Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Sexually abused tattoo ideas???!?!?

Q. Ok so When i was 9 years old, i was sexually abused. Im currently seeing a therapist and I'm getting better. I want to get a tattoo that symbolizes that part of my life. To show that I'm a survivor. my problem is I don't know what tattoo I want to get. Do u have any creative ideas for a tattoo. I have an idea of just tattooing survivor but I want something to symbolize that. Oh and I'm 18.

A. teal is the awareness ribbon color, you could also get a kanji symbol for strength.

I was very close to getting an upside down panda on my shoulder blade

my father abused me when I was younger, and I fell into a depression from it, I battled depression for over 10 years, and it still comes back at times. The panda can symbolize depression and upside down is like turning yourself around from the depression.
I decided against it however, bc I wanted to move on from it all. Plus pandas are my favorite animals and I hate to think of them in a depressing way.

If you are religious, a simple teal cross with the word strength, or somethign might be a good idea.
If you want something intricate, Maybe a tree with a womans body as the trunk, with some blue leaves coming down or blowing in the wind.

a dove, with the awareness ribbon in its beak?,

an infinity symbol with the ribbon like this but teal not pink,!ioE8RcK!VH4BPNuY(1NCw~~60_35.JPG&w=300&h=300&ei=c8yMUMS6Lo2y9gTbgIGgAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=603&sig=116496799652083639620&page=1&tbnh=141&tbnw=141&start=0&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:74&tx=74&ty=78

How about something that inspires you?

or a quote

give me life, give me pain, give me myself again

If you always watch the demons behind you, then you will never see the angels ahead.

If you’re going through hell, keep going.

Awareness ribbon with angel wings would look nice too

Who is this woman? I need more pictures?

I want to know who this is, because I need to see more pictures of that tattoo, haha ^^

A. The picture that you posted is from site “
They won't give you the information that you are looking for. But if you are looking for the pattern then you can contact Quality Rivets. But I think that you already know that they won't give you the pattern.

You can see more pictures at:

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How does a lip tattoo heal and how long?

Q. Pretty much it, Im not running out tomorrow and getting one and barely thinking about it, but I was just curious? And what would be good to get? I was thinking a woman symbol or bite me. thanks!

A. I'm all about tattoos they're an addiction but I wouldn't get one done & certainly wouldn't take any of my guns to somebody's lip but that's my opinion, to answer your 2 topic questions, as you may know the mouth heals quickly so the inside of your lip may take a couple days off of your healing time if properly taken care of but risk of infection could make it more trouble than it's worth. If all goes down without a hitch & your artist isn't heavy handed though it should heal no different than any other tattoo you have.

How bad does it hurt to get a tattoo?
Q. I have a tattoo that I designed that I really want done on my lower back. It would be fairly large, detailed, and would have a lot of color so I know it will be expensive but just how painful will it be? It is a cross with wings and a halo and horns and a tail and fire and a rose wrapped around it, there is a margarita glass with an olive in it and a gun with a bullet and blood splattering. I know it sounds odd but it looks really neat.
I have high pain tolerance. I'm in the ARMY. I'm use to pain but not self inflicted pain.... that bothers the life right out of me.

A. Regardless of how large, or colorful, this particular tattoo is going to be painful. Inking your lower back always is. Of course, pain tolerance varies from person to person. I don't seem to be bothered by needles at all, and my skin sort of numbs after about thirty minutes or so when I got my tattoos, but, others fight the urge to squirm and cry. Sure, those of us with high pain tolerance recognize the pain, but we are able to distract ourselves or block it out, it's very convenient. If you tattoo is large, your best bet might be to get the ink in stages. Sit through an outline, then the filling, coloring and shading at other sit downs. Make sure you're comfortable with the artist, because if you're nervous, your senses will be heightened and actually increase the pain you're feeling. It's true. So, as long as you remain relaxed and have a focal point, perhaps something to read and are in a comfortable surrounding, maybe with a friend, too, you should be fine. Keep in mind, the area you are getting inked is very sensitive, more so on women because of soft fat tissue and what not, so it's perfectly normal if a tear or two slips out, or if you need a break. Getting breaks from pain are sometimes a good idea and sometimes bad. If you can't handle the pain and your skin hasn't numbed partially yet, then you take a break, the area will be more painful like a big bruise! GOOD LUCK!

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What is the underlying psychology behind the desire to get tattoo's?

Q. As tattoo's are painful, a little risky, and more or less permanent, I suspect there is some sort of insecurity/attention seeking psychology at work. What are your thoughts?

A. It's a matter of identification with a tribal mindset. Tattoo's have been with us forever it seems.
Right now it is a fad to extremes. It is cheaper and more efficient than in the past and the culture in society has opened the door to women as well. Although the art is very popular today I can't see it going on for more than a decade before the novelty of it all wears thin.
Too bad for the ones who mark their flesh these days. Many of them will regret it in their older years and some will pay a lot of money to get rid of them.
The problem is that the red ink used in tattooing cannot be eradicated without taking the flesh off. The rest of the inks can be laser cleaned.

What are discriminations that a woman that has full body tattoos goes thru?
Q. im doing something on stereotyping for a specific group of people and i decided to do it on women that are fully tattooed because i believe some actual live a normalish life. i just want feed back thanks!
not just full body tattoos maybe just plenty of visible tattoos....

A. i am a chica with a full back piece that's obviously visible during summer months due to me wearing tank tops, etc... i also have a few small visible tattoos on my arms/hands.

i also am a mother.

i get weird looks all the time, but more so i am surprised at the amount of compliments/questions i get from people who you would never think were interested.

i feel sometimes people may find me intimidating, uneducated, or just a wild child due to my tattoos... add some brightly colored hair to the mix (like i used to have.. hehe) and the scowls are even more frequent. i am, of course, none of the above... just someone who likes "skin art"... as in all walks of life, from the cute un-tattooed girl who drives the escalade, to the fully tattooed dude on a motorcycle, there will always be stereotypes.

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Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

Why do people think Casey Anthony is so bad?

Q. I don't understand why the public turns such a condescending eye towards this woman. She was obviously found not guilty and I just don't see why the public just can't let her be. I see countless FaceBook groups created for the sole purpose of degrading her. Please help.

A. They think bashing Casey gets them cool points. They are not held accountable.

People don't care about the evidence, they just want to bash Casey. Why don't they look up Dr. Vass, the one who claims there was a shocking amount of chloroform present. He also dabbles with divining rods, ok? DIVINING RODS. And the FBI guy REFUTED his evidence. This trial was a joke and people are media-brainwashed, pitchfork-toting sheep.

Nancy Grace stirs the THUGS up emotionally with the precious baby girl and devil is dancing stuff. They are also clueless about reasonable doubt. I don't mind if someone thinks Casey is guilty, I DO mind when people say they hope she is killed on the street, or that the jury should be killed. The verdict was just.


