Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

What is the Sexiest tattoo location on a woman?

Q. What do you think is the sexiest location on the body a woman can have a tattoo. I think tattoos on the small of the back is the sexiest spot.

A. As a woman, I think it`s sexy and pretty to see it in the middle of her lower back, that shows just above low-rise pants.

How are tattoos on the rib cage looked at for men?
Q. So I'm a total tattoo newbie. I'd like to get something in the next year or so and have been thinking about placement. It's a stupid question, but like I know that there are some places on the body that are generally reserved for women, such as the lower back, around the belly button, sometimes the feet, etc. Is the rib cage generally an asexual location? For whatever reason I really like the looks of a rib cage tattoo, especially if they're kind of bigger.

A. I have both my sides, up to my ribs tattooed, I love it haha. And it looks great on guys!! I personally think that spot tattooed on anyone is attractive and awesome! Does hurt though ;]

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Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

What is so bad about a women getting a tattoo on her forearm?

Q. I am wanting to get a tattoo of my daughters name and the japanese symbol for daughter on my left forearm but my husband doesnt want me to get a visibal tattoo. He told me that its tacky for women to have visibal tattoos..Does any other guy think that?

A. I am a women and I dont feel anything wrong with it. Its far from tacky.I recently just got a half sleeve and I love it. I dont regret it and I got it for me, no one else but for myself. If someone doesnt like it then Oh well it not on them. My fiancee was pretty cautious about me getting it but I convinced him of how bad I did. Now he loves it. It makes me who I am. I got a picec of art on me that will always be there and I will always be proud of it and of who I am. I say if it would make you happy then why not?? IF you do go forth with it good luck and Im sure your husband will like it after its all done,besides its there forever he wont have a choice :)

What is it about Asian women that enjoy Men with Swastikas tattooed on their Chests?
Q. My ex-Japanese girlfriend said it was very Holy in Japan.
And I often got free lunches by displaying it at restaurants.
My new Korean girlfriend said it is highly revered in Korea.
And every-time I go to the Gym, there's these Vietnamese Twins that bow to me and say they can make me real happy.

I come to America, and all the White People have a Hissy-fit about it.

A. That these men are blessed by the Buddhas and worthy to be with.
Either in a previous life their minds went towards the Dharma.
And this gesture of memory indicates their minds are pure, and worth the companionship.

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Why do women expect men to shave every ounce of hair off their entire body?

Q. i mean seriously women want us guys to shave our mustache, beard, chest, legs, heck even our pubic area. the only hair women like on guys is the hair on their head. i mean come on ladies don't you think you're taking it to far?

A. there are still plenty of women that like hair on men. At least women over 30 or so.

If I had to shave everything by the time I got finished I'd have to start all over where I began. Got hair everywhere but my forehead, palms, and soles of my feet. Unfortunately, as has been mentioned, being that way is not as popular as it used to be. But Sean Connery still gets away with it. Always did. And I think he's never had much trouble getting laid. Me neither.

In fairness, I don't care if women shave anything either. Actually prefer that they don't.

This new hair is gross crap is rooted in capitalism. No money to be made off of people that are content to be the way they were made. Had to ride the bus home the other day, and jesus, it was an eye-opener. Mexican kids with foot high cockatoo do's, black girls with multicolored, braided, two hundred dollar medusa-like tangles of greasy strings, white suburban punks with those ridiculous three inch long cones sticking through their ears. Bull rings in their snoots. Pierced this, pierced that. Tattoos everwhere that look like they were done with knitting needles and prune juice. Now we're supposed to get rid of all the hair that's not on our heads.

Culturally manipulated twits. The lot. And any woman that expects a guy to shave everything deserves the sort of spineless pushover that would accomodate her.

Would this work to ward off men from an attractive women?
Q. Having an attractive woman wear something that indicates she's gay: eg. a rainbow collar.
Do you think that would work at all?

A. No way! I'm a straight man, and for some reason I find myself to be attracted pretty strongly to bi and gay women. That sounds bad, but really- sexuality is kind of a spectrum. Are you 100% straight? Really, really, really 100%? Not 99%? Or maybe 90%? How about 80%? I've had relationships with women who were primarily into women, but occasionally were attracted to men.

It's not about "turning them straight" or anything like that- I just find that if they're that in touch with themselves, and have the fortitude to be open and accepting of something that mainstream society would expect them to keep in the closet (less these days, thank god), then they are sometimes fun, creative, interesting people. It's stupid to generalize and make these stereotypes, I'm really just speaking about a few individuals in my past- but to answer your question, the "gay" indicator would have to be very strong, and very "anti-man, don't even ask", to put me off.

Example- i know a woman who wears a mullet, no makeup, really unattractive clothing, has a lot of gay tattoos, and is constantly ogling women and talking crap on men- I am definitely not attracted to her! There just isn't a question, and she's made it very clear in regular conversation that she has zero attraction to men, and she's pushed the "butch" thing to the extreme. In my eyes, she is no longer attractive.

If a woman is straight, or likes men, she will have a very hard time hiding behind a little flag unless she is also a very good actress.

A better way to "ward off" men might be a nice big engagement ring, and maybe some religious paraphernalia- cross, bible, etc.

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What do women think of eyebrow piercings?

Q. Just had my left eyebrow pierced and really like it! Would prefer women to answer this question. Thanks!

A. Ugly. For me, it is associated with other things I don't like, such as drugs, tattoos, smoking etc..

Where can I find pictures of women's eyes for a tattoo that I want?
Q. I want really ladylike eyes with a distinctive eyebrow arch and full lashes. I also want one of the eyes winking. Can someone help me please?

A. go to deviantart
i found all my tattoo ideas there

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What are some good love quotes preferably in a different language?

Q. I wanna get a tattoo on the back of my neck that says something about love or being beautiful. just something classy and pretty. I would like it to be in another language like french or something. also since its going on the back of my neck it needs to be small. Thanks for your help!

A. 99% of all sayings wont fit there for size reasons. Pick another location. You need to pick an area that is flat and doesn't move or the lettering will distort. The usual location for classy or romantic says for a woman is the chest.

And you have to pick the words or they wont be meaningful, which is the basic reason for any tattoo. All tattoos are about you being true to yourself.

What type of tattoo should I get on my stomach?
Q. This is going to be my first tattoo, but i don't know what to get. I want it to be small-medium. Maybe dealing with love?

A. For your first tattoo, getting one on your stomach is a bad idea. We wrote multiple articles on the questions you have. "Another spot not recommended is the stomach because weight can go up and down like crazy and that�s where it will show the most."

First question is what you should get. We wrote an article called "What Should My First tattoo be" here:
"We suggest whatever tattoo you get, make sure its personal and small. What if you don�t like your tattoo? You have to stick with it for almost ever unless you get it removed, which also takes time to get rid of. Get something like an RIP tattoo of someone that was special to you that can remind you every day of how awesome that person was"
Read more here to get more ideas:

We also wrote an article called "Do Tattoos Hurt and How Will It Feel? Women Feel Less Pain Then Men?". There is a picture there where it shows what spots hurt the most. For the stomach, they suggest to bring a leather strap to bite down on because you WILL feel pain.
Read more here:

And the last article I will suggest to read is "Where should I put my tattoo?". Here we write the best spots to get a tattoo. One quote from the article should help you: "Another spot not recommended is the stomach because weight can go up and down like crazy and that�s where it will show the most.".
Read more here:

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Is a Cross tattoo on your hip inappropriate?

