Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Women Tiger Tattoo Designs?

Q. Tiger is the symbol of power and strength,world The chinies saying tiger os the �King of the Animals�. It is considered that one feels stronger if a tiger looks in one�s dreams.Tiger tattoos are each stunning and powerful body art choices.

A. You could get a tigers paws on your breast and then the head resting on your shoulder & then have the body go down back. Have the legs wrap around your legs

How can I convince my g/f to accept new friend with tattoo's?
Q. So much is happening here in India. Esperanza and I are finally starting to relax now that we've identified the place where we want to get Ryan his tat. Thanks for the suggestions, everybody! We still have to book the appointment.

Anyway, remember that �backpacker� we saw getting tattooed at Baby Tiger Tattoo in Randi Market? We ended up seeing her in a �dhaba� (like a diner) with her boyfriend....and their little one! It turns out they are Israeli. So we chatted with them and about their tattoo experience. Aleah (the backpacker) has a whole bunch of tattoo�s. She has:
- a white tiger on her left ankle�
- two tigers with Chinese symbol�s for best friends in between on left shoulder�
- memorial for her dead ferret on right ankle�
- a dragonfly on right shoulder
- a dragonfly on wrist � that was the one we saw her getting!

She told us the story behind each one, and we were very touched. So meaningful! All I can say is that we are VERY anxious (in a good way)!

Their daughter, Netanya, is around 7 month�s, so she and Ryan got along well. Aleah and Namir (bf) invited us to go hiking with them in Dharamsala � that is up in the mountain�s where the Dalai Lama lives!!!

We really want to go, but there is one small problem. As you know, Esperanza thinks women with tattoo�s are sort of trashy.....I know, I know....she can�t help it though, it�s her cultural upbringing. I think it�s ironic because Aleah and Namir are Israeli and they are not �supposed� to get tattoo�s either...Ranza doesn�t get the irony.

Help! What can I do to convince her otherwise??? I REALLY want to go to Dharamsala (and I know she would enjoy it, too)....

A. I have been following this saga from the beginning, From the dragonfly picture that I saw from the "Baby Tiger" artist, she is an amazing artist and I am sure that this backpacker's other ink is amazing as well! I really can't wait to see a picture of the ferret tattoo if you can get one because I lost my pet rat a while ago, and I have been looking for a memorial tattoo design on the internet and haven't been able to find one! I think with a picture of the memorial tattoo for the back packer's ferret in hand, I might be able to go to my artist and get my tattoo started! I mean without an exact picture of what you want, how can you expect your artist to get the tattoo right?!?
But I digress...
Anyway, if Esperanza has seen the amazing art that on this woman, and she still thinks that tattoos on women are trashy, then there is no changing her mind! I mean, it is pretty much the same as someone seeing Jesus perform a miracle live, right in front of them, and them still not believing! At this point there may be no hope. However, before your friends start off on their journey, can you please get the ferret pic and email it to me? my address is tribal_and_butterflies_ and_rats_4 ever @ (take out the spaces).
Thanks and good luck with Ranza!

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Read these jokes and tell me what you think?

Q. A woman walks into a tattoo parlor. She gets into the chair and tells the tattoo artist, "I want two tattoos, one on each of my inner thighs. I want a turkey on one thigh and a Christmas tree on the other."

The tattoo artist begins his work, but is a bit confused, so he says, "Lady, I'll do anything my customers want, but I gotta ask, why would you want a turkey on one thigh and a Christmas tree on the other?"

"Well, if you really want to know," she firmly answers, "I'm sick and tired of my husband telling me that there's never anything to eat between the holidays."

What is six inches long with a head on it, that women like to blow?


A man takes his wife to a livestock show. They start heading down the alley where the bulls are kept. A sign in front of the first bull says: "This bull mated 50 times last year."

The wife turns to her husband and says, "He mated 50 times in a year! You could learn from him."

They proceed to the next bull and that sign states: "This bull mated 65 times last year."

The wife turns to her husband and says, "This one mated 65 times last year. That's over 5 times a month. You can learn from this one, big time."

They proceed to the last bull and his sign reads: "This bull mated 365 times last year."

The wife's mouth drops open as she gasps, "WOW! He mated 365 times last year. That's ONCE A DAY! You could really learn from this one!"