Mouth was rotted and bones chewed by animals, so how can they say tape was on mouth? But I covered my dog's face with cloth and tape before I buried her. It is almost universal, people want to cover or close eyes and mouth before burial, not throw dirt in open eyes, etc, Maybe Caylee had mouth open, with death gasses coming out, flies crawling in it, fluid leaking, so they cover with cloth then tape, maybe just tape. THEY FOUND 3 Pieces of tape, one for mouth area, two for eyes? You don't want to kiss child goodbye without closing mouth and eyes by mortician wax, insecticide, and thread, or at least tape or cloth in a panic. I think the body was gonna get moved again to some final resting place, or possibly "cremated".

Expert witnesses said tape was likely applied after death. There was a piece of tape stuck to her hair and side of skull. Expert says tape was probably simply holding jaw bone to skull after decomp. Also, tape sticky enough to stick to matted hair, but no DNA on tape leads one to believe tape might not ever have been on skin. Tape could have come from the bag. Three small pieces of tape cannot be murder weapon by themselves, you would need to tie arms back too, do something else. And there was no heart sticker found on Caylee, that's a fact. But so what if there was?

Dad probably told Casey he would bury child, because she could go to jail for drowning accident, police will call it murder. Casey went along with Dad's plan, did not report death. Accidental drowning MUCH more common than someone killing child in order to have more sex. ACCIDENTAL DROWNING NUMBER 2 KILLER OF KIDS UNDER 5. Casey might have drowned in grandad's pool, he didn't want to lose his house and insurance. Perhaps Grandad had bad fence around pool, or negligent in some other way? Casey could then sue her parents for negligence. Maybe Casey was negligent in some way. You want evidence of drowning, like finding water in lungs? Sorry, you can't have that. The body was rotted.

Waiting 31 days to say child was missing, well because she was dead. Maybe someone was negligent about the drowning because they had drugs in their system, and that's why they waited a month to clean system? Now I don't know this happened AT ALL. But people don't report car accidents, taxes, injuries all the time. People make Bad decisions. There are reasons why someone would cover up accidental death.

Prosecution COULD NOT EVEN PROVE A MURDER TOOK PLACE, COULD NOT RULE OUT ACCIDENTAL DROWNING. Jury was right to come back with not guilty verdict.

Casey's support system is young and socializing, not in her room alone with her. That is why she goes out. Regarding the tattoo, lots of people in this country drink and get memorial tattoos shortly after a loved one dies. "Bella Vita" could be a tribute to her daughter. She certainly couldn't get RIP Caylee at that time. Couldn't wear an ever-popular memorial t shirt. Couldn't put a memorial sticker on her car.

I google bank heists, bullet-proof shirts, ice bullets, and poison pens. I just googled chloroform. Googling is not a crime. "Casey" googled chloroform after "she" saw a joke about it on the internet. Doesn't make her a murderer. 84 times googling is a ridiculous, unreliable number. Do they count reading several search results for the term as googling it several times? Or refreshing page? Or favoriting? Or emailing to oneself?

The reports of a "no regrets" diary entry confessing to a murder are just not true. Look for the YEAR the diary entries were written. The chloroform stuff was insignificant traces that proved nothing. YOU probably have chloroform in your house right now.

Bottom line, NO PROOF A MURDER OCCURRED, NO PROOF CASEY DID IT. NOT GUILTY. Disagree with my theories and opinions about what happened and there is still not enough evidence. Before you sentence someone to death, the dots MUST to be clear and close enough on their own for you to see the picture before you connect them.

what to get my boyfriend for christmas?
Q. He's 23, into tattoos and piercings. (I already bought him a tattoo machine and piercing kit). He works with sheet metal and makes all kinds of stuff with it. Hes very artistic, He also enjoys cooking and is a huge animal lover. I dont know what to get him that he doesnt already have. Help?
Hes not big into high technology. (Not good with computers or anything of that sort.)

A. As most 23 year old he probably would like electronics. An ipad is a good choice (since he is not into computers then ipads are perfect, more of a gigant iphone to check his email and facebook).

if he is into video games the new Xbox Kinect might also be a good.

If he is artistic then he might like a new sketch pad, or drawing materials, like pencils, pastels, charcoal, etc. Maybe a canvas if he paints.

If he enjoys cooking maybe a new cook book along with a new kitchen appliance that will help him make what the book says to make.

but I will also suggest getting him a "sweet" present as well, something like a picture collage or an artistic thing of your own. Something that took time and thought, will also go a long way. Trust me guys like that sort of thing too.

You seem like a smart young woman, I'm sure you will think of something. and remember we always love the things our girlfriends get us, we are not as picky as you might think.

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Oh children of teh gay, will you now heed the warnings of the divine master?

Q. Franz Kafka will lick the dingle-berry of injustice lest we all put rubber chickens into our pants. REJOICE, for I have a coupon good for a free inner-colon tattoo! Vegetarian Zombies will eat our Tofu with ketchup, and every woman wearing pink panties will get get a million dollars.

A. Teh snitching simians will likewise fall from the trees like rain, felled by a mighty thunderclap, the Yamster will bend and fart, sanctifying their bodies for all time.

We will then egg the Yamster with ostrich eggs, and send him to the desert, accursed.

How to stop being scared by a scary movie?
Q. Ok I went to see a film with my friends and I pretend I wasn't scare and well. Let's just say it's been five days since I saw it and I still can't sleep. Plz help I'm so tired but I get so creeped out!! Btw the film was women in black

A. pray psalm 26 if u scared.
the real God (Christian God: the Holy Trinity) created a set number of angels on the 2nd day...let's say 30 billion. 1/3 of all angels rebelled against God...10 billion...God turned the rebels into spiritual darkness aka demons. well, technically, God had mercy on them because He didn't kill them or send them straight to hell. God gave them a chance to repent of what they've done. so, demons had about at least 7000 years to ask God to forgive them. they didn't do it. so, now they'll burn in hell with all the people who follow them (aka witches/wizzards, astrologers/tarot card readers, mediums/seers, ghost hunters, etc.). well, of course, if these witches/astrologers/mediums/etc. repent of their sins and ask God to forgive them, God will forgive them. so, what I 'm saying, everybody's got a shot to go to heaven - they just have to ask God to forgive them their sins.
demons disguise themselves as ghosts, greys, aliens, pagan gods, etc. basically just everywhere u go (something paranormal or religious like ouija board, channeling, dead relatives during seances), it's the demons almost all the time. to fight demons, u gotta be a christian. here are some christians' thoughts. spread the warning, please.
jigsaw from 'saw' movie is the antichrist.
devil is black with red eyes.
antichrist is white with red eyes.
jigsaw will rule from jerusalem in a few years.
jerusalem is the whore of babylon.
mark of the beast is similar to the 'in time' movie tattoo; it
will be given with small gray world passport by lasers.
Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov (1982-1993) said this:
-china will attack russia
-jews will lose war against muslims
-80 foot dinosaurs will come out thru lakes and sinkholes. don't go near lakes and sinkholes.
-statue of liberty will make one step forward and then collapse
-antichrist has white powder on his face. his eyes are red. don't worship him.
-green electronic tattoo will be given by lasers when people stretch their hands to receive small gray world passport. don't take chip. don't take world passport. don't take any tattoos.
-demons dress in fake human skin and fly in ufo ships. don't go into a ufo ship.
people who go into ufo ships to be healed by demons, come out zombies.

