Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Arabic tattoo ideas!!!?

Q. I'm going to get a tattoo friday and i know what i want im just not 100% sure. I want something arabic arabic on my right shoulder blade. My dad is muslim and its haram to write anything with regards to allah on your body, so i don't want any muslim prayers. But my mom is christian and ive seen tons of arabic christian tattoos. I like the calligraphy tattoos but I have no idea what half of them mean. I want something more or less like this.

Also, does anyone have any idea how much that would cost more or less? My friend's tattoo artist told me about $200 and please don't coach me about tattoos being haram, because theyre not unless you depict allah or faces or names or animals because that goes against the bismillah. I go to mosque, i know;) And even when you go to palestine you see the women with tattooed eyebrows and ive seen lots of hijabi women in dubai with REAL tattoos (not henna).

A. Hi, first of all you will need an Arabic tattoo design artist because most tattoo parlors do not know Arabic.
I know an artist that has just launched his page on Face Book he is very reasonably priced and gives free design consultations. He also does free translations so people can prevent themselves from getting inked permanently with a bad translation. If you give him a try he can help you to decide exactly what you want.
Take a look at his page and send him a message to get started.

Tattoo ideas for a stillborn child?
Q. My partner and I lost our baby boy on Oct. 14, 2011 and I was just looking for some suggestions on a tattoo in his memory....

A. Go to This woman has a great story, with great meaning behind what she does. I had my son's footprints done after he was stillborn. This summer my mother had them tattooed on her foot (actual size), and they look amazing. I plan on having it done also, but I'm currently pregnant with my rainbow, and on blood thinners, so I will have to wait. The reasoning behind inking our feet is that, even though he's not here physically, he will still be taking every step with me the rest of my life. If you search Butterfly Footprints on facebook, there are a lot of pictures of tattoos where people have had them done, and it absolutely flatters the artist. She has generic footprints also, in case you don't have his. Just a thought.

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questions about tattoos?

Q. hey i really need answers for these questions! and please tell me whether you're experienced or not.

1. let's say if i wanna do a tattoo that my bra hook will cover. so basically there's something tight wrapping around my tattoo. would it make it worse? would pressing against the tattoo forcingly disrupt the shape of it?

2. let's say i've done a tattoo on an area that has excessive fats. okay my belly for example. then i decided to work out to get rid of the excessive fats, would the tattoo be affected?

3. and what are the don't dos when your tattoo is recovering?

They can help you :)

POLL: Do you find this woman hot?


A. That's the woman from "the girl with a Dragon tattoo, isn't it?"
Yeah, she sure is pretty.

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Are women more into tattoos than men?

Q. I notice today that many women have tattoos on their body. It's actually gotten to the point where I think at least 90% of women have tattoos. It's THAT many I see. But with men, not so much. Based on what I see, I would estimate that about 50-60% of men have tattoos.

So, do more women have tattoos than men? I tend to think so because women like to expose their bodies more, so it's only normal that they have more of a desire to decorate it with art. But what do you think?

A. Wow, that's a really sexist statement. I don't know if any actual studies have been done on this. Why does it matter though? Each gender and each person has their own reasons for getting tattooed. I'm a woman and I have two myself. I did not get them because I like to expose my body more. Wow. Just wow. A lot of men like to expose their body as well you know. You see men walking around shirtless --all the time--. Women can't do that.

women with rib tattoos- how does your bra effect your art? and weight gain/boobs growing?
Q. I want a medium sized quote in a pretty font along my ribs. think, megan foxes broken heart tattoo quote, if you know what i mean..
however, what happens when you have to wear bras? all my bras have thick straps, does it effect healing? is it annoying that the bras cover it, should i just start the quote below my bra line?. and is this a spot that in general stretches after pregnancy or does your body change in this area a lot?

A. I have one all down my side and my bra never bothered it. Just don't wear a tight bra. I have had a child since I got this tattoo and it stretched out when I was pregnant but then again so did all of my other tattoos (one on my ankle, one on my hip and one on my back.) But they are all back to normal again and look just fine.

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Jumat, 11 April 2014

Tattoo pain...a question about it=)?

Q. So I want to get a tattoo in a year or so, and I've had a baby already and went through labor. Which is worse? Getting a tattoo or going through labor? (I went through about...5-6 hours of labor) Do you think if I've gone through that labor it'll be easier to handle tattoo pain? Also, will pain medication (like pills) if you take them before help? Does like reading a book or something help take your mind off of the pain?

