Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

How can liberals claim to support women's rights when they supported Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy?

Q. Bill Clinton sexually harassed women and was accused of rape. Ted Kennedy killed a woman by driving drunk and letting her drown.

Why were they given a pass by the left?

A. Nice try. Here is the GOP platform:

Fake outrage and loud noises! Very large pants! Tattoo of bald eagle with Budweiser can in its talon on chest! Anti-tax rally in the middle of the work day! Women in the kitchen!
-A. Republican

What are some good ideas for a patriotic tattoo for a woman?
Q. I want it to be kind of intricate, not just a flag or an eagle. It will most likely go on my shoulder or middle back. Nothing with blood. I would like it to be feminine.

A. Google "feminine patriotic tattoo"
The butterfly in the colors of the flag would be adorable on a woman.

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Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Do any older women regret getting a tattoo?

Q. I'm 21 and I'm considering getting a tattoo for a scar cover up. I really don't want to regret it as I get older and mature. I would like some advice from women in their 30's, 40's, or higher on their experience with a tattoo or tattoos. Do you regret it? Were there complications? Please leave your age for reference.

A. I am a 50 y/o woman with two tattoos, one a rather dramatic 8" beauty on my back. I adore them, but let me add that a great deal of thought went into what I did.

A tattoo should define you in some way. It should be a very personal thing, not just something "cool" that you pick off a wall in a salon.

The first one I got was a 4" dragonfly on my right shoulder. I *am* like a dragonfly - a bit weird, definitely feminine, a little mystical... freedom in the breeze. It's me.

The second one came years later - I had been through such a horrible year that I designed a very feminine phoenix, more like a big bird of paradise to remind me that I am a survivor, that I can get through anything because I have guts and determination. It's a colorful, beautiful bird because I am a colorful person that sees beauty in everything.

Think about it deeply. Don't pick something *cool* today that might be ridiculous 20 years from now. Visit tattoo parlours and websites to see if there's anything that speaks to you. Personally, I'd wait a few years before having one.

And here's a website for you to mull over as you make your decision:

PS - I had no complications but I do scab like nobody's business. The itch for the first week in unHOLY. Scratch and you ruin it.

what is the best way to get your gaming YouTube channel noticed?
Q. hey guys my gaming youtube channel is TheSilverClassGamerz and have had it up for a few months though and am wondering how i could get a bit more noticed? because i have uploaded almost 50 videos now and only have 30 subs if you guys could help and tell me how that would be great.

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A. Lol. If those are the tags you're using, big reason why noone visits. Noone likes a spammer.

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I wanted to know some things about the Maori?

Q. Answers are appreciated!

1: Who did their tattooing?
2: How did they earn their tattoos?
3: Could the women get them too?

A. Damn savages, deserved what they got, civilization at the end of a rifle.

Who can get a Maori tattoo?
Q. I want to get a Maori tattoo on my shoulder because I love the designs and they seem to have a good meaning from what I've read. Just not sure if its something only certain people are allowed to get because I'm certainly not Maori. Thanks.

A. You can get a Maori tattoo :) My mate got himself a tatt on his calf muscle and he's not Maori either.

Some Maori tattooists use a different style of tamoko for those who are not Maori. It looks Maori but in detail - the designs are slightly different, more contemporary, in contrast with the more traditional designs where a blessing is needed.

Most Maori aim to gain the blessing of their kaumatua (elders of the tribe) before they get their tattoo's done. Also, we must have a or special meanings in which the design of our tamoko represents. Only specific Maori patterns are used in the design to represent either our families, ancestors, culture... We don't just get one because it looks cool and we feel like getting one.

It is sacred to get a Maori facial tattoo however, unless you are fully blessed by the kaumatua and that you deserve to represent a Moko (Facial Tattoo). Only certain Maori woman (especially elderly) are blessed with a Maori moko on their chin.

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What would you do if your 18-year-old daughter wanted to get a tattoo?

Q. If she wanted to get one on the back of her neck, the inside of the wrist, or on her foot. Personally, I think if a woman gets a tattoo it shouldn't be in a visible place. The lower back isn't visible.

A. Just tell her to think about what she wants her future career to be.....most places dont like visible tatoos! But if she wants them there really isnt anything you can do to stop her just make sure she gets something she wont be ashamed of when she is like 80!

Does getting a tattoo on your foot hurt?
Q. So, i know it is a tattoo so obviously it is going to hurt, and i know that everyone has different pain tolerance levels. I am just asking people that have a tattoo on their foot, how bad did it hurt for you? Thanks!

A. Like a bitch.
Not trying to scare you, but the tattoo artist suggested that I take a few painkillers before I go n get it done, and he was covered head to toe in tats. For me though, it was a cover up so he had to drill harder and shade, and it takes up the entire top of my foot. The smaller and less shading, the better. It's extra sensitive around the toes and heel. Just take deep soothing breaths, close your eyes, and have a friend with you so you can squeeze their hand. Talking is a great distraction, but I just closer my eyes and swore under my breath for 3 hrs.
The pain is only temporary, just remember that. We're women,we're strong ;)

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What symbols represent strength and beauty?

Q. Either one symbol or seperate ones work. I'm really into egyptian symbols like the ankh and eye of horus, but I want the symbol to represent strength and/or beauty. PLEASE NO CHINESE/ASIAN art. I'm not trying to be racist, this will be a tattoo idea and i'm not into chinese art and culture. I'm part Mayan indian so any of those symbols would be greatly appreciated. Hieroglyphics will work, too. ANY AND ALL SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME. Thanx in advance.

A. The nefers symbol in egyptian hieroglyphics means "beauty" but it's not going to be a very attractive tattoo...
As for mayan symbols, I'm sorry, I know little about their symbols. However, there is a symbol of a heron (bak) in mayan symbolisms and herons are both beautiful and strong.
If you're going for a figure tattoo, the tarot card for Strength is a great symbol for both strength and beauty. It's got the image of a lion and a woman. (

If you got a tattoo of a nude woman could you get expelled from school?
Q. I was just wondering because I was browsing the internet for tattoo ideas and saw this one I was really interested in. The only problem is there is 1 nude woman. I was just wondering if I were to get this tattoo, would there be a possibility of me getting suspended or even expelled from school? Thanks =D

A. Possibly if you get it some where that the naked woman is going to be visible. Some people do find naked people offensive specially if they are conservative or religious. Try to get it in a spot where you can keep the naked woman covered, or put a few items on the woman to cover her up a bit.