Q. Ok so I know hip tattoos are supposed to be a more sensual location that an arm tattoo for instance. I'm Catholic and very religious and I was thinking about getting a small cross and some words in latin on my hip. I just want people's opinion on whether the hip is a too inappropriate or disrespectful a location for a cross?

A. I have a cross on my chest just over my heart. I'm a Christian and admittedly i did put alot of thought into it first. I think as long as you are getting it for good reason then you would never regret it.
I got mine because i had some bad experiences with my church but then i met my husband who brought me to a different church, helped me find faith again....then cheated and lied and hurt me, so i wanted a reminder that my faith was my own and not a bad thing...hence why i put it over my heart.

The only thing i would say is be very careful of the style of the cross you get. Women's cross tattoo designs tend to be very fine lines which on places that stretch isn't a great idea :)

Have you thought abut trying to design your own cross? Just start with a shape you like and work around it to create something that is really truly personal to you and your faith.

What do people think of forearm tattoos on women of small quotes?
Q. What are peoples thoughts on women with forearm tattoos for example cher lloyd from x factor.

A. I happen to have a forearm tattoo.
It is not words, but is a custom designed and high quality work of art that wraps 3/4th of the way around my forearm with the image on the top, a couple of inches from where my arm bends.
It is very unique and does not look ugly or trashy.
I don't think that you can make blanket statements, like 'all forearm tattoos on women are ugly' with any kind of accuracy.

All tattoos are not the same. All women are not the same. How my tattoo looks on me, has nothing to do with how Cher Lloyd's tattoo looks on her.

Basically, you are going to get 2 kinds of answers - negative from people who do not like tattoos or are judgmental based on stereotypes. Or people who are fine with tattoos, who don't judge by whether you are male or female, or have a tattoo or not, or if you have one where it is located.

If you don't like them, don't get them, and keep your opinions focused on who you are instead of making blanket statements like this.


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Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

i need horse related quotes to go with this tattoo?

Q. just some short yet inspirational sayings or quotes that are horse related to go with this tattoo

A. First off, that is a NICE tattoo!!! I think I just might get it. ;P

Second, there are so many quotes that I think could go with this. <> has a list of horse related quotes. The direct link is <>

I like:
To ride a horse is to ride the sky. ~Author Unknown

A lovely horse is always an experience.... It is an emotional experience of the kind that is spoiled by words. ~Beryl Markham

A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves - strong, powerful, beautiful - and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence. ~Pam Brown

The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire. ~Sharon Ralls Lemon

A horse is worth more than riches. ~Spanish Proverb

In riding a horse we borrow freedom. ~Helen Thomson

Feeling down? Saddle up. ~Author Unknown

God forbid that I should go to any Heaven in which there are no horses. ~R.B. Cunninghame Graham, letter to Theodore Roosevelt, 1917

To me, horses and freedom are synonymous. ~Veryl Goodnight

Horses lend us the wings we lack. ~Author Unknown

The horse is God's gift to mankind. ~Arabian Proverb

Gipsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark. ~Attributed to the Claddaugh Gypsies of Galway

A horse is poetry in motion. ~Author Unknown

O! for a horse with wings! ~William Shakespeare, Cymbeline

If you are a woman:
A woman needs two animals - the horse of her dreams and a jackass to pay for it. ~Author Unknown

You wanted the shorter ones, so I tried to choose the short ones. TRIED, mind you. ;P Have fun choosing!! I think I just made your life harder though .. I apologize if I did. Ciao for now!!

meaningful sayings or quotes for tattoo?
Q. i want to get a tattoo of a quote in another language. nothing lovey dovey.. something strong and powerful. my friend has shes a strong woman and you only live once, so along the lines

A. Here are some excellent ones which are best for a tattoo -

�Love hurts, love scars, love wounds, and mars.� - Roy Orbison

�Love hurts more than hate.� - Michael Todd

�Drink to me� - Pablo Picasso

"Never give up.� - Winston Churchill

�Wherever you go, go with all your heart.� - Confucius

�Injustice in the end produces independence.� - Voltaire

�Interdependency follows independence.� - Stephen R. Covey

�Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.� - Oprah Winfrey

�If you can't convince them, confuse them.� - Harry S Truman

�Sex alleviates tension. Love causes it.� - Woody Allen

�Give thy thoughts no tongue.� - William Shakespeare

Here are the sources -

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What do you look for as a design on a t-shirt?

Q. What subjects are you fond of? Do you have a favorite book (Twilight, Pride and Prejudice) or a favorite movie that you would sport quotes from on your shirt? What colors and styles of designs do you like?

A. As someone in the graphic design field, I tend to buy graphic t-shirts that either have something remarkable about them (some of Ecko Unltd's tees do it for me), something that expresses a mood or feeling I can relate to, or something I am fond of (such as Japanese mythology and animals like the koi fish and lion).

I am not really fond of the grungy Medieval designs which seem to be really popular such as Affliction. However, I bought two of their t-shirts last year, because I liked the line they had by Japanese tattoo artist Horiyoshi III and their bamboo line caught my eyes. The softness of 70% bamboo and 30% cotton aside, they have a tee that illustrates a woman with wings with her hands together in prayer looking up and supposedly crying. The words "affliction" on that tee meant more to me than they would one one of their shirts with a grim reaper or two skulls.

Right now I am wearing a simple white t-shirt with a diamond shape -- similar to that of a construction sign -- and the words "OUT THERE" with an arrow pointing up to the neck hole inside of the shape.

Since I am light skinned, I tend to buy fabric colors in white, black, heather gray, or shades of blue. As far as the ink colors used in the design, I am open to pretty much anything. I have a white Ecko shirt with the rhino running through what appears to be a city-like jungle. There are grays in the rhino and browns in the monkey hanging from a lamp post, but there are also saturated colors in the vines and leaves and also in the parrots shown in the illustration. I also have a black shirt I picked up in Louisiana when I stopped at Rue21. It is a simple black tee that has argyle stars with paint splatter. The two colors used are two I would never think of wearing before: rose pink and bright green.

I find myself carefully picking graphic shirts these days, because a lot of people seem to be big on wearing a company name, number, or band on their tee. Who can blame them though since that are most of the designs I see in stores. I have nothing against that though, because the people who wear those shirts know how to make it look nice more times than not.

What does Kabbalah say about how to attain happiness in life?
Q. And please, serious and respectful answers that actually pertain the the question. I'm not asking for an opinion here or anyone's suggestions that I convert to Christianity. I'm researching a paper thanks.

A. Getting ready for my women's minyan today, and saw this. Deeper insight into Torah (Kabbalah) can bring happiness but it can also bring soul searching suffering associated with learning the "hard" way from experience -- whichever is needed to rectify or heal that soul.