The man turns to his wife and says, "Yeah, okay. Go on up and inquire if it was 365 times with the same cow."

A. Lots of smiles. I think the woman in joke one and the man in joke two should get together and discuss the reason behind the meaning of MONEY

Where's the best place to put a tattoo?
Q. Where is the best place to put a tattoo on a woman out of sight, taking pregnancies into effect. I was thinking hips. I don't want any on my back.

A. On your skin! OK bad joke. There are a few places that will warp less with weight gain/loss or pregnancy. A lot of the people had it right with wrists/ankles/calves.

Wrist tattoos are delicate and (IMO) attractive. My friend has a wrist tattoo and she hides it with a watch or a bracelet.

Also, if you have longer hair, behind the ear is a nice place that won't stretch terribly with weight gain. It can be shown off easily with wearing your hair up, but hidden just by wearing your hair down or using stage makeup.

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Some Indian women have a red dot on their forheads,, Is that supposed to be a target or what?

Q. couldnt resist a funny question..

A. The 'red dot' is known as a 'bindi' in Indian Language. Bindi is an auspicious makeup worn by young Hindu girls and women on their forehead. The term is derived from bindu, the Sanskrit word for a dot or a point. It is usually a red dot made with vermilion (finely powdered bright red mercuric sulphide). Considered a blessed symbol of Uma or Parvati (Indian Goddess), a bindi signifies female energy and is believed to protect women and their husbands. Traditionally a symbol of marriage (hence the widows did not wear vermilion), it has now become a decorative item and is worn today by unmarried girls and women of other religions as well. No longer restricted in color or shape, bindis today are seen in many colors (not just red)and designs and are manufactured with self-adhesives and felt.

Just like people with tattoos aren't jokers, Indian women with red dots aren't targets.

DC & Marvel Comic Girls.?
Q. SO my friend is thinking of getting one of these girls tattooed on them and it got me to thinking. Which is more popular or better or w.e you want to call it. Which would you get tattooed on you (if in the future or w.e). Doesn't even have to be about a tattoo just which do you like most.

Harley Quinn
Black Cat
Ms. Marvel
Wonder Woman

Just wondering what other people would do or think. Never really asked this before.

A. my favourite is harley quinn,id consider getting a tattoo of her/joker related :)

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Q. people shot down my ideas of tattoos, so i'm asking all of you and them to give me a cool one.
i want it on the hip bone, or the rib cage, or the back/spine. or back of neck.
nothing tacky.
i'm a girl, so make it sexy. :P

A. best tattoo is no tattoo.

�A woman's skin is so beautiful, it needs nothing to adorn it. A tattoo will ruin it�

�A tattoo parlor is a place where a lady will sacrifice her own natural beauty in order to become a canvas for someone else�s �art�.�

�the fastest growing practice area of dermatology is tattoo removal.�

Thoughts on this tattoo idea?
Q. Hey, I have been thinking of getting a tattoo of a feather (about 2 or 3 inches) on each rib, it would be quite hidden. I have wanted this tattoo for a long time and it will most likely be the only one I ever get so I want as much info as possible because its life time commitment! Also wondering how do rib tattoos generally age? Is it better to go for less intricate designs to avoid the ink spreding? Any opinions, thoughts or personal experiences are greatly appreciated! Thanks so much

A. Only if you are a women planning to get pregnant, or gain weight fast.
Otherwise, such a cool idea!(:

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guys what u think about tattoos on a women's foot?

Q. do u like them? u think its cute? cute if not to big? explain what u think

A. Tattoos look great. I think it is cute when someone gets a tattoo on their foot, a girl I knew got the state of WV on hers and it turned out great. But you have to remember the not so good parts contrasting the they look cute part. Remember that tattoos are permanent. There are removal treatments but they are costly. When you get older that dolphin will turn into a whale. Also another thing is some inks contain metal. Down the road if you need an MRI having metal in the ink can possibly burn the skin. These are just a few side effects. Although tattoos are really cute. I'm sure the tattoo would look good but before making a decision make sure you know it is the right choice and it is exactly what you want. I hope everything works out for you :)

Is it hot when women have two tattoos?
Q. I'm am trying to get my sister to not get these tattoos but she really wants it. I think guys don't like tattoos. What do you think?
One is a cross with flowers around it on her rib cage, its about the size of a quarter piece of notebook paper (so like 4in X 5in) and another that says made in canada on the bottom of her foot.