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Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

Men, If a woman has a tattoo on her leg would you still consider her to have nice/sexy legs?

Q. I don't mean anything graphic or disgusting, but rather a design that fits her personality and artistic career. Thanks!
I just wanted some opinions since lower leg tattoos are not as popular on girls as on arms and a lot of people say it looks to manly, but I chose that location so it can easily be covered for work and be more subtle.

A. Sexy legs are sexy legs, a tattoo has nothing to do with that.

Is getting a discrete tattoo really that unappealing on women?
Q. I'm thinking about getting a tattoo I designed in a discrete place... The tattoo has a lot of significance to me and represents my family and how they are my backbone... it is a simple heart design.... my boyfriend thinks tattoos on girls are trashy... is he right? will i be seen as a trashy girl?


A. If your man thinks tattoos on women are trashy, he'll probably see you as trashy if you get one.

But if it's in a discreet place, no one else will know.

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What's the animated song that has an old man with black wings tattooing a heart? The animation almost looks 3D?

Q. The main line of the music is piano. It shows a story of a man and a woman in love and they take a trip to the carnival. The woman ends up cheating on the man with the circus clown so he kills himself. After he's crumpled on the pavement a large old man pulls his heart out with his cane. Throughout the entire video the old man is tattooing the events that led to the man's death on his heart.

A. no hablo ingles

I want to be a tattoo artist, how?
Q. I am currently going to school to work as a designer in the video game industry. However I have been struggling with my classes in 3D and I have recently discovered the art of tattooing. I have two tattoos myself, both of which are of my own design. I would be very interested to pursue a career in tattoo, but I do not how now to go about doing this or if I would even be received well being a woman in a field dominated by men�

A. I have four tattoos. My ex fiancee was a tattoo artist too, though he was freelance and used what you would call "jailhouse" style. I don't think you'll have a problem as a woman pursuing this, I know of quite a few women artists and I was interested at one time myself.. Personally, I think to be a great tattoo artist you should have talent and passion.. but then again, they have books for people to pick the design they want and those are basically stencils. But you said you have two of your own design, so you must have it! That makes a real tattoo artist. I've heard of some tattoo academies but I think there are other ways to get that certificate or license, whatever it is.. Being an APPRENTICE should be your first step.. find a good shop that you like and feel you'll get along with the person or people who work there. Maybe your apprenticeship will turn into a job. Good luck and be safe..

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Can anyone recommend me a good book?

Q. i need something to read on a ten hour flight. i liked the twilight series, ender's game, bruce coville's books, the picture of dorian gray, anything oscar wilde, and some other things.
i do not like poetry.
i prefer something light and leaning towards fiction or fantasy.

thanks for all your help!

oh and if you could give me a very brief summary of the books you recommend i would appreciate it!

thanks again!

A. A Spell For Chameleon by Piers Anthony. Centers around a woman who cycles between being beautiful-and-stupid and smart-and-ugly. First of the Xanth series.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. A modern woman travels back in time to 18th century Scotland. First of the Outlander series.

Don't Die Dragonfly by Linda Joy Singleton. A girl with psychic powers is starting over in a new school and receives an urgent message for a girl with a dragonfly tattoo. First of The Seer series.

The Elephant Vanishes by Haruki Murakami. A set of surrealist short stories.

do you think tattoos on young girls/women are trashy?
Q. I honestly want to get a tattoo and have convinced myself that I don't care what others think. I want what I want, but am still having trouble deciding where to put it, because of possible career hinderances in the future. I want an elephant tattoo preferably above my left inner ankle bone. what do you think? opinions on tattoos in general

A. Well it really depends where and what you get done, that really determines if its trashy or not. I mean just above the butt crack or a butterfly or something...its just...people don't call them tramp stamps for no reason. But honestly tattoos are beautiful if they have a REAL meaning to them. If you want to get one you should, don't think about what others will say, however in saying that try to steer away from anything TOO prominent like getting a sleeve more times than most people who regret getting them.

Really think about something meaningful to get and think of a location that will add to its meaning, don't get a tattoo just for the sake of it.

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How can I convince my g/f to accept new friend with tattoo's?

Q. So much is happening here in India. Esperanza and I are finally starting to relax now that we've identified the place where we want to get Ryan his tat. Thanks for the suggestions, everybody! We still have to book the appointment.

Anyway, remember that �backpacker� we saw getting tattooed at Baby Tiger Tattoo in Randi Market? We ended up seeing her in a �dhaba� (like a diner) with her boyfriend....and their little one! It turns out they are Israeli. So we chatted with them and about their tattoo experience. Aleah (the backpacker) has a whole bunch of tattoo�s. She has:
- a white tiger on her left ankle�
- two tigers with Chinese symbol�s for best friends in between on left shoulder�
- memorial for her dead ferret on right ankle�
- a dragonfly on right shoulder
- a dragonfly on wrist � that was the one we saw her getting!

She told us the story behind each one, and we were very touched. So meaningful! All I can say is that we are VERY anxious (in a good way)!

Their daughter, Netanya, is around 7 month�s, so she and Ryan got along well. Aleah and Namir (bf) invited us to go hiking with them in Dharamsala � that is up in the mountain�s where the Dalai Lama lives!!!

We really want to go, but there is one small problem. As you know, Esperanza thinks women with tattoo�s are sort of trashy.....I know, I know....she can�t help it though, it�s her cultural upbringing. I think it�s ironic because Aleah and Namir are Israeli and they are not �supposed� to get tattoo�s either...Ranza doesn�t get the irony.

Help! What can I do to convince her otherwise??? I REALLY want to go to Dharamsala (and I know she would enjoy it, too)....