Thanks for the heads up!
Im getting one on my rib cage, then on my foot.

A. Oh my goodness, honestly, I always say this to women who come on here worrying about tattoo pain if they've have kids - if you've survived labour, you'll survive anything! The pain can't be compared, it's completely different, but labour is MUCH worse. It's not even on the same scale! Labour makes you want to shoot yourself in the head rather than go through another second of the pain. Tattoos are nothing like that!

I don't think it'll make any difference to how you handle tattoo pain, and I'm not saying that just because you've been through labour you won't be affected by a tattoo. Not the case at all - I've had all of my tattoos since I had my son and I have a really low tolerance and I am a real wimp with some of them, moan right the way through. But I get to the other side and keep going back for more! But my point is that you know, if you have been through labour, there is no way you cannot get through a tattoo! And that's a thought that keeps me going during some of my longer, more painful ones!

As for painkillers, bad idea, it generally doesn't work but it will thin your blood and make you bleed heaps. Don't go there. Never tried reading a book during a tattoo, I'm not sure if you'd be able to concentrate to be honest, but taking an ipod definitely helps. I don't bother with the ones on my arms, they're not so bad, but all the ones I've had on my back I've found quite painful so in some of the worst parts I've stuck the earphones in and it's helped me zone myself out from the pain. Remember to keep breathing too (kinda like in labour ha) - you tense and hold your breath but if you remind yourself to keep taking deep breaths it does help.

But back to the main point - honestly, if you go in expecting the tattoo to hurt anything nearly close to the level of pain labour causes you, you're in for a VERY pleasant surprise! And this is coming from someone who doesn't enjoy the process of getting tattooed at all! Also, you don't mention where you are having the tattoo, but there are some areas of the body which really are a breeze!

Bicep tattoo pain????????????
Q. I'm a girl and and I want to get a quote under my arm, on my bicep. Look up Megan Rapinoe's tattoo for an example if you don't know what I'm talking about.

I just want to know how bad it hurts.

I got some lettering and waves on the side of my foot and it didn't hurt to me at all so idk if i have a high pain tolerance or what...?

A. Most women do have a high pain tolerance, especially when compared to men. Ask any tattoo artist, men are the real wussies when it comes to getting ink. They piss and moan twice as much as the girls. The bicep is a piece of cake, compared to the foot. You'll do fine.

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Where can I get an amazing wrist tattoo in Southern California?

Q. I want a tattoo on my left wrist. I want it to say "Smile when the world frowns upon you". I'm looking to get it in late December for my 18th birthday. It would be great if the tattoo place was in orange county, but if not it's okay, I'll make the drive for an amazing tattoo!! It would also be great if the place also did piercings too. Just in case I chicken out. Please leave the place's link so I can check out their work :)

A. Tattoo Designs For Women On Wrist Tattoo Designs For Women On Wrist 2.Inside Wrist Easy To Cover By Long Shirt Or Bracelet.Love Tattoo Design On Wrist For College Girls.Feminine Wrist Tattoo Designs Wristband Tattoos.Best Female Celebrity Wrist Tattoo Designs Tattoo Designs.Wrist Hands Womens Girls Tattoos Free Tattoo Designs Sexy Tattoo.Wrist Tattoos For Men And Women Tips And Ideas For Tattoo Designs.Women Wrist Tattoos.Facilitate Wrist Tattoos Are Individual Of The Largely Elegant Designs...

Can anyone introtduce ed hardy tattoos to me?
Q. I saw a ed hardy tattoo on a man's left arm yesterday,it's cool.

A. ed hardy tattoos is design by Don Edhardy.It contains tigers,fish,sexy women, dragon and so on. is a good site that ed hardy tattoos clothing online sale.ed hardy tattoos is very cool and popular with many people.

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Guys question about Tattoos?

Q. Ok guys do you like tattoos on women? I'm not talking about being covered in them! . I have two, one on the side of my hand and one on my ankle. If you dont like them why? and if you do how many would you feel was appropriate (and where)? Ladies can answer to :) (about other girls and also about guys ;)

A. I really like tattoos. I am not attracted to women like Kat Von D but I don't think they look bad either, it's just that their look is not my thing. As long as the tattoos are well done I would really like to talk to a girl about her tattoos. If the tattoo is a butterfly or a chinese symbol may be not but an interesting design is something I would like to see on girls.