A. Hot women look hot with tattoos. Non-hot women don't get better with body art.

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Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

Women Tiger Tattoo Designs?

Q. Tiger is the symbol of power and strength,world The chinies saying tiger os the �King of the Animals�. It is considered that one feels stronger if a tiger looks in one�s dreams.Tiger tattoos are each stunning and powerful body art choices.

A. You could get a tigers paws on your breast and then the head resting on your shoulder & then have the body go down back. Have the legs wrap around your legs

Women with tattoos?
Q. You like your tats, regret them, want more? Guys what do you think of ladies with tats on the forearms, arms, legs, neck, back ect. This inetersting topic came up not too long Id like to here your take

I have tats n love em!
im loving these answers......keep em coming!

A. i currently don't have any, but i want one. the thing is, i think a tattoo should be more than just a decoration, it should have meaning to you.

my best friend has a tattoo of a winged unicorn on her hip. no one ever sees it unless she decides to show it to them. it is something just for her. it reminds her of her childhood, and our obsession with "unipegasus" when we were little.

tattoos can be very sexy and beautiful, but only if there is actual meaning behind it. otherwise, its just tacky.

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Kamis, 12 Juni 2014


Q. What tattoos/piercings should I get ?
I have nose, monroe, belly button, and one tattoo on my lower back, but i want something more.


Here's a bunch of links to tattoos to get you started. By the way, I think you are super pretty, even with the fake tan. You can pull it off for sure. I would get a sexy tattoo, like the ones on your hip.

For those of you who have tattoos on your hip (women)?
Q. I'm 18 now, and want to get a tattoo in the next couple of years. I know exactly what I want to get, it's not too big or too small. I like the idea of getting it on my hip, as it will be easy to hide when I need to, and a bit more private.

However, I had a friend say that when women have hip tattoos and then get pregnant, the tattoo will stretch out and never look the same. Needless to say, I don't want this to happen, and I want to get the tattoo *before* I'm even married, pregnant, or giving birth.

What are your thoughts/experiences? Any additional places I may get my tattoo? I don't want it to show for working reasons, and I don't want it to show when I'm wearing a dress.

Thank you.

A. I have a big tattoo on my hip (size of my hand with my fingers extended). I got it when I was 18. I don't regret the tattoo, only the size. Its huge for my 5 foot 2 frame. It did hurt quite a bit so keep that in mind. It is great because i can hide it like you want. I also have tats on my rib cage. It really didn't hurt as much as my big one. They hide and you can barely see them if my arms are down. I think both places are equally cute. If you are worried about skin stretching while pregnant try the rib cage on your side underneath your armpit a bit. Also if you rotate the tattoo so that its on your hip more on the side than on your front, that could work. =] Advice: know that tattoo for at least 6 months before you do it!! From experience =/

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Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Women with upper arm tattoos what kind of tattoo do you have?

Q. My wife wants something on her arm but isn't sure what

A. If she isn't sure what she wants then she needs to take some time and think of something that has a meaning to her or that is aesthetically pleasing to her. There are lots of websites out there with tattoo portfolios...I'd recommend with starting with

For the record, I have a tattoo on my upper arm but not in the typical place - it's a turtle on his backside listening to music under the sun right above my elbow. It's very cartoony, coloring book kind of looking, but it's totally me and my best friend drew it so I love it.

Opinions on upper arm & foot tattoos on women?
Q. I'm not sure wether I like them or not. I think they look cool on some people and horrible on others. I'm trying to decide if i should get a tattoo in those areas. It would be like a 1/4 or 1/2 sleeve, and a tiny foot design. What do you guys think? Guys & Girls can answer

A. How it looks definitely depends on the person and how it looks to OTHERS is subjective as well.
I like well done foot tattoos, I think they're rather pretty and cute, I'm not typically a fan of sleeves but there's always exceptions :)
I would try them out to see how you liked them and if you're comfortable with other's reactions. There are two methods for this.
You can draw them on with a marker. This is better for text or smaller works but can also be done for bigger projects for the very patient. Here's some very devoted people who did this ( )
You could get a Temptu, a temporary tattoo, they are rice paper tattoos that can last up to two weeks. ( )

Hope this helps. Good luck!

