Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013

Where is getting a tattoo the most painful?

Q. Is it where it's really bony?

I want a tattoo on the back of my neck like this..

but there's this huge bump on the back of my neck..(like lower where the spine starts)
i'm really skinny so the bone there really sticks out. is it gonna hurt super bad when it reaches the bony bump?

A. The amount of pain you feel totally depends on you on personal sensitivity. Generally woman can handle pain better than men. If this is your first tattoo then you will find it uncomfortable as it's something you have never felt before. Your size(skinny/fat) wont affect how painful it is as body fat is not a form on protection to the pain tattoos cause. Generally your rib cage is thought to be most painful but like I said it depends on how you, yourself handle pain.

what is the best way to get your gaming YouTube channel noticed?
Q. hey guys my gaming youtube channel is TheSilverClassGamerz and have had it up for a few months though and am wondering how i could get a bit more noticed? because i have uploaded almost 50 videos now and only have 30 subs if you guys could help and tell me how that would be great.

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A. Lol. If those are the tags you're using, big reason why noone visits. Noone likes a spammer.

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How can i save my tattoos while tanning in a tanning bed?

Q. I have a big colored tattoo where my front ribs are, and ive heard that tanning will fade it out. I spent alot of money on my tattoo and if its going to be on my body for the rest of my life, i want it looking good as long as possible. Advice please, (im aware of the dangers of tanning blah blah okay cool were clear)

A. You could use sunblock or cover it with a towel. Tanning beds WILL fade your ink. I know maybe you think that being "tan" is sexy but seriously reconsider this. Tanning salons are going out of business left and right. For starters, fake tans usually LOOK fake. Secondly it destroys your skin and makes it look like leather when you are old and this is a proven fact. I don't even have to go into the health risk because you probably know already.

I am a man and I have LOTS of tattoos. I love to surf, hike and be outside. BUT being inked is a lifestyle choice and I know that. So I wear a wetsuit, I wear long sleeves and I wear sunblock all the time. I have spent thousands of dollars and I have my bodysuit almost complete. This means I can NEVER use a tanning bed and I have to avoid excess sun forever. That is okay with me. I love my ink and want it to last forever.

As a guy I am going to be honest here. I think overly tanned girls look stupid! It isn't sexy, it isn't cute and it isn't healthy. It also makes you look old and will destroy your ink. People who bake in tanning beds look weird. Especially if a woman has nice ink that is attractive to me. I also like people with their NATURAL skin color! Baking in a tanning bed was hot in 1985. It isn't hot in 2011. There are tons of self tanners on the market if you want to look darker. If you care about your ink STOP with the beds! Good luck!

If i get a tattoo on my rib cage , will it be affected in the future when i become pregnant ?
Q. It will be a quote of about 8 words going diagonally down my rib cage , nothing too big .

When i become pregnant , and get bigg , then small again ,what normally happens ?

A. Any body can be toned back into shape after a pregnancy. I'm sure you've seen imagery out there of women in their 50's that have the bodies of 20 year olds. Haha, as far as tattoos are concerned, depending on *where* you get it on your ribs, you may or may not have problems. (I digress; eventually, a text tattoo will get "old" looking, so you'll need to get it touched up eventually... but that's whether you're pregnant or not).

If your pregnancy does effect it, it would likely stretch the lettering out and make it... "thicker", I guess is the only way I can describe it. Cocoa butter rubbed on your skin on a daily basis will make it easier for the skin to maintain elasticity and it'll help the skin go back to its... "original" pliability after the pregnancy. Of course, you will have to get back to your original weight after having a baby, which for some women, is never an easy task.

I'm trying to say, it doesn't have to turn into an unsightly mess if you don't want it to or if you don't allow it to happen. But you're going to have to work for that result.

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Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Tattoo ideas for the poem Annabel lee by Edgar Allen Poe?

Q. He is my favorite poet and Annabel Lee is my favorite poem. I want a tattoo to represent this. Any ideas would be very helpful. Also for placement it needs to be in an area I can cover easily because of work. I also have one tattoo already on my right hip that runs up to my bottom rib.

A. Something like the first link. I believe that the sea is a crucial part of this poem. It's one of my favorite Poe poems and he's also one of my favorite poets. The sea also features in 'The City and The Sea' and 'A Dream Within A Dream'. It plays a metaphorical and symbolic role in these three poems.

It means that all things will at last be swallowed up by the eternal and immortal. All rivers flow unto the sea.

I think that the first link is a nice setting with a girl on the beach and a moon. This is nice because it kind of says something beautiful and gothic like 'all our life is a shadowplay'.

Having the setting or picture placed in a frame could be really cool. Like a locket, the type of love locket that they had back in the 1800's. Men and women would keep a picture in the locket, the frame is more important in this case. Maybe an oval type shape?

The other thought was an anime type cartoon. Have you heard of 'Lenore: The Cute Dead Little Girl' or 'Ruby Gloom'? I thought perhaps a more defined anime however - Annabel Lee doesn't seem cute or little, she's a very mature sort of immortal love.

Good luck. In the end I don't want to say too much. I understand how special this poem is. The three ideas were a: the sea or beach, b: anime / cartoon caricature. And c: a locket.

Good luck.

How much do tattoos typically cost?
Q. And I realize that pain tolerance varies from person to person, but on average how bad does it hurt? What is the least painful place to get one?

And what is the best place for a woman to get one that won't stretch (or stretch the least) during pregnancy?
It's going to be a small tattoo and I'm definitely not planning on getting pregnant for a long long time =)

A. Pricing on a small tattoo will vary according to:

-actual size
-location of tat
-studio minimum fees

Basically, any reputable studio is going to charge between $60 and $90 as a minimum fee no matter how small the tat. If you find a place that charges less, they are usually not the type of place you want to go to. A small black-ink-only tat will usually go for somewhere in that range.

As far as pain goes, of course it varies greatly from person to person, but the general rules of thumb are:

1) anywhere on the bone tends to hurt more, examples are the spine, ankle, shoulder blades, etc.