Need some help finding tattoos?
Q. Asking again, my last post only got spammed.

I really like the design of the tattoos of woman with sewn lips and tattooed faces but I don't know what to search to find any pictures. Does any one know what they're called?

A. Well you could google tattooed woman and circus side show. You might also look at the tattoo flash sites.

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Kamis, 10 April 2014

Wrist tattoo? Yes or no?

Q. Hi I'm 15 right now and I'm really into looking at really small delicate tattoos, and the other day I saw a beautiful tattoo on a woman's wrist and it said faith in cursive and I fell in love. Of course I don't want to get it right now but I was thinking maybe when I'm in my early-mid twenties...? It would be probably be half an inch tall and an inch wide. What I was wondering was if I would regret it later when I'm old and wrinkly. I personally don't think I would because I could cover it easily with a bracelet or watch for work and also I'm not planning on losing faith anytime soon. What do you guys think? Is it stupid? Would I regret it? Do you guys have small tattoos that you regret getting? Please leave comments!

PS I would want to get it on the inside of my wrist.

A. i think it's a good idea to wait at least 2 years on it. if you still want that same tattoo in severral years than go for it. when i was 15 i used to want a star tatted behind my ear, but looking back now i think that's the dumbest idea ever. just remember a tattoo is something you'll have your whole life, it becomes a part of you. so it should be something special, especially if you're getting in on your wrist because you'll have to look at it everyday. but theres nothing wrong with getting a tattoo for purely aesthetic reasons. mid-twenties is definitely a good age to get it done, because not only are you an adult but also because you'll have had a lot of time to think about what kind of tattoo you want. don't really worry about employment, because theres always places that'll take you regardless of tattoos. 3 of my high school teachers right now have tattoos (my english teacher has 2 thick bands on his arm, gov. teacher has has at least 5 visible ones, and my art teacher has a HUGE piece on her upper arm) and they're all brilliant teachers & been teaching for over 5 years. actually, even some of my teachers from elementary/middle school had tats. i've seen plenty of people employed in the service industry with tattoos(like at coffee shops, or clothing stores). but you should keep it mind it will make getting SOME jobs difficult/ impossible but it won't completely limit you. also the good thing about a wrist tat is its easy to cover up with bracelets or a watch or makeup. for my 18th i got 3 little birds done on the inside of my wrist, and i'm in love with it. only my mom told me not to get it, but even my grandma thinks its cool lol. i might regret in 20 yrs, but pshh whatevs. its means the world to me. it didnt hurt that much either. honestly i decided on it out of the blue , drew the design ,and got inked like 2 days later. its not gonna sag that much, because the skin on your wrist is really tight & isnt fleshy. i've never gotten any negative comments about it(had it for 4 months now people tell me how much they like it). i know alot of other seniors who have tattoos also(one dude has a lion head on his upper arm, another girl has huge butterfly wings on her back, this other girl has music notes on her arm). the wrist is a great place for a tat, its cute on girls. yes, it is a fad, but idgaf. its your body, do what you want with it. in june my & my friend are both getting the word HELLA tattooed on the inside of our bottom lip. im maybe getting a dream catcher on my shoulder this summer. so just go for it girl, its gonna be YOUR tattoo and no one else's. as long as it makes you happy :). wow didnt mean for this answer to be so long!

Will a tattoo behind my ear hurt?
Q. So basically I am 19 and I want to get my first tattoo, I want to get 3 paw prints behind my ear, I was wondering how bad it will hurt? I am pretty good with pain as I have 9 piercings. Also what is the average price for tattoos behind the ear? How long do you usually take to get it done? And should I get just black or colour?

A. I answer these questions related to pain in the same way every time.

The pain in different places differs from person to person, pain threshold does have a lot of input but, for example, my chest tattoo didn't hurt at all, where as some people I know said their chest tattoo hurt a lot!

Anyway, here's a basic pain level chart I always reffer people to.

Pain level 1
These include the upper arm, forearm, calf, Bum, and Thigh. For a 1st tattoo these are great points to begin your inked journey.

Pain level 2
These include the centre back, front / side of thighs and shoulders. This is also not too bad a start for your first tattoo. The shoulders and central back region can be area that require quite a lot of movement. The skin on these areas is much looser meaning it takes longer to tattoo and also longer to heal. On areas that have lots of movement such as these, require more care once a tattoo is completed. Due to the thigh area being quite a dense muscle mass and also quite tight skin, it may tend to bruise the day after.

