Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014


Q. I'm 15 and my step mom said i can get a tattoo when i turn 16 which is jan 6th. What should my first tattoo be a tramp stamp or like a little star or something? If you have any suggestions plz write them down & try to put a picture lol thank you!!!!!!!

A. First, don't let anyone sway your opinion on if you want a lower back tattoo. They were around long before the term "tramp stamp" was invented, and they'll be around long after people ask "what's a tramp stamp?". If that's what you want, then go for it!

Second, seeing as to how tattoos are forever, make it something meaningful, or something that you will enjoy for the rest of your life. Remember that likes and dislikes will change a lot over your life (especially in the next 5 years of your life), so when you make your decision, make sure that it won't be something you'll hate later on in life, such as lyrics from a band you can't remember 20 years from now ^_~ (however, if it's meaningful lyrics, or from your 'all time favorite band', then consider it [ex: I would be happy with the lyrics from Metallica's Fade to Black, but I'd kick myself if I had Vanilla Ice's Ice Ice Baby]).

Likewise, if you choose some picture of some sort, unless you plan to have a 'child-like playfulness' about you your entire life, I would avoid any sort of child-like imagery (if fate should have it that, at 80, you're a bitter old woman, you will hate the lollipop tattoo on your ankle), or conversely, anything too 'extreme' from your 'average self' (if at 80 you're a kid-at-heart, the tattoo that reminds you to take the "safe route" might become too stuffy for you).

For something meaningful, consider your own personality traits. If you think of yourself as being courageous, pick a lion. If you're cute, pick a puppy or a ribbon. If you love stargazing, pick celestial figures. If you're religious, pick your favorite passage from your (insert appropriate book here), or an icon from your favorite story. If you take pride in your heritage, pick a pattern based off that heritage... and so on.

If you want something purely artistic but simple, some suggestions: a shower of stars, a rainbow ending in a cloud, butterflies (consider natural butterflies as well, as they are just as vivid in nature as our own imaginations), frogs, geckos, vines, flowers, leaves, small birds, owls, or smiley face with "Have A Nice Day" (or maybe a pirate happy face with "Have A Piratey Day, ARRR!", or some other theme like that).

Most tattoo shops will have flash (common tattoo images) on their walls for you to look at, so if no ideas here satisfy what you want, check out their flash, and see if you can't work with your artist to come up with something that's "uniquely you".

Tattoo Artist Help Please?
Q. I want to get a small tattoo on my foot, but I have a few questions about it.

1. I have heard foot tattoos can smudge-is this true and how much?
2. What are the chances of the tattoo getting smudged or anything?-is this during the healing process or forever?
3. How long is the healing process?
4. How long will the tattoo take to do-it will be like 1 in wide and 3 in long
5. Does it hurt-alot?
6. Do you recommend it on the foot why or why not?
7. I have heard you can't wear shoes or socks during the healing process-is this true? What happens if you do?
8. Will I scar from the tattoo needle? I have very sensitive skin and scar from everything
9. Will it need to be touched up in the future-how often?
10. Will it fade at all?
11. Any other tattoo advice would be greatly appreciated!!! This will be my first tattoo and I plan on getting it around next September

These pictures are about where I want my tattoo (just in case you need to know), but these are not the ones I want. Thanks again and Happy Holidays! :)
Thank you to everyone who answered you all were extremely helpful!!!!!!! :)

A. Smudge? Tattoos anywhere on the body lose their sharpness, especially very small tattoos. Detail will be lost. For instance, good tattoo artists won't do small text because it will run together into a blurb. you can't help that, it's your body's natural aging process. Otherwise, the tattoo can 'blow out' where the lines can look like they've strayed from the original design. Usually a result of a very heavy handed artist.
A small tattoo of that size, probably an hour, your feet do hurt because of the bones and nerves in that area. Not a lot of skin and fat = pain. Typical healing time is about three weeks (for the initial process, complete healing time can be up to two months on a foot, which is why swimming and sunning are on the no no list for that long, then wearing sunscreen, while the top layer of skin regrows after peeling), though foot tattoos tend to hurt for longer during the healing process because the artist is putting an open wound on you, you don't realize how often you use a limb until you have something painful on it. As long as you stay to the upper side of the foot, you should be ok location wise, your foot regrows skin at a faster rate than other spots of the body because of the wear and tear it sees. So getting it lower where callouses are can be horrible for tattoos fading quickly or ink not sticking well.
Inevitably you're going to wear something on your feet. If you can schedule the tattoo before a weekend where you can leave it mostly uncovered for the first few days, it'd be great. You can wear cotton or a breathable sock, you want the ink to get air to heal. Shoes, try to keep them loose and kick em off when you can. If worst comes to worst, the sock might stick to the tattoo, if it doesn't come off easily after you apply water to gently remove it, you might need minor touch ups.

A tattoo is a scar. In a worst case scenario, you might end up with a keloid type scar. They're common around piercings but if you've ever had anything like them before, you might want to really think about the tattoo. Otherwise, the tattoo won't scar beyond where the ink is applied unless you get an infection.
With today's inks and applications, most tattoos can go years without a touch up, but your feet might need them a bit more often if you're a fan of flip flops or similar shoes where the tattoo is going to see a lot of sun, or if you like cramming your feet in heels or other tight fitting shoes, they can effect how often you're going to get a touch up. Tattoos do fade. It's inevitable. It's up to your aftercare that's going to effect it and how often you'd need touch ups to refresh it. Lots of sun or abrasive shoes can certainly do damage to a tattoo.