2) anywhere with a lot of nerve endings will hurt more, for example the buttocks, rib area, inner wrist, or inner upper arm.

The top of the thigh doesn't hurt nearly as much (while the back of the thigh is quite sensitive), and the back of the hip where you have a little padding and fewer nerve endings also hurts much less. However, the pain anywhere is fleeting and all part of the experience. You'll do great. It's not all about end product, right?

If you are concerned about stretching during pregnancy, you can easily get tattooed on your back, arms, legs, or neck. Many women get wrist tats especially when they want something small, easily seen (or covered, for that matter), and not easily affected by drastic changes in weight.

Take your idea to a tattoo studio or artist you trust, and ask them any questions you might have. Consultations cost nothing and are the best way to alleviate any fears, inform yourself, and get to know the artist you'll be working with.

Best of luck!

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Is it a good idea to dye your hair at 14?

Q. So I am just 14 (turning 15 in 5 days) and i have white hairs. But it's not like just one or two, I have many white hairs. My mom says its hereditary. My grandmother's hair turned completely white when she was 29-30. I want to dye my hair but i am not sure if its going to be a good idea. Will i have to dye them very often? Will this damage my hair? I want it to still look natural. Please tell me what you think.

A. It's NEVER a good idea to dye your hair @ any age!
Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps"… 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone."

In 1950, 7 percent of women dyed their hair. Today, it’s closer to 95 percent or more, depending on geographic location. In the ’60s, easy, affordable hair dye in a box hit store shelves, changing the follicle landscape for good.

Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.
Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.

Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Hallowe’en party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. It’s made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. It’s well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time.

Google: A 38-year old mother left in a coma after using hair dye. SHE DYED HER HAIR MANY TIMES BEFORE, USING THE SAME BRAND. The British woman who went into coma after a reaction to hair dye has died after a year. Updated 11-25-12. The woman suffered a heart failure, struggled for breath and became unconsciousness. Her family blamed paraphenylenediamine, a chemical found in hair colour. Her family has now called for paraphenylenediamine to be banned from home dye kits. In 2000, a 38-year-old Indian-origin woman from Birmingham, Narinder Devi, died after an allergic reaction to hair dye.

Permanent black hair dye is linked to causing leukemia and lymphomas.

Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.
Vanessa Minnillo Lachey: "I dated a guy once who wanted me to have blonde hair. Clearly, he was the wrong guy for me! I went to a lady who bleached my hair and it literally fell out. So, not only did I go back to my natural hair, I broke up with the guy!"
Another example posted on YA! 8-20-12. Is it just me or does xxl live max blonde make your scalp feel like it on fire? I've recently used a max blonde on my hair and I had to wash it wash off straight away because my scalp felt like it was on fire has this happend to anyone else?

A WOMAN was temporarily blinded when her face swelled up "like a football" following what she told was a severe reaction to hair dye.
Carmen Rowe, 25, from Swansea was hospitalised for three days after using the Clairol 'Nice n' Easy' natural black colour. She said: "I lost my job, all for the sake of a glamorous hairstyle. I just want to warn parents what could happen." She claimed she carried out a skin test 48 hours before using the dye without a problem and has been colouring her hair since she was 13. March 3, 2012.

Example of one who's hair is falling and stopped growing from YA!:
"my hair had been bleached many times and can't grow past a certain length
its also falling out . i stopped bleaching it.
i just need to add lenght! but if i can stop it from falling out..that be great too"

I need a short quote or saying about anger?
Q. I want a tattoo on my chest of a quote about anger. Ive always had anger issues and its the main reason for my relationship problems. I want a short quote or saying about anger that I can think of and stop myself from blowing up. Something to keep my head on and remind myself its not a big dead, any ideas?
I have but all the quotes I find are too long.

A. There aren't any good ones, that's why in the tattoo world we use images. The one you want is the Japanese Hannya Mask.

The Hannya mask has two sharp horns protruding from the temples, and bulging eyes staring from beneath a glowering forehead. The mouth is a gaping hole with grotesquely exaggerated canine teeth protruding from the mouth like the fangs of a wild animal. With its range of fierce emotions and expressions, the Hannya mask is a favorite tattoo image with enthusiasts of traditional Japanese tattooing.

The Hannya mask first appeared in the Japanese Noh and Bunraku plays around the 14th century, when theatrical masks - carved of wood -- were used to depict the character's state of mind or temperament. The Hannya mask represents a woman who is filled with rage, and/or hatred. She has become a demon. In fact, she bears little resemblance to a woman at all.

It's job as a tattoo is to remind you what not to do. It is a very powerful tattoo! By coincidence, the mask look perfect on a woman's chest.

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Do you like tribal tattoos.. (Links)?


What do you think...

Awesome tattoo for women that might get a tribal one..
Ignore the gay mixed guy sry

A. I don't like them at all
Unless you're Polynesian they don't make sense
They're literally just swirls

Has anybody heard of BICO Australia? Its jewelry. Do you like it? Is it worth buying?

A. Bico Australia was started by two Australian surfers from the famous Bondi Beach in Sydney.

Bico jewelry is modern, urban style chains and pendants based on tribal, cultural, and tattoo symbols from around the world. The Bico jewelry artists in Australia take ancient symbols and make contemporary and urban street-wear designs from them. Bico is for both Men & Women.

Meanings: The very cool addition to Bico Australia necklaces is that all the pendants have meanings, so you get a piece of jewelry with a unique look that can stand for something that's important to you.

Just to give a few examples: Strength & Power, Luck in Love, Indestructible Spirit, Protection from Evil, The Hunter, Fearless, Good Luck, Guts & Glory, Stronger than Steel, High Risk High Reward, Peace, Faith without Limits . . . .

There's also familiar symbols such as crosses, asian tattoo Kanji characters, the Om, celtic knots, zodiac astrology symbols, Hamsa, ankh, dragon tattoo, faces, fish, and spiders.