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Is it forbidden for a Muslim women to straighten bad teeth?

Q. I read this on a Muslim forum - it must be a joked isn't it? Many women in North Africa have tattoos. Allah has cursed women who tattoo their bodies, wear false hair, those who pluck their eyebrows, and those who artificially widen gaps between their teeth.

A. The bible forbids christians to alter the God creation.
philippians 3:21
The Bible warns us against tattoos in Leviticus 19:28
the bible says a woman's hair is her glory .... Oh, but to wear some "fake" hair now is only a disgrace

What do you think of women with tattoos?
Q. It seems like almost every girl in New York has a tattoo. Last summer, I went up to Orchard Beach, and it seemed like 90% of the girls had tattoos (and most of them had more than one - one girl had at least 10 of them) And just about every girl in the city has a tattoo on her lower back.

Do you think women look good with tattoos?

How many tattoos are "too many" for a woman?

And is their any body part that women shouldn't get tattooed?

A. I think tattoos are a artistic way to for a person to express themselves male/female. Women inparticular are just more likely to not be as obvious of theirs as men are that's why they are in places that can be hidden or covered up by certain types of clothing we wear. That's why the lower back is so common,plus it's a very sexy place to have it also. I think tattoos with a special artistic or personal meaning look good because noone else but that person can relate to it,it will have something special for that one person. But if somone get's a tattoo because of a bet or some dumb drunken act then no it won't look good. All over body tattoos dont look good on girls especially on the face, I do admire the facial tattoos but I dont agree with them. But it's all up to the female, if she wants something meaningful and personal it will be beautiful no matter where it is. But if it's just some joke of a thing to do, just to fit in a crowd ,then it will be as ridiculous as the person who gets it.

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How bad will a hip tattoo look after pregnacy?

Q. Ive been wanting to get a medium size tattoo of my moms name with disigns and im planning to have kids but not yet, is the tattoo going to look ugly after a pregnacy? Or will it back to normal?

A. Hip? I think it'd be fine. Just don't get it in your belly and don't use pregnancy as an excuse to heavily overeat lol. You should get plenty of nutrition but some women go overboard and get really really fat.

How painful is a tattoo on your forehead?
Q. Don't give me a speech or preach about tattoo on my forehead I want it a little above the between of my eyes a simple stick cross. How painful would this be?

A. I answer these questions related to pain in the same way every time.

The pain in different places differs from person to person, pain threshold does have a lot of input but, for example, my chest tattoo didn't hurt at all, where as some people I know said their chest tattoo hurt a lot!

Anyway, here's a basic pain level chart I always reffer people to.

Pain level 1
These include the upper arm, forearm, calf, Bum, and Thigh. For a 1st tattoo these are great points to begin your inked journey.

Pain level 2
These include the centre back, front / side of thighs and shoulders. This is also not too bad a start for your first tattoo. The shoulders and central back region can be area that require quite a lot of movement. The skin on these areas is much looser meaning it takes longer to tattoo and also longer to heal. On areas that have lots of movement such as these, require more care once a tattoo is completed. Due to the thigh area being quite a dense muscle mass and also quite tight skin, it may tend to bruise the day after.

Pain level 3
These include the knees, elbows, hands, head, neck, feet, chest and back of thighs. Beginners beware of starting at these areas. You would need to be determined to have tattoos here as the high sensitivity would require a lot of mental focus to get you through. The poor quality of skin on both the knees and elbows will result in a very slow tattoo process and nerves are very close to the surface in these areas. This could result in the tattooing being unbearable for any length of time for some people. As with the orange areas these tend to be high movement areas and will require a longer healing timescale. You may find that to achieve a good solid colour, you may have to repeat the tattoo process on these areas. As a side note the chest area on men can be much more sensitive to pain than a woman, yet due to the tighter skin on a male, the tattoo can be completed quicker.

Pain level 4 (OWCHIE!)
Areas include hips, ribcage, stomach, back of knees, armpit, inside of elbow, nipples, lips, inside of thighs and genitals. Are you really sure you want to get that tattoo? As these areas can elicit crying, half finished tattoos or even the customer passing out. This could just be more than you may be able to handle. All of these purple areas are considered by most to be the most painful areas to be tattooed. The stretchy or thin skin over bone are slow to tattoo, some of these may require multiple sessions to achieve solid colour and smooth shading. Healing can be just as painful as receiving the tattoo and may require a few days off from your regular activities.


•Women are your more sensitive the week prior to and during your cycle. Plan around those dates to have the best experience possible when getting your tattoo.
•Use lotion everyday on the area to be tattooed at least 1 week prior for healthier skin and better results.
•Do not go out in the sun at least one week prior to being tattooed (including tanning beds) This drys the skin and if peeling occurs could damage the tattoo.
•Consider what you will wear for 2 weeks while healing if your tattoo is in an area like the foot, waist, shoulders or chest. Shoes, waistbands, belts, underwear, and bras can all damage tattoos if you do not plan ahead. Find comfortable clothing that will not touch or rub during this time.
•Always eat a good meal before being tattooed and drink plenty of fluids.
•Be sure to get a good nights rest before your appointment.
•Ask what kind of aftercare products you will need when you set up to get your tattoo.
•Mention any allergies you may have, pigments, dyes, perfumes.
•Some medication may thin your blood, check with your doctor before being tattooed.
•Anyone with an autoimmune disorder needs to check with their doctor and should bring a note to be tattooed.

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How can I overcome my shyness of the doctor/gyn?

Q. Briefly, I've been having pains, cramps, nausea and fatigue and have to lumps at the opening of my vagina, which hurt when touched. (not a std or preggo)

I don't like doctors, I've asked people on YA for help, but they all suggest I go to a doc right away.........Can anyone help me overcome my fear or give me personal experiences of fear of docs?


A. The first time I went to the gyno I was incredibly shy and fearful.... I mean your vagina is very private and not to many people take a look at it on a regular basis.... You also may be wondering if the doctor is judging you, I know I always though what if they get down there and are like "Holy, crap! What the hell is that? Well that one for the text book"..... Truth is, for the most part your crotch looks just about the same as everyone else and the doctor has dealt with everything from stinky crotch, ukkkyyy discharge crotch, shaved, pierced, and tattooed.... Yours will probably be the most normal.... Anyhow, for your own health's sake you need to take your self to the doc to make sure everything is alright..... I find that I prefer a man doctor, but some women perfer women docs.... also take some one with you like a mom or a sister and have them talk to you while the doc is doing the exam..... the exam literally takes all of five minuets and believe me the doc dosent want to sit in front of your crotch all day anymore than you want them there,,,,,, I hope that makes you feel better.

What do Democrats mean when they say they only want to raise taxes on the rich?
Q. Having a general understanding of the way the U.S. economy works, or at least, should work, the generally democratic statement that their party will raise taxes on the rich is illogical, economically.

So that makes me wonder:

Do those people who make that statement not understand economics?


Do they make that statement because they know people who vote democrat don't understand economics and they are deceiving them to achieve their own agenda?

A. I would say it is "because they know people who vote democrat don't understand economics and they are deceiving them to achieve their own agenda."