You've left yourself plenty of time to plan, so be sure to pick out an artist you're comfortable with and ask them for aftercare advice. A lot of shops put up aftercare on their websites now so people can be prepared with the right lotions and such before they get their tattoo (I can't recall how many times I've had to run out after getting a tattoo cause I forgot to plan ahead of time). Some have different tips and tricks to make things easier for you and that can give you the time before the tattoo to pick up anything that can be beneficial to having at home before you get inked (like an ice pack if it gets too sore).

Otherwise, eat right before you go in to get your tattoo, drink something sugary, fuel helps your body tolerate the new wound Be sure to ask your artist what their aftercare is, they should be able to give you concise washing directions (typically 2-3 times a day with a mild soap, pat dry with a clean paper towel, apply thin layers of lotion, something scent free and dye free like lubriderm, etc) and other info so if you do need a touch up, they can rest assured you didn't try some off the wall healing process either. :) Have fun and happy holidays to you!

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GUYS(that like tattoos on their women)-where to put it?

Q. three choices.. upper right on the back of my shoulder, hip bone, or side.. or all of em?

A. Underarm where I can't see it....or...

one like this:

I don't know where to put my tattoo ?
Q. So I'm turning 18 in a few months and wanted to get a dragonfly. I want it because it represents maturity, peace, and renewal. I just dong know where to put it....any ideas?

A. I think you should put it some place sensual but easily hidden...Someone mentioned the shoulder..another popular place women are putting there tattoos is the lower than you underarm but above your hip bone, even just above the hip bone..that way it's hot to show off but easily hidden.

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Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

Strength Quotes for Tattoos?

Q. I live with my Nana, (grandma) taking care of her. She has a lung disease, and many other medical problems. Seeing her go through all of that, I want to get a tattoo honoring her. Nothing with her name, just down to earth quote. I plan on putting it under my left arm on my ribs, so nothing to lengthy.

A. sorry to hear about your grandma im sure shes a strong woman :)
my favourite quote is "kites rise highest against the wind"
has to much meaning behind it but not sure it honours your grandma

Help with inner strength tattoo ideas.?
Q. I'm getting this tattoo for my mom because she's been through so much and she's the strongest woman I know. So far, on my shoulder, I'm thinking of using the quote "let your joy scream across the pain" and some birds flying across my shoulder. But I want more detail. Help?

A. In the tattoo world, the tattoo for inner strength is the black panther.

The black panther is the largest and most ferocious cat of the Americas, pound for pound more fierce and dangerous than: the tiger, the lion or the leopard. The panther is at the pinnacle of the food chain in the Americas. Wherever this feline is found, it's revered for its strength, valor and power. Also for its maternal gentleness. As a tattoo motif, the panther makes a powerful statement about the person who chooses it, for it is a symbol of courage, strength and personal leadership.

For your tattoo, first you need to place lettering in a flat spot that doesn't move or the lettering will distort. Since the lettering is so long the only place it will fit is the chest.

I would under arch the lettering on the chest from shoulder to shoulder. In the space in between, I would place a black panther head. Your tattoo would look fabulous and become instant classic.

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What tattoo should i get?

Q. Hey so i got 5 tattoos and i want another one but not too big because i am getting married next year and i am already engaged, here are my tattoos this is not me in the pics they are just the same tattoos i have .... The 2nd one...... the 3rd one the 4th one the last one
So now that you saw them here is what im thinking of getting or however i want you to paste a link for a tattoo you like so i can get thanks


hope i could help

how much would this tattoo cost and hurt?
Q. i want to get this tattooed on my arm. full background and everything. from the top of my arm to about inch above my elbow. not all around my arm just front side.
please dont say the oh dont get one bullshit please. im from boston and love the red sox to death. its not something il regret

A. I answer these questions related to pain in the same way every time.

The pain in different places differs from person to person, pain threshold does have a lot of input but, for example, my chest tattoo didn't hurt at all, where as some people I know said their chest tattoo hurt a lot!

Anyway, here's a basic pain level chart I always reffer people to.

Pain level 1
These include the upper arm, forearm, calf, Bum, and Thigh. For a 1st tattoo these are great points to begin your inked journey.

Pain level 2
These include the centre back, front / side of thighs and shoulders. This is also not too bad a start for your first tattoo. The shoulders and central back region can be area that require quite a lot of movement. The skin on these areas is much looser meaning it takes longer to tattoo and also longer to heal. On areas that have lots of movement such as these, require more care once a tattoo is completed. Due to the thigh area being quite a dense muscle mass and also quite tight skin, it may tend to bruise the day after.

Pain level 3
These include the knees, elbows, hands, head, neck, feet, chest and back of thighs. Beginners beware of starting at these areas. You would need to be determined to have tattoos here as the high sensitivity would require a lot of mental focus to get you through. The poor quality of skin on both the knees and elbows will result in a very slow tattoo process and nerves are very close to the surface in these areas. This could result in the tattooing being unbearable for any length of time for some people. As with the orange areas these tend to be high movement areas and will require a longer healing timescale. You may find that to achieve a good solid colour, you may have to repeat the tattoo process on these areas. As a side note the chest area on men can be much more sensitive to pain than a woman, yet due to the tighter skin on a male, the tattoo can be completed quicker.