Pain level 3
These include the knees, elbows, hands, head, neck, feet, chest and back of thighs. Beginners beware of starting at these areas. You would need to be determined to have tattoos here as the high sensitivity would require a lot of mental focus to get you through. The poor quality of skin on both the knees and elbows will result in a very slow tattoo process and nerves are very close to the surface in these areas. This could result in the tattooing being unbearable for any length of time for some people. As with the orange areas these tend to be high movement areas and will require a longer healing timescale. You may find that to achieve a good solid colour, you may have to repeat the tattoo process on these areas. As a side note the chest area on men can be much more sensitive to pain than a woman, yet due to the tighter skin on a male, the tattoo can be completed quicker.

Pain level 4 (OWCHIE!)
Areas include hips, ribcage, stomach, back of knees, armpit, inside of elbow, nipples, lips, inside of thighs and genitals. Are you really sure you want to get that tattoo? As these areas can elicit crying, half finished tattoos or even the customer passing out. This could just be more than you may be able to handle. All of these purple areas are considered by most to be the most painful areas to be tattooed. The stretchy or thin skin over bone are slow to tattoo, some of these may require multiple sessions to achieve solid colour and smooth shading. Healing can be just as painful as receiving the tattoo and may require a few days off from your regular activities.


�Women are your more sensitive the week prior to and during your cycle. Plan around those dates to have the best experience possible when getting your tattoo.
�Use lotion everyday on the area to be tattooed at least 1 week prior for healthier skin and better results.
�Do not go out in the sun at least one week prior to being tattooed (including tanning beds) This drys the skin and if peeling occurs could damage the tattoo.
�Consider what you will wear for 2 weeks while healing if your tattoo is in an area like the foot, waist, shoulders or chest. Shoes, waistbands, belts, underwear, and bras can all damage tattoos if you do not plan ahead. Find comfortable clothing that will not touch or rub during this time.
�Always eat a good meal before being tattooed and drink plenty of fluids.
�Be sure to get a good nights rest before your appointment.
�Ask what kind of aftercare products you will need when you set up to get your tattoo.
�Mention any allergies you may have, pigments, dyes, perfumes.
�Some medication may thin your blood, check with your doctor before being tattooed.
�Anyone with an autoimmune disorder needs to check with their doctor and should bring a note to be tattooed.

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Tattoo placement ideas?

Q. I want to get the Latin phrase "Caelitus Mihi Vires" tattood on me..SOMEWHERE????....but i dont know where! I've thought about getting it on my lower back,but i dont know if i want people bein like TRAMP STAMP! Even though in my opinion it wouldnt be much of a tramp stamp because the phrase means "my strength comes from heaven" in english. Any ideas where i should get it?

A. You should get it on someone else's body.

Why get a tattoo? Tattoos don't look good on women, nor do they look good on most men.

Lip tattoo ideas???!!!?
Q. I really want to get a lip tattoo. I know they don't last long and no one sees it but thats exactly why i want it. I figure if i get sick of it i dont have to live with it. I want something really cool, like if i show someone they would say "wow thats sweet" Im not a cliche person like love or something. any ideas?? thank you! :)

A. A cigar?

Most men like the idea of a woman who likes cigars.

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Rabu, 09 April 2014

What do you think about women with tattoos?

Q. I personally like women who have tattoos. They can have a lot of tattoos or just 1 or 3 tattoos. But, what is your opinion of women with tattoos. Do you think its hot or does it mean they are more open in the terms that they are less shy? Answer and let me know what's your opinion.

A. When men get tattoos, they are unique and meaningful.
When women get tattoos, it's always the same thing: a rose on her boob, which you're not supposed to look at, or some kind of target above her butt. What does some stupid, psuedo-Indian design on a woman's lower back say? "I'm in touch with the spirit of nature?" Probably not. It doesn't even say "Look at my lower back" or "I need loads of attention" It says "I'm just decoration." Women don't have enough philosophy or personality on which to base a tattoo. That's why they suck at getting them.

Women Tiger Tattoo Designs?
Q. Tiger is the symbol of power and strength,world The chinies saying tiger os the �King of the Animals�. It is considered that one feels stronger if a tiger looks in one�s dreams.Tiger tattoos are each stunning and powerful body art choices.

A. You could get a tigers paws on your breast and then the head resting on your shoulder & then have the body go down back. Have the legs wrap around your legs

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The tattooer Japanese literature?