Just as there are levels of meaning to Torah, there are levels of meaning to mitzvot (commandments). The commandments were designed to bring about harmony and spiritual growth for the individual, community, and universe. After learnning Torah, Talmud (it's interpretation) and having a teacher to guide learning, most begin to learn the deeper aspects of Torah with 'mussar' which is improvement of one's character. This takes out any rough spots which do often cause misery. This overlaps many stories in the Torah and re-interprets the whole thing according to ethical structures. For example, the ladder climbing of Jacob can be seen in this light, or counting the Omer, the 7 weeks prior to Shavuot where each day can address a different character trait. A good character helps one be happy.

Hitbodedut (meditation) crying out to G-d in one's own words, spending time in nature, time also in the Presence of HaShem, as well as ahavas Israel (love for Israel which engenders love for all humanity and the world) also improves the intelligence of one's soul and happiness, according to Chassidus type Kabbalah.

Cultivating joy is also one of the areas stressed in many mussar systems including Path of the Just by RaMChaL and the Palm Tree of Devorah by Moses Cordovero, both beginner Kabbalah mussar texts. Once achieved, deeper levels of connection are possible. Judaism is different from many systems because this life helps one connect and hone their character rather than seeking to hermit away from it.

Edit: What is not Kabbalah:

The links to the commercial "Kabbalah Centres" and "Kabbalah Research and Education Institutes" are misleading. Just because someone with a PhD who speaks Hebrew says they are teaching Kabbalah doesn't make it so. I listened to their slick videos and one online class -- they never mention G-d or Torah or worry about little things like character development. They are good at introducing some beginner terms, but then they misuse and misapply them in deeper aspects. It's all about giving them some money and they'll make you feel good if you worship them as your teacher. That's not Judaism or Kabbalah! That's a cult! It has divorced itself from Judaism and is meaningless.

Here is what Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok says about Madonna's brand of Kabbalah:

�I discovered that Madonna�s famous dabbling with sacred Jewish mysticism has taken an interesting turn. In her latest music video for the theme song of a new James Bond movie, the �material girl� of old is transforming herself into a �Kabbalah girl.� Aside from the traditional Madonna blend of music and sensuality, in this video we see Madonna has a Holy Name of G-d tattooed onto her right shoulder. Tattooing, mind you, is a practice forbidden under Torah Law, all the more so abhorred by the Kabbalah. Granted the tattoo may not be real or only temporary but nonetheless, any expression of performing a forbidden act is itself forbidden and inexcusable. Unfortunately, Madonna�s abuse of Kabbalah and traditional Torah Judaism does not stop here.

Later in the video we see Madonna winding leather straps around her left arm in the exact same format and style as holy tefillin are worn by religious Jewish men. Tefillin consist of a small leather box containing scared parchments. These are then strapped to one�s left biceps, and the strap is wound down the left arm and around the hand. Granted Madonna did not go so far as to defame the tefillin boxes themselves. Yet, it is quite clear that the wrapping of the straps around her arm is done in orthodox Torah style. This act of hers is pure sacrilege.�

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Comparing the pain of a tattoo to childbirth?

Q. I was a little curious, I hear women comparing tattoos to childbirth constantly, and was wondering which is really more painful? I have a tattoo on my neck, and I was just curious. Thanks! :)

Oh & by the way, I know it's a totally different 'kind' of pain, but I thought women compared them so much because they both have good outcomes, something you're looking forward to. (Of course, a baby is MUCH more to look forward to than a tattoo!) Haha.

A. I have never had a tattoo so I can't really say, but I cannot imagine how a large muscle contraction could be compared to a tiny, localized pain of a needle / scratching / burning feeling.

I usually compare the pain of contractions with the burning and pain you feel when a muscle does hard work, like your legs if you ran a marathon. This, coupled with the low back achy cramp of intense menstrual pain.

The birth itself (crowning) if you don't have any local anesthetic or epidural is referred to as the "ring of fire" for a reason, as there is an intense burning when the tissue starts to stretch. But endorphins and adrenaline kick in shortly and help dull the sensation, as well as the blood supply to the nerves gets cut off from the stretch. And you're so excited that you're so close by that point that you're just focused on getting that baby out, so the distraction helps dull pain too.

How do you feel about women with tattooss?
Q. Do you think it is manly, do you find it attractive, or what? What is your opinion of women with tattoos?

A. It depends if it is tasteful, big no-no to the burly biker tats all over legs and arms and worst of all.... BOOBS! Oh hell no! and big no-no to the maggots smoking a joint on the shoulder *shudder*

I have my daughters name in slanted cursive on the inside of my wrist, small, tasteful and discreet.

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Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

What type of tattoo should I get on my stomach?

Q. This is going to be my first tattoo, but i don't know what to get. I want it to be small-medium. Maybe dealing with love?

A. For your first tattoo, getting one on your stomach is a bad idea. We wrote multiple articles on the questions you have. "Another spot not recommended is the stomach because weight can go up and down like crazy and that�s where it will show the most."

First question is what you should get. We wrote an article called "What Should My First tattoo be" here:
"We suggest whatever tattoo you get, make sure its personal and small. What if you don�t like your tattoo? You have to stick with it for almost ever unless you get it removed, which also takes time to get rid of. Get something like an RIP tattoo of someone that was special to you that can remind you every day of how awesome that person was"
Read more here to get more ideas:

We also wrote an article called "Do Tattoos Hurt and How Will It Feel? Women Feel Less Pain Then Men?". There is a picture there where it shows what spots hurt the most. For the stomach, they suggest to bring a leather strap to bite down on because you WILL feel pain.
Read more here:

And the last article I will suggest to read is "Where should I put my tattoo?". Here we write the best spots to get a tattoo. One quote from the article should help you: "Another spot not recommended is the stomach because weight can go up and down like crazy and that�s where it will show the most.".
Read more here:

what would be a good tattoo mural to symbolize motherhood?
Q. I want to get a mural tattooed on my back that will represent the change from childhood to motherhood. I know that i want it to be gray scaled and that I don't want the usual faeries, butterfly's, frogs or flowers but im not very creative and the artist needs a general idea that i want to display any ideas?

A. Take images from your childhood, a picture of you on a swing or slide, in diapers, being held, sleeping, different ages, toys and books, and the things that you were interested in at different stages, objects to represent time periods and ages, silhouettes, etc. Look in scrapebooks, and bring any and all pictures, and written ideas to your artist and see what him/her comes up with.
Here's some vague idea images:
Write down things that you want in the mural, ideas etc.
Find a really good artist to work with you.

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How Long should you wait after giving birth to get a tattoo?

Q. I'm due in roughly 8 weeks and after i give birth and heal from any injuries involved, I want to get a tattoo on my back with my daughter's name and her date of birth. I am going to breastfeed (if i can) and I can't find much online about any possible complications of getting a tattoo about 1-3 months after giving birth. Help?

A. Definitely wait until you are done breast feeding. Reputable tattoo shops will not tattoo a woman that is breast feeding because of the risk of infection. In the paperwork that you have to fill out before getting a tattoo, they ask if you are pregnant or breast feeding and if you lie and say you are not and sign the paperwork and then something happens, they can not be held liable. It's possible that you can pump your milk before getting a tattoo to stock it up. Then for 2-3 weeks after getting the tattoo you can use the saved milk you have while continuing to pump to maintain your supply and discard the pumped milk for the 2-3 weeks after the tattoo.