If you'd like to see all the designs and the different meanings for each symbol, they are on our website at:

Because Bico Australia was started by surfers, there are also surf and skate style leather necklaces. The founders wanted jewelry that looked cool on a board (surf, skate, or snow) and would hold up to the outdoors (all the silver plated jewelry has an invisible protective coating to retain the finish & Bico is very high quality). Bico also has great bracelets with unique patterns and leather wrist cuffs.

I hope that helps. If you are ever in Hollywood, CA our store is located at the ArcLight Cinemas complex where the famous Cinerama Dome is on Sunset Blvd. We would be happy to show you the Bico Australia jewelry in person.

TRIBAL Hollywood

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I'd like a Japanese woman's opinion of a guy with tattoos?

Q. I'm a 24 yr. old white guy from California. I work in the corporate world, am very nice and professional. I actually look like my avatar. I'm planning on moving to Japan for work after I get an MBA and I would really like to meet a nice Japanese girl out there. I have two large tattoos, one on each calve, and I am trying to find out how Japanese women living in Japan feel about them. I know its very subjective, but some input would help. Like I said above, I'm a very nice, normal person (not a stereotypical tattooed person or Yakuza), I just love tattoo art. Do you think most would look at the person rather than what they have on their body? It appears that tattoos are still taboo in Japan (as mostly Yakuza have them), but I know things are changing and people are opening up. Any comments welcome.

A. I like Japanese girls with tats and Iam sure you could find a nice Japanese girl with tats. I had many tats and I had me a Japanese girl with a dragon all over her legs and back. It was very nice.

A question about japanese onsens?
Q. I filled out a form to possibly go to Japan with my family and I was reading more about onsens, or bath houses.
It says that most onsens don't allow people with tattoos unless they are not completely obvious.
My mother has a tattoo right above her chest and it isn't visible at all unles she changes into a lower necked shirt.
So my question is:
Would my mother still be able to go into an onsen?

A. A small tattoo, especially with a woman, will be no problem. It is just that onsen do not want to be a meeting place for yakuza (mafia) who often have many tattoos.

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What are the pros and cons of getting a tattoo right before college?

Q. I am getting ready to start college in a few days and I was debating whether or not to get a tattoo. What are some pros and cons? And what is your overall opinion on what I should do?
The tattoo I would get would go around my ankle and it has personal meaning about family


The biggest con goes back to the days when sailors started getting tattoos from native peoples. There are people who think only low class people get tattoos. Fortunately that attitude is fading, but it will never fully go away. For women there is that phrase tramp stamp.

You do have to avoid getting certain areas tattooed (hands, face, neck) because they cannot be easily covered if work or other situations calls for it.

If you get a tattoo because getting a tattoo is trendy, you are more likely to regret it later. Same holds true if the tattoo subject is trendy.

No matter what the meaning, subject, or reason for getting a tattoo some people will regret getting a tattoo.


Your tattoo will be saggy and wrinkly when you are 70, 80, 90, etc. This arguement is akin to someone saying, "I'd like to go back to school, but I'd be XX years old when I graduate.". Really and how old will you be in 4 years if you don't to back to school? Okay, yeah, so what. My skin will be old and wrinkly when I'm 70, 80, 90, etc anyway. You can not make every decision based on what will be when you are elderly.


It's a relatively safe risk. (Excluding homemade tattoos or from dirty shops.) You might get a local infection even with the best of everything. Still it's not a life-threatening thing if done properly. (Yeah, there are always exceptions to the rule.) You go through some pain but it won't kill you. And despite their popularity, you will stand apart because you choose to have a tattoo.

People from every walk of life have tattoos. Yes that includes Doctors, Lawyers, politicians, and members of the clergy.

A tattoo can hold deep personal meaning. Or you can get one because you like the image. I have both types of tattoos.

A tattoo can be tiny or cover your entire body.

People with tattoos do not care that you don't have tattoos.

A tattoo can lead to a great conversation about tattoos and why the participants in the conversation have tattoos.

A tattoo can be shown off or kept private.

The design can be conservative or wild and funky.

You can regret the things you don't do as much as some of the things you have done.

A well-done tattoo is a thing of beauty.

How long does it typically take to tattoo the top of your foot, like the whole top?
Q. I'm getting the tops of my feet pretty much completely covered, just the tops, not my toes or the sides. And I'm just wondering about how long it will take to typically to cover each foot. I have small feet, each foot tattoo would be about 3 1/2 - 4 inches by 3 1/2 - 4 inches big. And they aren't too detailed, mainly more so colored in.

A. That all depends on how intricate the design would be, example if it's just a single color inked then it would at least take an hour tops, but if it has some design intricacies then it would definitely would take longer.

Another advice is, browse some tattoo sites, they might have some cool artwork and sample designs from their artist, I know a site where some of the artist are women, check it out first so you'll know what design you would want on your feet.

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How can liberals claim to support women's rights when they supported Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy?

Q. Bill Clinton sexually harassed women and was accused of rape. Ted Kennedy killed a woman by driving drunk and letting her drown.

Why were they given a pass by the left?

A. Nice try. Here is the GOP platform:

Fake outrage and loud noises! Very large pants! Tattoo of bald eagle with Budweiser can in its talon on chest! Anti-tax rally in the middle of the work day! Women in the kitchen!
-A. Republican

What are some good ideas for a patriotic tattoo for a woman?
Q. I want it to be kind of intricate, not just a flag or an eagle. It will most likely go on my shoulder or middle back. Nothing with blood. I would like it to be feminine.

A. Google "feminine patriotic tattoo"
The butterfly in the colors of the flag would be adorable on a woman.

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Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

Would a valkyrie wing be a good tattoo for a guy?

Q. I know that the valkyrie were woman that chose who would live and die on the battlefield and I know that it symbolizes strength and protection on the battelfield so would it be weird if a guy got it tattoed?

A. If you want it and have a great image that you love and a skilled and experienced tattoo artist, then get anything that you want. Images have no gender. If you want it get it.