Q. �The Tatooer� deals with the issue of the nature of art, its relation to the
artist and its relation to social norms and expectations. What
conclusions about these issues the story comes to and what metaphoric
elements it uses to make its points. Include an explanation of why the story could be called a �twisted Pygmalian myth,� why Janichiro chooses to set his story in the Edo period of Japanese history, why tattooing rather than another art form is used, the meaning of the black widow spider, the meaning of the references to sexuality and finally explain
the suggestion that the tattoo of the spider on the woman�s back will add to
her perfection � what does that last element say about the relation between
art and nature.?

A. Try the following:-

Interpreting Japanese Culture in Tanizaki's �The Tattooer�
Junichiro Tanizaki�s story, �The Tattooer� begins with the narrator illustrating the ancient art of tattooing. He vividly describes that Japanese men, who were performing in the Kabuki Theater, received tattoos in order to satisfy their upper class audiences and enhance their beauty. This story is about a young tattoo artist named Seikichi who trained as an ukiyoye painter in his youth but dropped in social status and became a renowned tattoo artist. For years, Seikichi perfected his tattoo artistry on many clients. To him they were his body canvases which came in all different shapes and sizes, but he yearned for something more, he wanted the perfect canvas to paint his masterpiece on. Then one day, while passing a restaurant, he caught a glimpse of a beautiful woman�s foot and fell madly in love with her. A few days later, the beautiful woman appeared at his door carrying a package from one of Seikichi�s friends. He gazed at her beauty, she had the facial features that he desired, and her body was the perfect canvas he wanted to paint his greatest masterpiece on. Unfortunately, the young woman did not share in his dreams and was frightened by his gestures. As much as he tried to convince her, she still refused his offer to be his greatest masterpiece. In order to get what he wanted, Seikichi drugged the young woman and enslaved her.
@ Read more


Meaning of cherry blossom?
Q. I was thinking of getting a cherry blossom tree tattoo but I forgot the meaning of it and I don't wanna get something that don't mean anything to me. Please help!!

A. Chinese:
The Chinese see the cherry blossom as a symbol of power, particularly of the dominance of the feminine persona. This could mean a blossom tattoo is ideal for you if you are a strong willed woman who values her liberty and freedom or if you have recently come out of a difficult relationship.

It also stands for love if you are coming from the herbal lore approach.

In Japanese culture there is often a link between the blossoming of cherry tress and the Buddhist concept of "mono no aware" which refers to the reverence for life, the transience of being and the sadness at the passing of things. This is because cherry blossoms only appear on tress for short times before they fall to the ground.

This association with mortality is highly symbolic in Japan and has been used in traditional art there for many centuries along with more recent manga or anime. This link may however make a tattoo of cherry blossoms unsuitable for some. Alternatively, it may give you renewed appreciation for the fragility of life and help you make the most of your brief time on this Earth, while bringing you a different perspective on the hard times you may face; knowing that they will not last forever.


It means power of the dominance of the feminine persona and life

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Tribal Zodiac Tattoos – The hottest women?

Q. Tribal Zodiac Tattoos between stars and named the constellations. There's a real romanticism and magnetism to the concept that our lives and actions are all influenced by the celestial heavens. It's no wonder then that zodiac tribal tattoos designs abound. Not just in America, but across the world. Nearly every single culture has their own version of the zodiac, and there are lots of totally different names for astrology around the globe.

Nevertheless the Tribal Zodiac Tattoos kind hottest in the United States, in horoscopes, star charts and basic conversation is the Greek/Roman zodiac, which is damaged down into 12 completely different indicators, each representing a roughly one month period. Every "signal" has its own meaning, and people who fall under the same signal of the zodiac usually share frequent traits, weak spot and strengths. When you're considering getting a zodiac tattoo design, here is a little more info on the 12 completely different indicators of the zodiac to provide you an idea of their meaning.

People who have great religion or perception in astrology, should absolutely go for these Tribal Zodiac Tattoos because the title suggests, are tattoo designs with the 12 zodiac signs. Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Most cancers, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, are the 12 Zodiac signs. These zodiac indicators are thought of to signify the overall nature or behavior traits of the person, that falls beneath that zodiac sign. Each of this zodiac signal is represented with fixed symbols.