What happens to the baby if you get a tattoo while pregnant?
Q. I've been wanting a tattoo but I just found out I was pregnant. Ugh.
What would happen if I got the tattoo?
Btw I'm still early enough so it's not like the artist would know.
I know you're not "supposed" to get one, but why not?

A. We just won't do it. It's a code among tattoo artists. Ink is injected under the epidermis into the dermis. I've seen a few women who were tattooed while pregnant, and never seen any ill effects. But we won't do it if we know you're pregnant. It's one of the first questions on the release form you sign to get the ink. 'Are you pregnant or breast feeding?' If the answer is 'yes', we won't touch you.

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Should the NBA ban players with tattoos or other ridiculous looking hair?

Q. So many of the black athletes have ridiculous hair and will not wear suits to games. These black people look like trash and near some direction. Maybe if David Stern would just fine more of the players the white guys in the suits would be making more money.

A. It is the black people who are actually making those shots those white people cant make. Why shouldnt they be able to have tattoos?? cause idiots like you dont like them?? Then dont watch. As far as their hair goes that is just retarded!! I would love to see a pic of you.
They shouldnt have to wear suits either. They dont play in them. It doesnt effect the game one bit. But they do get fined if they dont show up in them. If they want to pay... WHO CARES?? The people who are making them big bucks are making that money because of their shooting ability. Maybe those white boys should step up there game a little,THEN THEY WILL MAKE MORE MONEY

P.S. According to your other questions, it is apparent you are a racist and a sexist. Must hurt your feeling, with all them blacks and women making more out of themselves that you ever could. You are pythetic!!!



Thats not what I was saying. He was complaining about the white boys ...sniff sniff not making the money they should. If they were out there shooting like Lebron, they would be making more money. THATS WHAT I WAS SAYING DUMBASS

What are some fun games or ice breakers for a Women's Retreat?
Q. I am planning a Women's Retreat for my chruch. There will be 15 - 25 women in a beach house in October. What are some fun, silly games or events we could do at the house?

A. Sit in a circle and have everyone tell the group something they have done that
1) No one would guess to look at them
2) They are proud of

I do this all the time at potluck tables. I added (2) because people would think I was asking them to reveal personal secrets, like they got two days out of a pair of socks. I was looking more for "I climbed Mt. Whitney" or "I have a tattoo from my days in the Peace Corps".

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Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Would a tattoo on the wrist be detrimental to ones career?

Q. I've been wanting a (non-offensive) tattoo on my wrist for the longest time. It would either be totally around the wrist, or on the underside of it.

However, I am curious if others think it will be detrimental to my career. I work with computers currently, but plan on going to school to pursue a career as a veterinarian. My idea is that, when absolutely needed, the wrist tattoo can be covered with a watch, bracelet, or long sleeves.

What do you think?

A. I have done my share of hiring over the years. I won't hire anyone, man or woman, that has a tattoo..unless they show on their resume that they were in the military and the tats in questions shows their affiliation to their military service (ie: anchors and daggers on sailers, or an eagle and globe on a Marine). All others with trendy tats are thanked for their time and are not offered jobs. Period.

Where does a tattoo look best on a women?
Q. And what's your opinion on a woman having a tattoo on her wrist?

A. Well That depends.....There is a thin line between Sexy and Trashy! Easier way to distinguish is to imagine yourself in a wedding dress, If you can see your tatts then you'll definitely look unflattering. Also remember that tattoos are forever, think twice before you get one done. What looks sexy today might not look too sexy in 10 years. And in 20 years it might look down right ridiculous!!! I have asked a few of my guy friends and they all seem to like the back and hip best Sooo best of luck!!

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Elaborating on an existing tattoo.... looking for ideas please!

Q. I have a plain ankh tattoo on my chest which sits above my left breast and a couple of inches over from my breastbone. I have been wanting to do something else to it for a while now but I'm not sure what to do. I also have a problem with space because I have a tattoo on the front of my left shoulder and I don't want the ankh extension to look like a part of the shoulder tattoo.

I normally am a creative and somewhat artistic person but I'm coming up blank with ideas. I'd like the extension to be related to the ankh instead of something random that has no connection. Basically, I don't want the ankh surrounded by a generic swirly design. Please help! I'm stumped so any ideas would really be appreciated.

A. I found this image (temple symbol with other Egyptian symbols:
Here is the site where I got it from, there are 2 more Ankh's with Lotus's also:
And here is another:
You could get the scarab beetle above it:
and/or 2 Egyptian Lotus on each side:
Here is a Google 1st page of Egyptian symbols:
You could add an image on each side - power, life, stability:
You could put the winged scarab on the Ankh:
You could put this man and women on each side with or without the eye of Horus above:
And here is the Ankh with the winged cobra (immortality?):
Good luck with your choice!

My boyfriend likes girls with
Q. Ok so this is a very long story... but i really need some advice as idk what else to do.

My bf and I have been dating for over 4 1/2 years already. We have always been very happy and our relationship has been great. We first started having a some problems when he got a new job and his supervisor was a tattooed girl with piercings and crazy hair. She was not attractive but had that "suicide girl look". He never expressed any feelings for her and thought she was ugly. months went on and slowly i noticed they were becoming work buddys. He started being more secretive about her and she would flirt with him right in front of him. i told him i did not like her and to stop talking to her and keep it professional. He didn't like that idea and claimed she was just his "friend". so this went on for a while and finally one day he told me that he was sort of "attracted to her & liked her style". that really hurt my feelings because i was right all along. anyways, we somehow made it after all that. However, i have never forgotten about it and still resent it.

a couple of days ago, i was on his laptop and while typing a URL, her tumblr popped up. This infuriated me. Why was he looking at her tumblr? it had been over a year! he didn't see when i saw the tumblr so i confronted him saying that i saw a girls blog. he panicked so much and lied for his life. presented me with a suicide girl's tumblr. I was crushed because he had just lied to me about her again. told me he was just "curious". may i add this was all on my birthday?! anyways i forgave him again like i always do.

then we go back to tumblr.... he has a tumblr dedicated to "tattooed girls". i've known about it but never asked to see it and gave him privacy. so after my bday incident when he showed me the suicide girls tumblr, i wanted to see it. i did and he only followed about 9 people, and liked about 40ish photos (all tattood women). then i see the women he had previously showed met that he thought was really hot and guess what? she looks just like her supervisor.... i was very upset at that. I've had just about enough giving him so many chances and trying to "understand"guys needs. so i thought i deserved to express myself, i told him he could keep looking at those girl on tumblr but not the one that looked like his supervisor. he said he never made the connection between the two but idk if that true because he will lie for his life to not make me upset. he promised me he would not look at her because he didn't want to loose me. Wrong, he still looks at her although i said i didn't want him to.

my thing is, i am aware that he watches adult movies online, has a tumblr with naked tattooed women and i have said that is ok as long as its during his private time and doesn't make it personal (he had looked some up on instagram and had several wallpapers on his comp). and yet he cannot understand and leave ONE girl alone although it makes me very upset because it looks like her supervisor?!?!?!

and now he tells me that he now goes on his tumblr more often then ever. that me being "jelous" and telling him not to look at that one suicide girl makes him want to even more. so lately he has been going on his tumblr everyday and liking many photos. i am just so confused and don't know what to do. he says he thinks girls with tattoos look hot but would never ever date one and that he doesn't really care if they are the most attractive girls as long as they have tattoos which is he found his supervisor "attractive". However this worries me because now every time i see a girl with tattoos i feel like his is drooling over her.

he always tells me he loves me and the way i look.