What is oliver sykes right hand tattoo ?
Q. I am trying to find out what the tattoo on oli's right hand is it looks like a woman of some sort

A.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.50500085,d.d2k&biw=1366&bih=667&noj=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=DigKUrO5KMKn0AXatIGABw#facrc=_&imgdii=_& < hard to see from that pic but looks like a fish like woman :P

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Can having a tattoo on your breast affect milk production?

Q. I have a tattoo on one breast and its always been slightly smaller than the other one, but now Im 39 weeks and the breast with no tattoo has grown more than the one with the tattoo and seems to leak more often (the tattoo boob leaks sometimes but not very often) my breasts are not totally unporportionate, you can only tell that one is bigger if you stare at them lol but Im just concerned about not producing milk with the tattooed one.

A. I wouldn't worry. The amount that you leak during pregnancy doesn't indicate your future supply. With my 1st child, I leaked constantly from 5 months pregnant on. With my 2nd child, I only leaked on one occassion during the whole pregnancy. Yet with both children, I've had plenty of milk. MORE than enough, actually!

Congrats on the baby on the way! Make sure that you get good support if you have any problems. The first few weeks of breastfeeding might be difficult, but its worth it =) With the proper support, you and your baby can have a comfortable and successful breastfeeding relationship. Not sure if you know this, but I'll share just in case you dont! Make sure the hospital doesnt give your baby any bottles, or it can sabotage your milk supply. It is very important that your body gets the signal to produce milk by having your baby on the breast every time he/she is hungry! Also, bottles too early can cause nipple confusion, so its best to avoid them altogether for at least the first few weeks to get a good latch and supply established. Another thing, if you ever try pumping, remember that it is NOT an accurate indicator of how much milk you actually produce. Many women's bodies do not respond well to pumps, and can only pump a little, or not at all. Your baby is the most effective milk extractor.

If you ever need any help, contact La Leche League. You can visit their website, or get help in person. is also an excellent breastfeeding resource.

Email or IM me if you have any questions =)

Good luck and congrats!

What is the tackiest tattoo you have ever seen?
Q. Forget the damn butterflies, the black (terribly drawn) panther on the calve or the double hearts on the upper arm. I've seen plenty of tacky tattoos, but the tackiest of all was a woman with a Tweety tattoo (not kidding!) Can you top this one?

A. One of my friends has the "Your name" tattoo on his butt.His mom has a rose tattooed on her right breast and shows it to anybody who asks to see it.Not just the tattoo but the whole breast.The tackiest however.One of my coworkers has a vagina tattoo on his neck.He has to wear turtlenecks when we have company visit the plant so he doesnt offend anyone.

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What part of the body do you think is a stupid place to get a tattoo?

Q. What part of the body do you think is a stupid place to get a tattoo and it annoys you ?

Woman getting tattoo's on there belly and then getting pregnant 4 years down the line is stupid

and sorry but i hate it when folk get small tattoo's on there wrist i think its pointless sorry to people who like them :)

What about yourself ?

A. On the inside of the lower lip....

When you see someone with a tattoo what is your first thought?
Q. I have four tattoos, i want to get one fixed and get another one. But my moms boyfriend told me that : Visible tattoos are unprofessional looking: Many people associate tattoos with low-class individuals, and not professional, thoughtful, dynamic people. From a professional standpoint, this popular but misconstrued attitude can hurt a person with a tattoo during the job interview process. Many tattoo artists will refuse to iunk a person on their neck just for this reason. Women with tattoos are indecent: The so-called “tramp-stamps”, or tattoos that many women have on their lower backs are often associated with a promiscuous lifestyle. While this attitude is diminishing, it is still prevalent in many cultures, and women should be aware of the connotation that a tattoo in this location could have. Is this true do most people believe this crap??
The four tattoos I have now can all be hidden. I have one on my ankel, the back of my leg, my lower back and my upper shoulder. Sure when I bend down you can see my lower one and in the summer all of them are visible on the beach. I just got my EMT license and thinking about goingout for the fire dept. Im going to school to either become a nurse or own my own business. I just dont like being judged bc Im expressing my life through body art
Im not offended by people who say ewww or think they are "trashy" but if you feel that way could you explain why you feel that way

A. I don't believe any of those stereotypes. Usually if I see someone with a tattoo I'm interested in what it is and perhaps how they chose it. I think the stigma that comes with a tattoo is ridiculous.

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Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

Help! How do we get those ugly people off the Yahoo email page?

Q. You know what pictures I'm talking about: That woman holding that really ugly baby, the woman with tattoos all over her arms (those are fake, by the way. NO ONE would put Yahoo and Facebook tattoos on their arms), and that dweeb with the glasses and long nose. Whenever I log in and these people come onto my screen, I want to vomit! Will someone tell me how to get them off the Yahoo Mail page?

A. My picture changes to a Chevy SUV and of course the tattoed woman. Click Keep me signed in for 2 weeks and you won't have to look at them so often. We can't get rid of it, it's Yahoo's programming. If you sign in every 2 weeks then all you have to do in enter your password and you are in.

What would you do about this situation?
Q. What would you do if your boyfriend or girlfriend got married women girls name from work tattoo to their arm? Well my boyfriend did this after I left him the first time because we was rushing things and it got out of hand plus we was planning a wedding,but anyways my boyfriend got those married woman name on his arm plus his sister,and underneath it, it says best friends. Do you think he needs to get it covered or put my name on his arm too? I think he needs to show some respect!

A. Oh brother. If you don't like it, then talk to him about it.

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Maori / Polynesian Tattoo Designs?

Q. i want to know descriptions of specific designs

A. what do u mean by discriptions..
When the Samoan Islands were first seen by Europeans in 1722 three Dutch ships commanded by Jacob Roggewein visited the eastern island known as Manua. A crew member of one of the ships described the natives in these words, “They are friendly in their speech and courteous in their behavior, with no apparent trace of wildness or savagery. They do not paint themselves, as do the natives of some other islands, but on the lower part of the body they wear artfully woven silk tights or knee breeches. They are altogether the most charming and polite natives we have seen in all of the South Seas…"

The ships lay at anchor off the islands for several days, but the crews did not venture ashore and didn’t even get close enough to the natives to realize that they were not wearing silk leggings, but their legs were completely covered in tattoos.

