Q. I'm 21 and I'm considering getting a tattoo for a scar cover up. I really don't want to regret it as I get older and mature. I would like some advice from women in their 30's, 40's, or higher on their experience with a tattoo or tattoos. Do you regret it? Were there complications? Please leave your age for reference.
A. I am a 50 y/o woman with two tattoos, one a rather dramatic 8" beauty on my back. I adore them, but let me add that a great deal of thought went into what I did.
A tattoo should define you in some way. It should be a very personal thing, not just something "cool" that you pick off a wall in a salon.
The first one I got was a 4" dragonfly on my right shoulder. I *am* like a dragonfly - a bit weird, definitely feminine, a little mystical... freedom in the breeze. It's me.
The second one came years later - I had been through such a horrible year that I designed a very feminine phoenix, more like a big bird of paradise to remind me that I am a survivor, that I can get through anything because I have guts and determination. It's a colorful, beautiful bird because I am a colorful person that sees beauty in everything.
Think about it deeply. Don't pick something *cool* today that might be ridiculous 20 years from now. Visit tattoo parlours and websites to see if there's anything that speaks to you. Personally, I'd wait a few years before having one.
And here's a website for you to mull over as you make your decision: http://www.tattoofinder.com/find_tattoo.asp
PS - I had no complications but I do scab like nobody's business. The itch for the first week in unHOLY. Scratch and you ruin it.
what is the best way to get your gaming YouTube channel noticed?
Q. hey guys my gaming youtube channel is TheSilverClassGamerz and have had it up for a few months though and am wondering how i could get a bit more noticed? because i have uploaded almost 50 videos now and only have 30 subs if you guys could help and tell me how that would be great. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSilverClassGamerz
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A. Lol. If those are the tags you're using, big reason why noone visits. Noone likes a spammer.
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