Pain level 4 (OWCHIE!)
Areas include hips, ribcage, stomach, back of knees, armpit, inside of elbow, nipples, lips, inside of thighs and genitals. Are you really sure you want to get that tattoo? As these areas can elicit crying, half finished tattoos or even the customer passing out. This could just be more than you may be able to handle. All of these purple areas are considered by most to be the most painful areas to be tattooed. The stretchy or thin skin over bone are slow to tattoo, some of these may require multiple sessions to achieve solid colour and smooth shading. Healing can be just as painful as receiving the tattoo and may require a few days off from your regular activities.


�Women are your more sensitive the week prior to and during your cycle. Plan around those dates to have the best experience possible when getting your tattoo.
�Use lotion everyday on the area to be tattooed at least 1 week prior for healthier skin and better results.
�Do not go out in the sun at least one week prior to being tattooed (including tanning beds) This drys the skin and if peeling occurs could damage the tattoo.
�Consider what you will wear for 2 weeks while healing if your tattoo is in an area like the foot, waist, shoulders or chest. Shoes, waistbands, belts, underwear, and bras can all damage tattoos if you do not plan ahead. Find comfortable clothing that will not touch or rub during this time.
�Always eat a good meal before being tattooed and drink plenty of fluids.
�Be sure to get a good nights rest before your appointment.
�Ask what kind of aftercare products you will need when you set up to get your tattoo.
�Mention any allergies you may have, pigments, dyes, perfumes.
�Some medication may thin your blood, check with your doctor before being tattooed.
�Anyone with an autoimmune disorder needs to check with their doctor and should bring a note to be tattooed.

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Half sleeve tattoo on women?

Q. So my questions is I want to know people's opinion on women with half sleeve tattoos? I also wanna know how a women with a half sleeve feels about their tattoo after getting it and especially when you got older or became a parent? And how you feel at professional or fancy events?

A. I have had NO issues with being judged or looked at in a negative way. I got my first tattoo in 1993 and will be getting my eleventh the end of this month and number twelve in July. As the lady below mentioned, I am not uneducated trailer trash. I am a college graduate and I live in an upper middle class neighborhood. I have a 15 year old and a 2 year old and if I have to go to a function or meeting at my daughters school I always make sure I am dressed professionally and wear conservative clothing. I'm fortunate enough to live in the DC area, so there are a lot of different people and everyone is pretty open minded. I personally feel that a beautifully excuted tattoo sleeve or half sleeve can be gorgeous. I wouldn't change any of my tattoos, and if you are less than 100% sure you want it, don't do it! If you truly believe that you can live with them for the rest of you life, then go for it.

What do you think of half-sleeve tattoos on women?
Q. I really like them and I'm even considering getting one but I am curious what the general public thinks of women with them? Large tattoos, at least where I live, are typically a male thing.

A. I think that no matter where you go, you'll have some people who love them and some who hate them. I've seen women with them, and I think they look great. Personally, I think it's your body, and you should decorate it any way you please, and be proud of it, regardless of what other people think

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I want to be a tattoo artist, how?

Q. I am currently going to school to work as a designer in the video game industry. However I have been struggling with my classes in 3D and I have recently discovered the art of tattooing. I have two tattoos myself, both of which are of my own design. I would be very interested to pursue a career in tattoo, but I do not how now to go about doing this or if I would even be received well being a woman in a field dominated by men�

A. I have four tattoos. My ex fiancee was a tattoo artist too, though he was freelance and used what you would call "jailhouse" style. I don't think you'll have a problem as a woman pursuing this, I know of quite a few women artists and I was interested at one time myself.. Personally, I think to be a great tattoo artist you should have talent and passion.. but then again, they have books for people to pick the design they want and those are basically stencils. But you said you have two of your own design, so you must have it! That makes a real tattoo artist. I've heard of some tattoo academies but I think there are other ways to get that certificate or license, whatever it is.. Being an APPRENTICE should be your first step.. find a good shop that you like and feel you'll get along with the person or people who work there. Maybe your apprenticeship will turn into a job. Good luck and be safe..

Does anybody remember this game?
Q. its a internet game. it was about a girl going out with this guy who wants to be musician but has a problem with being a practical joker. one guy was meant to be gay in it as well. i really don't remember the site or game. it had a tattoo parlor in it and had something called the coffee bean, a women called Sarah worked there.

A. Wow. How do you remember all of those details, but not the name of the game >.<
Sorry, never heard of it, but it sounds fun...

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Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Can someone help me with some tattoo questions/concerns?

Q. I am looking to get a tattoo for my birthday in a few months and I am hoping someone can help me with a few questions and concerns.

I know that some tattoos are a bit pricy considering the size and location on the body. The one I want it fairly small, smaller than my fist and I want it on my ankle. It also contains several colors. I have heard that the more colors in your tattoo the more expensive it is. But I have also heard that this is false.