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Kardashian Konfusion.. Don't white guys like exotic women?

Q. I guess I could best describe my self by putting it this way.. I suppose I'm exotic looking like a Kardashian. Tall and voluptuous like Kloe, college educated like Kourtney, and beautiful in the face like Kim. The only thing is.. I'm still single! My "type" is generally a tall, tattooed, cute, white guy with an artistic side (something you see plenty of in Seattle). So is it me? Why can't I get this particular group of males to hit on me or ask me out? Any insight would help? Thanks! :)
Btw... I am not high maintenance like the Kardashians seem to be. I'm really down to earth and low key.. if that helps you're assessment, lol.

A. Hi well maybe ur giving out a negative stuck up vibe, hence guys will stay clear I get it all the time lol
I am 5'10" tall blonde slim body big boobs ,guys are a afraid LOL �

Many days ago I asked a woman to marry me. I haven't heard from her since then. My question or questions; did?
Q. Many days ago I asked a woman to marry me. I haven't heard from her since then. My question or questions; did I scare her away? We had a great relationship and I said if we don't get married, no change. BTW this is just online, if it matters. She did say she was very busy. She's in Seattle, I'm in Ohio. And it's hot there.
Some new stuff: she's 60 I'm 42, she has kids I do too, she's married in real life. We're both writers and we've known each other about 2 years. Oh and I have her name tattooed on me.

A. I guess it depends on how frequently you were in contact *before* you asked her to marry you. If it wasn't unusual for days to go by without communicating with eachother, then I don't think you need to worry too much. But if you typically were in touch every day, and now she has gone quiet, that is probably not good news.

Since she's still married, obviously it's not simple for her to marry you instead - she has to get divorced first, and clearly with kids involved that isn't any easier.

So even if she does want to marry you, it could be several years before that could happen, and she just might not be ready to take the step of starting down that path.

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Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

What do women think of male genital piercings?

Q. I have multiple genital piercings and tattoos which had I had done while I was married. I had them for about about 5 years now and my ex wife loved them but and since the divorce I met only a few women that were okay with them in the past 2 years. The ones I met before had piercings and tattoos themselves so in the beginning we talked about theirs and then discussd mine. It seems to me like these women are rare. Either my approach is wrong or they are just not into it. I was told by friends to let women know right away so you don't waste their time but when I do that they don't get to know me and run since genital piercings are not in the norm. So I would like to know what women really think of genital piercings? Should I change me and conform so women don't run? What is the best way to approach women about the subject? Your input will help me decide if I should remove them and conform or leave them in and just be me.
What if hygene is not an issue does it still seem to be a turn off for women?
They also make condoms which are made for these types of situations so that would not be a factor either.

A. Not my cup of tea personally but each to their own.

I think you should stay as you are, these piercings are obviously a strong part of your personality and you shouldn't change for anyone.
If women are making a quick get away when they find out well it's their loss really isn't it? there is no point being with someone who doesn't accept you is there? because as soon as she finds out she is likely to ditch you anyway and if you have formed an attachment by then it's likely to be more hurtful then if she left in the beginning.

So don't change, wait for the right woman who will accept you for who you are, piercings and all.

I was wondering if getting a inner wrist tattoo would hurt more vertical than horizontal?
Q. I was thinking of getting one , but i'm not to sure if I wanna bare the pain, but im only getting to words!

A. I answer these questions related to pain in the same way every time.

The pain in different places differs from person to person, pain threshold does have a lot of input but, for example, my chest tattoo didn't hurt at all, where as some people I know said their chest tattoo hurt a lot!

Anyway, here's a basic pain level chart I always reffer people to.

Pain level 1
These include the upper arm, forearm, calf, Bum, and Thigh. For a 1st tattoo these are great points to begin your inked journey.

Pain level 2
These include the centre back, front / side of thighs and shoulders. This is also not too bad a start for your first tattoo. The shoulders and central back region can be area that require quite a lot of movement. The skin on these areas is much looser meaning it takes longer to tattoo and also longer to heal. On areas that have lots of movement such as these, require more care once a tattoo is completed. Due to the thigh area being quite a dense muscle mass and also quite tight skin, it may tend to bruise the day after.