A. I have been following this saga from the beginning, From the dragonfly picture that I saw from the "Baby Tiger" artist, she is an amazing artist and I am sure that this backpacker's other ink is amazing as well! I really can't wait to see a picture of the ferret tattoo if you can get one because I lost my pet rat a while ago, and I have been looking for a memorial tattoo design on the internet and haven't been able to find one! I think with a picture of the memorial tattoo for the back packer's ferret in hand, I might be able to go to my artist and get my tattoo started! I mean without an exact picture of what you want, how can you expect your artist to get the tattoo right?!?
But I digress...
Anyway, if Esperanza has seen the amazing art that on this woman, and she still thinks that tattoos on women are trashy, then there is no changing her mind! I mean, it is pretty much the same as someone seeing Jesus perform a miracle live, right in front of them, and them still not believing! At this point there may be no hope. However, before your friends start off on their journey, can you please get the ferret pic and email it to me? my address is tribal_and_butterflies_ and_rats_4 ever @ (take out the spaces).
Thanks and good luck with Ranza!

Guys: what would you think of a small rib tattoo on a woman?
Q. I'm 18 and I really want to get a hamsa (hand of god) tattoo design on the side of my ribcage, but I want it to be relatively small (smaller than the majority of the hamsa rib tattoos i've seen). If I really want it in a few months I'm going to get it either way because it's my body, but I was just curious what you guys would think of that on a girl. It would be my only tattoo. Thanks! I'm a runner and stuff btw so it's not like I'm overweight and want to show off an unattractive part of my body.

A. "what eva what eva, its my body i can do what i waaaant" , ...... and to anwser your question I have no idea what a hamsa or hand of god looks like so i cant really answer your question. However geting a rib tattoo for your first one isnt recomended. I have a 6-7 hour rib tattoo on my entire left side of my body. I also had around 15 hours of ink done previous to that including some on my chest. About an hour into my rib tattoo was more painful than all of my other ink put together. Also the rib area is a good place to put a big tattoo. You have plenty of good spots to put small tattoos.

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If you were going to a wedding that is "cocktail attire" which dress would you pick?



Or: (in black)

It is an evening wedding, so black is okay...and keep in mind that I have tattoos on my shoulders that I would like to keep covered, without being too hot for dancing. I have a swanky work Christmas party I would also like to wear the dress too. I am a size 16, empire waist looks best on me, hour glass figure..thanks! $100 limit

A. The first two are too businessy - not so much fun. The third one is gorgeous - I'm a 16, also, and I would go for it! I think it'll look great for both the wedding and the Christmas party.

If you really want to cover your tattoos - then get some heavy duty tat cover up cream and use that. A woman I used to work with had facial tats and had to use it everyday when she came to work - I never saw it run, even on the hottest of days.

Good luck and have a great time!

need help with government grants?
Q. ok i want to open my own tattoo shop so i need a grant for everything can anyone help?

A. It is hard to find grants to start a business. Unlike the myths that some perpetuate, federal government and even private foundations hardly give grant money for a for-profit business. And yes, grants mean PAPERWORK - lots and lots of it, that is why a cottage industry of grant writers was born.

Nonetheless, you can go to the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) and - these are two sites created by the federal government to provide transparency and information on grants. Browse through the listings and see if you can find any grant that would support a for-profit venture.

Even if you buy books on "how to get grants" or list that supposedly has information on grants -- all of them are mere rehash of what CFDA has, albeit packaged differently. But still the info is the same - hardly any grants for starting a for profit business.

Even SBA does NOT give out grants. From the SBA website

"The U.S. Small Business Administration does not offer grants to start or expand small businesses, although it does offer a wide variety of loan programs. (See for more information) While SBA does offer some grant programs, these are generally designed to expand and enhance organizations that provide small business management, technical, or financial assistance. These grants generally support non-profit organizations, intermediary lending institutions, and state and local governments."

Here is a listing of federal grants for small businesses. See if there is any available for individuals for starting a business -- THERE'S NONE.

Most of the federal grants are given to specific target groups with specific requirements (e.g. minority business owners involved in transportation related contracts emanating from DOT - Grant#20.905 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Short Term Lending Program

Grants are also often given to non profit groups or organizations involved in training or other similar activities (grant 59.043 Women's Business Ownership Assistance that are given to those who will create women's business center that will train women entrepreneurs

For private grants, you may want to check the Foundation Center's Foundation Grants for Individuals Online. It's a subscription based website ($9.95 per month) but their opening blurb only says that the database is ideal for "students, artists, academic researchers, libraries and financial aid offices." Entrepreneurs are apparently not one of them, so I take it they also don't have listings of private foundations who give grants to would-be entrepreneurs.

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I want to get a marilyn monroe quote tattooed?

Q. For my first tattoo I was thinking about getting a marilyn monroe quote. Does anýbody have a favorite quote by her or any suggestions? Thanks!

A. "All we demand, is our right to twinkle."

"I just want to be wonderful."

"Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul."

"Dogs never bite me. Just humans."

"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere."

"Well behaved women rarely make history."

"It's all make believe, isn't it?"

"All little girls should be told they're pretty, even if they aren't."

Check out the website below for photos of over 100 Marilyn Monroe tattoos.

Where do neo Nazi skinheads with noticiable facial tattoos find jobs?
Q. Watched a History Channel show about neo Nazi skinheads.

They showed fellows with swastikas tattooed on their throats and elsewhere.

They'd have to wear a turtle neck sweater all the time to conceal it.

How do these fellows get past a job interview?

For the most part, what do skinheads do to earn a living?

A. You mean being in prison isn't considered a JOB?

Actually, I have a noticeable tat on the back of my neck. It's not a fylfot (swastika to you, most likely, a sacred symbol for thousands of years sadly corrupted by jerks) or even something that most people would recognize, but it's enough for me to know that if I get my hair cut short (as I do in the summer) I also have to buy some of that very expensive pasty makeup stuff that's made to cover heavy scars and tattoos. I also have to mix it so it's pale enough to cover it and still match my skin. I'm guessing when they get out of the joint, they might do the same thing - just cover their tats.

