Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

Do tattoo magazines except photos from anyone?

Q. I just did a pin up/ tattoo type photoshoot. I am wondering if it would be weird to send a few 8X10s to tattoo magazines, and ask if they would be interested in using my photo. I've never done this before and just wanted some background info.

A. No. And don't send anything before asking. Not weird, but your work could end up in the trash.
I'd suggest you e mail or write them to ask if they accept photos from readers. Some do, most don't. You also need to write up a contract as to how your photos will be used, as well as a model release for the woman who posed for you.

How do I write the word vegetarian in Elven?
Q. It's a strange and odd request, but I'm looking to get this word (or something close to it) tattooed on me. I've been a vegetarian for 22 years now (my entire life), and a huge fan of Tolken. So, if anyone can help me out, it'd be fantastic.

A. Due to the incompleteness of Tolkien's Elven languages I recommend to use a simple transcription of the English word to Tengwar (one of his scripts).
Here is one possible way to write it:
You can check the letters with:
Please note that I wrote G as J [dʒ], like it is spoken.

In Tolkien's Elven languages my first thought would go to something that might be construed as an insult, depending on how you see yourself. This is due to the difficulty expressing this idea in an incomplete language.

Sindarin (Grey-Elven):
Lassvador (masc.), Lassvadeth (fem.) -> leaf-eater -> lass - leaf + mad- - to eat; here mutated to vad- + -or - male name ending/-eth - female name ending (=woman)
Galasvador/Galasvadeth -> plant-eater -> galas - growth, plant
Galasben -> plant-somebody -> galas + pen - one, somebody; mut. ben
Dictionary: (see A1 and A2)

Quenya (High-Elven):
Laimamatindo (masc.), Laimamatinde (fem.) -> plant-eater -> laima - plant + mat- - to eat + -indo/-inde - "doer" (person connected to the verbal action)
Laimamo (m.), Laimame (f.) -> plant-person -> laima + -mo/-me - person connected to the noun

If you come up with any (better) ideas and aren't sure about the grammar or want to see them in Tengwar, or if you have any questions about this, feel free to send me a message.

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