Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

What do you think about tattoos on women?

Q. Im getting a tattoo about the size of a hand on my back. its a poem representing love and the deceased. its going on the upper back in btw my shoulder blades just below the neck. and if you make a "V" with your hand and look at it picture the words in there and thats the strusture so it will fit into my back b/c it is pretty toned and defined.

what do you think? and what do you think about women with tattoos in general?

A. generally, i dont aprove of tattoos because, when you think about it, in say 70 years the tatoo is going to be faded and saggy and chances are you will regret it. however, this tattoo has an actually meaning to you and i think that it will always remind you of your dead loved one. i say go for it, and im sorry for you loss.

Why are some people bias about women getting inked?
Q. I have one tattoo on my shoulder, and some people told me that women shouldn't get inked cause it takes away from the "lady" part of being a women, I don't believe that at all, but why are some people bias about women gettin tattoos? I know people are just plain bias about tbiases in general.

A. People are just rude about things. I love tattoos. I'm 19 and have 5. I want more but I'm pregnant so I can't get any more till after february lol. I have had a lot of people think bad things about me because of my tattoos. Just ignore them and smile. And if you go read peoples comments on other peoples questions look how many say tattoos are bad dont get them. why the hell are they in the tattoo section of they hate tattoos. Some people these days....I swear r messed up

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