The reasons behind this?

Without a doubt, the single most difficult fact of public finance to get across to people is the understanding that the burden for the heavy taxation of the wealthy disproportionately falls on the middle class and working poor. People either cannot, or will not recognize it.

Consider the new taxes imposed in the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990. As part of the new taxes imposed by Congress, the law imposed a 10% luxury tax on high ticket items such as private jets and yachts. While many in the working class and the poor cheered because they thought that finally the rich are going to have to pay, they were wrong. The rich did not pay -- everyone else did.

Because the rich believed the tax was unfair they simply refused to pay it. They canceled contracts for new jets and yachts. The bottom line was that ship-builders throughout New England were forced to close down. A great many hard working men and women who worked in these yards were thrown out of work, and subsequently went on public assistance. So who was hurt? The Rich? No. The working class got hurt.

In a post-expenditure analysis the GAO reported that the tax generated about $75 Million, but cost the government about $125 Million from a combination of reduced revenues and increased outlays to take care of the newly unemployed.

There is a simple proposition in taxation policy that (if it were possible) I'd gladly tattoo on the forehead of every single man and woman in government (federal, state and local)


If you overtax corporations -- consumers pay higher prices.
If you overtax the wealthy -- the working class pays.
If you overtax the middle class -- consumer buying dries up.

Unfortunately, Modern tax policy isn't about raising revenues anymore; it's about making sure one's constitutents feel good that "the other guy" is getting stuck with the bill. The answer, of course, is tax equity; but in these days of polarized politics, what should be a policy based on reason and sensibility has degenerated into another blood-sport.

Thanks Jack...

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Is it girly for a guy to get a tattoo of a rose?

Q. I kind of want to do a memorial tattoo for my mom. Her favorite flower was a rose, her tombstone is rose colored, and there are roses planted in front of it.

But I'm worried it might be a little girly. Maybe I should just do something else that's rose colored? I don't really want to choose something from a book because I think it's a little impersonal, so I'm not sure what to do. What do you think?

A. Sorry for the loss of your mother. Take your time, when in grief it's hard to think clearly, don't feel compelled to rush your decision in getting a tattoo.

Did you know the most common tattoo put on by BOTH men & women in the world is the rose? So no I don't think its too "girly." Much will depend on style, colors, size & placement of the design. Too much color tends to look feminine on a guy.

To get the best tattoo-- set up appointments with very experienced artists, at least 3 different ones, for consultations. Make it clear you will pay for their time. Give them what ideas & pictures you are thinking of & then let them come up with design ideas for you.

Once you find an artist you like & their design, move forward. If you are indecisive then hold off for a while & find other ways to honor your mom's memory. Good luck in your research!

Do feminists have more substantive conversations than regular women?
Q. I was trying to eat lunch at work. However, these cackling women were talking to each other about nothing, and they got louder and louder, shrieking and laughing like hyenas. It was unreal. I had to leave.

At that point, I thought that maybe feminists have more serious conversations in a normal tone of voice? The subject matter might be heavy, but I could tolerate that if they are just droning on and not mindlessly making noise.

A. I don't know if they do or not, but I can tell you I'm not the type to purposefully draw attention to myself in the ways you just mentioned. I have a friend who is like that, though...and it's embarrassing (often!) to be out in public with her. Especially if she has any alcohol in her...look out! She's showing everyone the tattoo on her breast, talking loud enough for the dead to hear, laughing like a hyena, etc...she's a great friend, and fun to be with, but let me tell ya, there have been moments when she's made me want to melt right into the floor. One time, we went out on my birthday and had a bit to drink at one of the local was karaoke night. She got a bit "tipsy" and decided to sing me a song. She called everyone's attention to the fact that it was my birthday (embarrassing enough for me), and then drunkenly (and loudly) sang the song dedicated to me: It was Bette Midler's "The Rose".... I've never wanted to disappear so badly in all my!

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What tattoo would symbolizes overcoming rape?

Q. Probably one of the worst experiences of my life - and if I ever get over it, I want to get a tattoo to remind myself that it is in the past. I don't wan't to forget it, it's a huge part of who I am today. I also want to get it somewhere that is hidden because it is not for other people to see, besides my husband, because I am doing this for myself - not as a decoration.

So I need two suggestions - What I should get and where. I don't mind words, but I don't want like an entire verse running down my arm.

A. I am so sorry you went through such a horrible thing. You sound like a strong girl!

Have you thought about getting a lotus and water? I read somewhere that lotus's are special because they come out of muddy murky water to become beautiful flowers. It would symbolize that you overcame the horrible act and now are a strong and beautiful woman. Good luck with everything.

What do you think about women having tattoos?
Q. I don't mean substantially tattooed, just like a couple. Two small wrist tattoos, one on each wrist. Or just tattoos on women in general. ? Thanks.

A. I don't like it when people have one or two small tattoos*, get big custom work or just don't bother.

Properly tattooed women are fantastic. My wife has her sleeves done.

One, significant, personal, piece is different to a f*cking dolphin/star/flower/bird/cherry blossom.

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What do you think of half-sleeve tattoos on women?

Q. I really like them and I'm even considering getting one but I am curious what the general public thinks of women with them? Large tattoos, at least where I live, are typically a male thing.

A. I think that no matter where you go, you'll have some people who love them and some who hate them. I've seen women with them, and I think they look great. Personally, I think it's your body, and you should decorate it any way you please, and be proud of it, regardless of what other people think

What do you think of half-sleeve tattoos on women?
Q. I really like them and I'm even considering getting one but I am curious what the general public thinks of women with them? Large tattoos, at least where I live, are typically a male thing.

A. Tattoos are so tacky.
Tattoos on women should be illegal.
If you get even one tattoo you may as well say goodbye to your femininity and class.
Not to mention they look gross when you get old.

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Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

What is the Sexiest tattoo location on a woman?

Q. What do you think is the sexiest location on the body a woman can have a tattoo. I think tattoos on the small of the back is the sexiest spot.

A. As a woman, I think it`s sexy and pretty to see it in the middle of her lower back, that shows just above low-rise pants.

How are tattoos on the rib cage looked at for men?
Q. So I'm a total tattoo newbie. I'd like to get something in the next year or so and have been thinking about placement. It's a stupid question, but like I know that there are some places on the body that are generally reserved for women, such as the lower back, around the belly button, sometimes the feet, etc. Is the rib cage generally an asexual location? For whatever reason I really like the looks of a rib cage tattoo, especially if they're kind of bigger.

A. I have both my sides, up to my ribs tattooed, I love it haha. And it looks great on guys!! I personally think that spot tattooed on anyone is attractive and awesome! Does hurt though ;]

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Tattoos for scar coverage?

