same questions, but they try to stress you out to see how you act under pressure. To pass Sociology II, just give the same answers, and don't lose your cool.

After about a month in intake, you'll go to your assigned unit, where you'll spend most of your time. Near release, they may move you to another facility to do "pre-release classes".

Where do neo Nazi skinheads with noticiable facial tattoos find jobs?
Q. Watched a History Channel show about neo Nazi skinheads.

They showed fellows with swastikas tattooed on their throats and elsewhere.

They'd have to wear a turtle neck sweater all the time to conceal it.

How do these fellows get past a job interview?

For the most part, what do skinheads do to earn a living?

A. You mean being in prison isn't considered a JOB?

Actually, I have a noticeable tat on the back of my neck. It's not a fylfot (swastika to you, most likely, a sacred symbol for thousands of years sadly corrupted by jerks) or even something that most people would recognize, but it's enough for me to know that if I get my hair cut short (as I do in the summer) I also have to buy some of that very expensive pasty makeup stuff that's made to cover heavy scars and tattoos. I also have to mix it so it's pale enough to cover it and still match my skin. I'm guessing when they get out of the joint, they might do the same thing - just cover their tats.

Edit: I should mention I don't care enough what others think to cover my tats most of the time. Once in a while I do so just to be polite/not give someone's granny a heart attack. You'd be amazed how many people have a problem with tattooed women (not to mention the whole "Nordic Heathen" thing)

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Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

What does the Bible say about gay marriage?

Q. Yes, I do understand that all Christians think gay marriage is wrong.
And that God made man and woman in the beginning but what exactly does the Bible say?
I mean, it's very hard to believe that God would create people and not allow them to be happy. I'm sure he wants everyone to be happy.

A. Nothing

Christianity attracts a small contingency (whom everyone should ignore) of nasty people who simply use the religion to justify expressing hatred towards others when in fact the essence of christianity encourages/demands tolerance, love and respect.

Jesus says nothing about same-sex behavior. The Jewish prophets are silent about homosexuality. Only six or seven of the Bible’s ONE MILLION VERSES refer to same-sex behavior in any way — and none of these verses refer to homosexual orientation as it’s understood today.

Jesus and five Old Testament prophets all speak of the sins that led to the destruction of Sodom — and not one of them mentions homosexuality.

Listen to what Ezekiel 16:48-49 tell us: “This is the sin of Sodom; she and her suburbs had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not help or encourage the poor and needy.”

It was common for soldiers, thieves, and bullies to rape a fallen enemy, asserting their victory by dehumanizing and demeaning the vanquished. This act of raping an enemy is about power and revenge, not about homosexuality or homosexual orientation.

Leviticus is a holiness code written 3,000 years ago. This code includes many of other outdated sexual laws (like stoning adulterers and brides who are not virgins, and executing a married couple for having sex during the woman’s period), and a lot more. It also includes prohibitions against round haircuts, tattoos, working on the Sabbath, wearing garments of mixed fabrics, eating pork or shellfish, getting your fortune told, and even playing with the skin of a pig. (There goes football!)

So what’s a holiness code? It’s a list of behaviors that people of faith find offensive in a certain place and time. In this case, the code was written for priests only, and its primary intent was to set the priests of Israel over and against priests of other cultures.

What about this word abomination that comes up in both passages? In Hebrew, “abominations” (TO’EBAH) are behaviors that people in a certain time and place consider tasteless or offensive. To the Jews an abomination was not a law, not something evil like rape or murder forbidden by the Ten Commandments.
Jesus and Paul both said the holiness code in Leviticus does not pertain to Christian believers

Paul sees women having sex with women and men having sex with men, and he condemns that practice. But let’s go back 2,000 years and try to understand why.

Paul is writing this letter to Rome after his missionary tour of the Mediterranean. On his journey, Paul had seen great temples built to honor Aphrodite, Diana, and other fertility gods instead of the one true God the apostle honors. Apparently, these priests and priestesses engaged in some odd sexual behaviors — including castrating themselves, carrying on drunken sexual orgies, and even having sex with young temple prostitutes (male and female).

'The Bible is clear that sexuality is a gift from God. Our 'Creator' celebrates our passion. But the Bible is also clear that when passion gets control of our lives, we’re in TROUBLE"

As Rev. Dr. Louis B. Smedes, a distinguished Christian author and ethicist, explains: “The homosexuals that I know [have not] given up heterosexual passions for homosexual lusts. ... They did not change from one orientation to another; they just discovered that they were homosexual. It would be unnatural for most homosexuals to have heterosexual sex.”

How do I plant 4 naked dolls in my Bestfriend's house in a creative and prank-worthy way.?
Q. Me and my best friend started a game. It all started when he had to use the pants of a ken Barbie doll for a book report. He just had a half naked doll in his room so he decided to pull a prank at the beginning of last semester. Over the school year the prank enveloped and people in our circle of friends had found clever and keen ways of smuggling the doll into one another's backpacks. Throughout the game the doll was stripped completely and written on accordingly. Now that it is summer, the game has evolved. We now have four naked dolls (3 of which are women, and one being the original ken doll) and we find clever, funny, and inconspicuous methods and places of hiding for each of the dolls accordingly. Each time the dolls are passed on they are now changed in some way (hair style, tattoos, accessories, notes, etc.) the dolls are now in my possession, and I long for revenge on my best friend. I understand that the people of the Internet probably have a much more comical and intelligent way of determining the perfect method of execution for this mission, so I have come to you. Please help.

A. Substitute yourself for one of those 4 naked dolls and you will be an instant hit.

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How bad will a hip tattoo look after pregnacy?

Q. Ive been wanting to get a medium size tattoo of my moms name with disigns and im planning to have kids but not yet, is the tattoo going to look ugly after a pregnacy? Or will it back to normal?

A. Hip? I think it'd be fine. Just don't get it in your belly and don't use pregnancy as an excuse to heavily overeat lol. You should get plenty of nutrition but some women go overboard and get really really fat.

How painful is a tattoo on your forehead?
Q. Don't give me a speech or preach about tattoo on my forehead I want it a little above the between of my eyes a simple stick cross. How painful would this be?

A. I answer these questions related to pain in the same way every time.

The pain in different places differs from person to person, pain threshold does have a lot of input but, for example, my chest tattoo didn't hurt at all, where as some people I know said their chest tattoo hurt a lot!

Anyway, here's a basic pain level chart I always reffer people to.

Pain level 1
These include the upper arm, forearm, calf, Bum, and Thigh. For a 1st tattoo these are great points to begin your inked journey.

Pain level 2
These include the centre back, front / side of thighs and shoulders. This is also not too bad a start for your first tattoo. The shoulders and central back region can be area that require quite a lot of movement. The skin on these areas is much looser meaning it takes longer to tattoo and also longer to heal. On areas that have lots of movement such as these, require more care once a tattoo is completed. Due to the thigh area being quite a dense muscle mass and also quite tight skin, it may tend to bruise the day after.

