Senin, 11 November 2013

How much does it cost to get a tattoo removed from buttox?

Q. I got a tattoo of my old womans face and her initials on my buttox. How much would it cost to remove it? It takes up a few inches of my cheek. She left me for my boy cheese whiz up in prison.

A. keep it so when you look at you have a reminder that youre a complete idiot

sorry to hear about your boy cheese whiz, he sounds like a fantastic catch!

How much does it cost to get a tattoo removed from buttox?
Q. I got a tattoo of my old womans face and her initials on my buttox. How much would it cost to remove it? It takes up a few inches of my cheek. She left me for my boy cheese whiz up in prison.

A. Oh between 1000-5000 bucks. Tell Cheese whiz to help you pay for it, when he gets out.

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