Edit: I should mention I don't care enough what others think to cover my tats most of the time. Once in a while I do so just to be polite/not give someone's granny a heart attack. You'd be amazed how many people have a problem with tattooed women (not to mention the whole "Nordic Heathen" thing)

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Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

where on my body should i get this tattoo?

the artist is using this picture to work with, so it wont look exactly like this, but you get the idea
I am a woman, 5'7 130 lbs (just so you know i'm average size). I DONT want legs, stomach, chest, or lower back done. I'd like it to be somewhat hideable as well. Not sure on size yet, that really depends on placement. I don't want to go bigger than like 6 inches though.

none of this "this is going to be on the body for the rest of your life" crap, please. I've made the appointment and i'm getting it done on MY body.

A. i would say on your hip, so that it could be ALMOST but not really covered by underwear or bathing suit bottoms.. that way, you can see it whenever, but it isn't like, fully in sight all the time :)

but if you want to show it off, maybe like right in the middle of your back, below your shoulders but like above your lower back... or maybe on your foot or on your ribs (either under your breasts or more beside them).

those are my ideas! :) have fun

Buy or Sell: David Fincher is the master of making the scariest non-horror films?
Q. Perhaps creepy would be a better word than scary, but regardless, I find that his films creep me out more than any horror film. The scene in Zodiac in the potential Zodiac killer's basement is suspense at it's finest, and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo slowly gets freakier. Even his "lighter" films (The Social Network) have these dark atmospheres to them.

He's definitely one of my favorite filmmakers.

BQ: Does anybody really consider Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and War Horse to be better than The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo? If so, why?

A. Absolutely agreed! I wouldn't go so far as to call him the "master" since I haven't seen every non-horror film to pass judgement. But definitely yeah, he's experimented lots too, but one thing's clear--he's never strayed away from the creepy atmospheric feel every movie of his has. I completely agree with you on that. Fincher�s films have been about the pathologies of men. From Fight Club to Zodiac to Se7en, he looked at the darker side of their nature, he�s reveled in it. He even managed to make a movie about Facebook�s founder feel creepy, urgent, and disturbing. But not since he directed Sigourney Weaver in Alien3 and now, Rooney Mara; has his �dangerous pit bull� been a woman. I've seen Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and it's got everything you expect from a Fincher-movie. I preferred the Swedish version, but Fincher did justice to the Millennium book, so I can't complain (apart from the ending change).

He's one of my favourite filmmakers too. If anything I'd call him a perfectionist, because of the number of 'takes' he does to perfect a scene. I think it's brilliant when someone takes their work very seriously not "take one, ok that's done let's pack up and leave". He strives to entertain, with every frame in each film. Can't help but admire him. :)

BQ: War Horse and ELIC do not deserve to be on the list of "Best Motion Picture", period. Heck yes, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was better! Hell, Drive, Shame, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2, Rise of the Planet of the Apes-- were all better and had more "meat" than War...and ELIC. I'm sorry, but I simply don't get the ELIC nom. I get the usual Spielberg recognition in the category (if it's not best director, then best film), I'm not against nominating the usual "veterans" if their movies were genuinely good. I mean, Fincher at least deserved a best director nod. And Scorsese tried his hand in 2 new genres he was completely unfamiliar with 3D and kids. At least he tried to push the envelope. I'm sorry if I'm being a bit harsh, but Spielberg staunchly insists on finding a happy ending even in the calamity of the First World War, but that he slathers it on so thick and leaves so soft an impression. It has the usual Spielberg customary flair but never reaches greatness due to it being syrupy and proudly sentimental. It's like when you have a kid that keeps getting A* at a essay, but then gets a B and he wonders why? It's because on his standards, he could've been better, been more innovative, pushed some boundries. Spielberg's that kid. I know I didn't really answer the BQ very well, lol. I just get mad when I think about War Horse and remember how amazing so many other movies were and deserve some recognition and praise for their hard work :/

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I want to get a marilyn monroe quote tattooed?

Q. For my first tattoo I was thinking about getting a marilyn monroe quote. Does anýbody have a favorite quote by her or any suggestions? Thanks!

A. "All we demand, is our right to twinkle."

"I just want to be wonderful."

"Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul."

"Dogs never bite me. Just humans."

"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere."

"Well behaved women rarely make history."

"It's all make believe, isn't it?"

"All little girls should be told they're pretty, even if they aren't."

Check out the website below for photos of over 100 Marilyn Monroe tattoos.

How can you find young women (18+) would would like to model nude?
Q. I'm trying to put together a photo book and I'm looking for models with a story to tell...I'd like to have an artistic nude picture of them with their story. It can be about anything. Let me know if you or anyone you know is interested.

A. It is certainly not "perverted" to take nude photos and I can understand some of your difficulty in finding models.

There are many places that you can find models, however, and it should not be a very big problem or one that cannot be overcome.

The first place to seek nude models is a modeling agency. Look in your local phone book for "modeling agencies." Be prepared to pay a model for her time and nude models will not be inexpensive. Professional models normally charge a premium for nude work.

A second way might be to approach an art teacher at a local college and inquire about life models. You might find someone who would pose for tasteful photos and who might not charge quite as much as a professional photographic model.

A third way might be to advertise in the local paper or on Craig's list, making sure to state that there is no eroticism or pornography involved. If you get any response make it clear that the model is welcomed to bring along any friend either male or female to chaperon the proceedings.

I also suggest meeting the model and the friend away from your chosen photographic place or studio before the shoot to ascertain both your and their safety, trustworthiness, appearance, etc. and to go over the details and what is expected of each participant.

There is a web site which features alternative models such as those with tattoos, body piercings, etc. and it might be worthwhile to contact some of the models there or to advertise there and let them know that you are willing to shoot photos with the dual purpose of producing your book and helping them to get some well produced photos (if you are capable of producing such.)

I forget what the name of the site is, but you might find it by searching the archive here on Yahoo answers as I am sure that I have seen the reference more than once. It might be something like "Black Widow."

Maybe ask the questions "What site is it that features alternative style models (tattoos and piercings) both nude and semi-nude?" I'm sure you'll get a response.

Good luck in your endeavor.


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Is a Cross tattoo on your hip inappropriate?

Q. Ok so I know hip tattoos are supposed to be a more sensual location that an arm tattoo for instance. I'm Catholic and very religious and I was thinking about getting a small cross and some words in latin on my hip. I just want people's opinion on whether the hip is a too inappropriate or disrespectful a location for a cross?