Pain level 3
These include the knees, elbows, hands, head, neck, feet, chest and back of thighs. Beginners beware of starting at these areas. You would need to be determined to have tattoos here as the high sensitivity would require a lot of mental focus to get you through. The poor quality of skin on both the knees and elbows will result in a very slow tattoo process and nerves are very close to the surface in these areas. This could result in the tattooing being unbearable for any length of time for some people. As with the orange areas these tend to be high movement areas and will require a longer healing timescale. You may find that to achieve a good solid colour, you may have to repeat the tattoo process on these areas. As a side note the chest area on men can be much more sensitive to pain than a woman, yet due to the tighter skin on a male, the tattoo can be completed quicker.

Pain level 4 (OWCHIE!)
Areas include hips, ribcage, stomach, back of knees, armpit, inside of elbow, nipples, lips, inside of thighs and genitals. Are you really sure you want to get that tattoo? As these areas can elicit crying, half finished tattoos or even the customer passing out. This could just be more than you may be able to handle. All of these purple areas are considered by most to be the most painful areas to be tattooed. The stretchy or thin skin over bone are slow to tattoo, some of these may require multiple sessions to achieve solid colour and smooth shading. Healing can be just as painful as receiving the tattoo and may require a few days off from your regular activities.


•Women are your more sensitive the week prior to and during your cycle. Plan around those dates to have the best experience possible when getting your tattoo.
•Use lotion everyday on the area to be tattooed at least 1 week prior for healthier skin and better results.
•Do not go out in the sun at least one week prior to being tattooed (including tanning beds) This drys the skin and if peeling occurs could damage the tattoo.
•Consider what you will wear for 2 weeks while healing if your tattoo is in an area like the foot, waist, shoulders or chest. Shoes, waistbands, belts, underwear, and bras can all damage tattoos if you do not plan ahead. Find comfortable clothing that will not touch or rub during this time.
•Always eat a good meal before being tattooed and drink plenty of fluids.
•Be sure to get a good nights rest before your appointment.
•Ask what kind of aftercare products you will need when you set up to get your tattoo.
•Mention any allergies you may have, pigments, dyes, perfumes.
•Some medication may thin your blood, check with your doctor before being tattooed.
•Anyone with an autoimmune disorder needs to check with their doctor and should bring a note to be tattooed.

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What tattoo should I get on my rib cage.?

Q. I have a lot of tattoos and I really want one on my rib cage. I'm a female with a very small build. I want it to be big but with small lines, very feminin. I want it to have some meaning behind it not just a picture. Some of my enterest and personal experiences are:
Im a very strong assertive woman and I've been through a lot.
I like dolphines
Family is very important
I'm not religious so no bible scripts or anything
I believe every woman should feel beautiful with out cosmetic surgery or hair dye or make up.

SO I want a tattoo with some meaning and those were some of my interest so maybe someone can help me.

A. you don't want something directly covering your rib cage why don't you try something that flows with your body, such as a tattoo that goes from your hip bone to the bottom of your rib cage.
i can't seem to think a bra up against a tattoo for 12 hours or more is going to feel too good!
as for ideas check out

Does anyone know any good tattoo place in LONDON?
Q. Does anyone know any good tattoo place in London.
How much does a tattoo normally cost and how much do they hurt.

A. There are a lot of tattoo studios in Camden Town that I hear are quite good. I can't give you a personal recommendation as I've never used any personally, I'm up in Leicester, but I would go there and take a walk down the main street and pop into the ones down there, get a feel for the place, chat to the artist and ask to see a portfolio of some of their work, and then see where you're drawn to. As for how much they cost and hurt - totally depends. Tattoos can range from £15 to £500 and beyond lol. Totally depends what you want. Studios always have walls of flash (pre-designed tattoos) with a price list. You can take a look at those and get an idea of the price. For custom work, they usually charge by the hour. My artist is about average and charges about £60 an hour, although I imagine the prices will be a bit higher in London. Never be tempted to go to anywhere just because it's cheap, cheap doesn't usually equal good with tattoos. But even if you wanted a tiny design, shops usually have a minimum amount they'll charge, usually between £20-£40, which is the minimum you'd pay even if you hypothetically wanted a tattoo of a little dot. Go and check it out. And the pain depends on your tolerance, the artist, and the placement of the tattoo. I have a really, really low pain tolerance, and the tattoos I've had on my back and rib areas have hurt me a lot, but the fleshier areas have been virtually painless. The most painful areas are your spine, ribs, feet, chest, etc. Least are like, calves, upper arms, bum, stomach (although I don't recommend abdominal tattoos, women's weight fluctuates there over the years and they can become distorted, and if you have children it can really ruin them). But for a small tattoo, even on a painful area it's not so bad, for me the pain is more when he's been going over the same area for hours on end. Little tattoos can take less than half an hour, so that'd be bearable wherever you had it. My advice is not to walk into a studio and pick a piece of flash off the wall and get it done there and then. If you want to use flash, that's your choice, but at least go away and have a good think about it before getting it done. But it's probably better to design something personal to you, you can look for inspiration on the internet and take pictures into your chosen artist who can draw something up for you if you can't draw well yourself. Always take a few weeks to consider the tattoo you want. I've been certain I've wanted something before and then actually changed my mind while waiting, and been glad I waited. Other things I've waited and still been set on, and been able to get more comfortable in the knowledge that this is what I really want. Good luck.

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What should I add to my first tattoo?

Q. Hey! Im getting a tattoo soon and I think i know what I want to get. I think I might be getting a feather with birds coming from the tip. ( if you can see that link. If not its similar to this,r:5,s:0&tx=28&ty=54.

But I want to add a quote to it I think. I want it to sort of represent me escaping from the abuse of my father and being free. I might want to do one of the following quotes.

"Know your worth"
or "We accept the love we think we deserve"
"without struggle there is no progress"

Or maybe I shouldn't add a quote?

I want opinions. I would like the tattoo in the same spot as the first picture, so on my shoulder blade area. So I'm not sure where the quote would go or what not. Help please!

A. I like the design. personally, I wouldn't add a quote. the symbolism in the feather/birds is enough, to me.

What tattoo should i get?
Q. Hey so i got 5 tattoos and i want another one but not too big because i am getting married next year and i am already engaged, here are my tattoos this is not me in the pics they are just the same tattoos i have .... The 2nd one...... the 3rd one the 4th one the last one
So now that you saw them here is what im thinking of getting or however i want you to paste a link for a tattoo you like so i can get thanks


hope i could help

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How old is old enough to get extreme facial mods?

Q. Regarding extreme facial mods, people often say things like "think about it for a long time and don't do it on impulse", "you'll regret it when you're older" and "you'll never be able to get a job". I'll be 30 in April and I'm a freelance artist and jewelry maker. I have a few tattoos and piercings; but for many years I've wanted to get several extreme facial mods. I might get a self-designed Maori style chin tattoo soon; but that would likely be on the first major mod. Eventually I'd also love to get my tongue split, spiral scarification on my cheeks and horn implants. I know that it sounds immature; but I'm a 29 year old artist and a big part of it for me is being a superfreak and freaking "normal" people out in public. What does everyone think?