For instance, the zodiac sign Aquarius is represented by a "Water Bearer", whereas Taurus is symbolized by "the Bull". These tattoos are additionally represented by simple zodiac symbols. For instance, a semicircle over a circle is used as a symbol for Taurus. Thus, these tattoos provide a big scope for experimenting with the design sample of the zodiac symbol. You can go for a design that represents only a significant part or full design of your zodiac symbol. Learn extra on, Tribal Zodiac Tattoos designs for girls.

A. Uh huh. I understand "the Bull" when I read it. Is there a tattoo question here?

sexy tattoos on women?
Q. Im doing research on how men and women view tattoos on women and what they associate that tattoo with.

So please answer this question:
-whats the sexiest tattoo you've seen on a woman?
-where was it located?
-what was your initial reaction?

And I love tattoos. Have 3 myself...and counting lol.

Thanks for your time.

A. Check out Kat Von D ...hottest chick ever...tattoos everywhere!!!
My first reaction was DAMN!!! lol but peoples views depend on how they were raised and such things like that.Pretty much universally accepted now.

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Selasa, 08 April 2014

I want the word "fancy" tattooed on me good idea?

Q. I'm really girly, smart ,organized and dainty . I stand for poise elegance and being a grown woman I I love you the word fancy and everything it stands for fits me . I don't have any tattoes but I want the word "fancy" but how should I design it or have associated with it ?

A. You want "fancy" tattooed on your body? That's the most trashy thing ever lol; getting it done would show that you are the opposite of dainty and elegant.

what is a henna tattoo?
Q. is it a real tattoo with permanent ink? i have seen what they look like, do they symbolize something? there's so many different kinds. please inform meee :)

A. Most of us like to adorn our bodies, whether it is through jewelry, makeup, or accessories. Some people also enjoy tattoos, but the adornment through the art of tattooing is often permanent and difficult, if not impossible to remove once the tattoo has been applied. If you are interested in adding art to your body, but do not want something that will last forever, a henna tattoo may be just what you�re looking for.

Mehndi is another word for henna tattoos, and represents the art of decorating the body with intricate and detailed patterns and artwork. The art itself comes from the Indian culture, and women and men there have been using it for thousands of years. The first question one might ask is: what is exactly is henna? Henna is a natural material
derived from the dried powder of plant leaves. It often appears as a green powder, and most Indian stores sell henna, or you can find it at a lot of Middle Eastern groceries. Another option when searching for henna is to look online, as it can be difficult to find it locally depending on where you live.

There is a process to applying henna to make your tattoo look professional and attractive. The first step is to sift the powder to remove any �chunks� or leaf particles. Next, you�ll want to mix the henna with lemon juice, making sure you mix it in a plastic container with a plastic spoon. The metals in most silverware can cause an acidic reaction, thus altering the color of the henna, and can sometimes cause it to lose its effectiveness. If you want your tattoo to last longer, add one teaspoon of sugar, as this can help increase its staying power. Cover your mixture with plastic wrap and let it sit at least for a day or two. This process causes the henna to �release� the dye in the molecules, and then you are ready to apply the tattoo.

There are several tools you can use to apply the tattoo, but a small paint brush (like an artist�s brush) is probably the best option for beginners. You may also use a piping bag like those used for icing when decorating a cake. These can be purchased at many grocery stores or bakeries, and are usually very inexpensive. If you aren�t good a freehand, purchasing a stencil you like is probably the best option to create a design that suits you. Henna can be applied just about anywhere, including the hands, wrists, ankles, legs, and arms. Another option for designs is to draw lightly on the skin with an eyeliner pencil and simply trace your design afterwards. This way if you make a mistake, you can �erase� it by just wiping it with a washcloth in soap and water. Transfers are another popular way to get creative, foolproof designs. Most office supply stores sell transfer paper. Just draw your pattern onto the transfer paper, apply deodorant to the area you want to tattoo, pressing down on the paper with your hand, and then gently remove it. It should leave behind your pattern, and you can begin to apply the henna outlining your design.

The next step is to allow the henna to be absorbed into the skin. Most people use a sealant to keep the ink in place. You can create your own sealant by using a lemon and sugar mixture, or even by lightly spraying hair gel onto the tattoo. Allow the sealant to dry and then wrap your design using two layers: tissue and then plastic wrap. The design needs to stay wrapped at least overnight, so your first time you may want to ensure this can be done on a place on your body where you will not need to move too much, or that will make you uncomfortable. The following morning, the wrap can be removed and your tattoo is ready to show off! Most henna tattoos last about ten days on average.