Q. Years ago I used to be a self harmer, the scars left behind arnt as bad as some that I've seen but they are noticeable & it's awkward when people notice, I hate it. So I was thinking of getting a tatto on my left fore arm, kind of like a sleeve but not so full on coverage. What are your opinions, should I go for it or not? Im desperate to cover the scars but I also know that if I didn't have the scars, I probably would never have a tattoo on my arm. X

A. Definitely get it! There's this world famous tattoo artist in Seattle who does a lot of cover up tattoos for various scars, for anything from breast cancer to scars. She's really amazing. I don't know where you live, but I'm sure there are tattoo artists by you that can do a good job. Just make sure they are skilled enough. Anyways, take a look at this woman's on 'portfolio' and then click 'cover ups'. It has both the before and after photos

Tattoos, piercings in Japan?
Q. I've heard something, i don't know what.. i'm hoping someone can tell me here.. that people in Japan look down on people with tattoos???
I of course have both my arms covered in tattoos, and i'm going to japan in a couple of months.... i'm wondering if it's true and why it is, if so!?

And, how about piercings???
Is it popular for people over there to get piercings, as it is here in the west?!

Thank you!!

A. In general, yes, people in Japan do not like tattoos and piercings.

However, as a foreigner, you are sort of excempt from some of that. You're already seen as an outsider, from a different culture. Still, there are plenty of foreigners without them, so why you?

Tattoos are associated with the yakuza (Japanese mafia). It's extremely rare to see a Japanese with a tattoo without some connection to the mafia.

Piercings are for women.

Japan is strange in that some ways it seems almost anti-nature. Just look at the way all the rivers are cemented up. Yet on the other hand, an un-tattooed, un-pierced body is revered.

Why? It just is. I agree with it too. The human body is so beautiful just as it is.

Even from a Western pov, that's all sort of passe. I thought that was supposed to die out along with the Seattle scene (grunge). Nirvana died in 1994.

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Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Should I Try Color Oops, or do you have an idea on what I should do instead?

Q. I could go on for hours about all the havoc my hair's been through in the past year, about. December 2011. I dyed my hair red, then purple, then black, then red again but I looked like Ronald McDonald trying to grow out a goth phase. After re-dying black again, I've decided that maybe going blonde was cool! Wow, big mistake! Alright, burnt the SHIT out of my scalp, first off. Going from black to bleach was terrible. They had to stop the process before my hair fell out and it was an ugly-ass orange color for the longest time. The purple shampoo only did so much for my poor hair.

Roots grew in, so I got them redone. Oh, but it was surprising how my bleach blended with the roots. Well, my friend put bleach on my roots then combed it through once it was good enough, then we kept it for awhile. Once it was washed out, I used blue shampoo and it took out all the orange tint and looked marvelous. I'm serious, it looked amazing.

But my roots came back again, but it wasn't really a big deal because it wasn't too bad...until August of 2012. End of August, I was flipping out because my roots were like, a foot long (not really, my hair wasn't even at my shoulders at that time. It was about...1 1/2 inches long?) and my natural color is this DARK BROWN. So, I had another friend, who said she was good at bleaching and for me to trust her, to do it. Too bad that wasn't a smart idea. My roots were, once again, orange and my scalp was burning to a crisp until I finally washed it out because I couldn't take the pain much longer. She also threw in some blonde box dye for whatever reason and ohmygod why, it was so bad because it was burning my scalp even more. I wash it out and there was a blob of platinum, blob of orange, and not to mention the entire bottom layer of my hair being my natural because my friend forgot to do it. Alright, so I couldn't wear my hair up when I was outside in the boiling sun anymore.

Finally had enough of the terrible color and marched into the salon to get my hair filled back to my natural color, in October of 2012. Hm, too bad I chose too light of a brown. I forgot what my natural color WAS and some of it faded a bit. I've completely given up hope with my hair and just stuck to box dye. At least box dye fades, and my hair doesn't really let much color, if black, stay. I've only went jet black once. But I've dyed my hair black/blue and it just fades back to a blue/green in which I just changed to a black/purple.

But if you completely tl;dr this, at least skim a bit so you know the main idea. What I'm asking is, if I did the "Color Oops" treatment, would it go COMPLETELY back to the natural I've had before touching any dyes, bleaches, or fillers? People are saying yes, but I'm not quite sure. I need to check with someone first, considering I couldn't find any helpful forums.

Believe me, I'm able to pay any price at this state JUST so I can finally see my natural hair again, one day.

Also, I've killed the shit out of my hair during the bleach adventures. The only time it was soft was when the color was even and beautiful. After that, it got all dry again. Even after filling it, my hair randomly falls out and I think it's because of my scalp, but I'm not too sure.

A. I do not recommend hair stripping. You've got more chemicals on your hair than I have in a year!
Hair strippers are chemical treatments which are intended to strip out artificial color pigment with less risk or damage to the hair. The chemicals used are called reducing agents.
Certain 'metal' strippers containing sodium sulphoites are sold for reducing hair dyed with metallic dyes, as these dyes react violently with tint stripper containing hydrogen peroxide-the subsequent reaction may cause so much heat that the hair gets dissolved.

Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps"… 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone."

Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.

Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Hallowe’en party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. It’s made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. It’s well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time.

Google: A 38-year old mother left in a coma after using hair dye. SHE DYED HER HAIR MANY TIMES BEFORE, USING THE SAME BRAND. The British woman who went into coma after a reaction to hair dye has died after a year. Updated 11-25-12. The woman suffered a heart failure, struggled for breath and became unconsciousness. Her family blamed paraphenylenediamine, a chemical found in hair colour. Her family has now called for paraphenylenediamine to be banned from home dye kits. In 2000, a 38-year-old Indian-origin woman from Birmingham, Narinder Devi, died after an allergic reaction to hair dye.

Permanent black hair dye is linked to causing leukemia and lymphomas.

Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.
Vanessa Minnillo Lachey: "I dated a guy once who wanted me to have blonde hair. Clearly, he was the wrong guy for me! I went to a lady who bleached my hair and it literally fell out. So, not only did I go back to my natural hair, I broke up with the guy!"
Another example posted on YA! 8-20-12. Is it just me or does xxl live max blonde make your scalp feel like it on fire? I've recently used a max blonde on my hair and I had to wash it wash off straight away because my scalp felt like it was on fire has this happend to anyone else?

A WOMAN was temporarily blinded when her face swelled up "like a football" following what she told was a severe reaction to hair dye.
Carmen Rowe, 25, from Swansea was hospitalised for three days after using the Clairol 'Nice n' Easy' natural black colour. She said: "I lost my job, all for the sake of a glamorous hairstyle. I just want to warn parents what could happen." She claimed she carried out a skin test 48 hours before using the dye without a problem and has been colouring her hair since she was 13. March 3, 2012.

Example of one who's hair is falling and stopped growing from YA!:
"my hair had been bleached many times and can't grow past a certain length
its also falling out . i stopped bleaching it.
i just need to add lenght! but if i can stop it from falling out..that be great too"

My dad is kicking my sister niece grandmother(his mother) and me out by June?
Q. I know I just recently made a question but things had change since yesterday. Sorry if this is long.

My sister just told me that my dad is going to pretty much kick everybody out of the house. Me, my sister and her 4 year old daughter and my grandmother (my fathers mother) My sister said that he wasnt mad when he told her but she did told me that he was serious this time. Its odd because I ran into my dad at the doctors he wasnt coming from his appointment and I was on my way to go to my appointment. He was all happy and said we shouldve rode together, and all that shit. Now Im hearing this, Im thinking that hes bipolar or something.