A. Start small with the Maori chin tattoo first. This tattoo has been worn by women for 12,000 years so you wont be the first. It is also extremely easy to coverup with "Dermablend" makeup, so work, weddings, funerals wont be a problem. If all goes well them get the scarification, then split tongue and finally any implants. If all goes well, you will look awesome!

what do people think about white girls with a chinese goddess tattoo?
Q. I am getting a Chinese goddess on my back, the goddess is based on the book beautiful women, and the imagery is stunning as will my tattoo be, what do most people think about white people (females) getting chinese or Japanese inspired goddess/geisha tattoos? you never see a chinese girl with a Celtic arm band. do you all thin it is sexy, dishonorable, art lover
no I am not trying to be a harajuku girl or anything like that lol I just happen to love the art in this book and the goddess has great meaning to me

A. I can't answer for what Chinese people would think - but if easterners were getting tattoos inspired by my culture I think I would find it flattering if anything, if it was a good piece of work! I wouldn't think anything less of you for having it, particularly if you have an appreciation for the culture and the art. It's much better than all the teenagers getting (usually incorrect) Kanji symbols just for the hell of it when they have no understanding or particular affinity to the culture their tattoo comes from. I know those kind of tattoos are often the butt of many oriental's jokes, moreso because they almost always have the wrong meaning! At the end of the day, most tattoo styles have their roots in one culture or another, even if we don't realise it. Pin up girl tattoos are traditionally American but I know a lot of British people with them, for example! I go on a tattoo forum and recently there was a guy on there ranting on about how it was so disrespectful and pathetic how non-maori's often had maori tattoos (he was from new zealand) and that how his tattoo was better because it had no meaning it was just a 'popular pattern', until I pointed out that his tattoo was celtic and had it's roots in scotland, wales and ireland, at which point he shut up! Anyway, as long as you're happy with the design and the meaning it holds for you then the opinions of others are totally irrelevant!

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Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Why are women expected to only have small nonvisible tattoos?

Q. I'm just wondering why men expect women to have small tattoos that can be covered up. I have 4, but I chose to have a black phoenix on the inside of my forearm tattooed as a memorial for my father (he had a blue phoenix on his arm when he died). I later want to add symbols for "Father" tattooed near the bird.

I haven't really gotten any negative feedback from it, but I just noticed that a lot of people on this forum think that women should only have them small, cute in nonvisible locations.

Do guys prefer small cute tattoos like butterflies and flowers on women, or do some prefer that the tattoos have some kind of meaning? I'll never regret mine, but I think it's unfair that my father was covered in tattoos without anyone questioning him, yet some think it's "unusual" for me to have a large tat in a visible spot like my arm. It's a bit of a double standard. Your thoughts? Thanks for answering.

A. Personally I don't see any reason why men and women should be treated differently with regard to tattoos. But I agree with you, there's often a double standard. It also often comes out in the many, many questions which purely ask whether women with tattoos are still attractive, as if a woman's only role in life is to be looked at by men.

I think that very often the people who believe that 'small cute' tattoos are OK on women but larger ones aren't probably just haven't given it all that much thought from this angle. They have a sort of vague idea that tattoos are 'unfeminine', and that women should therefore only get 'cute' tattoos to counteract this, without having really considered the implications of these ideas - the fact that it suggests that a woman's main function is to be attractive, to appeal to other people, to be non-threatening; that she's a visual object rather than a human being with a head full of valid, interesting, unique ideas. Which I think is pretty sad, really.

In some ways I actually find this halfway-house suggestion that teeny-tiny flowers and hearts and butterflies are OK on women, but nothing else is, even more irritating than those people who just don't like tattoos full stop. Although I do like tattoos, I don't expect everyone else to as well. But the whole point of tattoos is that they can express anything you want them to, and to suggest that women should be restricted to certain subjects, sizes and placements when choosing their tattoos in order to 'fit in' is really hypocritical. There's nothing wrong with flowers, butterflies and so on; they can make great tattoos and if someone does want them, that's fine. If that's the tattoo someone truly wants then it's great, in fact. But I suspect that in some cases women are half-heartedly driven to get these kinds of tattoos for fear that if they got anything more individual and personal, people would ask too many questions and look down their noses, and that's such a shame.

So what I would say is, well done you for getting the tattoos you wanted! The more people do that, and show the world why it's important, the less 'cuteness' will be the main issue, and the better off we'll all be.

Hope this helps!

What tattoo should I get to symbolise the loss of my father?
Q. I'm turning 18 in two weeks which means I'm old enough for a tattoo, and I have had an idea in mind for a while but I'm not sure an don't want to get something I'll regret. My dad passed away 4years ago in April and my grandad did three months before, so I had the idea of a flower with two falling petals, one for my grandad and the other for my dad - but I'm not sure about flower designs so I'm trying to think of another design idea with the same principle?

Help please!!!

A. I would pick something feminine, because you will have this tattoo when you are an old woman :). I like your idea best, but could also see two small butterflies or birds, but leaning towards butterflies. They have been set free to fly up to heaven. Whatever you do, don't put it on the middle or lower back near your spine, or you may not be able to get an epideral if you ever have a baby. Something a lot of young girls do not know about, and hate to have you find out after tattoo already done.

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Tattooed people: do you prefer to date others with tattoos or does it not matter?

Q. Just seeing what the preferences are. Tattooed and non-tattooed weigh in. Do you have a preference?

A. I love my girlfriend to death and I wouldn't trade her for the world. Buuuut she has no tattoos, and I find tattoos on a woman to be a major turn on (especially a shoulder piece or half sleeve or a rib piece) but I guess obviously I don't need a woman with a tattoo(s). She said her getting a tattoo would be like putting a bumper sticker on a Ferrari lol.

How are tattoos on the rib cage looked at for men?
Q. So I'm a total tattoo newbie. I'd like to get something in the next year or so and have been thinking about placement. It's a stupid question, but like I know that there are some places on the body that are generally reserved for women, such as the lower back, around the belly button, sometimes the feet, etc. Is the rib cage generally an asexual location? For whatever reason I really like the looks of a rib cage tattoo, especially if they're kind of bigger.

A. I have both my sides, up to my ribs tattooed, I love it haha. And it looks great on guys!! I personally think that spot tattooed on anyone is attractive and awesome! Does hurt though ;]

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What do you think of tattoos on one's neck and face?

Q. I am starting to see more and more young men and women who have tattoos on their neck and face. I also see many with tattoos on their hands. I asked one guy who had many visible tattoos and he told me if you liked tattoos why hide them. So many people seem to be high on tattoos but feel a need to hide them. If they are beautiful why not put them on their face, neck and hands for everyone to see. What do you think?

A. i don't think they should be hidden. on the face and neck it depends. I've seen a lot of people, mainly Latino men with tattoos on their neck. i think its fine, it its something meaningful. like their mother's or child's name. I'm not a big fan of face tattoos but on some people they just work, like Kat Von D's stars...they look incredible and I think Mike Tyson just looks stupid. When I get more I'm going to be showing them off all the time. Right now, I have 3 little stars behind my right ear. I would be showing them off a lot more if they still looked like stars, I'm going to be getting them fixed soon and have three more behind my other ear. I'm also going to be getting a trinity knot on my back so when I wear dresses it will show and look really good. I also plan to have a L on one wrist and an M on the other for my grandparents. As well as a few others, one somewhere on my back for my cats.

