Q. Ok so When i was 9 years old, i was sexually abused. Im currently seeing a therapist and I'm getting better. I want to get a tattoo that symbolizes that part of my life. To show that I'm a survivor. my problem is I don't know what tattoo I want to get. Do u have any creative ideas for a tattoo. I have an idea of just tattooing survivor but I want something to symbolize that. Oh and I'm 18.
A. teal is the awareness ribbon color, you could also get a kanji symbol for strength.
I was very close to getting an upside down panda on my shoulder blade
my father abused me when I was younger, and I fell into a depression from it, I battled depression for over 10 years, and it still comes back at times. The panda can symbolize depression and upside down is like turning yourself around from the depression.
I decided against it however, bc I wanted to move on from it all. Plus pandas are my favorite animals and I hate to think of them in a depressing way.
If you are religious, a simple teal cross with the word strength, or somethign might be a good idea.
If you want something intricate, Maybe a tree with a womans body as the trunk, with some blue leaves coming down or blowing in the wind.
a dove, with the awareness ribbon in its beak?,
an infinity symbol with the ribbon like this but teal not pink
How about something that inspires you?
or a quote
give me life, give me pain, give me myself again
If you always watch the demons behind you, then you will never see the angels ahead.
If you�re going through hell, keep going.
Awareness ribbon with angel wings would look nice too
I was very close to getting an upside down panda on my shoulder blade
my father abused me when I was younger, and I fell into a depression from it, I battled depression for over 10 years, and it still comes back at times. The panda can symbolize depression and upside down is like turning yourself around from the depression.
I decided against it however, bc I wanted to move on from it all. Plus pandas are my favorite animals and I hate to think of them in a depressing way.
If you are religious, a simple teal cross with the word strength, or somethign might be a good idea.
If you want something intricate, Maybe a tree with a womans body as the trunk, with some blue leaves coming down or blowing in the wind.
a dove, with the awareness ribbon in its beak?,
an infinity symbol with the ribbon like this but teal not pink
How about something that inspires you?
or a quote
give me life, give me pain, give me myself again
If you always watch the demons behind you, then you will never see the angels ahead.
If you�re going through hell, keep going.
Awareness ribbon with angel wings would look nice too
What tattoo should i get?
Q. Hey so i got 5 tattoos and i want another one but not too big because i am getting married next year and i am already engaged, here are my tattoos this is not me in the pics they are just the same tattoos i have ....
https://www.google.ae/search?q=wrist+tattoos+for+girls&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=ncDSUci9McPprAfjr4DwAQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1226&bih=570#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=9UrwZTCd9SHBkM%3A%3B8J1fmovNPtsbEM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.tattoomagz.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252Finner-wrist-tattoo-ideas-tattoo-pictureswrist-lettering-tattooslatest-tattoo-design-pictures-46674.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.tattoomagz.com%252Finner-wrist-tattoo-ideas%252Ftattoo-pictureswrist-lettering-tattooslatest-tattoo-design-pictures%252F%3B319%3B246 The 2nd one......
https://www.google.ae/search?biw=1226&bih=534&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=small+tattoos+on+women+on+back+of+neck+writing&oq=small+tattoos+on+women+on+back+of+neck+writing&gs_l=img.3...49913.51719.0.52113. the 3rd one
https://www.google.ae/search?biw=1226&bih=534&tbm=isch&oq=+women+small+writing+tattoos&gs_l=img.3...22891.26385.0.26861. the 4th one
https://www.google.ae/search?biw=1226&bih=534&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=foot+tattoos+for+women&oq=foot+tattoos+for+women&gs_l=img.3..0i7i30l10.5484.6141.0.6324. the last one
So now that you saw them here is what im thinking of getting
https://www.google.ae/search?biw=1339&bih=576&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=tattoos+small+for+women&oq=tattoos+small+for+women&gs_l=img.3..0i19j0i5i19l2.27031.46997.0.47346. or
http://pinterest.com/pin/35677022021090898/ however i want you to paste a link for a tattoo you like so i can get thanks
https://www.google.ae/search?q=wrist+tattoos+for+girls&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=ncDSUci9McPprAfjr4DwAQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1226&bih=570#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=9UrwZTCd9SHBkM%3A%3B8J1fmovNPtsbEM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.tattoomagz.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252Finner-wrist-tattoo-ideas-tattoo-pictureswrist-lettering-tattooslatest-tattoo-design-pictures-46674.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.tattoomagz.com%252Finner-wrist-tattoo-ideas%252Ftattoo-pictureswrist-lettering-tattooslatest-tattoo-design-pictures%252F%3B319%3B246 The 2nd one......
https://www.google.ae/search?biw=1226&bih=534&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=small+tattoos+on+women+on+back+of+neck+writing&oq=small+tattoos+on+women+on+back+of+neck+writing&gs_l=img.3...49913.51719.0.52113. the 3rd one
https://www.google.ae/search?biw=1226&bih=534&tbm=isch&oq=+women+small+writing+tattoos&gs_l=img.3...22891.26385.0.26861. the 4th one
https://www.google.ae/search?biw=1226&bih=534&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=foot+tattoos+for+women&oq=foot+tattoos+for+women&gs_l=img.3..0i7i30l10.5484.6141.0.6324. the last one
So now that you saw them here is what im thinking of getting
https://www.google.ae/search?biw=1339&bih=576&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=tattoos+small+for+women&oq=tattoos+small+for+women&gs_l=img.3..0i19j0i5i19l2.27031.46997.0.47346. or
http://pinterest.com/pin/35677022021090898/ however i want you to paste a link for a tattoo you like so i can get thanks
A. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ydLZIms-f3U/Te5GwnzFTSI/AAAAAAAABQM/n-fOJ1y6OD4/s320/cute+girly+tattoos+15.jpg
hope i could help
hope i could help
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