Pain level 3
These include the knees, elbows, hands, head, neck, feet, chest and back of thighs. Beginners beware of starting at these areas. You would need to be determined to have tattoos here as the high sensitivity would require a lot of mental focus to get you through. The poor quality of skin on both the knees and elbows will result in a very slow tattoo process and nerves are very close to the surface in these areas. This could result in the tattooing being unbearable for any length of time for some people. As with the orange areas these tend to be high movement areas and will require a longer healing timescale. You may find that to achieve a good solid colour, you may have to repeat the tattoo process on these areas. As a side note the chest area on men can be much more sensitive to pain than a woman, yet due to the tighter skin on a male, the tattoo can be completed quicker.

Pain level 4 (OWCHIE!)
Areas include hips, ribcage, stomach, back of knees, armpit, inside of elbow, nipples, lips, inside of thighs and genitals. Are you really sure you want to get that tattoo? As these areas can elicit crying, half finished tattoos or even the customer passing out. This could just be more than you may be able to handle. All of these purple areas are considered by most to be the most painful areas to be tattooed. The stretchy or thin skin over bone are slow to tattoo, some of these may require multiple sessions to achieve solid colour and smooth shading. Healing can be just as painful as receiving the tattoo and may require a few days off from your regular activities.


�Women are your more sensitive the week prior to and during your cycle. Plan around those dates to have the best experience possible when getting your tattoo.
�Use lotion everyday on the area to be tattooed at least 1 week prior for healthier skin and better results.
�Do not go out in the sun at least one week prior to being tattooed (including tanning beds) This drys the skin and if peeling occurs could damage the tattoo.
�Consider what you will wear for 2 weeks while healing if your tattoo is in an area like the foot, waist, shoulders or chest. Shoes, waistbands, belts, underwear, and bras can all damage tattoos if you do not plan ahead. Find comfortable clothing that will not touch or rub during this time.
�Always eat a good meal before being tattooed and drink plenty of fluids.
�Be sure to get a good nights rest before your appointment.
�Ask what kind of aftercare products you will need when you set up to get your tattoo.
�Mention any allergies you may have, pigments, dyes, perfumes.
�Some medication may thin your blood, check with your doctor before being tattooed.
�Anyone with an autoimmune disorder needs to check with their doctor and should bring a note to be tattooed.

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girl had lower back tattoo of my dad?

Q. This question got deleted before i was able to get a real answer. I had to explain somewhat in detail about intercourse i had with a girl in order to get my story across, so if you can't mature up and read this without reporting it, then click the back button on the top left corner of the screen.

Okay, so first of all, I'm in a fraternity.. We were throwing an all night rager at the frat castle and I had the night off from being pledgemaster. I let the pledges have one night of freedom because i'm just a gentleman like that, but anyways I was going shot4shot with this cute sorority girl (We're top tier so we only have the hot sororities at our events.) we drank for a while and and she started wanting to have conversations but i know that leads to nowhere so i gave the hint that me and her should leave together and we both went back to her sorority house. So when i started undressing her, i noticed she had a small tattoo of a face and a name, but i was really drunk so i didn't take a detailed look, but i did find it weird that a southern sorority belle had a tramp stamp above her butt, it seemed kinda trashy to me. But i was drunk and didn't care at that point. So we started going at it, and about 15 minutes into the intercourse, i told her to switch positions so i could hit it from behind, and That's when i really got to get a good look at the tattoo (If that statement offends you, grow up) The tattoo was a picture of my dads face and his name circled around the face. I thought i was seeing things to be honest because we had raged so hard and tried to ignore it but i kept looking down at it every 15 or so seconds. While this was happening, i slowly reached into the pockets of my polo shorts that were laying on the bed next to me and pulled out my phone to take a picture so when i woke up the next morning i would remember it. She didn't see me take the picture, thank goodness.

ANyways the rest of the hookup was the wierdest, most confusing time of my life. Being a young frat star, I've pretty much seen it all, but this was a whole new experience to me. So we parted ways and i went back to a friends dorm to get some rest and he's a GDI so i know it would be quiet at his place. Sure enough when i woke up, not only did i find dip spit on my boat shoes, but i also found the picture. That's when my memory jogged. That was a few weeks ago and i do have that girls number, but i don't know whether to call her and ask or call my dad and ask. Maybe i should forget it ever happened. My dad was a young frat star at my age too so i know he could get any woman he wanted to, but i'm just plain confused about this. My mom was the Miss of *university name redacted for privacy reasons* so i know he wouldnt cheat on his trophy wife, but she is getting old and maybe he got bored and is messing with younger girls now. EIther way, is this any of my business or should i just leave it alone and forget it happend? thanks.