First question; based on the size and location of this tattoo how much pain should I expect?
Second question; what would be a good amount of money to save before going to get the tattoo (I know quotes change by day so I'm not really expecting to get a decent quote from a parlor)?
Third question; is it true that it's more expensive for colored tattoos?

I also am concerned that the tattoo will fade in color later in life. Does this happen, and if it does, what can I do to prevent it? And of course there is the standard concern of the tattoo getting infected.

Here is a picture of the tattoo I want. It's the heart one (I am clarifying as there are two tattoos on the woman in this picture.)

A. Hi! Well, I have three tattoos. One on my ribs, one on the side of my hip and another on the inside of my ankle. I'm telling you this because I have a point - I promise. Taking each 'pain' of all three tattoos didn't measure up to the pain I had when I got my tragus pierced. When I got my tragus I wanted to cry. For the tattoos I almost fell asleep.

Anyway, everyone has a different pain tolerance, what might hurt me might not hurt you and vice versa. The ankle IS a boney area so you will experience some discomfort. To me the outlining hurts the worse than the shading but I've heard for most people the shading hurts worse.

I would save a good bit amount, granted I don't know the pricing where you're located but looking at the tattoo it does look like it would cost a pretty penny considering it does have a lot of dimension in it.

Around here where I live (Louisiana) generally speaking colored tattoos that have more than two do tend to cost a bit more than just black tattoos. And like I said before, since your tattoo will have a bit more depth in it, the price will raise.

Coloring does fade BUT if the tattoo artist uses good quality ink, you should be on the safe side. My tattoo artist (who happens to be my uncle) used this new Japanese ink and the colors are fricken vibrant as hell. I have pink, orange and blue and I've had this tattoo for almost 4 years now and it's still as bright as it was the day I got it. The things you can do to prevent is keep it out of direct sunlight. AFTER it has healed, use sunblock on it because the sun will drain the color out and if you go into a tanning bed, cover it up.

Like I previously said, I have three tattoos none of them got infected but then again everyone is different. Just keep it clean, and do as your tattoo artist tells you. After I got my tattoo done on my heel my uncle had told me whenever I leave my house put a bandaid on my tattoo because if I don't the dirt from the ground kicking up will get into it but make sure it's an actual bandaid not a gause.

Also, please PLEASE PLEASE make sure the tattoo artist you're going to is a GOOD one who does good work and uses clean things. I'm not saying this being I'm thinking you wouldn't other wise but I just feel like I need to stress this because my uncle is a tattoo artist and I've seen horror stories coming in the shops and it's just awful.

I hope I helped some, good luck!

do you still find a woman with a tattoo sexy?
Q. if so, what location on the body makes it more sexy

A. I have seen plenty of women naked

the ones with no tattoos look better to me

I have never seen a tattoo that was over 5 years old that still looked good

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Why women need tattoos?

Q. I don't know why women today become so obsessed with having tattoos on their bodies? Thank god my girlfriend doesnt believe in that stuff. All I hear is how woman are trying to express themselves. EXPRESS THEMSELVES WITH WHAT???? I never hear anything in the news media such as newspapers or television that "women with putting tatttos on their body have done a great deal for society or improved our world problems or won some kind of noble prize." Sometimes they like to fight back that even though they are having tattoos that they have succesful careers and MBA degrees and all. I personally have an MBA degree and have a successful career and I dont have tattoos on my body. My girlfriend the same way. She has a masters degree and has a great job. Tattoos are a waste of money. Maybe people should spend their money wisely and not on stupidity. Maybe our economy would pick up then. Please give your opinion on this.

A. Why is it any different to men having tattoos?
Tattoos are a way of expressing your beliefs and loves. It's meaningful because they last forever; you're showing that you like something so much you want to have it on your skin for the rest of your life. It's a big statement.
Some people of course get them just because they look cool, of course, but not everyone is the same.
I'm a woman, I have a symbol from egyptian mythology tattoed on my left hip that represents healing and power. I'm into my third year of university, and will graduate in 9 months. Of course having tattoos doesn't improve your chances of having a successful career or whatnot! They argue that because they mean having tattoos hasn't stopped them from being what they are.

Women with lower hip tattoos before and after pregnancy?
Q. My fiance and i are getting married this summer, and plan on having kids together sometime. I am a pretty small naturally, work to keep my body in shape by eating healthy foods (vegetarian) and excercising, but i know that once pregnancy hits, i might not be so lucky!

I already have two tatoos, both are in areas that will not stretch when pregnant. I am getting a tattoo next month, already have the design planned out, but just wanted to get some feedback from women who have had tattoos BEFORE pregnancy.
The tattoo is going to be on my hip, not where most females get them on the hip bone, but fairly low, where the leg meets the hip, next to the pubic region.
so my question is, how many women have gotten a tattoo in this location, and how far down did your stretch marks appear during pregnancy?

any helpful, mature, comments and advice from personal experiences would be appreciated!

thank you in advance!!

A. I have a small tattoo in a similar location to where you want yours and I am 35-almost 36 weeks pregnant. I have had no stretch marks in that area at all, just a few little ones around my belly button.
I think you will be fine, but when you do get pregnant I recommend Earth Mama Angel Baby stretch oil:
It's a little pricey, but it lasts throughout the pregnancy.

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Respect women tattoo..?