Muslims >>> Is it a sin to get a permanent tattoo?
Q. I am a Muslim from Turkey, and I was raised religiously. I was always thought that permanent tattoos are a sin. But last week, I went to Jordan, Petra. Its an amazing place, but I noticed something. There are a lot of bedouins there, and they have facial tattoos, especially women. They had tattoos on their faces like dots, and Islamic arts. Is this allowed?

A. well the only way i think i can really think this through is to make a pro and cons list.

but unfortunately i had way more hardcore cons than pros. Only Allah knows. but its better to stay on the safe side. plus it probably is haram because there is a hadith that says that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that if anyone does anything to show off has committed the sin of shirk.

this is because you are trying to please someone else other than Allah. And if you dont know for sure that tattoos are halal and you still get one, it's like not really caring if its halal or not you just want to show off with your tattoo, which is MAJOR shirk.

btw, i dont mean you personally, im just talking in general. :)

i really hope i helped!
and hope your question is answered with a real legit answer, insha'Allah!

oh p.s. those dots you say on womens face, if your talking about the line on their chin and the two dots on each side, thats a tattoo the country people do. they are committing shirk as well, because they do it because they think it makes them look beautiful. but thats only if thats the tattoo your talking about.

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How can I combine this into a really cute tattoo?

Q. I want to get roses and hawthorn flowers in honor of my relationship with my sister. My sister was born with spina bifida and she has taught me to just have faith in things and everything will work out. We are super close I'm just not sure how to make this into a really beautiful tattoo.

A. Hey!!! I got roses withs vines and thorns around a latin word on my ribs and i can tell you its a really nice place to have that tattoo. Flower+vine tattoos are really good looking on women (and well im a guy and i manage to make it look bad @$$ also) so you might want to consider that region. For the actual design i would say go talk to a tattoo artist, get a consultation. They have great ideas and they know what looks good with your body type, complexion, etc. Oh and dont forget: dont limit yourself with budget or because people tell you it hurts (not that bad actually), because good tattoos arent cheap and cheap tattoos arent good!:)

Hope that helps!:)


Tattoo ideas for the poem Annabel lee by Edgar Allen Poe?
Q. He is my favorite poet and Annabel Lee is my favorite poem. I want a tattoo to represent this. Any ideas would be very helpful. Also for placement it needs to be in an area I can cover easily because of work. I also have one tattoo already on my right hip that runs up to my bottom rib.

A. Something like the first link. I believe that the sea is a crucial part of this poem. It's one of my favorite Poe poems and he's also one of my favorite poets. The sea also features in 'The City and The Sea' and 'A Dream Within A Dream'. It plays a metaphorical and symbolic role in these three poems.

It means that all things will at last be swallowed up by the eternal and immortal. All rivers flow unto the sea.

I think that the first link is a nice setting with a girl on the beach and a moon. This is nice because it kind of says something beautiful and gothic like 'all our life is a shadowplay'.

Having the setting or picture placed in a frame could be really cool. Like a locket, the type of love locket that they had back in the 1800's. Men and women would keep a picture in the locket, the frame is more important in this case. Maybe an oval type shape?

The other thought was an anime type cartoon. Have you heard of 'Lenore: The Cute Dead Little Girl' or 'Ruby Gloom'? I thought perhaps a more defined anime however - Annabel Lee doesn't seem cute or little, she's a very mature sort of immortal love.

Good luck. In the end I don't want to say too much. I understand how special this poem is. The three ideas were a: the sea or beach, b: anime / cartoon caricature. And c: a locket.

Good luck.

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Q. I am looking to get another tattoo, this would be my 6th, i was thinking about this one, i found it on the web and was hoping for some new input, and was wondering if it has a meaning, i wasnt sure. Oh and one more thing i was wondering if it would look better on my back or ankle

Help please

Please and thank you
Im sorry i cant the exact link, the first one is the picture on the very top, the other one you have to scroll down and click on hawiian tattoos it the one with the flowers and dragon, then the

A. It would look better on your ankle than lower would be more unique, interesting and trendy.

Those are flower designs and flowers generally represent a woman's beauty and femininity...meanings actually varies depending on the person wearing it....nowadays, you can almost attach any symbolism to it as long as it has some kind of relation to your life.

History Exam For People Over 40?
Q. This is a History Exam for those who don't mind seeing how much they really remember about what went on in their life.

1. In the 1940s, where were automobile headlight dimmer switches located?
a. On the floor shift knob
b. On the floor board, to the left of the clutch
c. Next to the horn

2. The bottle top of a Royal Crown Cola bottle had holes in it. For what was it used?
a. Capture lightning bugs
b. To sprinkle clothes before ironing
c. Large salt shaker

3. Why was having milk delivered a problem in northern winters?
a. Cows got cold and wouldn't produce milk
b. Ice on highways forced delivery by dog sled
c. Milkmen left deliveries outside of front doors and milk would! freeze, expanding and pushing up the cardboard bottle top.

4. What was the popular chewing gum named for a game of chance?
a. Blackjack
b. Gin
c. Craps!

5. What method did women use to look as if they were wearing stockings when none were available due to rationing during W.W.II?
a. Suntan
b. Leg painting
c. Wearing slacks

6. What postwar car turned automotive design on its ear when you couldn't tell whether it was coming or going?
a. Studebaker
b. Nash Metro
c. Tucker

7. Which was a popular candy when you were a kid?
a. Strips of dried peanut butter
b. Chocolate licorice bars
c. Wax coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water inside

8. How was Butch wax used?
a. To stiffen a flat-top haircut so it stood up
b. To make floors shiny and prevent scuffing
c. On the wheels of roller skates to prevent rust

9. Before inline skates, how did you keep your roller skates attached to your shoes?
a. With clamps, tightened by a skate key
b. Woven straps that crossed the foot
c. Long pieces of twine

10. As a kid, what was considered the best way to reach a decision?
a. Consider all the facts
b. Ask Mom
c. Eeny-meeny-miney-mo

11. What was the most dreaded disease in the 1940's?
a. Smallpox
c. Polio

12. "I'll be down to get you in a ________, Honey"
a. SUV
b. Taxi
c. Streetcar

13. What was the name of Caroline Kennedy's pet pony?
a. Old Blue
b. Paint
c. Macaroni

14. What was a Duck-and-Cover Drill?
a. Part of the game of hide and seek
b. What you did when your Mom called you in to do chores
c. Hiding under your desk, and covering your head with your arms in an A-bomb drill.