A. If I were you I would bring it up in conversation with your dad about how you noticed a girl you were dating had a back tattoo, or ask the girl about the tattoo. That's all you can do for closure in finding out whether or not that really was a tatt of your dad. I don't believe in that "is this any of my business" stuff b/c you noticed it legitamtly while having sex with her. I wouldn't "not" saying anything and worry about whether you're crossing a line by asking her, b/c you're related to's an elephant in the room. You might as well ask her, b/c if it lasts then you have to deal with it, but if it doesn't you don't want to be left not knowing.

I need White Elephant gift ideas i need help?

A. Copier paper/note pads/other paper - with the tackiest or loudest pen or pencil you can find.
Mismatched or random salt and pepper shakers.
Print off instruction on origami or paper airplanes - (dirty origami)and airplanes here:
Partial roll of Duck (Duct) Tape. Everyone can use that!
Rubber mallet. No one has one, but just about everyone can find a use for one.
Bottles of wine (unopened - usually a good re-gifting idea) or half empty bottles of vodka, rum, scotch or the like. Those usually get fought over the most!
Rolls of Velcro, masking tape, glue, or other adhesives like picture hanging putty.
Any no longer used children's toy that would be fun to play with in a cubicle setting. So, pretty much any toy with "Nerf" in the name.
disposable cameras,
LifeSavers candy books,
markers and coloring books,
fake tattoos,
Burt's Bees sets - these are very inexpensive and usually good for men and women,
Key chain flash drives
coupons books to fast food restaurants or books of movie tickets
board games
card games

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should i get this tattoo?

Q. I want to get a spine tattoo. I was thinking about the left design of the top picture.
I have my tongue pierced, both ears, and a small chinese symbol tattoo on my right upper back right now. How far down should i make the spinal tattoo? I am male

A. tattoo's should say a little more about the wearer...
I think the tribal tat has seen it's time, it's passe now

dig a little deeper and express yourself!!

whatever you decide....
Good luck and God Bless

What Do Women Think of My New Tattoo?
Q. Too big? Major Turn off?
The guy the one girl posted is a PRO-Wrestler.. I hope steroids and everything would give you a better body than me lol. I don't wrestle, I do MMA(where do you see HUGE guys in MMA?). Thanks so much for all of your input, I really do appreciate it =)

A. For me? Major turn off. I don't like tribal tattoos...they are so harsh looking. If you're in a tribe somewhere and have a tattoo that relates to that, cool. But just getting a random tribal is boring to me.

But it's your tattoo so what I think shouldn't matter.

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Do people find women with lots of tattoos to be unfeminine?

Q. I don't have any, and I'm not talking about the woman who has one or two, I mean like a sleeve or just multitudes of them all over. Tattoos in general are not the exotic body art that they were years ago -- many many people from all stages and phases of life have them. They are socially acceptable for the most part (i.e. you will no longer be denied a job - for the most part- based on the fact you have ink).

Even given all this, though, are they still considered more of a male thing?
Awww jeez KIA don't be a butterfly I have to re-evaluate my feelings for
Personally, I think either no ink or just one or two on a guy is hot. I don't want to be with someone with facial tattoos or a full back of them, but some of them can be really amazing looking. If it's done right, even sleeves don't have to be overwhelming.
Ultimately tho, it wouldn't be a deal breaker

A. I like artistic, feminine tattoos on other women, even when they have a sleeve or when they have their whole chest/shoulder area tattooed, if the tattoos are very well done. I like bright colors, feathers, birds, flowers, cherry blossoms, that kind of thing. I think tattoos can look cute on young women, but they don't look so great when women age, and the tattoo gets dull, fades, and most of all, just looks worn out and trashy. I don't understand women who get tattoos around their stomach area... if they get pregnant the tattoo is going to stretch and become distorted, they could get stretch marks on the tattoo, etc. People don't really think about the long term when they get tattoos. Tattoos are permanent, but they have a short shelf life in that sense. I like the way tattoos look (artistic, well done ones) but I don't like the idea of them being permanent.