Q. Hiyarr (:
I'm a 17 male and I'm getting a tattoo soon, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for one,
I want something that means something to me and I want it to be in some way about respecting women? and just stuff about there not just for sex, relationships are a 2-way thing etc..

Thanks for reading, much appreciated =] x

A. Love is respect
I've personally never seen this. But I love that your getting a tattoo that deals with respect towards women.

Tattoo ideas for woman's breasts?
Q. I wanted some ideas for covering a woman's breasts, that would not be tacky.
I actually want serious answers because I need some inspiration.
I already have my chest (from collar bone to top of breasts) tattooed.

A. I am a very heavily tattooed woman, and love all of my artwork. However, I refuse to tattoo the intimate parts of my body. I will not tattoo my breasts, crotch, butt, neck, or face. There are just certain parts of the body that should be left untouched by tattooing. I say choose a less intimate spot for your tattoo, a spot that is sexy, but doesn't cover one of God's greatest gifts to women (and men!!!).

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Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

I am thinking about tattooing my private parts but I need answers1st?

Q. Women would you find it strange for a man to have a tattoo there. For someone who has had it done. Can you get it while you are soft or do you have to be hard. Does it hurt and how long after do you have to wait to have sex and what are womens reactions to it ?I have to watch how I word this question because the yahoo police keep scratching this question. I think I am flying under their radar now though

A. get the biggest one that'll fit. women love it. make sure you find one of them big burley biker guys to do it for you. and yeah. its gotta be hard. haha. good luck.

How can some people put Tattoo or Pierce their sexual parts?
Q. i have seen some pictures of both men and women putting tattoos on their reproductive system and the even pierce it, i dont get it doesnt it hurt??? and what is the use of such a thing?? and there r consequences for such acts right?

and thanks

A. They probably does hurt while they are being done, but the pain goes away. As for why, that depends on the person every one has different reasons for getting their private parts tattooed or pierced. Some people just like the way it feels, some say it enhances the way intercourse or oral sex.

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Your opinion of a girl with a tattoo..?

Q. What do you think of a girl with a tattoo?

I'm keen on getting a small tulip on my shoulderblade..

A. I recommend to men that they stay away from a woman with any tattoo, anywhere. I could say the same thing to women about men with tattoos. Tattoos mean trouble. Tattoos are a huge "red flag" that means one or more of the following:
"I am a misfit"
"I will cause you big problems",
"Get to know me and you will regret it"
"I am immature",
"I am needy",
�I am foolish�,
�I am shallow�
�I make bad decisions�,
�I have no sense of right and wrong,�
�I follow fads�,
�I am unemployable�,
"I have been to prison",
"I belong to a criminal gang",
"I am promiscuous",
"I work in the sex-services industry",
"I can not sustain a long term relationship".
�I will fail in my life�
A tattoo is little better than a cartoon�you can�t get a good quality drawing on the human skin. It will deface your body like ugly graffiti defaces a public building. I strongly suggest that you do not get a tattoo. There is a big cost to getting a tattoo, and it is far more than wasted money. The true cost of a tattoo is a lifetime of regret. Most regret it within 5 years. There is an 80% chance you will regret it in your lifetime. The regret starts after you start to notice how people react to you. Many people will look at you with disgust, for tattoos are offensive to many, many people. Your chances of getting a good job will be greatly diminished�most companies will not hire you since your tattoo will be seen as offensive to other workers. The majority of western people get tattooed when young and their decision making process is not yet matured. Youth tends to be impulsive. Young people are still developing and they need to be very careful in making important, permanent decisions. The reasons young people get tattooed are not mature (i.e. they want people to notice them, they want to pretentiously �honor� someone in a way that will attract notice, they want to pretentiously present some �deep� quotation on their skin in the hope that people will think they too are �deep�, they are rebelling against their parents or society, they are conforming to what they think are social norms, they are unable to see ahead and view the negative results of their actions, etc.) If you want to see the true level of cultural development for tattoos and other body modifications, look at this video: . In a large sense, nothing illustrates the degeneration of western culture more than the entertainment industry encouraging impulsive youth to permanently disfigure themselves in order to �express themselves�. But such is the power of suggestion that more and more young people are buying into this Hollywood lie that tattoos are a cutting edge way to �express� yourself. But that is so not true. You should express yourself with your words and actions, not by inking graffiti onto your living flesh. Good luck to you in your life. But do not get tattooed. Tattoos are permanent. You can not take them back. There are so many questions on this board about how to remove unwanted tattoos. Pay attention to them. They are there for a reason: People do not want to keep their tattoos. One day you will wish you had never gotten your tattoo(s) and will start to ask how you can get rid of them. Be smart and do not put yourself in this position.

Why do women go bananas over musicians and rock stars???
Q. Like take this music video:

All the girls are going crazy and holding up signs. If I get my lip pierced and get tattoos, will i become a chick magnet as well ?

A. Girls and boys are immature. When they become women and men, they give up being that way.

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would my tattoo stretch?

Q. Would a tattoo right below the belly button go back to normal after having a baby? If not, does anyone have pictures? I'm not planning on having children anytime soon, just thinking bout the future. The tattoo would be a quote.