Anyways Im 21 turning 22 in March, Im gay Im out to my parents (came out in high school) they didnt accept it but now they just ignore it. My parents are jehovahs witness so I really didnt have much of a childhood. Not celebrating any holidays including your birthday, cant watch rated r movies, cant join the military, cant salute the flag, cant sing patriotic songs or holiday songs, cant sky dive or bunjee jump, cant participate or attend other churches or religions, cant be buddy buddy with non jehovahs witness (you can talk to non JW but cant be really best friends with them) Non JW are deemed "bad association" cant join school clubs or sports teams, cant attend prom and homecoming, cant be gay (even though being gay isnt a choice, you cant "practice" it according to them) no tattoos no piercings (only piercings are for women and just only on ears) Cant really have braids or an afro if youre a guy like me, clothing have to be modest, no drugs, cant smoke etc..

Im currently in community college to continue taking my general ed classes
I work as a cashier at a small grocery store, I get paid $9.50 an hour
I plan to move out of the state in 2014 mid year or at the end of that year! But not so much anymore I have to move out by June and I almost have $6,000 in my savings account.

My dream career is to be a Casting Director but I would like to work in Casting in the Film/TV industry. However, the problem is its hard to get into the entertainment field because its SO competitive, also you dont have a study income and that is very risky and terrifying.
I finally came up with a back up plan and that is to be a UltraSound Technician I like to focus for women who are pregnant, but I dont know if thats the environment for me its more than just seeing. So I dont know what to do for a back up career plan. Im not good at alot of things and I dont know what my talents are, Ive been cooped up in a shell for 21 years, I have NO idea what Im good at for skills or talents. I dont know where to start either. Plus having ADHD-Inattentive, a learning disability plus a mild mixed receptive/expressive language disorder isn't either.

I dont know where to stay I could go live with my other grandmother (maternal) in downtown Chicago, she isnt a jehovahs witness but she doesnt know that Im gay, so Im not sure. I do plan on in June to stay in my car for a little bit so I can save up every dime I can and then move somewhere. I guess I better start on learning about personal finances and taxes and stuff, and my car idk how to change a tire or jump start a car!
For other places I was talking to a guy on youtube for like 4 years now, he is living with roommates in Colorado. But idk if I should move there.

My uncle lives in LA but I dont think he has any room left in his place, plus I heard his wife is a nutcase.

I dont have any friends, I do have aquaintences but I dont want to impose them and their families, its just tacky to me, plus idk if I would feel comfortable either.
My life sucks and its not even 2013 yet this new year is going to be HELL for me!

PS: Hope everybody has a lucky year in 2013
So how can I find out what career I should get into?
After my general ed courses would it be better if I start out taking classes in acting and business for Casting?
I dont know what to do if I stay here in Atlanta I will have a job but no place to stay, if I move into my grandmothers place I wont have a job and it sucks looking for one not know what skills you are good at. Plus its exhausting thinking about if I do have to look for another job if I have to quit my current one.
@Alex ~ A Proclaimer of Truth: Thats right your are an Un Baptized publisher you are new be, a novice so you dont know what they hell you are talking about. Discredit? Thats the truth! Ive been raised and baptized (sadly). Ive been in the religion for 21 years now so I think I know a lot more than you do. How dare you come up here esp on a LGBT section calling my story a little drama episode as a chance to discredit the JW. I dont know you and you dont know me and you dont know what the hell been through so keep your comments to damn self!

A. Well despite this being so long I did read it all. I really can not tell you where to live, its a personal choice and one ONLY YOU can make. But write down all your options and order them from best place to worst place, then ask if you can stay there explaining your situation. You can leave your job and find another one, find something non- specialized and settle in to your new home and work. Make some more saving and keep looking and thinking about what you do in terms of a long term job. That is really all I can say.... get a roof over your head.... get another simple job.... look for a better and long term job... save up money... buy your own place.... live your life. Sounds simple but its going to need hard work, don't loose contact with anyone, you may need them and you should learn about tax and things but do that once you have a job and somewhere to stay.

Really sorry to hear about your situation and hope 2013 will be good for you, sounds like its going to be a big one for you, good luck and all the best ! (I don't usually say that to stranger but your story touched me)

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How bad does a rib cage tattoo hurt?

Q. I'm a chubby girl and I'm planning to get this tattoo on my right rib cage

how bad will it hurt?

A. Tattoos hurt no matter what. Anyone who says they don't is boldface lying. How badly a tattoo hurts varies on person to person. For me for instance, I sat like a champ for my ribs and foot, but cried like a little b**** on my back. When going to get your tattoo, or thinking about one, pain factor should be the LEAST of your concerns. If you want it bad enough, believe me, you'll sit for it. The picture you provided looks like its just ALOT OF BLACK. Which, because of the nature of having to "pack" the color in there, can be legitimately more painful, then lets say, if you were getting a black and grey shaded piece in the same area. Don't worry about how bad it will hurt, if you want it, you'll sit for it.

Here's what you should do: Make an appointment. Don't just go be a "walk-in" for something like your ribs, unless you are (and even if you are) heavily tattooed, there is a certain amount of mental preparation required for what people fail to recogonize is a PROCEDURE.

The day/night before your appointment, make sure you rest. Stock up on plenty of your vitamins, eat well, don't drink or engage in drug use and get a good nights sleep! If you're having a stressful day, it might be in your best interest to reschedule your apointment. I cannot tell you the countless times I have seen customers come in all stressed out from a days work or whatnot who go to sit for a tattoo and simply cannot take it. Mind you, these are customers whom I've watched sit for HOURS on a good day.

If you are a woman, (as I am as well) I HIGHLY reccomend not getting tattooed a week before/during/after your period. I'm telling you, it simply hurts more. Serotonin, the chemical in your brain that deals with things like emotion/hunger/etc also deals with PAIN. During your mentrual cycle, your hormones are all out of whack, affecting neurotransmitters in your brain such as, serotonin. I'm telling you, it just hurts more.

Hope that helped, and good luck on your tattoo!

If i get a tattoo on my rib cage , will it be affected in the future when i become pregnant ?
Q. It will be a quote of about 8 words going diagonally down my rib cage , nothing too big .

When i become pregnant , and get bigg , then small again ,what normally happens ?

A. Any body can be toned back into shape after a pregnancy. I'm sure you've seen imagery out there of women in their 50's that have the bodies of 20 year olds. Haha, as far as tattoos are concerned, depending on *where* you get it on your ribs, you may or may not have problems. (I digress; eventually, a text tattoo will get "old" looking, so you'll need to get it touched up eventually... but that's whether you're pregnant or not).

If your pregnancy does effect it, it would likely stretch the lettering out and make it... "thicker", I guess is the only way I can describe it. Cocoa butter rubbed on your skin on a daily basis will make it easier for the skin to maintain elasticity and it'll help the skin go back to its... "original" pliability after the pregnancy. Of course, you will have to get back to your original weight after having a baby, which for some women, is never an easy task.

I'm trying to say, it doesn't have to turn into an unsightly mess if you don't want it to or if you don't allow it to happen. But you're going to have to work for that result.