You may be wondering why this art is so intricate, yet the tattoos do not stay on your body permanently. Since henna tattoos are not applied by penetrating the skin, they simply soak into the first few layers of skin. Although the dye is very potent, they do not penetrate deeply enough into the next layers to remain permanent. Over time, as the design fades, it is simply because the old skin cells are sloughing off, and new ones are growing, causing the henna tattoo to fade.

Henna is an ancient art that has been passed down over the generations, and is becoming a very popular method of self-expression. If the process of giving yourself or someone you know a henna tattoo sounds too complex, there are professional henna artists nationwide. Be sure to do some research and find out if applying a henna tattoo is right for you.

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Do women like sleeve tattoos?

Q. I am 22 years old and I am currently in the process of a sleeve tattoo. Do women like sleeve tattoos? Because I do! :)

A. Heck yes!
I find sleeve tattoo's on guys extremely sexy.
I hope it's awesome and all goes to plan.
You'll be surrounded by ladies in no time.

Do people think that women with sleeve tattoos...?
Q. Are gay? I mean, someone said to me that women who have sleeve tattoos are lesbians and I remember thinking, "huh?" Like, heterosexual women aren't tough enough for those? I dunno, what do you think?

A. Well, I'm sure lots of lesbians have sleeve tattoos, but also just as many straight women do as well. Don't listen to what people say because the majority of the time they are just rambling on with whatever close-minded, judgmental garbage they picked up from their parents or at church(religious nuts!). Relax, if you want a sleeve, and I think that's where this question is leading, it doesn't matter what your sexual preference is. If nothing else you can prove to those fools that said those things that heterosexuals do get sleeve tattoos. I think sleeve tatts on women are sexy as all get out and I never once considered whether or not they were straight or gay. It sounds so silly.

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weres the best place to get a tattoo for a big guy?

Q. its my first tattoo and i want to get a cross

A. You always start on the upper arm on men, and work down. Women usually start at the wrist. Well, almost always. We strongly advise both men and women what will look right and what won't. Sometimes they listen, and sometimes they don't. People have the mistaken impression that we'll put anything on you, anywhere, and that's not true at all. A lot of us won't do gang tattoos, profane tattoos, satanic tattoos, two-headed babies in jars, Nazi party symbols, crap like that. Not all of us care how much coin you've got. Our name goes with that tattoo, and we are well aware of it. Your reputation is everything, as an artist. Screw it up, and it's hard to fix. The cross is a good choice, there's a million kinds of them with different meanings behind them. Research it first. Take care.

tattoo kit?
Q. were can i get a good tattoo kit for a good price and good ink no water doun stuff
i am from the uk and i used to be a professional tattoo artest i just need some help getting my new tattoo stuff because all my items wont werk over here in the us please help thanks


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Senin, 07 April 2014

What do you think of women with tattoos on their upper arms, either on the inside or outside?!?


A. As you can see from my picture on the left, I have a half sleeve of a blue buddha and I adore it. I think the issue is not whether a woman has a noticeable tattoo, but whether the tattoo is good quality (professionally done by a talented tattoo artist) and whether it suits their personality. I choose to wear long sleeves if I ever need to cover it. I work within the industry of tattooing, so the response to my artwork has been entirely positive. Unfortunately, I know that not everyone is so lucky and some people are discriminated against due to their tattoo's. To some degree though (even though I am a professionally trained tattoo artist) I have to agree with the critics. Some people make poor choices on impulse and spend very little time researching their artist. As a result they end up with a tattoo that is not very aesthetically pleasing. But overall, with the exception of tattooed faces, and hands (unless for cultural reasons) I think that tattoo's on women are beautiful.

Opinions on upper arm & foot tattoos on women?
Q. I'm not sure wether I like them or not. I think they look cool on some people and horrible on others. I'm trying to decide if i should get a tattoo in those areas. It would be like a 1/4 or 1/2 sleeve, and a tiny foot design. What do you guys think? Guys & Girls can answer

A. How it looks definitely depends on the person and how it looks to OTHERS is subjective as well.
I like well done foot tattoos, I think they're rather pretty and cute, I'm not typically a fan of sleeves but there's always exceptions :)
I would try them out to see how you liked them and if you're comfortable with other's reactions. There are two methods for this.
You can draw them on with a marker. This is better for text or smaller works but can also be done for bigger projects for the very patient. Here's some very devoted people who did this ( )
You could get a Temptu, a temporary tattoo, they are rice paper tattoos that can last up to two weeks. ( )

Hope this helps. Good luck!