About me: I would consider myself an attractive girl and very sweet. I don't want to sound conceded but many guys express that they think I'm beautiful, hot, cute etc. Ironically I've always liked tattoos and piercing and think some girls do look attractive. I have 3 body piercings, gauges, and several ear piercings. I also have future appointments for tattoos to get done on me.

Please help. Anything. I know its a lot of info but any advice will help.

A. Look, you've told him how you feel about him ogling those pictures and you've asked him countless times to stop. He still does it. What does that tell you?
He doesn't respect you or your feelings.
Having certain preferences is fine, and he may well genuinely love you.
But when your fantasies start spilling over and causing problems in your personal life, that's when it stops being a preference and starts becoming an obssession.
Deep down, are you planning these tattoo appointments because YOU want them? Or are you doing it because you're trying to "keep" him?
If it's for you, then fine. But if even a small part of you thinks that he'll be more "attracted" to you, or will treat you better if you are tattooed as well, then I would urge you not to do it.
It's fair enough liking tattoes, but when you're with someone, you're not with them for their body art. You're with them for the person they are... And you accept them as they are.
If he doesn't respect you, honour you, and treat you right NOW, then he is never going to... Tattoed or not!
I think you need you either accept that this is the way he will always be and stop expecting him to change, or walk away and find someone you trust, who makes you feel secure and loved.

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How many young women have tattoos?

Q. What portion of young women, say under 30, have a tattoo today? I'm looking for a fraction or a percent, like 1/3, 1/4, 50%. How many tattoos do most of them have?

A. It seem survey information varies greatly on that.

According to this article 60% of all western women.

1/4 by this article:

I do a fair bit of photography and it's rare I come across a young woman who doesn't.

According to one article I read, the trend is slowly changing back with fewer young women getting tats than a couple years ago.


What do men really think about women with tattoos and piercings?
Q. I strongly believe that a women with high quality ink and a few body piercings can be very attractive. I am a successful young women with a few piercings and tattoos but it seems when i go out with friends i get one of two reactions. Extremely interested or almost discussed because of my few body modifications? Even within my own generation? 18-25 Why such drastic opinions?

A. I think they are sexy lol but it differs from guy to guy you might find a guy like me who likes a little bit like a few piercings and like 2 tattoos but not likening full body tats but some guys like nothing others like the full body tattoos

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Senin, 24 Juni 2013

Does anyone know if a tattoo affects your breast milk?

Q. I would not think it does but I wondered if anyone has done any research on it. My husband and I are designating our children with animals so our first son will be given a bear. I am getting bear paw prints on my back but want to know if I need to wait till I am completely done nursing. I hope not bc obviously he is something that we are both proud of and want to show it together. My husband is getting a bear on his shoulder.


There is no evidence that getting a tattoo will affect breastfeeding. There should be no harm to mom or baby from the dyes injected. If you get a tattoo, the biggest concern for anyone (not just nursing moms) is infection (hepatitis or HIV)-- so make sure the place you go has good references and is clean.
Is it safe to get a tattoo while breastfeeding?

Tattoos are created by injecting ink into the dermal (second and third) layer of the skin. Tattooists use a hand-held electric machine that is fitted with solid needles coated in the ink. The needles enter the skin hundreds of times a minute to a depth of up to a few millimeters. The ink that is used in tattoos in the United States is subject to FDA regulation as cosmetics, but none are approved for injection under the skin. However, the ink molecules are too large to pass into breastmilk.

General information about tattooing also applies to breastfeeding women. Local and systemic infections are the most prevalent risks of tattooing. Local infections can occur when the recommended aftercare regimen is not followed. Aftercare includes keeping the tattoo clean with mild soap and water, not picking at the scabs and keeping the tattoo out of the sun. Tylenol is often prescribed for the pain, if needed. Systemic infections occur when universal precautions are not followed by the tattoo artist and can include such diseases as hepatitis, tetanus and HIV.

It is very important to screen the tattooist and the shop carefully, checking with the local health department for local laws and regulations. Professional tattooists will follow universal precautions such as sterilization of the tattoo machine using an autoclave, single-use inks, ink cups, gloves and needles, bagging of equipment to avoid cross contamination, and thorough hand washing with disinfectant soap. Most tattooists will not knowingly tattoo a pregnant or breastfeeding mother. It is suggested that mothers wait at least until the child's first birthday to give their bodies a chance to recover completely from childbirth before getting a tattoo.
Is it safe to have a tattoo removed while breastfeeding?

Tattoo removal is now accomplished with the use of lasers. The laser energy causes the tattoo pigment to fragment into smaller particles which are picked up by the body's immune system and filtered out. The removal process is bloodless, low risk and has minimal side effects. The same aftercare as for a tattoo applies to its removal.

There is no evidence suggesting that tattoos affect the breastfeeding relationship or have any effect on breastmilk. If you have chosen to adorn your body with a tattoo and give your baby the baby the best start in life by breastfeeding you can feel comfortable in your decision.

Are Tattoos Compatible with Breastfeeding?

How long after I have my daughter, do you think is best to get my tattoos?
Q. Ever since I got pregnant with my second daughter, due Dec 5th, I have wanted to get 2 tattoos. They are of my daughters names and would be on my wrists. I was just wondering how long I should wait before getting them. I am not breast feeding because of complications with my first so that isn't a factor. Thank you.

A. I think it's funny how 3 out of 4 of your answers so far don't even answer your question.

If you want to get a tattoo, or two tattoos in this case, I would wait 6 weeks after your child is born. Even if you are not breast feeding, your body will still be going through a major change and will need to heal. Allow your body to heal and get better before you do something that could potentially lead to an infection. Also, many women's abdomens don't shrink back to normal size for a couple weeks, and a tattoo parlor might turn you away if they think you are still pregnant.

The best thing to do is talk to your doctor and then talk to a tattoo artist. They will both be able to tell you what is best, but I still recommend waiting 6 weeks even if they advise that you can do it sooner.

Good luck!

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Where can a woman get a tattoo and have it not look at all trashy?

Q. My brothers, my sister and I are getting matching tattoos of our family motto, and my sis and I can't decide where we want ours to go. It's a pretty small design, and we'd like the option of covering it at times. And I'm not a skinny girl, so that rules out a few places. Ideas anyone?

A. Do not worry about it looking trashy. If a person hates tattoos, theyre going to tell you it looks trashy no matter where you put it. (disreguard those people, they suck). On your upper back would be cute, or on your ankle, or foot? (im not skinny either, i have one on my ankle, and on my foot). The foot one is easy to cover (obviously) and even though I hate feet....I think foot tattoos are cute.