I don't think faded, dull, worn out tattoos look good on older men either, but a man can age decently while having a full sleeve or a dozen tattoos on his body, some men can pull it off. I don't think the same is true for women, people expect women's bodies to be smooth and feminine, the tattoos become coarse looking after a while.

I was just looking at a tattoo blog earlier today, in fact! Here are some tattoos I like:

dutch and criminal tattoo traditions?
Q. im dutch and yes partake in the LEGAL cannabis culture. im interested in some traditional dutch tattoos and also criminal past tattoos and culture, also im from holland if that matters, not amsterdam but live in usa :) have a great day guys
also please keep in mind im adult male so no dutch shoe tattoos or windmills that would look tacky :P

A. delfst blauw

I really don't know what criminals like. naked women or females usually and flowers.

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What does a single rose tattoo mean?

Q. I don't know and would like to know*
I wasn't sure if the tattoo meant anything or not and just wanted to know for sure*

Though you happened to let me know you were very rude and nasty with the information*

I could've and would have done better than you at answering any question (especially this one if I knew the answer) is evident that you need to work on your people skills and not take everything so personal.

Then you happen to hatefully criticize the younger generation, and for what?

That was silly, it is like anyone of the younger generation could have said something just as rude about the older generation such as they are old and stuck in their ways...just saying*

it is good that you are a "tattoo artist" and to be proud of that but don't be so rude and self absorbed next time.

I could've been rude right back to you but I will not because I am too much of a lady*

Next time be more people friendly and understanding, it will say much about your character as the person you are.

"Kermit J" I think that your response was more of an emotional response due to previous annoyance but in such public matters in dealing with other people, I'd suggest not to be so personal because it could make you seem less than wise, as wise as it seems that you are be more relevant to the general cause.

Oh yeah, congratulations on being a tattoo artist for seven years, that line of work seems to be fun*

P.S. *
"Demi" it seems that you were really trying to be helpful so on a grade scale of "A,B,C,D" I'll give you an A for your effort and the whole text was very informative also too long of a read for me personally.*

A. Rose Tattoo - Like the lotus in the east, the rose in the west is the preeminent floral symbol. It is, by far and away, the most popular flower used in tattoo artwork (not to mention poetry, flower shop arrangements, and gardens). That prevalence is directly related to its power as a symbol. With their typical deep red color, they have historically been linked with blood and so also life. In fact, for the ancient Greeks, the first red roses were thought to have grown from the blood of Adonis, Aphrodite�s lover, also beginning one of the most traditional associations of the red rose used today -- love and beauty. Often in tattoos, the rose appears solo, as the complete design. At other times it is embellished with leaves, a long stem, and even thorns. Also, as in real life, other colors of the rose might appear, each with their own symbolic meaning: pink for grace and gentility, white for innocence and purity, yellow for friendship, and even black for death. Perhaps the most famous of the non-red roses is the �Yellow Rose of Texas�, which is not a rose at all, but instead a person. Immortalized in the 1800s folksong of the same name, the yellow rose is actually a young woman of mixed ethnic background, missed by her roving sweetheart. Likewise, the black rose, tragic in its dark beauty, is not always the symbol of death and farewell that it has often become in the west (where black is frequently associated with death). The Irish song �Little Black Rose� originated during a time of ongoing battle with the English and was sung as long ago as the 1600s. In this same rebellious vein, the black rose has been adopted by many anarchist and antiauthoritarian groups. Predominantly, though, the rose tattoo is a richly shaded red one. With its delicate but full petals, opening fully as it matures, it has become a tattoo symbol that is synonymous with beauty, deep affection, and ultimately life.

How can i add to this tattoo ?
Q. I'm getting a rose tattoo i designed myself really soon. but the thing is it looks kind of plain
i do want to add to it, but what do you think i could add? any unique ideas?
plus dont say, its up to you or whatever i just want some ideas thaanks !

A. If the rose is pretty it will not seem plain. Tip: make it colorful

If you wanna add something see this:
1 (better without the crown IMO)

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Tattoo on LA Ink that I cannot find, please help?