15. What was the name of the Indian Princess on the Howdy Doody show?
a. Princess Summerfallwinterspring
b. Princess Sacajewea
c. Princess Moonshadow

16. What did all the really savvy students do when mimeographed tests were hand! ed out i n school?
a. Immediately sniffed the purple ink, as this was believed to get you high
b. Made paper airplanes to see who could sail theirs out the window
c. Wrote another pupil's name on the top, to avoid their failure

17. Why did your Mom shop in stores that gave Green Stamps with purchases?
a. To keep you out of mischief by licking the backs, which tasted like bubble gum
b. They could be put in special books and redeemed for various household items
c. They were given to the kids to be used as stick-on tattoos

18. Praise the Lord, and pass the _________?
a. Meatballs
b. Dames
c. Ammunition

19. What was the name of the singing group that made the song "Cabdriver" a hit?
a. The Ink Spots
b. The Supremes
c. The Esquires

20. Who left his heart in San Francisco?
a. Tony Bennett
b. Xavier Cugat
c. George Gershwin

A. Im over 40, not over 80. Most of these questions were from two or three decades before I was born.
I do know some though.

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Any good priced tattoo shops in the east bay ?

Q. Hi I am looking for a good , clean place to go to get some ink done I been looking around a lil so for prices around 80-100 . Is there any other places that you may know of but for a better starting price ? I want to get some words on my ribs . But I want to find an artist who can do any font size , the last three ppl I asked said they cant do words only in large size .. That to me is BS ...So if you know of anyone or any shops in the east bay area ca that do an awesome job on whatever you ask for and great starting price please let me know .Thank you for you help too :)

A. The reality of it is not bs. Lettering should be a certain size so it can be legible and stand the test of time. Anything smaller won't look good after a couple of years. The fact that it's on the ribs creates another difficulty factor resulting in putting a bigger font size there. The ribs suck, they hurt like a bastard and they are difficult to tattoo their. Their is a popular trend right now of people (usually women) getting their first tattoo of a quote on the ribs in the smallest font possible. Those three elements raise the bar for difficulty. There literally is no room for error. People don't sit well for rib tattoos, they squirm and not to mention they breathe making your steady hand not so steady. My advice is to go with a bigger font, it will look better 10 years from now rather than a tiny font that will look like bs in a couple.

Are rib cage tattoos the new tramp stamps?
Q. They're becoming very popular among young women and seem like an excuse to lift your shirt and show off.
I'm not saying it makes a person trashy. I mean it just seems like the"in" thing these days, as lower back tattoos aka "tramp stamps" were when I was a teen. What makes the rib cage more meaningful than another body part and why are they so much more common now than ever before?

A. Personally, I think that having tattoos on the rib cage is a beautiful spot. Just because it's common among girls of a possible stereotype doesn't mean it's become "trashy" to get a quote or something in this area. Yes, showing off the tattoo will require you to lift your shirt. But the placement could also be very meaningful. If you'd like a tattoo that you don't WANT to show off to the world, the rib cage is a good place to put it.

Many people who modify their bodies do it simply for themselves. Whether the world is impressed or displeased is a secondary concern. I think that you should only get tattooed if it's something meaningful or personal to yourself - as all of my tattoos are.

So I don't at all think any tattoo PLACEMENT is trashy. The only thing that can make a tattoo "trashy" is if it's a profane, meaningless, or ridiculous piece of work.

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How long does it take a person to go from a jail to a prison?

Q. I know i have to go to court and from court to jail and then to prison correct? so how long does it take to go from jail to the prison? Also I hear alot about intake will there be an intake at the jail and prison? if so are the intake process any different between the 2?

A. In Texas, figure about 40 days to get from jail to prison. The state has to start paying the county to house you after 45 days, which is something they don't want to do.

If you're ever stayed overnight at a jail, you know what intake is there. It's everything that happens from the time you first walk in the door and someone asks you if you have medical problems to the time you reach your bunk...fingerprints, mug shot, interview, etc.

Intake for prison is a little different. You strip and change out of your jail uniform into a transport uniform, get chained up, and get on the van with any other women going to prison. They take you across state to the intake facility. Intake then takes a couple of weeks, after which you sit around waiting to get transferred to your permanent unit. The whole process takes about a month.

In Texas, the first thing that happens is a strip search and property get told what you can keep, what you have to send to relatives, and what gets thrown away. They inspect you head to toe and note all your scars and tattoos. You shower and dress, and go to a place called the "dog pound" (because it has open cells that resemble a giant dog pound). I think it's about 4 women to a cell. From there, it's just like checking into a jail...hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait...except that every time they take you out for something, they return you to your cell when you're done.

During intake, you'll get complete medical and dental exams, various psychological tests, an IQ test, tests to see how much high school stuff you remember, etc. The idea is to see if you need any particular classes and such. Part of this is the Sociology I and Sociology II tests. They are the exact same test...questions about your crime, your family life, you history, how you get along with people. The difference is that during Sociology I, the questions are "straight"...they just ask, and you answer. During Sociology II, they try to push your buttons. Same questions, but they try to stress you out to see how you act under pressure. To pass Sociology II, just give the same answers, and don't lose your cool.

After about a month in intake, you'll go to your assigned unit, where you'll spend most of your time. Near release, they may move you to another facility to do "pre-release classes".

Where do neo Nazi skinheads with noticiable facial tattoos find jobs?
Q. Watched a History Channel show about neo Nazi skinheads.

They showed fellows with swastikas tattooed on their throats and elsewhere.

They'd have to wear a turtle neck sweater all the time to conceal it.

How do these fellows get past a job interview?

For the most part, what do skinheads do to earn a living?

A. You mean being in prison isn't considered a JOB?

Actually, I have a noticeable tat on the back of my neck. It's not a fylfot (swastika to you, most likely, a sacred symbol for thousands of years sadly corrupted by jerks) or even something that most people would recognize, but it's enough for me to know that if I get my hair cut short (as I do in the summer) I also have to buy some of that very expensive pasty makeup stuff that's made to cover heavy scars and tattoos. I also have to mix it so it's pale enough to cover it and still match my skin. I'm guessing when they get out of the joint, they might do the same thing - just cover their tats.

Edit: I should mention I don't care enough what others think to cover my tats most of the time. Once in a while I do so just to be polite/not give someone's granny a heart attack. You'd be amazed how many people have a problem with tattooed women (not to mention the whole "Nordic Heathen" thing)

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Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

Does anyone else find women with a lot of tattoos attractive?

Q. Women who have full sleeves, full back pieces, etc. Not just a small tatt. on the ankle or on the lower back.

A. I think it looks great, sexy, and badazz...some girls can really pull it off
Locations I don't approve of is pubic, neck, or face/head
But I personally wouldn't do that because I don't want to look at my wrinkly tattooed skin when I become old and gross.

How bad is the pain on your shoulder?
Q. OK I am planning all my tattoos out in advance. I want to get a pink daisy for my mom on the front of my shoulder like by the clavicle bone like this LOCATION NOT THIS TATTOO. (People sometimes don't read the whole details, sorry)

not going behind my shoulder just on the front.

A. A piece like that for the most part will not be bad at all. But generally when getting up on your shoulder closer to your neck the pain greatly intensifies. Closer to your should the less amount of pain.

Best advise is to not worry about the pain. It is all tolerable. Just decide on your tattoo and where you think it will best fit.

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What songs are included in Guitar Hero for PS2?

Q. Well here is a couple of questions:

#1: How many different songs for the Guitar Hero in PS2?

#2: How many different games are their for Guitar Hero?