How can i add to this tattoo ?
Q. I'm getting a rose tattoo i designed myself really soon. but the thing is it looks kind of plain
i do want to add to it, but what do you think i could add? any unique ideas?
plus dont say, its up to you or whatever i just want some ideas thaanks !

A. If the rose is pretty it will not seem plain. Tip: make it colorful

If you wanna add something see this:
1 (better without the crown IMO)

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How are tattoos on the rib cage looked at for men?

Q. So I'm a total tattoo newbie. I'd like to get something in the next year or so and have been thinking about placement. It's a stupid question, but like I know that there are some places on the body that are generally reserved for women, such as the lower back, around the belly button, sometimes the feet, etc. Is the rib cage generally an asexual location? For whatever reason I really like the looks of a rib cage tattoo, especially if they're kind of bigger.

A. I have both my sides, up to my ribs tattooed, I love it haha. And it looks great on guys!! I personally think that spot tattooed on anyone is attractive and awesome! Does hurt though ;]

If i get a tattoo on my rib cage , will it be affected in the future when i become pregnant ?
Q. It will be a quote of about 8 words going diagonally down my rib cage , nothing too big .

When i become pregnant , and get bigg , then small again ,what normally happens ?

A. Any body can be toned back into shape after a pregnancy. I'm sure you've seen imagery out there of women in their 50's that have the bodies of 20 year olds. Haha, as far as tattoos are concerned, depending on *where* you get it on your ribs, you may or may not have problems. (I digress; eventually, a text tattoo will get "old" looking, so you'll need to get it touched up eventually... but that's whether you're pregnant or not).

If your pregnancy does effect it, it would likely stretch the lettering out and make it... "thicker", I guess is the only way I can describe it. Cocoa butter rubbed on your skin on a daily basis will make it easier for the skin to maintain elasticity and it'll help the skin go back to its... "original" pliability after the pregnancy. Of course, you will have to get back to your original weight after having a baby, which for some women, is never an easy task.

I'm trying to say, it doesn't have to turn into an unsightly mess if you don't want it to or if you don't allow it to happen. But you're going to have to work for that result.

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How many times will I need to bleach this?

Q. So my hair is basically a dark brown and is collarbone length - good condition and all. Under neath is a bright red and all that was needed was one brown dye over it in october and a toner last week because i have two inches of roots and the brown that was over the red had faded.
Long story short - I have been doing deep conditioning treatments two times a week and taking biotin pills to kind of help repair and grow my hair.
To all the cosmetologists out there - how many times is it going to take for this color to go to blonde? I plan on going to my stylist come Summer and get it bleached out so it'll be back to a light brown if anything a medium and an inch or two longer. Just want to get an idea of how long I'll be sitting around and all.
Already talked to my salon chickie - just want second opinions.

A. Overlapping dye onto previously colored hair is what creates dullness and dryness. If you color your hair @ home, let your roots grow out as long as you can stand, so the line of demarcation is easier to spot. Only run color through the lengths for five minutes to refresh the ends. To extend the time between touch-ups, use a gloss and deep -conditioning treatments. They will help smooth cuticles roughed up by daily wear & tear, and the hair will look shinier. ~ Harry Josh, hairstylist of the celebrities.

Celebrity wears two-tone hair dye all the time, trying to grow out their dye.

Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.

Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Hallowe�en party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. It�s made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. It�s well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time.

Google: A 38-year old mother left in a coma after using hair dye. SHE DYED HER HAIR MANY TIMES BEFORE, USING THE SAME BRAND. The British woman who went into coma after a reaction to hair dye has died after a year. Updated 11-25-12. The woman suffered a heart failure, struggled for breath and became unconsciousness. Her family blamed paraphenylenediamine, a chemical found in hair colour. Her family has now called for paraphenylenediamine to be banned from home dye kits. In 2000, a 38-year-old Indian-origin woman from Birmingham, Narinder Devi, died after an allergic reaction to hair dye.

Permanent black hair dye is linked to causing leukemia and lymphomas.

Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.

Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps"� 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone."

Google & search for Hair Dye & Relaxers.
Google: Hair Dye FAQ's Are Hair Dyes Safe?

Want to do something different with my hair? Opinions?
Q. I have long dark brown hair, I was thinking of doing an ombré? Going from dark to light. Nothing too drastic though. Or I might even get highlights? But still want to keep the bottom of my hair darker. If anybody has suggestions id love to see some pictures or hear some ideas. Thanks!

A. If you change the color of your hair, it's still the same hair, why not try to experiment with different hairstyles?

I have hair down to my knees, and I can create 7 different hairstyles a week. Takes 2-10 mins.

Celebrity wears two-tone hair dye all the time, trying to grow out their dye. They call that the ombre style.

Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.
> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 22 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <�
Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Hallowe�en party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. It�s made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. It�s well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time.

Google: A 38-year old mother left in a coma after using hair dye. SHE DYED HER HAIR MANY TIMES BEFORE, USING THE SAME BRAND. The British woman who went into coma after a reaction to hair dye has died after a year. Updated 11-25-12. The woman suffered a heart failure, struggled for breath and became unconsciousness. Her family blamed paraphenylenediamine, a chemical found in hair colour. Her family has now called for paraphenylenediamine to be banned from home dye kits. In 2000, a 38-year-old Indian-origin woman from Birmingham, Narinder Devi, died after an allergic reaction to hair dye.

Permanent black hair dye is linked to causing leukemia and lymphomas.

Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.

Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps" 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone.�

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what would be a good tattoo mural to symbolize motherhood?

Q. I want to get a mural tattooed on my back that will represent the change from childhood to motherhood. I know that i want it to be gray scaled and that I don't want the usual faeries, butterfly's, frogs or flowers but im not very creative and the artist needs a general idea that i want to display any ideas?

A. Take images from your childhood, a picture of you on a swing or slide, in diapers, being held, sleeping, different ages, toys and books, and the things that you were interested in at different stages, objects to represent time periods and ages, silhouettes, etc. Look in scrapebooks, and bring any and all pictures, and written ideas to your artist and see what him/her comes up with.
Here's some vague idea images:
Write down things that you want in the mural, ideas etc.
Find a really good artist to work with you.

What would you do if your child came home from college with a tattoo?
Q. I am 19 years old and I am going to get a tattoo soon. I really want it to run along my spine starting at my collar line and run down to just below my underwear band. It would be written in hebrew and would be about one inch thick. It would be the bible verse Ephesians 2:8- For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith � and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God � (NIV)

What would you do if your child came home from college with a tattoo?