A. Yes, the tattoo would stretch. Would it go back to normal? Hard to say, but unlikely - some women end up with stretch marks for life after pregnancy, and your tattoo might end up permanently distorted.

I would say that were you to get the tattoo below your belly button and end up pregnant, you should do everything in your power to look after your skin during and after the pregnancy - cocoa butter during pregnancy is reputed to help prevent stretch marks. You would also have to do exercise to tone your stomach (though I imagine most women would choose to do this anyway).

Regardless of the time you took, it would be entirely possible that your tattoo would never regain its original shape.

Dove tattoo... quote?
Q. I'm already 18, I've been wanting a tattoo since I was maybe 15 but never knew what I wanted up until last year. To say the least a woman very dear to me, basically like my second mother, passed away and I want a dove tattoo in remembrance of her and my deceased grandfather. I want the dove on my inner forearm, detailed, with his wings spread. I just can't decide on a small quote and exactly where to put it with the dove, I want to commemorate who they were, loving people always happy never lost faith or hope even in the toughest situations and no matter what they were going through all they cared about was making the people around them happy. Can anybody help? I'd appreciate it.

A. Personally, I think it would be lovely without the quote. Simple and elegant.

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Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

Your opinion on chest tattoos on women?

Q. Soooo I'm considering getting a tattoo done not just a small flower or butterfly but a piece generally triangle shaped on my chest(After I put more thought into my design and the meaning). I love tattoos and piercing but the main reason I want a chest tattoo is to cover a heart surgery scar that I've had since age 4... Im 21 now and its somewhat faded but Im still self conscience about my scar. I know getting the tattoo will give me more confidence to wear low cut shirts and dresses that I NEVER EVER EVER WEAR outside my home. I plan to have a career in teaching but I am more then comfortable wearing high-cut attire.... since ive been doing it for this long. So can you give your opinion on what you think about chest tattoos on women. Im not worried about the inevitable sagging at 50 something issue more so when im like in my late 20s early 30s meeting some guys parents, picking a dress for my wedding..... and not trying to die alone...... you know the general

A. my daughter has a "zipper". she is currently 3. and if at any time she wants to cover that scar with a tattoo i would be 100% behind that decision. you shouldn't worry about the opinions of people you haven't met yet (future in-laws and such) you need to do what makes you happiest with your body you apparently have put alot of thought into this and are looking for a design that has meaning to you .you aren't talking about getting a flaming skull on your cleavage up to your neck.
my advice is find the design that makes you happiest get the work done and go forward with the rest of your life with a new confidence. any decent man will see that confident person and not the tattoo.
good luck.

shoulder tattoo?
Q. if i were to get a small tattoo on my shoulder blade, how much would that hurt? i'm very sensitive to pain, but i want one badly. one a scale from 1-10, 10 being the worst. i know its probably different for everyone but what place would hurt the least. how much would the shoulder hurt? thanks (:

A. As a heavily tattooed individual I can vouch for one thing and one thing only. Tattoos are addictive.
Pain is subjective. What I am saying is that everybody has their own pain threshold. Women tend to have a higher pain threshold than men. But that is not a rule, just a generality.

Tattoos feel different depending on many variables.
The skill of the artist,
The area of the body being tattooed,
The complexity of the tattoo,
The quality of the equipment being used,
The mind set of the person getting the tattoo,

As a general rule, the closer to the bone, the more pain there will be. Even this is not a hard and fast truism
Any artist worth talking to will be willing to give you a dry run (no ink to see how it feels) if they believe that you are serious about getting a tattoo. Let them know you want one but have no concept of the way it will feel or if you will be able to handle the pain.

Now some advice from a veteran.
Spend some time looking at pictures of artists' work, NOT THEIR FLASH!
Research the reputation of the artist and the shop they work out of.
Make damn sure that you can live with tattoo design and placement in the future (I don't mean tomorrow, think 30 years from now).
Even if you want a standard/classic design, ask the artist to personalize it. Make it his/her own in their style. You really don't want the same tattoo that the last 50 people got, do you?
Enjoy your tattoos. They will be beautiful and, hopefully uniquely yours.

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Senin, 12 Mei 2014

do all guys not like girls with tattoos?

Q. i have a few tattoos and all my friend keeps saying is that guys will be totally turned off because i do. i love my tattoos and i know its all about my personal preference just wanted other guys opinions because i plan on getting some more

A. 36% of all women under age 30 are now tattooed. Models are now heavily tattooed. Women have been getting tattooed for 12,000 years because the more tattoos they have the more attractive to the opposite sex they are.
Besides tattoos are all about being true to yourself, so stop listening to others and just get your tattoos!

Are there any models/ famous women who have big tattoos on their leg(s)?
Q. Not ankle tattoos, but bigger ones. Just wondering how they look and if the arm or the leg is a better spot for a woman to get tattooed. Can you please give some pics?

A. I guess it depends on what you mean by "famous".

I know two girls who do freelance modeling and have been on the covers of a bunch of tattoo magazines. In the tattoo world they could be considered famous. One of them has done a couple of movies. But she isn't a household name in the mainstream. Is that what you are asking for? Mainstream models that someone on the street might know who have giant tattoos? I don't think you will find many girls like that, unfortunately.