In Samoa, the tradition of applying tattoo, or tatau, by hand has been unbroken for over two thousand years. Tools and techniques have changed little. The skill is often passed from father to son, each tattoo artist, or tufuga, learning the craft over many years of serving as his father's apprentice. A young artist-in-training often spent hours, and sometimes days, tapping designs into sand or tree bark using a special tattooing comb, or au. Honoring their tradition, Samoan tattoo artists made this tool from sharpened boar's teeth fastened together with a portion of the turtle shell and to a wooden handle.

Traditional Samoan tattooing of the “pe'a”, body tattoo, is an ordeal that is not lightly undergone. It takes many weeks to complete. The process is very painful and used to be a necessary prerequisite to receiving a matai title; this however is no longer the case. Tattooing was also a very costly procedure.

It was not uncommon for half a dozen boys to be tattooed at the same time, requiring the services of four or more artists. It was not just the men who received tattoos, but the women too; their designs are of a much lighter nature rather than having the large areas of solid dye which are frequently seen in men’s tattoos. The tattooing of women was not nearly as ritualized like men’s were.

Samoan society has long been defined by rank and title, with chiefs (ali'i) and their assistants, known as talking chiefs (tulafale). The tattooing ceremonies for young chiefs, typically conducted at the time of puberty, were part of their ascendance to a leadership role. The permanent marks left by the tattoo artists would forever celebrate their endurance and dedication to cultural traditions. The pain was extreme and the risk of death by infection was a concern; to back down from tattooing was to risk being labeled a “pala'ai” or coward. Those who could not endure the pain and abandoned their tattooing were left incomplete, would be forced to wear their mark of shame throughout their life. This would forever bring shame upon their family so it was avoided at all cost.

The Samoan tattooing process used a number of tools which remained almost unchanged since their first use. “Autapulu” is a wide tattooing comb used to fill in the large dark areas of the tattoo. “Ausogi'aso tele” is a comb used for making thick lines. “Ausogi'aso laititi” is a comb used for making thin lines. “Aumogo” small comb is used for making small marks. “Sausau” is the mallet is used for striking the combs. It is almost two feet in length and made from the central rib of a coconut palm leaf. “Tuluma” is the pot used for holding the tattooing combs. Ipulama is the cup used for holding the dye. The dye is made from the soot collected from burnt lama nuts. “Tu'I” used to grind up the dye. These tools were primarily made out of animal bones to ensure sharpness.

The tattooing process itself would be 5 sessions, in theory. These 5 sessions would be spread out over 10 days in order for the inflammation to subside. The steps are as follows.

I. O le Taga Tapulu (back and small of the back) In the first session the height to which the tattoo will rise is decided (Ano le Tua), this is always such that the top of the design will show above the lavalava. Then the va'a, pula tama and pula tele are outlined and the design filled in.

II. O le Taga Fai'aso (the posterior) The aso fa'aifo are completed around to the abdomen and the 'asolaititi are finished. Next to be added are the saemutu, which vary in number depending upon social status. A matai will have four an orator three and anyone else would have two. Where it meets the 'ivimutu at the anus it is called tafaufile, where it covers the perineum it is called tasele, where it covers the scrotum it is called tafumiti and the area over the penis is called tafito. Needless to say this is very painful.

III. Taga Tapau The lausae, an area of solid tattooing, is added to the thighs beneath the aso e lua.

IV. Taga o Fusi ma Uluma

Guy Foot Tattoo.........?
Q. Would it be normal or okay if a guy got a foot tattoo? I found a maori design of a humpback whale and i think it would be awesome to get one on each outer side of my foot. However, I've never really seen a guy with a foot tattoo. Do you think it is normal for a guy to get a foot tattoo? Why or why not?

A. of course it would be OK. it hurts aswell so its even more manly than a normal tattoo. they are affiliated with women nowadays because they like to have small sexy tattoos that can be easily covered, but there is no reason men can't have them either.

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Who are the most realistic tattoo artists in the midwest?

Q. I live in the twin cities and I'm looking into different tattoo artists for my next piece. I want a photographic looking image of two people (man and woman) holding hands with fingers intertwined. It would be black and white, but I don't want it looking like a drawing so I'm looking for the best artist that I can find in the area. Iowa, Wisconsin, Chicago, and possibly further are options but I'd like the stick close to home. Let me know what you think! Links to previous work would be much appreciated!


A. Tom Renshaw in Detroit. Tell him Maria from IS sent you.

How would you perceive an attractive female with a not so girly tattoo?
Q. but not manly at all! just not the average hearts, butterflies, all that unoriginal stuff (no offense they look cute and all!) haha

something alittle more. for example a tattoo like angelina's, megan fox's tats etc?

i personally love them and it makes them a little endearing and mysterious, its not something you'd expect from a pretty girl. makes her unique

def. badass! what do you guys think? just curious?

A. i personally think that not so feminine tattoos are hot on women, and all the guys ive dated would def. agree.

most of the guys ive dated or been interested in, ive met because they noticed my tattoos and were intrigued, which is not very common for pretty young girls to be very heavily tattooed. [i mean, two sleeves, full chest piece, feet, ribs, one calf, piece on the neck behind the ear.. pretty heavy]

i mean, you'll never be able to get EVERYONE you ask to agree that theyre hot or not, but from my experience and from people i know, heavy tattoos or not feminine tattoos on women are extremely hot.

at the same time, i do get weird looks, or ive had an old woman say to me "those are for ugly girls" or things like that. i do have people ask "why such a pretty young girl would do that to herself", so yes, there will always be haters. but get a tattoo for yourself, not for the rest of society!!

tattoos are also starting to be a lot more socially acceptable these days-- almost everyone, even a community's most-respected people, are getting tatted up now!