A. 1977 "Bad Reputation" Thin Lizzy
2005 "Beast and the Harlot" Avenged Sevenfold
1973 "Billion Dollar Babies" Alice Cooper
1971 "Can't You Hear Me Knockin'"† Rolling Stones
2001 "Carry Me Home"
1976 "Carry On Wayward Son" Kansas
1990 "Cherry Pie" Warrant
1976 "Crazy on You" Heart
2006 "Dead!"† My Chemical Romance
1973 "Free Bird"† Lynyrd Skynyrd
2006 "Freya" SwordThe Sword
1991 "Girlfriend"† Matthew Sweet
1990 "Hangar 18" Megadeth
1993 "Heart-Shaped Box" Nirvana
1968 "Hush" Deep Purple
1983 "Institutionalized"† Suicidal Tendencies
1973 "Jessica"† Allman Brothers Band
1990 "John the Fisherman"
1993 "Killing in the Name" Rage Against the Machine
2004 "Laid to Rest"† Lamb of God
1977 "Last Child"† Aerosmith
2006 "Life Wasted" Pearl Jam
1985 "Madhouse" Anthrax
1979 "Message in a Bottle" PoliceThe Police
1962 "Misirlou" Dick Dale
1997 "Monkey Wrench" Foo Fighters
1988 "Mother"† Danzig 1.21.
1994 "Possum Kingdom" Toadies
1990 "Psychobilly Freakout" Reverend Horton Heat
1970 "Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo" Rick Derringer
1981 "Rock This Town" Stray Cats
1994 "Salvation" Rancid
1973 "Search and Destroy" Iggy Pop and the Stooges
1983 "Shout at the Devil" Mötley Crüe
1990 "Stop" Jane's Addiction
1974 "Strutter"† Kiss 2.12. Amp Warmers
1978 "Surrender" Cheap Trick
1987 "Sweet Child O' Mine" Guns N' Roses
Encore 4.64. Thrash and Burn
1980 "Tattooed Love Boys"
1992 "Them Bones" Alice in Chains
1984 "Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight"†
Encore 2.62. Amp Warmers
1996 "Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart" Stone Temple Pilots 6.26. Relentless Riffs 6.26. Relentless Riffs
1983 "The Trooper" Iron Maiden 999— 7.27. Furious Fretwork
1970 "War Pigs" Black Sabbath 3.53. String-Snappers
Encore 3.63. String-Snappers
1993 "Who Was In My Room Last Night?"† Butthole SurfersThe Butthole Surfers 4.24. Thrash and Burn 4.44. Thrash and Burn
2006 "Woman" Wolfmother 1.41. Opening Licks 2.42. Amp Warmers
1978 "You Really Got Me" Van Halen 2.42. Amp Warmers 2.52. Amp Warmers
1981 "YYZ" Rush 7.57. Furious Fretwork
Encore 7.67. Furious Fretwork


2006 "Arterial Black"† Drist
2006 "Collide" Anarchy Club
2006 "Drink Up"¤ Ounce of Self
2006 "Elephant Bones" That Handsome Devil
2006 "Fall of Pangea" Valient Thorr
2006 "FTK" Vagiant
2004 "Gemini"† Brian Kahanek
2006 "Jordan" Buckethead
2006 "Kicked to the Curb"¤ Noble Rot
2006 "Laughtrack"† Acro-BratsThe Acro-Brats
2006 "Less Talk More Rokk"† Freezepop
1999 "Mr. Fix It" Amazing CrownsThe Amazing Crowns
2006 "One for the Road" Breaking WheelThe Breaking Wheel
2006 "Parasite" NeighborhoodsThe Neighborhoods
2006 "Push Push (Lady Lightning)" Bang Camaro
2006 "Radium Eyes" Count Zero
2006 "Raw Dog" Last VegasThe Last Vegas
2006 "Red Lottery" Megasus
2004 "Six" All That Remains
2006 "Soy Bomb"† Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives
2004 "The Light That Blinds" Shadows Fall
2006 "The New Black" Every Time I Die
2006 "Thunderhorse" Dethklok
2003 "Trogdor"† Strong Bad
2006 "X-Stream" Voivod
2006 "Yes We Can" Made in Mexico


Can anyone recommend me a good book?
Q. i need something to read on a ten hour flight. i liked the twilight series, ender's game, bruce coville's books, the picture of dorian gray, anything oscar wilde, and some other things.
i do not like poetry.
i prefer something light and leaning towards fiction or fantasy.

thanks for all your help!

oh and if you could give me a very brief summary of the books you recommend i would appreciate it!

thanks again!

A. A Spell For Chameleon by Piers Anthony. Centers around a woman who cycles between being beautiful-and-stupid and smart-and-ugly. First of the Xanth series.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. A modern woman travels back in time to 18th century Scotland. First of the Outlander series.

Don't Die Dragonfly by Linda Joy Singleton. A girl with psychic powers is starting over in a new school and receives an urgent message for a girl with a dragonfly tattoo. First of The Seer series.

The Elephant Vanishes by Haruki Murakami. A set of surrealist short stories.

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Would you feel comfortable having your daughter date a guy who had the playboy bunny logo tattooed on his back?

Q. And a naked woman tattooed on his chest. And also a tattoo of Che Guevara?

I ask because I'm 17, and my boyfriend is 18, and my parents feel really uncomfortable about his tattooes.
That's where my parents and I disagree, if he didn't respect women, then why would he have a woman tattooed on his body in the first place?

A. Is he rude? Disrespectful? Mean to you?

Personally i dont care what someone has tattoed on their body if they treat my daughter right its really meaningless.

Try to get your parents to see past the tattoos if he is nice to you then it shouldnt matter to them and they will hopefully see past his appearance to who he really is.

Where can I get an amazing portrait tattoo?
Q. I'm planning on getting a portrait of a woman tattooed on myself somewhere. Does anyone know where I can get a really, really good one done in northeast Ohio?

A. ???

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What tattoo should I get on my rib cage.?

Q. I have a lot of tattoos and I really want one on my rib cage. I'm a female with a very small build. I want it to be big but with small lines, very feminin. I want it to have some meaning behind it not just a picture. Some of my enterest and personal experiences are:
Im a very strong assertive woman and I've been through a lot.
I like dolphines
Family is very important
I'm not religious so no bible scripts or anything
I believe every woman should feel beautiful with out cosmetic surgery or hair dye or make up.

SO I want a tattoo with some meaning and those were some of my interest so maybe someone can help me.

A. you don't want something directly covering your rib cage why don't you try something that flows with your body, such as a tattoo that goes from your hip bone to the bottom of your rib cage.
i can't seem to think a bra up against a tattoo for 12 hours or more is going to feel too good!
as for ideas check out

Guys: what would you think of a small rib tattoo on a woman?
Q. I'm 18 and I really want to get a hamsa (hand of god) tattoo design on the side of my ribcage, but I want it to be relatively small (smaller than the majority of the hamsa rib tattoos i've seen). If I really want it in a few months I'm going to get it either way because it's my body, but I was just curious what you guys would think of that on a girl. It would be my only tattoo. Thanks! I'm a runner and stuff btw so it's not like I'm overweight and want to show off an unattractive part of my body.