A. I have a cross on my chest just over my heart. I'm a Christian and admittedly i did put alot of thought into it first. I think as long as you are getting it for good reason then you would never regret it.
I got mine because i had some bad experiences with my church but then i met my husband who brought me to a different church, helped me find faith again....then cheated and lied and hurt me, so i wanted a reminder that my faith was my own and not a bad thing...hence why i put it over my heart.

The only thing i would say is be very careful of the style of the cross you get. Women's cross tattoo designs tend to be very fine lines which on places that stretch isn't a great idea :)

Have you thought abut trying to design your own cross? Just start with a shape you like and work around it to create something that is really truly personal to you and your faith.

What is the reason for getting a butterfly crown tattoo?

A. It meant something to the person who got it.

Butterfly tattoo designs far and away the most popular tattoo design request. Its ranking shows the influence that women have in tattoo culture, as butterfly designs are an overwhelmingly feminine tattoo choice. The butterfly, because of its short life, its physical beauty, and its fluttering from flower to flower seeking nectar, has among many ancient peoples been regarded as an emblem of the impermanent, unstable characteristics of the lower human soul. The caterpillar lives its period, making for itself a chrysalis, which after a stage of dormancy is broken by the emerging butterfly. This suggests the idea of the less becoming the greater, of an earthy entity becoming aerial. These thoughts led the ancient Greeks to use the butterfly as a symbol of the human soul (psyche); and in their mythology Psyche was in consequence represented in art with butterfly wings.


Crown Tattoos have long been used as a symbol of royal power and authority. Like the sceptre, the crown is a visible badge of office, granting the wearer, it's possessor, the absolute right to rule. That authority to rule was often held to be divinely inspired. In the Christian tradition the garland of thorns placed on Christ's head during the ordeal of his crucifixion is know as the "Crown of Thorns". The centerpiece of any coronation of a new monarch is always the moment when the new King, Queen, or Emperor has the state crown placed upon their head. At that moment the power to rule is transferred to the new monarch.

As a symbol, the crown also symbolizes leadership, and the rightful authority which comes from being elected by a group to serve as their leader.

Many groups have used the crown to symbolize the power and authority to lead or command. When it is combined with a cross, one of the meanings of the crown is "victory," and the cross symbolizes Christianity. Many Royal crowns in Europe incorporated the Christian Cross into their design, reinforcing the Monarch's claim that their right to the throne was a divine right and that the Monarch was guided by the hand of God.

As a tattoo symbol, the crown doesn't just mean the right of one person to command another. It symbolizes and individual's sovereignty over their own life, feelings, thoughts, and actions. The crown symbolizes self-control, and is a reminder to use power and authority wisely and justly.

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questionnaire for the girl with the dragon tattoo(2011)?

Q. this is a questionnaire for college on the film the girl with the dragon tattoo, these are the questions.


have you seen the film?

where did you hear about it?

do you like the film?

what do you like about it?

would you recommend it?

A. -24 years old;
---I just loved it! So much that I saw it twice, and then bought the DVD;
----The suspense, the awesome action, a social outcast as a female hero that fights more than any men, and at times reminding me about the 007 action set films;

-----I very much and highly recommend it, but be prepared to witness not just what I described above, but also serious themes such as women abuse, and rape for example.

What was your favorite movie from 2011?

A. In no particular order:

1) We Need To Talk About Kevin
Wow, this movie. It has a non-linear storyline and we slowly find out the full events of what actually took place. We see a woman, shunned by everyone else, struggling to cope. And the ending scene - so sad and poignant, we realise that it's really just and her son left. Both of them only have each other left. And then there's the everlasting question of whether a kill is born or nurtured. Really powerful film.

2) Midnight In Paris
Some thought this movie was draggy, but there was nothing I didn't like about it. Beautiful setting and soundtrack, explores themes of nostalgia and wanting to go back into the past - something very common among people like us these days, who always feel that the past is better. But at the end, we do realise that we should also cherish the present. I think the movie engages and teaches us all. It's also rich in history and literature, both of which I appreciate very much.

3) Crazy Stupid Love
Sounds like a regular chick flick/romantic comedy with endless cliches but to my surprise, it was not. Emotionally powerful, in depth and interesting a storyline, likeable and realistic characters with chemistry. There was enough humour and heartwarming/emotional scenes, which made me both laugh and cry. Friendship and family ties were both adequately portrayed, without one overshadowing the other.

4) One Day
Everyone seems to not like this film, but I love it. Without having into go into the nitty gritty and day by day details of a couple's life, we visit them only once a year and that's actually perfectly enough to see everything that has happened within that one year. People change, and so do feelings. Life. This movie makes me cry every single time. I read the book afterwards, and surprisingly preferred the film adaptation.

5) 50/50
Really brilliant film about someone struggling with cancer and how people around him react as well as how their lives are affected even though they do not have the disease. It has both humour and tear-jerking scenes and the tagline "It takes a pair to beat the odds" is just so apt. I love the whole tone of the movie and though the ending could be more satisfactory (simply because the rest of the movie was so good), it's definitely a wonderful film that approaches/explores the subject perfectly.

Honourable mentions:

- The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
Haven't actually read the trilogy, but I thought this itself as a standalone film was outstanding, even the opening credits and soundtrack. Rooney Mara's portrayal as Lisbeth Salander was brilliant and she stole the show. The ending scene with her broke my heart.

- Hugo
Visually stunning and impressive, it explores film and its industry through the ages. I love the whole mood of the film and the hustle-bustle of old Paris in the city. The climax was so beautiful that it moved me to tears and the ending wrapped the movie up perfectly.

- War Horse
I love the setting and while I haven't watched many war films, this made an impression on me. Although the focus of the storyline is more on the horse, it managed to portray the harsh realities of war. The movie made me cry so much and had no lack of emotional scenes.

- Cyberbully
An extremely poignant movie about cyberbullying and how it can spiral out of control, as well as its consequences. It also examines the reaction of different people, from the bully to the bullied to their families, bystanders, the law and education system, etc, like how there are not enough laws where cyberbullying is concerned. Basically, it has covered every issue necessary and yet managed to draw the audience in. The climax was so emotional that I cried.

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Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

In the USA are the emergency rooms in all hospitals taken up by Mexicans, Pakistanis, and other immigrants who?