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Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

What do you think is the best lyric or lyricist you have ever heard of?

Q. include the artist and lyric I dont care about type of music or how the song sounds so much. the two people i think are the best are elliote smith and (god help me but it's true) eminem.

heres my favorite, the best part is highlighted by asterisks, it means two things at once.

Drink up, baby, stay up all night
The things you could do, you won't but you might
The potential you'll be that you'll never see
The promises you'll only make
Drink up with me now and forget all about
The pressure of days, do what I say
And I'll make you okay and drive them away
The images stuck in your head
People you've been before that you don't want around anymore
That push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still
***Drink up, baby, look at the stars
I'll kiss you again between the bars ****
Where I'm seeing you there with your hands in the air
Waiting to finally be caught
Drink up one more time and I'll make you mine
Keep you apart, deep in my heart
Separate from the rest, where I like you the best
And keep the things you forgot
The people you've been before that you don't want around anymore
That push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still

A. Bob Dylan, maybe not the greatest thing he ever wrote but |'m really into this album at the moment.

'Changing Of The Guards' from STREET LEGAL.

Sixteen years,
Sixteen banners united over the field
Where the good shepherd grieves.
Desperate men, desperate women divided,
Spreading their wings 'neath the falling leaves.

Fortune calls. I stepped forth from the shadows, to the marketplace,
Merchants and thieves, hungry for power, my last deal gone down.
She's smelling sweet like the meadows where she was born,
On midsummer's eve, near the tower.

The cold-blooded moon.
The captain waits above the celebration
Sending his thoughts to a beloved maid
Whose ebony face is beyond communication.
The captain is down but still believing that his love will be repaid.

They shaved her head.
She was torn between Jupiter and Apollo.
A messenger arrived with a black nightingale.
I seen her on the stairs and I couldn't help but follow,
Follow her down past the fountain where they lifted her veil.

I stumbled to my feet.
I rode past destruction in the ditches
With the stitches still mending 'neath a heart-shaped tattoo.
Renegade priests and treacherous young witches
Who were handing out the flowers that I'd given to you.

The palace of mirrors
Where dog soldiers are reflected,
The endless road and the wailing of chimes,
The empty rooms where her memory is protected,
Where the angels' voices whisper to the souls of previous times.

She wakes him up
Forty-eight hours later, the sun is breaking
Near broken chains, mountain laurel and rolling rocks.
She's begging to know what measures he now will be taking.
He's pulling her down and she's clutching onto his long golden locks.

Gentlemen, he said,
I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes,
I've moved your mountains and marked your cards
But Eden is burning, either get ready for elimination
Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards.

Peace will come with tranquility and splendor on the wheels of fire
But will offer no reward when her false idols fall
And cruel death surrenders with its pale ghost retreating
Between the King and the Queen of Swords.

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Women only: Do you have tattoo and where is it? What is it of?

Q. I just got one this last summer on my lower back and I am 40. My 17 year old daughter went with me so I had to act like it did not hurt too bad! It actually hurt like hell-but I love it now Mine has the word "IMAGINE" with angel wings highlighted in lavender on each side. Kind of a tribute to someone ery special who has passed.
I didn't ask if you thought they were trashy I asked if you had one-so glad you got your 2 points for answering. Mine is dedicated to my dad who passed from brain cancer 3+ years ago. The song "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me was my inspiration.
I am actually going to let my daughter get one (small) on her foot. She is a dancer so we are looking for a symbol to use.
Thanks for all the answers-it was fun!

A. Lower Back - Butterfly & Fairy on a Big heart with 3 little hearts floating around them like bubbles. 3-4 little bubbles added to make it look dreamy.. It's really pretty cool. Had it done in Vegas by the "famous" Hart & Huntington Tattoo Company, one of Las Vegas’s hottest tattoo parlors I might add.... It's located inside the Palms Casino Resort. Great Place!

Should I use developer 40 to help dye my hair res?
Q. I have long, black, thick wavy/curly hair. I dyed my hair red with loreal hilights for
Dark her + 30 developer. Midway down my hair did not take as good as the first half. Should i redo t with 30 or 40?

I have never dyed my hair before and i never flat iron it. Should i just use the 40 to get the brightest I want?

A. You should have bought the home dye KIT.
Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair. Overlapping dye onto previously colored hair is what creates dullness and dryness. If you color your hair @ home or salon, let your roots grow out as long as you can stand, so the line of demarcation is easier to spot. Only run color through the lengths for five minutes to refresh the ends. To extend the time between touch-ups, use a gloss and deep -conditioning treatments. They will help smooth cuticles roughed up by daily wear & tear, and the hair will look shinier. ~ Harry Josh, hairstylist of the celebrities.

Celebrity wears two-tone hair dye all the time, trying to grow out their dye. They call that the ombre style.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.
> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 36 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <

Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Hallowe’en party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. It’s made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. It’s well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time. Skin specialist Najjia Ashraf reveals that there are barely any dyes that don’t contain this toxin; even the ones who claim they don’t, are not being honest. “Big brands often escape the blame by suggesting they are ammonia-free. However, ammonia and PPD are two very different things and PPD is present in nearly every dye because it is what gives off the colour,” she explains.

Google: A 38-year old mother left in a coma after using hair dye. SHE DYED HER HAIR MANY TIMES BEFORE, USING THE SAME BRAND. The British woman who went into coma after a reaction to hair dye has died after a year. Updated 11-25-12. The woman suffered a heart failure, struggled for breath and became unconsciousness. Her family blamed paraphenylenediamine, a chemical found in hair colour. Her family has now called for paraphenylenediamine to be banned from home dye kits. In 2000, a 38-year-old Indian-origin woman from Birmingham, Narinder Devi, died after an allergic reaction to hair dye.

Permanent black hair dye is linked to causing leukemia and lymphomas.

Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.

Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps" 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone.

