Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Animal tattoos for a guy and animal tattoos for a girl?

Q. Can u list animals most associated with guys and all the animals most associated with girls please...
Girl tattoos i'm guessing are like butterflies, dragonflies, very common.. etc... for a guy i'm guessing a bull, wolf, scorpion etc ty... i'm a guy wand want to get an animal tattoo

A. Actually, you don't have to separate animals by what is girly or manly.
You can get any animal or insect or reptile that you want whether you are male or female.
What matters is how the animal is depicted, and how well the artist carries out the image.
Of course you can take any animal and make it cute and cartoony, or you can make it mean and aggressive looking, but what is best, is to take the animal of choice and find an image that you really like (not because you think it will look manly), and then find a good tattoo artist to do it for you, and then for you to wear it well and with confidence.

The Yakuza are a great example. They are tough and manly men, but their tattoos are often quite beautiful and graceful, of chrysanthemums, and butterflies, birds, fish, and dragons.
The end result is an amazing look, which now both men and women have:
Here's some images of animal tattoos:

Find whatever animal appeals to you, or you relate to, and find a dynamite image and a skilled tattoo artist.


I'd like a Japanese woman's opinion of a guy with tattoos?
Q. I'm a 24 yr. old white guy from California. I work in the corporate world, am very nice and professional. I actually look like my avatar. I'm planning on moving to Japan for work after I get an MBA and I would really like to meet a nice Japanese girl out there. I have two large tattoos, one on each calve, and I am trying to find out how Japanese women living in Japan feel about them. I know its very subjective, but some input would help. Like I said above, I'm a very nice, normal person (not a stereotypical tattooed person or Yakuza), I just love tattoo art. Do you think most would look at the person rather than what they have on their body? It appears that tattoos are still taboo in Japan (as mostly Yakuza have them), but I know things are changing and people are opening up. Any comments welcome.

A. I like Japanese girls with tats and Iam sure you could find a nice Japanese girl with tats. I had many tats and I had me a Japanese girl with a dragon all over her legs and back. It was very nice.

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