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will I be allowed into the military with these tattoo's?

same tattoo but with 2 extra birds and a tiny bit bigger on my right shoulder blade very easily covered
i also have the quote "Won't Hurt To Hope" on my right side of my collar Bone
I want to join the Army when i get my degree in Psychology as a psychologist for soldiers at base (so id live as a regular soldier but I'd have a different jobs as I'm a woman and cannot go into artillery and I'm not complaining because I understand why it would cause problems as this would cause.

A. If it is covered by the PT T-shirt and Short's most likely there will be no problems in getting a waiver if deemed necessary.


would i look good as a blonde?
Q. i'm planning to dye my hair blonde but i'm not sure if it would suit me. i'm planning to go with either beach blonde or strawberry blonde

here are pictures.
i have chinese blood so my skin is yellow but i'm white tbh. lol so i'm not tan....

A. No.
If you want to look older than your mom!
A girl from church did just that to her hair, and she hated it! She's also in her 30's, and her mom is in her 50's. Side by side together, she looked older and it didn't go with her skin tone.
Another example: "So my hair is naturally a very very light brown, and it had a few highlights in it. I went to a very expensive salon and asked the stylist to darken it one shade, and for it not to be too noticeable. She practically dyed my hair black, and it doesn't look good with my skin or eyes at all."

Google search: Salon hair dye horror stories. About 305,000 results (0.20 seconds) OR Google Salon Hair Dye Lawsuits. About 336,000 results (0.17 seconds) Dec. 2011
When it comes to hair care treatments, product use or visits to a salon or spa, the consumer must take responsibility to do their homework and be aware of all the risks involved.
Vanessa Minnillo Lachey: "I dated a guy once who wanted me to have blonde hair. Clearly, he was the wrong guy for me! I went to a lady who bleached my hair and it literally fell out. So, not only did I go back to my natural hair, I broke up with the guy!"
Another example posted on YA! 8-20-12. Is it just me or does xxl live max blonde make your scalp feel like it on fire? I've recently used a max blonde on my hair and I had to wash it wash off straight away because my scalp felt like it was on fire has this happend to anyone else?

Style meets chemistry meets biology: We're talking hair coloring.

Playing with chemicals is not like playing with clothes, or doing a manicure, there are penalties for playing chemicals in the lab. Even hair color experts at the salon are not rocket scientists, they do a bang up dye jobs to their clients or their own hair.

Chemicals can enter the body through the skin.

> > > Hair dye chemicals linked to cancer
London, Feb 20, 2013 I've been saying that since 2009.
Hair dyes, which include home hair colouring kits and those used at pricey salons, are linked to deadly cancer-causing chemicals, warn scientists. In 2009 the Mail revealed that women who used hair dyes more than nine times a year had a 60% greater risk of contracting blood cancer.
A year later the European Commission banned 36 hair dyes which put long-term users at risk of bladder cancer. < < < <�
Google: Teen 'feared she would die' after reaction to hair dye
The allergic reaction was caused by a well-known brand of semi-permanent hair dye Chloe used to turn her hair black for a Hallowe�en party. . . . . called for beauty bosses to ban hair dye chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine) from the shelves. 11-04-11

The chemical is not new and is present in a number of brands of dark hair colours, acting to help adhere the dye to the hair so that it doesn't wash out. It�s made from coal tar and is used in both permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. It�s well-known to be a cause of serious allergic reactions -- including something called contact dermatitis which can lead to rashes, blisters, and open sores.
PPD is sometimes added to black henna tattoos and that using them is not safe. Allergic reactions usually begin within two to 10 days following application. One bad reaction can lead to sensitivities to other products such as hair dye, sunblock and some types of clothing dyes. Oftentimes, it's using the product a second or third time. Skin specialist Najjia Ashraf reveals that there are barely any dyes that don�t contain this toxin; even the ones who claim they don�t, are not being honest. �Big brands often escape the blame by suggesting they are ammonia-free. However, ammonia and PPD are two very different things and PPD is present in nearly every dye because it is what gives off the colour,� she explains.

Google: January Jones: "My Hair Is Falling Out In Clumps" 1-28-13 To quote Joni Mitchell, "you don't know what you got till your thick hair is gone."

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