Q. don't pay health care?

Here in the UK although we have free healthcare under the National Health System, it is overloaded by use from 3rd world immigrants

A. Interesting question. I had to go to E.R. two days in a row, last month (serious allergic reaction they couldn't get under control).

I live close to an Indian Reservation (Native Americans). We have a very large influx of Hispanics here right now, tending all the berry fields for winter. We also have a very large Indian (from the country India) population here.

There were probably 50 people at the E.R. There was one Native American woman there, who had either been beat up, or was in a car accident. She was really bruised up, poor thing.

Other than that, everyone else was white.

I'd say for every single legitimate emergency patient there however, one of the people there was simply seeking drugs (pain meds).

The white father who was there with his white daughter (about 3 yrs old) got very poor service in my opinion. The child really was very ill. Completely limp and obviously running a really high fever. That Dad had been there six hours without being seen. In my opinion, that little child should have been seen much faster. I can only assume it was because of all of the father's obvious gang/prison tattoos, the way he was dressed (gang clothes) and his general body language. I must say though, he never lost his cool, never shouted, never swore, but the staff was obviously put off by him, which meant his daughter didn't get fair/timely care.

I would say at least 50% of the the people in the waiting room (even though they were white) were not paying health care costs. Many were on welfare, and many were indigent. One elderly bum came in just before I was taken back. The staff greeted him by his first name and told him to have a seat. They didn't even check him in.

Personally, I don't think it's fair to judge someone by the color of their skin, and decide if they do, or do not pay their health care costs.

I know of one black plastic surgeon. If you ran into him on the weekend, you would probably think he was a gardener, or even a street person, because of his clothes. Of course you'd also be really confused when you saw him get into his $90,000 car. He just happens to be one of those men who likes his old, tatty, comfortable clothes, and wears them on weekends. During the week, it's suits costing thousands of dollars.

Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years
Worked in the medical field over 15 years

P.S. I remember one of my patients. A very elderly white woman. She looked poor as a church mouse. Support hose puddled around her ankles, old shoes, cat's eye glasses repaired with a bit of wire, a formerly nice, but now threadbare coat. I was making a mental note to ask the doctor to give her plenty of samples, since I didn't think she could easily afford medication.

Then I took her registration paper, and started to get her entered. She lived in such an exclusive area of Seattle, the houses do not even have house numbers.

So her address looked something like this:
Mrs. Tittlemouse
The Highlands
Seattle, WA

She and I then began to chat about gardening. She told me about her Olympic sized swimming pool in her backyard. She had it filled in with dirt, so she could grow her tomatoes there, because the slugs didn't like to cross the concrete around it.

Never judge a book by it's cover.

Know of any wicked female tattoo artists in Seattle?
Q. Well, I'm going for a visit to Seattle, and nothing is more fun than getting a tattoo'd in a new city! I would really like this tattoo done by a woman, it would be a first for me. I'm thinking of some kind of asian/buddhist pattern... anyway, any thoughts?

A. Christy broker - award winning artist

Madame Lazonga (no really im not kidding here)

Darcy Nutt

Hope this helps. Make sure you check out portfolios, they give a good indication if an artist can do the right style for what youre looking for.

And to the above, if they disinfect the needes first i hope you run very very very far away. Needles should be brand new fresh out of a STERILE packet. (that by the way in some states the artist has to open infront of the customer or its illegal)

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Why are the American people totally powerless when a President decides to wage war?

Q. If the USA is a democracy, why does the President and Congress spend billions and billions of borrowed money on a war based on what is now know as blatant lies. The same thing started the U.S. involvement in Vietnam, LIES. Is this the same as the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire? Can the USA keep spending BILLIONS OF DOLLARS it BORROWS EVERYDAY, on war to make the defense contractors rich Indefinately? Who will eventually have to repay the debt? Our Grandchildren? Will our governmemt eventually collaspe like the U.S.S.R's did because we have no control over the Republicans or Democrats. All get bought by the corporations don't they?

A. Hard rock, you've got a rocket in your pocket against GWB.

The "weapons of mass destruction" issue was some really bad intelligence. No doubts now. BUT it was reasonable at the time. It is a matter of HISTORICAL FACT that Iraq used those gas weapons agains Iran 20+ years ago. It is a matter of HISTORICAL FACT that Iraq used those weapons against the northern Kurdish tribes. It is a matter of HISTORICAL FACT that Iraq committed an act of aggression against the very peaceful nation of Kuwait. So if you intelligence that says "They've got more WMD and are preparing to use them again" - and at the time, you don't have IMMEDIATE reasons to doubt the intelligence, are you going to WAIT and let them have their way against their weaker neighbors?

Go read deeper into history. Those who ignore aggression face aggression all too soon. Look at the lessons of Nazi Germany. Everybody ignored what they were doing. Until suddenly war erupted and tore apart much of Europe.

Go read about Saddam's sons and how they liked little girls. About 12 years old, maybe 13, but DEFINITELY had to be virgin. They went away little girls. Came back women. Tell me you don't care about the atrocities committed against whole familis. Tell me your hatred is so deep that you don't care about the victims of Saddam's oppression.

One of my neighbors, now deceased, showed me her tattoo - it was her concentration camp number. She also told me something that I still remember. "All it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing."

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Senin, 08 Juli 2013

Do upper rib tattoos stretch if you get a breast augmentation or pregnant?

Q. So I have finally decided on getting a tattoo on my upper rib cage, a few inches below my armpit, however I am thinking about getting a breast augmentation next year and was wondering if it would cause the tattoo to stretch at all? I feel that there normally during breast augmentations the skin usually stretchs from other areas but I was just curious if there was any pulling from the side. Another concern is when a woman gets pregnant if it would cause the tattoo to stretch at all?

A. yes, my friend who got her breasts augmented had alot of stretch marks, meaning obviously they've stretched alot.. but it depends on how much cup sizes you'll be going up. And yes it will get very much stretched during pregnancy

Both augmention and pregnancy will make them stretch

Is it hot when women have two tattoos?
Q. I'm am trying to get my sister to not get these tattoos but she really wants it. I think guys don't like tattoos. What do you think?
One is a cross with flowers around it on her rib cage, its about the size of a quarter piece of notebook paper (so like 4in X 5in) and another that says made in canada on the bottom of her foot.