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Minggu, 11 Agustus 2013

Tattooed people: do you prefer to date others with tattoos or does it not matter?

Q. Just seeing what the preferences are. Tattooed and non-tattooed weigh in. Do you have a preference?

A. I love my girlfriend to death and I wouldn't trade her for the world. Buuuut she has no tattoos, and I find tattoos on a woman to be a major turn on (especially a shoulder piece or half sleeve or a rib piece) but I guess obviously I don't need a woman with a tattoo(s). She said her getting a tattoo would be like putting a bumper sticker on a Ferrari lol.

How bad is the pain on your shoulder?
Q. OK I am planning all my tattoos out in advance. I want to get a pink daisy for my mom on the front of my shoulder like by the clavicle bone like this LOCATION NOT THIS TATTOO. (People sometimes don't read the whole details, sorry)

not going behind my shoulder just on the front.

A. A piece like that for the most part will not be bad at all. But generally when getting up on your shoulder closer to your neck the pain greatly intensifies. Closer to your should the less amount of pain.

Best advise is to not worry about the pain. It is all tolerable. Just decide on your tattoo and where you think it will best fit.

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I want to be a tattoo artist, how?

Q. I am currently going to school to work as a designer in the video game industry. However I have been struggling with my classes in 3D and I have recently discovered the art of tattooing. I have two tattoos myself, both of which are of my own design. I would be very interested to pursue a career in tattoo, but I do not how now to go about doing this or if I would even be received well being a woman in a field dominated by men…

A. I have four tattoos. My ex fiancee was a tattoo artist too, though he was freelance and used what you would call "jailhouse" style. I don't think you'll have a problem as a woman pursuing this, I know of quite a few women artists and I was interested at one time myself.. Personally, I think to be a great tattoo artist you should have talent and passion.. but then again, they have books for people to pick the design they want and those are basically stencils. But you said you have two of your own design, so you must have it! That makes a real tattoo artist. I've heard of some tattoo academies but I think there are other ways to get that certificate or license, whatever it is.. Being an APPRENTICE should be your first step.. find a good shop that you like and feel you'll get along with the person or people who work there. Maybe your apprenticeship will turn into a job. Good luck and be safe..

How can i easily search for these movies PLEASE HELP??!?
Q. I'm trying to find the rotten tomatoes rating and movie year for a list of movies i have. Is there any way i can easily find out without searching each movie one by one? Please help no rude comments thanks
here is the list:

A Simple Plan
An Incovenient Truth
August Rush
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
God Grew Tired of Us
Gone Baby Gone
I Could Never be Your Woman
The Valley of Elah
Into the Wild
My Kid Could Paint That
No Reservation
Resurrecting the Champ
The Godfather
The Truman Show
28 Weeks Later
Angels and Demons
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
Black Death
Deliver us from Evil
Donnie Darko
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Final Destination 5
Fright Night
Ghost of Girlfriends Past
Goyas Ghost
Lake Mungo
Lakeview Terrace
Mulberry Street
My Sister's Keeper
Paranormal Activity
Saw IV
Saw VI
Scream IV
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
The Caller
The Collector
The Crazies
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Lovely Bones
The Mist
The Number 23
The Orphanage
The Ring
The Silent House
The Village
Twin Peaks
Vanishing on 7th Street
Wrong Turn 2
An American Haunting
Conjure of Sacrifice
Davinci Code
Final Destination
Lady in the Water
Paranormal Activity 2
Scream 3
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
The Lake House
The Last Exorcism
The Others
The Wicker Man
Winter's Bone
Red Planet
Red, White, and Blue
Reign Over Me
Source Code
Snow Angels
Starting Out in the Evening
The Assassination of Jesse James
The Brave One
The Burning Plan
The Curse of the Black Pearl
The Dark Knight
The Hoax
The Hurt Locker
The Lookout
The Rite
Trials of Darryl Hunt
The War Tapes
The Wind that Shakes the Barley
The Woodsman
There will be Blood
Wristcutters- A Love Story
Bend it like Beckham
d-Boys are Back
127 Hours
Let Me In
Monster House
Really Bend it Like Beckham
Thank you for Smoking
The Butterfly Effect
The Other Guys
The Tourist
The Next Three Days
This Island Earth
Wild Target
A Night at the Museum
Alien 2
Alien 4
All the Pretty Horses
Black Christmas
Brazil in the Street
Bringing down the House
Charlottes Web
Conejo en la Luna
Employee of the Month
Epic Movie
Freedom Writer
Hannibal Rising
House of Sand and Fog
Keys to the House
La Mujer de mi Hermano
Little Man
Nacho Libre
Night Listener
Notes on a Scandal
One Night with the King
Open Season
Pans Labyrinth
Relative Strangers
SpongeBob "Tide and Seek"
Texas Chainsaw-The Beginning
The Good Shepard
The Pursuit of Happiness
The Illusionist
You, Me, and Dupree
Shrek the Third
Shark Tales