As far as which location is better, that is really down to personal preference. Imagine you are going to a fancy dinner party and you are going to wear a cocktail dress. Are you more comfortable with the idea that you will have a big ole' tattoo on your arm or your leg?

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You might be a redneck if..?

Q. The Halloween pumpkin on your front porch has more teeth than your spouse

You let your twelve-year-old daughter smoke at the dinner table in front of her kids

Last year you hid Easter eggs under cow pies.

You've been married three times and still have the same in-laws.

You think a woman who is "out of your league" bowls on a different night.

Jack Daniel's makes your list of "Most Admired People."

You think Genitalia is an Italian airline.

You wonder how service stations keep their rest rooms so clean.

Anyone in your family ever died right after saying, "Hey, y'all watch this!"

You've got more than one brother named 'Darryl.'

You think that Dom Perignon is a Mafia leader.

Your wife's hairdo was once ruined by a ceiling fan.

You go to your family reunion looking for a date.

Your Junior/Senior Prom had a Daycare.

You think the last words to The Star Spangled Banner are, "Gentlemen, start your engines."

You lit a match in the bathroom and your house exploded right off its wheels

You take a six-pack cooler to church.

You had to remove a toothpick for your wedding pictures.

The bluebook value of your truck goes up and down, depending on how much gas it has in it.

You have to go outside to get something out of the 'fridge.

One of your kids was born on a pool table.

Your dad walks you to school because you are both in the same grade.

You need one more hole punched in your card to get a freebie at the House of Tattoos.

You have flowers planted in a bathroom fixture in your front yard.

Ya can't get married to yer sweetheart 'cause there's a law against it.

You dated one of your parents' current spouses in high school.

You think loading the dishwasher means getting your wife drunk.

Your school fight song is "Dueling Banjos."

Your toilet paper has page numbers on it.

A. haha!!! love the first one!

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Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Tattoo cover up help?

Q. so i got a biohazard tattoo without checking the meaning first, i was fourteen and couldn't find any designs, it's about 5"x5" on my should, RIGHT on the joint. Any cover up ideas? Preferably something general so i can build off it, but still something that can cover a giant black tribal-style tattoo. Btw the tattoo was free, so please any idiotic generic "only did it for the money" bitch comments keep out

A. I have seen amazing color tattoo work coverup very bold old black tattoos. It could be something colorful like Japanese style if you are into that kind of style, another that is amazing art and popular today is called Biomechanical style tattoos it suits both men and women, and if you like colorful flowers to cover it. Plus Biomechanical tattoos have a huge variety of themes it can be plants, astronomy, or machinery. Guy Aitchison is well known for that style also featured on LA Ink here he did this amazing flower piece. Roman Abrego is also an amazing artist too. Here are their websites:

Tattoo Artists: What is considered a quarter sleeve? Where is the line from large tattoo to quarter sleeve?
Q. Just looking for a classification. I think I got a really good deal on what I consider to be a quarter sleeve, however I cannot seem to find anything clearly defining what it is. Half sleeve and full sleeve seem to be pretty self-explanatory. Thanks!

A. A sleeve tattoo of any size by definition wraps all the way around the part of the arm. A large tattoo or a collection of tattoos does not make a sleeve until it wraps all the way around and has background fill so not much if any skin is left peeking through.

Full sleeve - Goes from shoulder to wrist
Half sleeve - Goes from Shoulder to elbow
Quarter sleeve - goes from shoulder to mid bicep or sometimes from wrist up to the middle of the forearm.

It is easier to cover up a quarter sleeve and that is why they are more popular. however these days with how common place tattoos ahve become many people are getting half and full sleeves also. Even women are getting full sleeve tattoo designs. Right now a lot of guys are going for traditional Japanese themes like koi fish, samurai and evil spirits or masks.

For women koi fish are also popular but flowers are pretty common place also.

It is best to decide if you are going to want a full, half or quarter sleeve before working out the design. If you are not sure you can work with the artist on the possibility of leaving the design open to be added on to but typically sleeves that get added on to later don't flow as well. For example a dragon sleeve design might not weave around the arm in the best of ways etc.

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What do Americans know of Scotland?

Q. Where is it? ect...

A. Scotland is in the U.K. region of Europe. I think it is just north of England. They wear kilts, play bagpipes, eat something called haggis (which I don't know what that is) and they are verys similar to Ireland. Scotland is a Celtic country just like Ireland. They share a similar style in last names, mostly names that have a Mc as a part of them. A lot of Celtic music comes from Scotland as well.

England ruled Scotland for many generations. The English burnt their houses down, raped their women, killed them, and did all kinds of horrible things to them. William Wallace, a Scotsman, was a big leader in the fight for Scotland's independence. Watch the movie "Braveheart" starring Mel Gibson as William Wallace if you haven't seen it. It will show you just a hint of what the English actually did to the Scottish until Scotland won it's freedom from England.

I've actually met a Scottish woman before. Her name was Irene and I met her a few years ago in a bookstore. My sister was with me. She was a really neat lady. I just listened to her talk most of the time because I loved the way she talked. I love people with accents. She said that in Edinburgh, Scotland, they have an annual festival called the Tattoo festival, but it doesn't have much of anything to do with actual tattoos. I don't remember what it actually is about, though.