A. It just depends on the woman and the tattoos. I LOVE tattoos, but certain designs can look tacky, especially in the wrong place. The ones you describe sound cute, so I think they would be ok. What matters is if SHE is comfortable with the tattoos, it's her body.

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What would you do if your child came home from college with a tattoo?

Q. I am 19 years old and I am going to get a tattoo soon. I really want it to run along my spine starting at my collar line and run down to just below my underwear band. It would be written in hebrew and would be about one inch thick. It would be the bible verse Ephesians 2:8- For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith � and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God � (NIV)

What would you do if your child came home from college with a tattoo?

A. I think the question you really want an answer to is, What will your parents do? People on Yahoo can't answer that question. You can usually get an idea to that answer by feeling your parents out in a conversation. Casually, tell them about a friend, who recently got a tatoo, that you think looks cool and see what they say. Or go with somebody, that you heard is getting a tatoo and tell your parents about the experience, as a passing story. Sort of work it into the conversation smoothly. They will probably ask you if you are thinking about getting a tatoo and you can Say, "maybe, someday, I've thought about it". Their reaction will tell you what they will do, before you actually get the tatoo. Both of my older kids got tatoos. I'm not real happy about their decisions, but I never gave them a hard time about it. The only reason it bothered me, was the fact that they got them in places where it's hard to cover up (forearms for my son and upper back for my daughter). You have to think about your future and how your artwork will look during an interview. Tatoos on the neck, hands and lower arms, aren't the greatest places for professionals to have. For a woman the upper back isn't always the greatest if they have to wear a nice dress for some function. When you are young, you don't usually think of yourself as having a job where you have to look really sharp and professional. Maybe you will never have a job like that, but you should always look your best in a job interview, even if the job doesn't require much contact with the public. It doesn't mean your tatoos will keep you from getting a good job, but why affect your chances when you can get tatoos in so many places. You don't have to break certain lines, such as the collar line or the short sleeve shirt line. These are things that parents think about. My younger son will want one some day. I tell him to wear a short sleeve dress shirt or a nice polo shirt to the tatoo place. When they apply the stencil transfer, you can see if the tatoo will stick out, then you can get it somewhere else. That's all I ask. He understands this. His half brother regrets his tatoo that goes up to the back of his neck. He can tell when he goes to interviews, that people keep looking at it. I'm glad my younger boy understands this fact.

What does getting a tattoo feel like?
Q. I wan to get a tattoo when I'm of age, but I'm scared. I have no clue what it feels like, and no friends or family have tattoos. I might get a white ink one at that. And a black one.

A. We write a daily tattoo blog so we have a ton of information that you could use! Don't know what you want for your first tattoo, we wrote a blog post about that:
"We suggest whatever tattoo you get, make sure its personal and small. What if you don�t like your tattoo? You have to stick with it for almost ever unless you get it removed, which also takes time to get rid of. Get something like an RIP tattoo of someone that was special to you that can remind you every day of how awesome that person was. If not an RIP tattoo, get something small that is noticeable but not something extreme and loud so people won�t make fun of you about it if its a dumb tattoo that was an accident. Getting small tattoos are always a good idea because if you don�t like it, its easier to remove and you it�s not too noticeable. "
Read more here:

Don't know what the pain will be like? Guess what, we wrote multiple articles on that too! We wrote one article called "Do Tattoos Hurt and How Will It Feel? Women Feel Less Pain Then Men?". Being a female is actually a plus because you might feel less pain. The pain will vary by person and how much each person can tolerate it. Also depends on what type of equipment the tattoo artists uses. If they use equipment with fewer needles, then obviously you will feel less pain. Tattoos in areas with softer skin will have more pain then others. Tattoo artists and surveys will show that women tolerate the pain more then men for some reason.
We also attached an image in the blog post that shows the amount of pain each part of the body hurts the most and what hurts the least. So you could look at the image and see what part hurts the least and get a tattoo there!
Read more here:

I will add one more post we added called "Where Should I Put My Tattoo?". You might ask why does it matter where I get the tattoo placed on my body? If you get a tattoo in certain parts of the body it might ruin the tattoo in the long run a few years down the road or it might take longer like 10+ years. It really all depends on where you get it placed on your body and if you take care of it properly. Here is an infograph on a few suggestions on where you should get your tattoo placed on your body. We thought this might be helpful on choosing where you will place your next, or first, tattoo on your body.
We also added an image here that recommends the best place to get your tattoo!
Read more here:

Hopefully this helps you out when your eventually get your first tattoo!

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Where is a good place in Portland Oregon to get a very intricate tattoo done?

Q. I am going to get an alchemical sun on my ankle, but the face will be very antique looking- not cartoony. I am looking for an artist that excels in symmetry and preferabley a woman, but a good tattoo artist is a good tattoo artist and I would accept a man, too. I have been scouring the web, but seek more info. Thanx so very much!!!

A. Mary Jane Haake of Dermigraphics

Is it just me or are more women getting tattoos? Are women the new market for tattoo businesses?
Q. where I come from, many men have tattoos, some for cultural purpose and some just for art. BUT, I notice that the men who keep coming back for more tattoos are running out of space to put them. Are tattoo artist now focusing on marketing on women?

A. These days a lot more women are getting tattooed as there's less social stigma concerning them than there was years ago.
Not so long ago, tattoos were mainly a "male" thing in many countries, and any women who got a tattoo was instantly stereotyped/criticized etc.

There's an interesting article here:

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i am looking for a book any ideas?

Q. the last books iv read were the twilight books and a walk to remember and i really like those types of books romance young adult books does anybody have any good recomendation on those sort of books
thank you

A. I also LOVE the Twilight Series!!!!!!!!!!! Go Edward!!! jk!

Here are some books that I enjoyed:

-I'd Tell You I Love You but Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter
Cammie Morgan is a student at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women, a fairly typical all-girls school???that is, if every school taught advanced martial arts in PE and the latest in chemical warfare in science, and students received extra credit for breaking CIA codes in computer class.& nbsp; The Gallagher Academy might claim to be a school for geniuses but it??'s really a school for spies. & nbsp; & nbsp; Even though Cammie is fluent in fourteen languages and capable of killing a man in seven different ways, she has no idea what to do when she meets an ordinary boy who thinks she??'s an ordinary girl.& nbsp; & nbsp; Sure, she can tap his phone, hack into his computer, or track him through town with the skill of a real ???pavement artist??????but can she maneuver a relationship with someone who can never know the truth about her?& nbsp; Cammie Morgan may be an elite spy-in-training, but in her sophomore year, she??'s on her most dangerous mission???falling in love.

- Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy by Ally Carter (sequel to above)

-The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
Macy's summer stretches before her, carefully planned and outlined. She will spend her days sitting at the library information desk. She will spend her evenings studying for the SATs. Spare time will be used to help her obsessive mother prepare for the big opening of the townhouse section of her luxury development. But Macy's plans don't anticipate a surprising and chaotic job with Wish Catering, a motley crew of new friends, or . . . Wes. Tattooed, artistic, anything-but-expected Wes. He doesn't fit Macy's life at all&150so why does she feel so comfortable with him? So . . . happy? What is it about him that makes her let down her guard and finally talk about how much she misses her father, who died before her eyes the year before? Sarah Dessen delivers a page-turning novel that carries readers on a roller coaster of denial, grief, comfort, and love as we watch a broken but resilient girl pick up the pieces of her life and fit them back together.

-This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
When it comes to relationships, Remy doesnt mess around. After all, shes learned all there is to know from her mother, whos currently working on husband number five. But theres something about Dexter that seems to defy all of Remys rules. He certainly doesnt "seem" like Mr. Right. For some reason, however, Remy just cant seem to shake him. Could it be that Remys starting to understand what those love songs are all about? From acclaimed author Sarah Dessen, this is a captivating novel about a tough-as-nails girl and the unexpectedly charming boy whos determined to soften her up.

-Pretty much any Sarah Dessen novel is good

-Bass Ackwards and Belly Up by Elizabeth Craft and Sarah Fain
For readers of the New York Times bestselling Gossip Girl and A-List series, here is a smart and highly commercial first novel about four best friends who, after graduating high school, decide to postpone the standard college route to pursue their creative dreams. Harper Waddle, Sophie Bushell, and Kate Foster are about to commit the ultimate suburban sin--bailing on college to each pursue their dreams: write the next Great American Novel, make it as a Hollywood actress, and backpack around the world. Middlebury-bound Becca Winsberg is convinced her friends have gone insane...until they remind her she just might have a dream of her own. So what if their lives are bass ackwards and belly up? They'll always have each other. Harper is going to be the next Jane Austen. Or Sylvia Plath. Or Plum Sykes. Figuring out which should be easy. It?s living with the lie she told her three best friends that?s going to be hard.Kate doesn?t know exactly what she wants. But whatever it is, she won?t find it at Harvard. Maybe the answer is in Paris, or Athens? or anywhere Kate can be someone besides the girl with perfect grades, perfect hair, and the perfect boyfriend.Sophie is a star. She?s already got the looks, the talent, and a list of demands for her dressing room. Now that she?s wrangled a furnished guesthouse in Beverly Hills, it?s only a matter of time before she?s discovered. Unless she isn?t.Becca is dysfunctional. At least, her family is. Which is why she can?t wait to flee the drama and get to college. But Becca?s friends know she needs more than a spot on the Middlebury ski team and a cozy dorm room. They know she needs to fall in love.Dreams are complicated. They almost never turn out like you imagine?they almost always change. Sometimes, they change you.

-Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys by Kate Brian
When she was nine, Megan Meade met a group of terrible, mean, Popsicle-goo-covered boys, the sons of her father's friend -- the McGowan boys. Now, seven years later, Megan's army doctor parents are shipping off to Korea and Megan is being sent to live with the little monsters, who are older now and quite different than she remembered them.Living in a house with seven boys will give Megan, who has never even been kissed, the perfect opportunity to learn everything there is to know about boys. And she'll send all her notes to her best friend, Tracy, in...Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan BoysObservation #1: Being an army brat sucks. Except that this is definitely a better alternative to moving to Korea.Observation #2: Forget evil, laughing, little monsters. These guys have been touched by the Abercrombie gods. They are a blur of toned, suntanned perfection.Observation #3: I need a lock on my door. STAT.Observation #4: Three words: six-pack abs.Observation #5: Do not even get me started on the state of the bathroom. I'm thinking of calling in a hazmat team. Seriously. Observation #6: These boys know how to make enemies. Big time.Megan Meade will have to juggle a new school, a new family, a new crush -- on the boy next door, as in next bedroom door -- and a new life. Will she survive the McGowan boys?

Enthusiasm by Polly Shulman
A first-time novelist pens a Jane Austen-inspired romantic comedy of errors as two girls get a part in the boys' school musical. What follows is a series of misinterpreted--and missed--signals, dating mishaps, and awkward incidents.

I hope you enjoy one of these books! Go Twilight!

I have a crush on my former student?
Q. I used to teach her when she was in 8th grade. I was 29 and she was 14. I had NO feelings for her at all. I am not a pedophile. :)
She was one of the best students I've ever had! She liked the same type of music that I did and she was as sarcastic as I was. She also loved tattoos (Like me)
She's transferred from the school I was teaching at when she was in 10th grade.
Right now I'm 36 years old. I was out buying some groceries when I saw this young lady covered in tattoos who looked familiar but I couldn't quite tell who this woman was, so I just forgot about it and continued browsing the aisles. After about 5 minutes this girl comes up to me and says " Excuse me are you Mr.Christopher?"
Right when she started to speak I knew it was my former student! She seemed happy to see me again and we spoke together for about an hour. I had to leave because I had a doctors appointment at the time so she gave me her number to call her so we could catch up.
I found out that shes moved to New York. (We live in Ohio) she was just coming to Ohio to visit her brother. And she's an artist.Which I find pretty cool. She's now 22 years old.
Over the time I've spent talking to her (Six months) I've grown feelings for her. I just think that's a little weird since I was her teacher and all...
I just want to know if it would be inappropriate if I were to ask her out.

A. Do it! I think this story is really cute!

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