Senin, 07 April 2014

What do you think of women with tattoos on their upper arms, either on the inside or outside?!?


A. As you can see from my picture on the left, I have a half sleeve of a blue buddha and I adore it. I think the issue is not whether a woman has a noticeable tattoo, but whether the tattoo is good quality (professionally done by a talented tattoo artist) and whether it suits their personality. I choose to wear long sleeves if I ever need to cover it. I work within the industry of tattooing, so the response to my artwork has been entirely positive. Unfortunately, I know that not everyone is so lucky and some people are discriminated against due to their tattoo's. To some degree though (even though I am a professionally trained tattoo artist) I have to agree with the critics. Some people make poor choices on impulse and spend very little time researching their artist. As a result they end up with a tattoo that is not very aesthetically pleasing. But overall, with the exception of tattooed faces, and hands (unless for cultural reasons) I think that tattoo's on women are beautiful.

Opinions on upper arm & foot tattoos on women?
Q. I'm not sure wether I like them or not. I think they look cool on some people and horrible on others. I'm trying to decide if i should get a tattoo in those areas. It would be like a 1/4 or 1/2 sleeve, and a tiny foot design. What do you guys think? Guys & Girls can answer

A. How it looks definitely depends on the person and how it looks to OTHERS is subjective as well.
I like well done foot tattoos, I think they're rather pretty and cute, I'm not typically a fan of sleeves but there's always exceptions :)
I would try them out to see how you liked them and if you're comfortable with other's reactions. There are two methods for this.
You can draw them on with a marker. This is better for text or smaller works but can also be done for bigger projects for the very patient. Here's some very devoted people who did this ( )
You could get a Temptu, a temporary tattoo, they are rice paper tattoos that can last up to two weeks. ( )

Hope this helps. Good luck!

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