A. A Simple Plan (1998): 8.1/10, 90%
An Inconvenient Truth (2006): 7.7/10, 93%
Atonement (2007): 7.4/10, 83%
August Rush (2007): 4.8/10, 37%
Awake: (2007): 4.2/10, 24%
Beautiful (2000): 3.2/10, 16%
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004): 8.4/10, 93%
God Grew Tired of Us (2006): 7.3/10, 91%
Gone Baby Gone (2007): 7.7/10, 94%
Hachiko (1987): No reviews yet
I Could Never be Your Woman (2007): 5.7/10, 64%
The Valley of Elah (2007): 7/10, 73%
Into the Wild (2007): 7.5/10, 82%
Juno (2007): 8.1/10, 94%
Kinsey (2004): 7.6/10, 90%
My Kid Could Paint That (2007): 7.8/10 , 94%
No Reservations (2007): 5.2/10, 41%
Outsourced (2007): 6.6/10, 74%
Penelope (2006): 5.6/10, 53%
Resurrecting the Champ (2007): 6/10, 58%
The Godfather (1972): 9.1/10, 100%
The Truman Show (1998): 8.3/10, 95%
28 Weeks Later (2007): 6.6/10, 70%
Angels and Demons (2009): 5.1/10, 37%
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007): 7.7/10, 88%
Black Death (2010): 6.2/10, 68%
Carriers (2009): 5.7/10, 61%
Contagion (2011): 7.1/10, 85%
Deliver us from Evil (2006): 8.3/10, 99%
Donnie Darko (2001): 7.5/10, 85%
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2010): 5.9/10, 58%
Final Destination 5 (2011): 5.8/10, 61%
Fright Night (2011): 6.3/10, 72%
Frozen (2010): 5.8/10, 60%
Ghost of Girlfriends Past (2009): 4.2/10, 26%
Goya's Ghost (2006): 4.8/10, 30%
Halloween (2007): 4/10, 25%
The Horsemen (2009): 4.6/10, 40%
Hostel (2006): 5.8/10, 60%
Insidious (2011): 6/10, 66%
Lake Mungo (2009): 7.2/10, 93%
Lakeview Terrace (2008): 5.5/10, 45%
Mulberry Street (2006): 6.9/10, 70%
My Sister's Keeper (2009): 5.6/10, 48%
Orphan: (2009): 5.5/10, 55%
Paranormal Activity (2007): 7/10, 83%
Psycho (1960): 9/10, 97%
Saw IV (2007): 3.6/10, 16%
Saw VI (2009): 4.3/10, 38%
Scream 4 (2011): 5.8/10, 58%
Splice (2010): 6.6/10, 74%
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (2006): 5/10, 43%
The Caller (2011): 4/10, 29%
The Collector (2009): 4.2/10, 31%
The Crazies (2010): 6.4/10, 71%
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011): 7.6/10, 86%
The Lovely Bones (2009): 5/10, 32%
The Mist (2007): 6.6/10, 73%
The Number 23 (2007): 3.5/10, 8%
The Orphanage (2007): 7.4/10, 86%
The Ring (2002): 6.6/10, 71%
The Silent House (2010): 5.8/10, 71%
The Village (2004): 5.5/10, 43%
Twin Peaks (1992): 6.2/10, 59%
Vanishing on 7th Street (2010): 5.3/10, 51%
Whiteout (2009): 3.5/10, 7%
Wrong Turn 2 (2007): 6.5/10, 78%
Zombieland (2009): 7.4/10, 90%
An American Haunting (2006): 3.5/10, 12%
Conjure of Sacrifice (2005): 5.3/10, 37%
The Da vinci Code (2006): 4.8/10, 25%
Final Destination (2000): 4.7/10, 33%
Lady in the Water (2006): 4.2/10, 24%
Paranormal Activity 2 (2010): 6.1/10, 59%
Saw 3D (2010): 3/10, 10%
Scream 3 (2000): 5.2/10, 36%
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005): 5.5/10, 44%
The Lake House (2006): 5/10, 36%
The Last Exorcism (2010): 6.2/10, 73%
The Others (2001): 7.2/10, 84%
The Wicker Man (2006): 3.6/10, 15%
Winter's Bone (2010): 8.3/10, 94%
Red Planet (2000): 3.8/10, 14%
Red, White, and Blue (2010): 7/10, 78%
Reign Over Me (2007): 6.3/10, 63%
Source Code (2011): 7.5/10, 92%
Rendition (2007): 5.4/10, 47%
Repulsion (1965): 8.8/10, 100%
Sanctum (2011): 4.5/10, 30%
Sideways (2004): 8.5/10, 96%
Skyline (2001): 3.6/10, 15%
Snow Angels (2006): 6.8/10, 67%
Stardust (2007): 6.7/10, 76%
Starting Out in the Evening (2007): 7.3/10, 86%
Sunshine (2007): 6.8/10, 74%
The Assassination of Jesse James (2007): 7.1/10, 76%
The Brave One (2007): 5.5/10, 43%
The Burning Plain (2008): 4.8/10, 34%
The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003): 7.1/10, 79%
The Dark Knight (2008): 8.5/10, 94%
The Hoax (2007): 7.2/10, 85%
The Hurt Locker (2008): 8.4/10, 97%
The Lookout (2007): 7.3/10, 87%
The Rite (2011): 4.2/10, 20%
Trials of Darryl Hunt (2007): 7.8/10, 100%
The War Tapes (2006): 7.9/10, 98%
The Wind that Shakes the Barley (2006): 7.7/10, 88%
The Woodsman (2004): 7.3/10, 88%
There will be Blood (2007): 8.4/10, 91%
Trade (2007): 4.8/10, 29%
Tsotsi (2005): 7.4/10, 82%
Unearthed (2007): No score yet
Wanted (2008): 6.6/10, 71%
Wristcutters- A Love Story (2006): 6.2/10, 66%
Bend it like Beckham (2002): 7.2/10, 85%
Catfish (2010): 7.2/10, 81%
The Boys are Back (2009): 6.3/10, 71%
127 Hours (2010): 8.3/10, 93%
Let Me In (2010): 7.6/10, 89%
Monster House (2006): 6.8/10, 74%
Really Bend it Like Beckham (2005): No reviews yet
Red (2010): 6.4/10, 72%
Sentinel (2006): 5/10, 33%
Stone (2010): 5.8/10, 51%
Thank You for Smoking: 7.3/10, 86%
The Butterfly Effect (2004): 4.8/10, 33%
The Other Guys (2010): 6.7/10, 78%
The Tourist (2010): 4.3/10, 20%
The Next Three Days (2010): 5.9/10 52%
This Island Earth (1955): 5.3/10, 71%
Wild Target (2010): 4.9/10, 32%
A Night at the Museum (2006): 5.3/10, 44%
Alien 2 (1986): 8.8/10, 98%
Alien 4 (1997): 5.8/10, 52%

Sorry can't do the rest because I can't fit it in. But I did most of it so that should help. (:

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