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How do you feel about tattoos?

Q. I'm planning on getting a tattoo, (either on my wrist, my shoulder, my hip, or my ankle) but just out of curiosity, how do you feel about tattoos?

And if you ever did choose to get one, where would it be and what would it be of?

Much thanks to anybody who responds!

A. I think you will, and already have, gotten two very different sets of responses from two very different sets of people.
People either love 'em or hate 'em!
The thing is, generations are becoming more and more tattooed as time goes on. I myself have a few, which I love, and plan on getting more. My Mother absolutely hates them, and wishes I still had the "skin and body of a woman" meaning untouched and unaltered. In my opinion, colorful designs pictures and scrolls, are just as beautiful (if not more) than soft flesh, and plain skin. I understand her argument, but just love the art form too much to agree.
Tattoos tell stories, and start conversations. There is no more beautiful form of art, than the art someone chooses to be on them forever and represent them in this permanent form of beauty.
Know what you want, do your research, and fall in love with every tattoo you choose to get. Even someone who doesn't agree with tattooing, can appreciate someone loving their body, and feeling proud of what you do with it!
Happy Tattooing :)

What do women and men think about really pretty girls with tattoos? How does it make them look?
Q. What do you think of really pretty girls with a tattoo, not tons. just 1?

like on her back (not a tramp stamp), ankle, shoulder etc. not in places that are easily seen, nothing bigger than a hand?

A. What is the difference between a "really pretty girl" with tattoos and an appearantly not so pretty girl with tattoos? It's still just a tattoo on a woman. Size, gender, amount and design with obviously offensive intention aside: it makes no difference. She is still who she is, just with a tattoo. I have two tattoos and most people wouldn't expect it from me in a million years. Mine are hidden 99% of the time (along my spine and ankle) so when they are seen I get mixed reactions but really don't care what anyone else thinks because they are for me and me only. Even the horribly nicknamed tramp stamp doesn't change a girl, it's just a tattoo and only makes the stereo types live longer.

-Reading back through, my answer could be taken as pissy but it's not meant to be. Just making a case that there is no reason why anyone should care if a girl has a tattoo.

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Senin, 29 Juli 2013

What is the Sexiest tattoo location on a woman?

Q. What do you think is the sexiest location on the body a woman can have a tattoo. I think tattoos on the small of the back is the sexiest spot.

A. As a woman, I think it`s sexy and pretty to see it in the middle of her lower back, that shows just above low-rise pants.

Anybody know of any good tattoo artists in or around Atlanta?
Q. I need a cover up a tattoo and I don't know what in the world I am going to cover it up with, but I need it to look nice and clean, not trashy. Thank you very much! P.s. maybe there is a site where people rate tattoo artists that I don't know about?

A. I have favorite shops in Atlanta in ORDER

#1. Ink and Dagger. Russ Abbott is AMAZING. He is hard to get an appointment with, but AMAZING nonetheless. Jason Kelley there is also phenomenal. The shop is really nice too.

#2. Memorial Tattoo. Both Locations have outstanding tattooers This is where the BEST artists in Atlanta who don't own their own shops go because the commission rate is good for them. There are some great women working here too if that makes you more comfy.

My favs with memorial here are

Moreland Ave Location - All phenomenal artists. Dave Kruseman just went back here from Ink and Dagger, and he is SO good. <3 He did my back piece. I am not one of these girls who will go to any old tattooer. Not to mention he has great manners. A mega cover-up job for me. it is gorgeous!

Cabbagetown location- Sam Parker is a doll. He has actually done most of my tattoos. He has an art degree also.Wonderfully talented.

#3. Olde School Tattoo in Marietta (i know no one has heard of this one), Brett there is a fabulous young tattooer putting out some of the cleanest work I have ever seen. He obviously needs to update his online portfolio, but I can not recommend him enough. He did a clipper ship on my husbands chest for half of the price my guys would have, and it is FLAWLESS. Shop is nice.I wouldn't get tattooed by the owner though.

4. Liberty Tattoo on Ponce - Great Traditional stuff coming out of here. Chris who works here is a great tattooer. He did a virgin mary cover-up on my BFF. Looks great! Nice Shop!

Thats probably about it in the Atlanta area. A lot of people really like All or Nothing. I don't like the attitude that those people have though.

Nikki at Rocket Salon in Athens RETIRED! Boo. She was one of my best too.

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What do you think of tattoos on one's neck and face?

Q. I am starting to see more and more young men and women who have tattoos on their neck and face. I also see many with tattoos on their hands. I asked one guy who had many visible tattoos and he told me if you liked tattoos why hide them. So many people seem to be high on tattoos but feel a need to hide them. If they are beautiful why not put them on their face, neck and hands for everyone to see. What do you think?

A. i don't think they should be hidden. on the face and neck it depends. I've seen a lot of people, mainly Latino men with tattoos on their neck. i think its fine, it its something meaningful. like their mother's or child's name. I'm not a big fan of face tattoos but on some people they just work, like Kat Von D's stars...they look incredible and I think Mike Tyson just looks stupid. When I get more I'm going to be showing them off all the time. Right now, I have 3 little stars behind my right ear. I would be showing them off a lot more if they still looked like stars, I'm going to be getting them fixed soon and have three more behind my other ear. I'm also going to be getting a trinity knot on my back so when I wear dresses it will show and look really good. I also plan to have a L on one wrist and an M on the other for my grandparents. As well as a few others, one somewhere on my back for my cats.

What is the significance of having a small tattoo on the hand in the area between the thumb and index finger?
Q. I work with an older woman who has a very small roundish tattoo on the side of her hand. I've never gotten a close up look but I could swear I'd seen that before somewhere else. I want to say it signifies something but I can't for the life of me remember. Anyone know what it means? I would ask the woman but from what I can tell she's a fairly private woman and I wouldn't want to offend anyone.

A. Hold ur head high , Walk up to her , smile, and speak with respect
and with purpose in your voice. The old are always willing to teach
the young . If she is Jewish , it may be from the German prison .
YOU GO GIRL . You won't offend her if u ask about her tattoo.
HEY if by chance you do ,,,,,, She is not a woman but a bit$h .
I don't think she really is. Never be shy in life . Do u hear me ????

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Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

What is the name of the Indian jewelry worn in the hair by women?

Q. I've seen when Indian women are dressed up formally, they wear red henna tattoos on their hands, bindi on their foreheads, lots of jewelry, and sari dresses. However, I don't know the name of the nice jewelry decoration that hangs from their hair down to their foreheads.

A. its has lots of names like Mang Tikka, headpiece, jhoomer,.. i hope this is the jewlery you are talking about.

What do you think about tattoos on women?
Q. Im getting a tattoo about the size of a hand on my back. its a poem representing love and the deceased. its going on the upper back in btw my shoulder blades just below the neck. and if you make a "V" with your hand and look at it picture the words in there and thats the strusture so it will fit into my back b/c it is pretty toned and defined.

what do you think? and what do you think about women with tattoos in general?

