Rabu, 04 September 2013

How do you feel about women with tattooss?

Q. Do you think it is manly, do you find it attractive, or what? What is your opinion of women with tattoos?

A. It depends if it is tasteful, big no-no to the burly biker tats all over legs and arms and worst of all.... BOOBS! Oh hell no! and big no-no to the maggots smoking a joint on the shoulder *shudder*

I have my daughters name in slanted cursive on the inside of my wrist, small, tasteful and discreet.

Why do people from the lower social economical class get tattoos?
Q. I was wondering why do people who are from the lower social economical class end up getting tattoos. Not to say that people from middle class, upper middle class, and wealthy classes don't get them. I'm sure some of them do, but the percentage is very small. So why is it that people who come from the lower social economical class end up getting all covered in tattoos. You see it with the men who have the tattoos all down their arms from their shoulders (called sleeves) and the women who get tattoos on their legs or back. You won't see much of this in the higher social class from conservative rich people. Why is this?

A. Are you a snob by any chance?

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