Q. Corey did a tattoo for a woman and it was on her side/back and it was of a tree and there was a banner going through it that read, "to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived--that is to have succeeded" I am dying to find out more on this tattoo because I was going to do a tree as well, but of course a different quote and style. If you could tell me what episode this was or if you happen to find a picture of it that would be very appreciated.

A. you could try emailing him and asking... he's got his own shop / website, six feet under

or try asking on his facebook page -

photos of his work from facebook -!/media/set/?set=a.133720885020.138619.133715040020

** ha ha i am SO chuffed with myself i have found the EXACT tattoo, its here, this one!!/photo.php?fbid=151435815020&set=a.133720885020.138619.133715040020&type=1&theater

does anyone know the name of the woman from this vintage tattoo postcard (1912)?
Q. I just love this image & I was wondering if anyone knew who this woman is & who took the picture?

Does anyone know?

A. Her name is Lena. Lots of these women that were tattooed by artist back then only gave there name. lots of these women were couldn't let them selves be known as heavily tattooed so not much info is out there for them.
Here is a website of a well respected tattoo artist from the "60s

For more info go like my to stay connected and ask more questions

Soul Imagez Tattoo
1860 Alum Rock Ave #c
San Jose Ca 95116

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Senin, 09 Juni 2014

How can i add to this tattoo ?

Q. I'm getting a rose tattoo i designed myself really soon. but the thing is it looks kind of plain
i do want to add to it, but what do you think i could add? any unique ideas?
plus dont say, its up to you or whatever i just want some ideas thaanks !

A. If the rose is pretty it will not seem plain. Tip: make it colorful

If you wanna add something see this:
1 (better without the crown IMO)

Do you think...(pin-up girl tattoos)?
Q. that it is nice looking and appropriate for a girl to have a tattoo of a woman or of a mermaid or of a pin-up girl on her?
Think of the celebrities such as Megan Fox(she tattoed Mairylin Monroe) and Rose McGowan( tattoo of a woman)

A. I think it's awesome if it's tasteful. I have two tattoos of more new-skool pinup girls and I love them. I think they're extremely sexy. One thing that I suggest is not getting them nude or partially nude. A sexy post or some skin is great though :)

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Can you suggest a Ukrainian tattoo idea?

Q. Basically, I'm in love with Brad Pitt's tattoo in Snatch. The one of the outline of the woman on his chest.
I want to do something like this but I want it to represent Ukraine.


A. tryzub

- with flag

Your opinions on tattoo placement?
Q. I'm trying to figure out where I should get my next tattoo (a Cheshire Cat in black and grey). The ability to cover it isn't much of a concern since I passed that point when I got my forearm tattooed. I'm quite fond of the idea of getting it on my stomach along the curve of my hip bone (Example: I know many people think "Oh my god don't get tattooed there," so what's your opinion of that placement? I'm 5'9 and 130 lbs, I do A LOT to keep my figure, and having kids is out of the question for me...
I also like the idea of getting it on my ribs (, or my lower back (

What are some other places that come to mind? What are some possible pros and cons about those placements? Also, I eventually want to get a back piece, so I wouldn't want it on my shoulder or anything.

I know that it's ultimately my decision to make, but hell, maybe you guys could give me some ideas :)

One more question that's somewhat unrelated to the preceding one, what's your opinion of chest tattoos on women? ( ...not necessarily the tattoo itself, just the placement of it.
Damn, it appears that none of the links I posted are correct -_- sorry about that. I think I explained the hip bone and chest tattoos well enough already
by "on my ribs" I mean on my side, around where my bra strap would be
and by "my lower back" I mean where a "tramp stamp" might be, but higher up and to the side. It wouldn't cover the entire width of my back either.
Sorry about the links :-/

A. Tattoos are super cool! But chest tattoos arent right for women. In my opinion. I feel like placing on right above your cleavage is just asking for attention and might draw in the wrong kind of people. And Please do not get it on your lower back or chest. No tramp stamps gurll. I think your hip bone might be a good idea! I think full back pieces are also really cool I think this one is really cool!!!
Or the cheshire cat going from your stomach to your back. Almost like climbing up you would look super cool
Chandelier tattoos are really cool for backs. I would totally do a cheshire cat hanging from a chandelier on your back that owud look sick!!! Also pick the right tattoo artist. Never try going for the cheapest tattoo when its something that will be on your body for the rest of your life!

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