A. "what eva what eva, its my body i can do what i waaaant" , ...... and to anwser your question I have no idea what a hamsa or hand of god looks like so i cant really answer your question. However geting a rib tattoo for your first one isnt recomended. I have a 6-7 hour rib tattoo on my entire left side of my body. I also had around 15 hours of ink done previous to that including some on my chest. About an hour into my rib tattoo was more painful than all of my other ink put together. Also the rib area is a good place to put a big tattoo. You have plenty of good spots to put small tattoos.

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Why do many female tattoo artists have a similar appearence?

Q. I've noticed that every female tattoo artist I have seen thus far looks very similar. They all have a dark/alternative look. I have yet to see one sporting any other look.

*I don't mean to offend anyone. I'm just wondering why this alternative look is so popular among women in this profession.

A. They all do kind of look similar X) I imagine it's hard to be taken seriously as a tattoo artist when you don't have any tattoos/piercings though. It's kind of the culture of the business from what I can tell.

Where is a good place in Portland Oregon to get a very intricate tattoo done?
Q. I am going to get an alchemical sun on my ankle, but the face will be very antique looking- not cartoony. I am looking for an artist that excels in symmetry and preferabley a woman, but a good tattoo artist is a good tattoo artist and I would accept a man, too. I have been scouring the web, but seek more info. Thanx so very much!!!

A. Mary Jane Haake of Dermigraphics

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Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Guys: Would you think it bad if a girl has a tattoo sleeve?

Q. I know some guys like tattoos. And I know some guys don't. I was thinking about getting a half sleeve. Starting at the shoulder and stopping at my elbow. I'm not including any obscene images or vulgarity on my tattoo, just in case you're wondering. I've just always thought a tattoo sleeve would be a cool idea.

A. Gotcha. Colorfully done by an expert you trust, sleeves or half sleeves look great on girls, as well as guys. Since it's such an important consideration, you might try looking at some magazines down at the tattoo studio. Inked Magazine does specials every month on women and their tattoos... you want to find a style of art that really grabs you, something that when you see it, you go "That's what I like, and I'm gonna beat on doors till I find someone who does work like that!" Women are the fastest growing group of young people getting ink in the U.S. and the U.K. right now. Choose good stuff, you've got time. Take care.

What is the big deal about women getting tattoos?
Q. I'm getting a tattoo in July, and I've been reading about tattoos to make sure it is safe. And I keep seeing these articles about how women with tattoos are "disgusting". How can a beautiful women with a nice feminine tattoo be disgusting? Why can men get sleeves, but if a woman gets a some-what large tattoo its considered terrible?

A. I`m old fashioned and prefer women with no tattoos. To me it`s advertising to be in a lower class, especially the body tattoos that are very visible no matter how they dress. I don`t look down on people with tattoos, I just prefer their natural self. To each their own and freedom to all.

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What do you think about tattoos on women?

Q. Im getting a tattoo about the size of a hand on my back. its a poem representing love and the deceased. its going on the upper back in btw my shoulder blades just below the neck. and if you make a "V" with your hand and look at it picture the words in there and thats the strusture so it will fit into my back b/c it is pretty toned and defined.

what do you think? and what do you think about women with tattoos in general?

A. generally, i dont aprove of tattoos because, when you think about it, in say 70 years the tatoo is going to be faded and saggy and chances are you will regret it. however, this tattoo has an actually meaning to you and i think that it will always remind you of your dead loved one. i say go for it, and im sorry for you loss.

Why are some people bias about women getting inked?
Q. I have one tattoo on my shoulder, and some people told me that women shouldn't get inked cause it takes away from the "lady" part of being a women, I don't believe that at all, but why are some people bias about women gettin tattoos? I know people are just plain bias about tbiases in general.

A. People are just rude about things. I love tattoos. I'm 19 and have 5. I want more but I'm pregnant so I can't get any more till after february lol. I have had a lot of people think bad things about me because of my tattoos. Just ignore them and smile. And if you go read peoples comments on other peoples questions look how many say tattoos are bad dont get them. why the hell are they in the tattoo section of they hate tattoos. Some people these days....I swear r messed up

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What is the tackiest tattoo you have ever seen?

Q. Forget the damn butterflies, the black (terribly drawn) panther on the calve or the double hearts on the upper arm. I've seen plenty of tacky tattoos, but the tackiest of all was a woman with a Tweety tattoo (not kidding!) Can you top this one?

A. One of my friends has the "Your name" tattoo on his butt.His mom has a rose tattooed on her right breast and shows it to anybody who asks to see it.Not just the tattoo but the whole breast.The tackiest however.One of my coworkers has a vagina tattoo on his neck.He has to wear turtlenecks when we have company visit the plant so he doesnt offend anyone.

Where is a place to get a tattoo with out it looking strecthed/distorted if I become pregnant?
Q. When women has a tattoo on her stomach my friends would say "Oh that's not going to look pretty after she gives birth." So I know not the stomach. But what about every where else? When women become pregnant the body tends to gain weight all over so it would cause the tattoo to stretch right?

A. well most of ur upper body
arms ,neck or hands .. lower parts of ur legs , below ur knees

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What type of tattoo should I get on my stomach?

Q. This is going to be my first tattoo, but i don't know what to get. I want it to be small-medium. Maybe dealing with love?

A. For your first tattoo, getting one on your stomach is a bad idea. We wrote multiple articles on the questions you have. "Another spot not recommended is the stomach because weight can go up and down like crazy and that’s where it will show the most."

First question is what you should get. We wrote an article called "What Should My First tattoo be" here:
"We suggest whatever tattoo you get, make sure its personal and small. What if you don’t like your tattoo? You have to stick with it for almost ever unless you get it removed, which also takes time to get rid of. Get something like an RIP tattoo of someone that was special to you that can remind you every day of how awesome that person was"
Read more here to get more ideas:

We also wrote an article called "Do Tattoos Hurt and How Will It Feel? Women Feel Less Pain Then Men?". There is a picture there where it shows what spots hurt the most. For the stomach, they suggest to bring a leather strap to bite down on because you WILL feel pain.
Read more here:

And the last article I will suggest to read is "Where should I put my tattoo?". Here we write the best spots to get a tattoo. One quote from the article should help you: "Another spot not recommended is the stomach because weight can go up and down like crazy and that’s where it will show the most.".
Read more here:

How do I write the word vegetarian in Elven?
Q. It's a strange and odd request, but I'm looking to get this word (or something close to it) tattooed on me. I've been a vegetarian for 22 years now (my entire life), and a huge fan of Tolken. So, if anyone can help me out, it'd be fantastic.

A. Due to the incompleteness of Tolkien's Elven languages I recommend to use a simple transcription of the English word to Tengwar (one of his scripts).
Here is one possible way to write it:
You can check the letters with:
Please note that I wrote G as J [dĘ’], like it is spoken.

In Tolkien's Elven languages my first thought would go to something that might be construed as an insult, depending on how you see yourself. This is due to the difficulty expressing this idea in an incomplete language.