A. I think the question you really want an answer to is, What will your parents do? People on Yahoo can't answer that question. You can usually get an idea to that answer by feeling your parents out in a conversation. Casually, tell them about a friend, who recently got a tatoo, that you think looks cool and see what they say. Or go with somebody, that you heard is getting a tatoo and tell your parents about the experience, as a passing story. Sort of work it into the conversation smoothly. They will probably ask you if you are thinking about getting a tatoo and you can Say, "maybe, someday, I've thought about it". Their reaction will tell you what they will do, before you actually get the tatoo. Both of my older kids got tatoos. I'm not real happy about their decisions, but I never gave them a hard time about it. The only reason it bothered me, was the fact that they got them in places where it's hard to cover up (forearms for my son and upper back for my daughter). You have to think about your future and how your artwork will look during an interview. Tatoos on the neck, hands and lower arms, aren't the greatest places for professionals to have. For a woman the upper back isn't always the greatest if they have to wear a nice dress for some function. When you are young, you don't usually think of yourself as having a job where you have to look really sharp and professional. Maybe you will never have a job like that, but you should always look your best in a job interview, even if the job doesn't require much contact with the public. It doesn't mean your tatoos will keep you from getting a good job, but why affect your chances when you can get tatoos in so many places. You don't have to break certain lines, such as the collar line or the short sleeve shirt line. These are things that parents think about. My younger son will want one some day. I tell him to wear a short sleeve dress shirt or a nice polo shirt to the tatoo place. When they apply the stencil transfer, you can see if the tatoo will stick out, then you can get it somewhere else. That's all I ask. He understands this. His half brother regrets his tatoo that goes up to the back of his neck. He can tell when he goes to interviews, that people keep looking at it. I'm glad my younger boy understands this fact.

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Is putting on a bunch of temporary tattoos too messy for Halloween?

Q. Never was into tattoos, so looking like a tattoo fan sounds like one idea for Halloween, if the temporary ones are easy to take off for the next day. Or, does it get into the clothes?

A. I have seen a wide variety of the wet and press on tattoos it takes a little practise but they can look like real tattoos. I am sure different brands work differently. Henna tattoos stay on for awhile longer whereas the wet and press on stay on until they are worn off or taken off with alcohol and some rubbing. Be careful where you put them if you want to remove them because they take a little effort to remove and a sensitive area is unpleasant to remove it from. I use to do plenty on the kids. The glitter rhinestone ones often do not usually stay on very good and may require a better glue than they come with. I am sure one can use the super glue to attach these better to the skin but it will take awhile for them to come off because the skin will have to be shed or pulled off with it. What determines how a tatoo affects the skin and how long it stays is how it is applied and what it is made of. The plastic wet and press ones do not tend to have colors come off on clothing. I am sure they have information on the internet about tatoos. I knew a beautiful Asian woman who use to come in with these incredible wet and press on tatoos over her very nice chest that looked real but as every few weeks they would change it was obvious they were temporary. The wet and press ones I put on the kids stay on pretty good for about a week then begin wearing off but to get them off faster for school their mother takes alcohol and rubs enough that the kid got tired of the tatoos and no longer want them unless they are on the shoulder where they can be hidden by a sleeve.
I would suggest you practise awhile before Halloween as to applying the temporary tattoos so that you can do a good job on Halloween. Often the dollar stores have lots of smaller ones and various sizes to practise with. Just put them where you can cover them or easily remove them. Start out small and build up. The ones I buy come in sheets and I cut out what I want to put on. Once you begin to apply it is difficult to fix them so begin with some inexpensive ones for practising if you intend to go on to the really nice bigger ones that can be purchased at various places and probably on the internet.

Why are women expected to only have small nonvisible tattoos?
Q. I'm just wondering why men expect women to have small tattoos that can be covered up. I have 4, but I chose to have a black phoenix on the inside of my forearm tattooed as a memorial for my father (he had a blue phoenix on his arm when he died). I later want to add symbols for "Father" tattooed near the bird.

I haven't really gotten any negative feedback from it, but I just noticed that a lot of people on this forum think that women should only have them small, cute in nonvisible locations.

Do guys prefer small cute tattoos like butterflies and flowers on women, or do some prefer that the tattoos have some kind of meaning? I'll never regret mine, but I think it's unfair that my father was covered in tattoos without anyone questioning him, yet some think it's "unusual" for me to have a large tat in a visible spot like my arm. It's a bit of a double standard. Your thoughts? Thanks for answering.

A. Personally I don't see any reason why men and women should be treated differently with regard to tattoos. But I agree with you, there's often a double standard. It also often comes out in the many, many questions which purely ask whether women with tattoos are still attractive, as if a woman's only role in life is to be looked at by men.

I think that very often the people who believe that 'small cute' tattoos are OK on women but larger ones aren't probably just haven't given it all that much thought from this angle. They have a sort of vague idea that tattoos are 'unfeminine', and that women should therefore only get 'cute' tattoos to counteract this, without having really considered the implications of these ideas - the fact that it suggests that a woman's main function is to be attractive, to appeal to other people, to be non-threatening; that she's a visual object rather than a human being with a head full of valid, interesting, unique ideas. Which I think is pretty sad, really.

In some ways I actually find this halfway-house suggestion that teeny-tiny flowers and hearts and butterflies are OK on women, but nothing else is, even more irritating than those people who just don't like tattoos full stop. Although I do like tattoos, I don't expect everyone else to as well. But the whole point of tattoos is that they can express anything you want them to, and to suggest that women should be restricted to certain subjects, sizes and placements when choosing their tattoos in order to 'fit in' is really hypocritical. There's nothing wrong with flowers, butterflies and so on; they can make great tattoos and if someone does want them, that's fine. If that's the tattoo someone truly wants then it's great, in fact. But I suspect that in some cases women are half-heartedly driven to get these kinds of tattoos for fear that if they got anything more individual and personal, people would ask too many questions and look down their noses, and that's such a shame.

So what I would say is, well done you for getting the tattoos you wanted! The more people do that, and show the world why it's important, the less 'cuteness' will be the main issue, and the better off we'll all be.

Hope this helps!

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Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

What kinds of tattoos look good on inner forearm of a woman?

Q. Im running out of room! All the places i have tattoos now can be hidden. I want one that will show and i want my next one on my inner forearm but haven't seen a lot of women with them.
what seems more like a good idea. A picture or a quote?
Or any other helpful suggestions?

A. I have a tattoo on my wrist/inner fore-arm.

It's a flower and I'm adding a hummingbird to looks great on me. And it goes about halfway up my forearm, but the hummingbird wil take up more room. It is a cover-up of an original butterfly that was home-made and looked ghetto as f.

I'm also going to potentially get a sleeve, and if I do that, I am getting two skeletons (bride and groom) with day of the dead makeup on my inner forearm to flow into my gypsy skull on my left upper arm...

Any ideas of a tattoo that mean stay strong?
Q. I want something on my hip or wrist just to remind me to stay strong.

A. The tattoo that means strength is the black panther.

The black panther is the largest and most ferocious cat of the Americas, pound for pound more fierce and dangerous than: the tiger, the lion or the leopard. The panther is at the pinnacle of the food chain in the Americas. Wherever this feline is found, it's revered for its strength, valor and power. Also for its maternal gentleness. As a tattoo motif, the panther makes a powerful statement about the person who chooses it, for it is a symbol of courage, strength and personal leadership.

On a woman, they look best on a forearm or outer calf. If you want it perfect, make sure the length of the panther matches the length of your forearm or calf or it wont look right.

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What did men shave with 2000 years ago?

Q. While I was shaving the other day. I began to wonder... If men shaved their faces thousands of years ago. What did they use?
And have archeologists found any examples??