As with every country, Scotland has it's own neat culture, customs, beautiful sights and scenery, and neat people. I have never been there, but I am going to go there someday. I have heard that I have some Scottish in me, so I might go and see if I can find any family history there. I know I have a lot of Irish in me, so Scottish isn't too far fetched I guess.

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What do these tattoos give the impression of me?

Q. I want a tattoo for my 18th b-day. It's my first tattoo and I want it to look cool, but at the same time I don't want people thinking the wrong impression on me. I don't want people thinking my tattoo looks douchy or makes me look like a conspiracy theorist. I want women to look at me and think that I am hot.

Anyways here are the two tattoos I had in mind.

Tell me what you think, and if you can link me some pictures of some tattoos that might look cool that would be great.

A. 2nd one. But to be honest, i kind of dig guys without being all tatted up. Just as long as you have a good sense of humour, nice personality and the way a guy would treat me is more than enough. Being hot is just another bonus. Good luck. :)

Need ideas for a full side tattoo? Can't seem to find one I like! Ideas?
Q. I am a women and I am planning to get a full side tattoo. I want the tattoo going from the side of my ribs down to the top part of my thigh. I don't want the tattoo to go around to my stomach. Any ideas? (: Thanks!

A. Depends on what style too and what will suit you. Also what looks timeless and classy. Theres so much choice and its a huge space to fill.vJapanese style is always nice and you cant go wrong if you get a good artist who specialises in it. You could get geometric patterns. You could get black and grey filigree which Always looks stunning. Flowers etc always are timeless. Look on tumblr. Pinterest. Etc. Theres so many ideas. Some flowers have meaning. You could have something like an animal, person as the focal point. Or just natural landscape as a back ground. Or you could habe no background just object or pattern&#x2F;flower&#x2F;vines as suggested or tree as the piece. Look at japanese art. Or other fine artists. Tattoo styes:traditional. Old school, Black and grey. Tribal. Realism. Bio mechanical. Etc you . Find a style. Then find a good artist. Thats the most important. Even if its more expensive. Worth the art and the investment. X

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Women Tiger Tattoo Designs?

Q. Tiger is the symbol of power and strength,world The chinies saying tiger os the �King of the Animals�. It is considered that one feels stronger if a tiger looks in one�s dreams.Tiger tattoos are each stunning and powerful body art choices.

A. You could get a tigers paws on your breast and then the head resting on your shoulder & then have the body go down back. Have the legs wrap around your legs

Women with tattoos?
Q. You like your tats, regret them, want more? Guys what do you think of ladies with tats on the forearms, arms, legs, neck, back ect. This inetersting topic came up not too long Id like to here your take

I have tats n love em!
im loving these answers......keep em coming!

A. i currently don't have any, but i want one. the thing is, i think a tattoo should be more than just a decoration, it should have meaning to you.

my best friend has a tattoo of a winged unicorn on her hip. no one ever sees it unless she decides to show it to them. it is something just for her. it reminds her of her childhood, and our obsession with "unipegasus" when we were little.

tattoos can be very sexy and beautiful, but only if there is actual meaning behind it. otherwise, its just tacky.

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will I be allowed into the military with these tattoo's?

same tattoo but with 2 extra birds and a tiny bit bigger on my right shoulder blade very easily covered
i also have the quote "Won't Hurt To Hope" on my right side of my collar Bone
I want to join the Army when i get my degree in Psychology as a psychologist for soldiers at base (so id live as a regular soldier but I'd have a different jobs as I'm a woman and cannot go into artillery and I'm not complaining because I understand why it would cause problems as this would cause.

A. If it is covered by the PT T-shirt and Short's most likely there will be no problems in getting a waiver if deemed necessary.


would i look good as a blonde?
Q. i'm planning to dye my hair blonde but i'm not sure if it would suit me. i'm planning to go with either beach blonde or strawberry blonde

here are pictures.
i have chinese blood so my skin is yellow but i'm white tbh. lol so i'm not tan....

A. No.
If you want to look older than your mom!
A girl from church did just that to her hair, and she hated it! She's also in her 30's, and her mom is in her 50's. Side by side together, she looked older and it didn't go with her skin tone.
Another example: "So my hair is naturally a very very light brown, and it had a few highlights in it. I went to a very expensive salon and asked the stylist to darken it one shade, and for it not to be too noticeable. She practically dyed my hair black, and it doesn't look good with my skin or eyes at all."

Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.
Vanessa Minnillo Lachey: "I dated a guy once who wanted me to have blonde hair. Clearly, he was the wrong guy for me! I went to a lady who bleached my hair and it literally fell out. So, not only did I go back to my natural hair, I broke up with the guy!"
Another example posted on YA! 8-20-12. Is it just me or does xxl live max blonde make your scalp feel like it on fire? I've recently used a max blonde on my hair and I had to wash it wash off straight away because my scalp felt like it was on fire has this happend to anyone else?

Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.

> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 36 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <�
Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Hallowe�en party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. It�s made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. It�s well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time. Skin specialist Najjia Ashraf reveals that there are barely any dyes that don�t contain this toxin; even the ones who claim they don�t, are not being honest. �Big brands often escape the blame by suggesting they are ammonia-free. However, ammonia and PPD are two very different things and PPD is present in nearly every dye because it is what gives off the colour,� she explains.

Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps" 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone."

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