Sindarin (Grey-Elven):
Lassvador (masc.), Lassvadeth (fem.) -> leaf-eater -> lass - leaf + mad- - to eat; here mutated to vad- + -or - male name ending/-eth - female name ending (=woman)
Galasvador/Galasvadeth -> plant-eater -> galas - growth, plant
Galasben -> plant-somebody -> galas + pen - one, somebody; mut. ben
Dictionary: (see A1 and A2)

Quenya (High-Elven):
Laimamatindo (masc.), Laimamatinde (fem.) -> plant-eater -> laima - plant + mat- - to eat + -indo/-inde - "doer" (person connected to the verbal action)
Laimamo (m.), Laimame (f.) -> plant-person -> laima + -mo/-me - person connected to the noun

If you come up with any (better) ideas and aren't sure about the grammar or want to see them in Tengwar, or if you have any questions about this, feel free to send me a message.

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Why do people say getting tattoos are a sin?

Q. From what I been thought as a kid, the soul is what counts not the body. So what does it really matter? When you die you can't take your body with you. It just becomes an empty vessel that gets taken back into the earth.

A. It's well open to debate (I know many devote Christians who have tattoos relating to religion -such as the Virgin Mary or crosses who argue it is open to interpretation). Although I'm sure there are those who quote in Leviticus 19:28, “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.” (NIV). This would seem to indicate that tattoos are a bad thing. It's suppose to be seen as you trying to alter the image of God (since humans are apparently designed in his image).

There are plenty of crazy things in Leviticus and else where in the bible that the same people who call tattoos a sin commit or disregard exist because they'd be viewed as immoral:
1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
3. I know that men are allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is, my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath.Exodus 35:2. clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?
6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?
7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear glasses to see distant. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle- room here?
8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
10. My friend's uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

Yes, some are these are well open to interpretation, however for the most part, these would be viewed as ridiculous as well as hypocritical if you tried arguing against them but tried condemning tattoos. I agree with you, it's your soul and personality that matters, your body is just a way of emphasising it. I enjoy studying this stuff, so I hope this helped or was intriguing.

What do you look for as a design on a t-shirt?
Q. What subjects are you fond of? Do you have a favorite book (Twilight, Pride and Prejudice) or a favorite movie that you would sport quotes from on your shirt? What colors and styles of designs do you like?

A. As someone in the graphic design field, I tend to buy graphic t-shirts that either have something remarkable about them (some of Ecko Unltd's tees do it for me), something that expresses a mood or feeling I can relate to, or something I am fond of (such as Japanese mythology and animals like the koi fish and lion).

I am not really fond of the grungy Medieval designs which seem to be really popular such as Affliction. However, I bought two of their t-shirts last year, because I liked the line they had by Japanese tattoo artist Horiyoshi III and their bamboo line caught my eyes. The softness of 70% bamboo and 30% cotton aside, they have a tee that illustrates a woman with wings with her hands together in prayer looking up and supposedly crying. The words "affliction" on that tee meant more to me than they would one one of their shirts with a grim reaper or two skulls.

Right now I am wearing a simple white t-shirt with a diamond shape -- similar to that of a construction sign -- and the words "OUT THERE" with an arrow pointing up to the neck hole inside of the shape.

Since I am light skinned, I tend to buy fabric colors in white, black, heather gray, or shades of blue. As far as the ink colors used in the design, I am open to pretty much anything. I have a white Ecko shirt with the rhino running through what appears to be a city-like jungle. There are grays in the rhino and browns in the monkey hanging from a lamp post, but there are also saturated colors in the vines and leaves and also in the parrots shown in the illustration. I also have a black shirt I picked up in Louisiana when I stopped at Rue21. It is a simple black tee that has argyle stars with paint splatter. The two colors used are two I would never think of wearing before: rose pink and bright green.

I find myself carefully picking graphic shirts these days, because a lot of people seem to be big on wearing a company name, number, or band on their tee. Who can blame them though since that are most of the designs I see in stores. I have nothing against that though, because the people who wear those shirts know how to make it look nice more times than not.

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what is the best way to get your gaming YouTube channel noticed?

Q. hey guys my gaming youtube channel is TheSilverClassGamerz and have had it up for a few months though and am wondering how i could get a bit more noticed? because i have uploaded almost 50 videos now and only have 30 subs if you guys could help and tell me how that would be great.

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A. Lol. If those are the tags you're using, big reason why noone visits. Noone likes a spammer.

How to use quick blue hair bleach to make hair blonde?
Q. i have naturally dirty blonde hair but it currently has semi permanent medium brown which is fading into red so i want to get rid of it & make my hair light blonde.. how do i use quick blue to make it turn blonde without turning red/orange?
i want it to be this color:,r:3,s:0,i:78

A. Call the 1-800# found on the box of dye or email them, (to find #, go online & search the brand if you don't have the box) they're the hair color experts they can advice you best. Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.
Example: "My hair is right about armpit length as it is, but I've severely damaged it by bleaching it all at once. As a student of cosmetology myself, I would have to say that it was probably one of the worst mistakes I could have ever made."
Another example: ok i did my hair yesterday i DIDN'T bleach it ,but im not sure what its called but she took the color out of my hair and then dies it a blond color and my head was on fire it killed me so after that i hated my hair color so i colored it my self a darker color, it looked so ugly and it burned me again it rully hrt so after i washed it my mom checked it for me and found small spots of blood all over my top scalp like over 20 of em now im scared and don't know why its there is it from the color am i sick and something is wrong ??

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.

Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Hallowe’en party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. It’s made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. It’s well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time.

Google: A 38-year old mother left in a coma after using hair dye. 11-22-11. SHE DYED HER HAIR MANY TIMES BEFORE, USING THE SAME BRAND.

Permanent black hair dye is linked to causing leukemia and lymphomas.

Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.
Vanessa Minnillo Lachey: "I dated a guy once who wanted me to have blonde hair. Clearly, he was the wrong guy for me! I went to a lady who bleached my hair and it literally fell out. So, not only did I go back to my natural hair, I broke up with the guy!"

One example: MY HAIR DRESSER DYED MY HAIR GREY. I've been crying for the last 2 hours, I want to kill that bish for destroying what was amazing bleach blonde hair. AND to make things worse, she cut my extensions WAY too short.

"23 years old Rihanna is well known for changing her hairstyle and hair colour on a regular basis and it looks as though all those treatments have finally begun to take their toll on her mane and perhaps her common sense." US Showbiz 2-18-12 Rihanna has reportedly paid $23,500 for an emergency haircut after hers was ruined in a sauna, to fly out hair stylist from L.A. to London..The Province 3-1-12.
A WOMAN was temporarily blinded when her face swelled up "like a football" following what she told was a severe reaction to hair dye.
Carmen Rowe, 25, from Swansea was hospitalised for three days after using the Clairol 'Nice n' Easy' natural black colour. She said: "I lost my job, all for the sake of a glamorous hairstyle. I just want to warn parents what could happen." She claimed she carried out a skin test 48 hours before using the dye without a problem and has been colouring her hair since she was 13. March 3, 2012.

Google & search for Hair Dye & Relaxers.
Google: Hair Dye FAQ's Are Hair Dyes Safe?

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