A. Copper and bronze blades were the usual tools used but treatments such as hot wax and tweezers were not unknown.

Gonna resort to cut & paste not going to waste time proving that I know everything.
The history of shaving takes us back into the STONE AGE, around 100,000 B.C. when Neanderthal man first started pulling hair from, painting, and tattooing his body. He also enjoyed filing down his teeth for some reason, too. Ancient cave paintings inspected today will indicate that early man discovered other ways to remove hair from his face; in the beginning, he simply plucked them out using two seashells as tweezers. In fact, tweezers have remained throughout history as the most popular grooming tool ever invented, used by both "civilized" men and women to painfully remove body and facial hair. It's too bad they didn�t have Quik Shave Razors back then.

The earliest shaving razors discovered were flint blades made possibly as far back as 30,000 B.C. Flint could provide an extremely sharp edge for shaving; these were, of course, the first disposable shavers because flint becomes dull rather quickly. Not only did early man cut and/or shave off body hair with flint; he also seemed to enjoy carving unusual artistic designs into his skin. If he added natural dyes and colors to these cuts, he ended up with a tattoo. Other stone shaving tools found were made during the Neolithic Period, or Late Stone Age.

4000 - 3000 B.C. -

Women are removing body hair by making their own depilatory creams that contain bizarre combinations of scary ingredients, such as arsenic, quicklime and starch.

3000 B.C. -

Permanent shaving razors are developed, thanks to the invention of metalworking. Copper razors are found available now in both India and Egypt.

1500 - 1200 B.C. -

Some of the most elaborate razors of ancient times are produced during this period in Scandinavia. Excavated from the Danish Mound Graves, razors were found inside their own leather carrying cases with mythological scenes etched or embossed into their bronze blades; the handles were carved into horse head-shapes.

500 B.C. -

In GREECE, it is popular for men to crop hair very short and shave the face. ALEXANDER THE GREAT is pretty much the guy responsible for this trend because he is obsessed with shaving. He even shaves during wartime, and will not allow himself to be seen going into battle with a five o�clock shadow. Greeks back then considered it an aesthetic approach to personal hygiene, like the Middle Eastern cultures.

500 B.C. -

Around this time, ROMAN WOMEN remove hair with razors, pumice stones and make homemade depilatory creams made from medicinal drugs, such as bryonia. They also use tweezers to pluck their eyebrows. ROMAN MEN have a skilled live-in servant to shave them; otherwise they start their day with a trip to the tonsor, or barber, who will shave a face with an iron novacila, or Roman razor. This type of shaver corrodes quickly and becomes blunt; so most customers usually, or eventually, get cut. But don�t worry- the tonsor can fix this by applying to the face a soothing plaster made from special perfumed ointment and spider webs soaked in oil and vinegar. Despite the dangers of going to the barbershop, Roman men continue to flock in daily because they are also great centers for gossip and news.

400 B.C. -

The typical man of INDIA is found sporting a neatly trimmed, well-groomed beard; yet he shaves off all hair on his chest and pubic area; the average woman is removing hair from her legs with razors and tweezers.

400 B.C. -

Meanwhile in GREECE, the average woman is removing hair from her legs by singeing it off with a lamp. Most Greek men are shaving their faces on a regular basis, following the example of the bold shaver ALEXANDER THE GREAT.

300 B.C. -

One day, PUBLICUS TICINIUS MAENAS, a wealthy Greek businessman, brings professional barbers from Sicily to Rome, which introduces a whole new craze for shaving. Barbers use thin-bladed iron razors, which are sharpened with water and a whetstone. They don�t always use soap or oil, which is probably why it takes so long to shave a patron's face. The shaving trend endures until the days of EMPEROR HADRIAN (76-138 A.D.); who would revive the fad for beards. Hadrian actually grew a beard because he wanted to hide the lousy complexion he had on his face.

300 B.C. -

During this same time in ROME, young men about age twenty-one are required to have their first shave. They kick this off by celebrating their official entry into manhood with an elaborate party-like ritual. Other guy friends are invited to watch and give the novice shavee a bunch of nice gifts. Only soldiers and those training to become philosophers are excused from participating in this cultural ordeal.

292 B.C. -

The renowned SCIPIO AFRICANUS MAJOR (236-183 B.C.), conqueror of Hannibal in 202 B.C. also affirms the mode for being clean-shaven. He is admired and copied by men throughout Rome and by neighbors.

50 B.C. -

In ROME, many men are following the grooming example of JULIUS CAESAR (101-44 B.C.), who has his facial hairs individually plucked out with tweezers every day. He also writes this same year that "the Britons shave every part of their body except their head and upper lip."

54 - 68 A.D. -

In early Rome, POPPAEA, wife of the notorious EMPEROR NERO, uses depilatory creams to remove unwanted body hair on a daily basis. Depilatories are used as an alternative to the bloody mess that results from shaving with a blade. The latest available creams include some pretty wild ingredients, like resin, pitch, white vine or ivy gum extract, ass's fat, she-goat's gall, bat's blood, and powdered viper.

AROUND 100 A.D. -

In ROME, shaving the male face starts to become old hat, thanks to EMPEROR HADRIAN (76-138 A.D.), who is now reviving the desire for beards. Actually, Hadrian grows a beard to hide the lousy complexion he has on his face.

476 A.D. -


THE MIDDLE AGES: 476 - 1270 A.D. -

Because women in Europe wear very large and outrageous headdresses, the bizarre beauty secret of removing all hair from the eyebrows, eyelashes, temples, and necks becomes tress chic. This is masochistically accomplished by plucking and shaving every day, but a real lady who wants to represent herself in the ideal image of contemporary female beauty, knows this is a must. Sure, this makes a woman seem practically bald and somewhat extraterrestrial looking, but it is The Look to die for!

840 A.D. -

In southern Spain, a famous musician and singer from Baghdad known as BLACKBIRD opens the world�s first beauty institute. Here, students learn the secrets of hair removal, as well as how to apply cosmetics, manufacture deodorants, use toothpowder, and the basics of hairdressing.

1066 A.D. -

Shaving and haircuts help WILLIAM OF NORMANDY invade England to overcome HAROLD THE SAXON, King of Hastings. Before the attack, Harold�s spies venture out to gather intelligence; they return with the report of a very large group of "priests" seen nearby, but no enemy soldiers. Those "priests" were actually William�s army, mistaken for Holy Men due to the clean-shaven appearance on their faces and exaggerated pageboy haircuts. They shaved off the hair on the back of their heads but kept a short back and sides look, which gave them all a monk-like appearance.""


What are some areas of the body that girls should not get tattoos??? ?
Q. Im curious to know some of your opinions.

A. Their private areas. (unless part of a full body suit) Most men find them something of a turn-off. I'm not speaking of their lower back. Nothing wrong with that. But the last thing a woman should do is get her breasts or pubic mound tattooed. Some women are of the mistaken impression that this would be a turn-on to guys. I'm here to tell you, unless it is amazing, out-of-the-ordinary beautifully done artwork, these areas should be left alone. I've seen some work done there worthy of recognition. But they are few and far between. Chestplates are a different story. (above the breasts, shoulder to shoulder) Those are fine. ON the breasts themselves, let's not. Take care.

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