Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Can a prego woman get tattoo?


A. It is not advisable to get a tattoo while pregnant or nursing, though it is unlikely getting a tattoo will hurt the fetus or nursing infant. The problem will be in the quality of the tattoo. While pregnant the body is working overtime and the tattoo will possibly heal harder and possibly result in a light tattoo. Additionally, while pregnant many women put on extra weight that will come off after the pregnancy. The extra weight will cause the tattoo to be distorted once the weight is lost. While nursing a woman's body produces antibodies that are to be passed to the infant. If tattooed while these extra antibodies are in the system the tattoo may heal harder and possibly result in a light tattoo. If your desire is to get the best quality tattoo I suggest that you wait until the pregnancy and nursing are completed and then get the tattoo. If you decide to go ahead and get the tattoo while pregnant or nursing please consult your tattoo friendly physician first.

For Guys- Good places for women to get tattoos?
Q. I'm considering getting a small tattoo, but I'm not sure where, which will also determine what I get. Obviously not a tramp stamp.
But like, what spots are pretty sexy for tattoos on women, and what is just a good spot to avoid?
I'm considering a single word, too, but I'm not sure.

A. I have never and will never date a woman with tattoos.


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