A. generally, i dont aprove of tattoos because, when you think about it, in say 70 years the tatoo is going to be faded and saggy and chances are you will regret it. however, this tattoo has an actually meaning to you and i think that it will always remind you of your dead loved one. i say go for it, and im sorry for you loss.

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Can you breastfeed after having your nipples pierced?

Q. I had my nipples pierced about three months ago, and my fianci and I want to start a family after the wedding, but I want to breastfeed still. Can I still breastfeed with my new body jewelry?

Is there breastfeeding after nipple piercing? The BREASTFEEDING ANSWER BOOK asserts that there is no evidence to show nipple piercing has any effect on a woman's ability to breastfeed. Self-proclaimed "Hip Mama" Arid Gore agrees. In her book, The Hip Mama Survival Guide, Gore offers suggestions for pierced breastfeeding mothers. "Remove nipple rings and seek advice from a reputable organization like La Leche League for help and support with breastfeeding."

Mita Saldana, a professional body piercer with the Chicago-based studio, Body Basics, says she's pierced many nipples and has never had a complaint about problems with breastfeeding. Many of Saldana's clients are also friends. This affords her a unique vantage point from which to observe these women from the moment of a piercing, through the healing process, to life with a pierced nipple. One of Saldana's clients, a piercer herself, had her nipples pierced and went on to breastfeed. "She had no problems." said Saldana. Most nipples are pierced horizontally though some clients prefer a vertical piercing. Horizontal piercing seems better suited for breastfeeding according to Elisabeth Speller, an Australian lactation consultant.

Breastfeeding has been around since the dawn of time: body modification also has a long history. Some of the body piercing dates back to 1400 BC. Throughout history women and men have pierced their nipples for religious or spiritual reasons, beautification, decoration, protection, social rank or status. Today, according to many sources, nipple piercing seems to have two primary functions, beautification and sexual stimulation. "The piercing of the nipple is sensual, attractive and often encourages the nipple to become larger, more pronounced and more sensitive," according to Gauntlet, Inc. a professional piercing service with studios in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles, USA.

Tom Rael, a professional piercer and tattoo artist with Addictive Ink in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA says different piercings serve different functions. "Usually those that are visible are for decoration, shock value, or to make a personal statement. Those that are not visible, such as genital and nipple piercing, are generally for sexual gratification.”

Nothing in life, nipple piercing included, is without risk. A piercer from a southwestern USA tattoo parlor who wishes to remain nameless says. "No one will pierce a pregnant woman. What she feels the baby feels. It's just not a good time." An apprentice piercer of two years declares, "It's a trauma to get pierced and no one wants to traumatize the fetus or the mother." Other professional piercers agree. They will not pierce a pregnant woman and recommend against piercing while breastfeeding. Mita Saldana goes a step further and recommends piercing at least a year before becoming pregnant. The average healing time for nipples is three to six months. For some people healing may take longer. Saldana feels that a year before pregnancy gives a woman's body ample opportunity to heal.
There is no evidence that pierced nipples will affect your ability to breastfeed. Your breasts will still produce adequate milk for your baby, and unless your body rejected the piercing right after you had it done, there is no reason to anticipate any additional problems with infection. Horizontal piercings are more common than vertical, and seem to be more compatible with nursing.
You will need to remove the jewelry when you nurse. Leaving it can cause problems. It will be difficult for your baby to form the nipple and press it against the roof of his mouth if there is a piece of metal in the way. Latching on correctly at the breast is a skill that newborn babies have to learn, and it can take awhile for them to get the hang of it even with an un-pierced nipple. While it may be possible for him to latch onto a nipple with jewelry in it, it will make it more difficult for him, and may cause pain as the ring presses against the soft tissue of his tongue and palate. Healthy babies are born with a very strong suck, and it's entirely possible that the ring could dislodge while he's nursing and he might choke on it.
It would be best for you to remove the rings completely for the first few weeks of nursing. Newborn babies nurse a lot (10-12 times or more in 24 hours) and it would be a hassle to keep taking them in and out that often.
Once your milk supply is established and your baby isn't nursing as often, you can replace the rings between feedings if you want to. I can't guarantee that the holes won't grow back together in that time, but if you replace the jewelry once a day and then take it out, that should help keep the holes open.
It can take about three to six months after piercing for the hole to heal completely. It is recommended that you not remove the rings for six to t

What's the significance of that painting? The one of a farmer with pitch fork and his wife looking at him?
Q. What's it called and what's its significance?
I have the feeling its iconic in some way. If yes than what?

A. American Gothic
by Grant Wood, 1930
Oil on beaverboard
74.3 × 62.4 cm, 29¼ × 24½ in
Art Institute of Chicago

This painting of a stern-visaged, tight-lipped, nineteenth-century country couple posed in front of their pristine farmhouse has become not only one of the most reproduced images in American popular culture, it has also virtually become emblematic of the moral fiber and simple virtues for which America is said to stand. Painted by Grant Wood in 1930, American Gothic has been interpreted both as homage to the artist's Midwestern roots and as slyly witty commentary on American "family values." After winning an important prize in 1930, American Gothic quickly became, as Robert Hughes notes, "Along with the Mona Lisa and Whistler's Mother … one of the three paintings that every American knows…. One index of its fame is the number of variations run on it by cartoonists, illustrators, and advertisers…. The couple in front of the house have become preppies, yuppies, hippies, Weathermen, pot growers, Ku Klux Klaners, jocks, operagoers, the Johnsons, the Reagans, the Carters, the Fords, the Nixons, the Clintons, and George Wallace with an elderly black lady." In the visual culture of the millennium, American Gothic remains the most potent and pervasive symbol of America's heartland mythology, as witnessed by its perpetual permeation into all areas of popular culture.

In 1930, Grant Wood, an American painter with European training, noticed a small white house built in Carpenter Gothic architecture in Eldon, Iowa. Wood decided to paint the house along with "the kind of people I fancied should live in that house." He recruited his sister Nan to model the woman, dressing her in a colonial print apron mimicking 19th century Americana. The man is modeled on Wood's dentist, Dr. Byron McKeeby of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Wood entered the painting in a competition at the Art Institute of Chicago. The judges deemed it a "comic valentine," but a museum patron convinced them to award the painting the third medal and $300 cash prize. The patron also convinced the Art Institute to buy the painting, where it remains today. The image soon began to be reproduced in newspapers, first by the Chicago Evening Post and then in New York, Boston, Kansas City, and Indianapolis. However, Wood received a backlash when the image finally appeared in the Cedar Rapids Gazette. Iowans were furious at their depiction as "pinched, grim-faced, puritanical Bible-thumpers". One farmwife threatened to bite Wood's ear off. Wood protested that he had not painted a caricature of Iowans but a depiction of Americans.

Art critics who had favorable opinions about the painting, such as Gertrude Stein and Christopher Morley, also assumed the painting was meant to be a satire of rural small-town life. It was thus seen as part of the trend towards increasingly critical depictions of rural America, along the lines of Sherwood Anderson's 1919 Winesburg, Ohio, Sinclair Lewis' 1920 Main Street, and Carl Van Vechten's The Tattooed Countess in literature. However, with the onset of the Great Depression, the painting came to be seen as a depiction of steadfast American pioneer spirit.

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