Q. i want to know descriptions of specific designs
A. what do u mean by discriptions..
When the Samoan Islands were first seen by Europeans in 1722 three Dutch ships commanded by Jacob Roggewein visited the eastern island known as Manua. A crew member of one of the ships described the natives in these words, �They are friendly in their speech and courteous in their behavior, with no apparent trace of wildness or savagery. They do not paint themselves, as do the natives of some other islands, but on the lower part of the body they wear artfully woven silk tights or knee breeches. They are altogether the most charming and polite natives we have seen in all of the South Seas�"
The ships lay at anchor off the islands for several days, but the crews did not venture ashore and didn�t even get close enough to the natives to realize that they were not wearing silk leggings, but their legs were completely covered in tattoos.
In Samoa, the tradition of applying tattoo, or tatau, by hand has been unbroken for over two thousand years. Tools and techniques have changed little. The skill is often passed from father to son, each tattoo artist, or tufuga, learning the craft over many years of serving as his father's apprentice. A young artist-in-training often spent hours, and sometimes days, tapping designs into sand or tree bark using a special tattooing comb, or au. Honoring their tradition, Samoan tattoo artists made this tool from sharpened boar's teeth fastened together with a portion of the turtle shell and to a wooden handle.
Traditional Samoan tattooing of the �pe'a�, body tattoo, is an ordeal that is not lightly undergone. It takes many weeks to complete. The process is very painful and used to be a necessary prerequisite to receiving a matai title; this however is no longer the case. Tattooing was also a very costly procedure.
It was not uncommon for half a dozen boys to be tattooed at the same time, requiring the services of four or more artists. It was not just the men who received tattoos, but the women too; their designs are of a much lighter nature rather than having the large areas of solid dye which are frequently seen in men�s tattoos. The tattooing of women was not nearly as ritualized like men�s were.
Samoan society has long been defined by rank and title, with chiefs (ali'i) and their assistants, known as talking chiefs (tulafale). The tattooing ceremonies for young chiefs, typically conducted at the time of puberty, were part of their ascendance to a leadership role. The permanent marks left by the tattoo artists would forever celebrate their endurance and dedication to cultural traditions. The pain was extreme and the risk of death by infection was a concern; to back down from tattooing was to risk being labeled a �pala'ai� or coward. Those who could not endure the pain and abandoned their tattooing were left incomplete, would be forced to wear their mark of shame throughout their life. This would forever bring shame upon their family so it was avoided at all cost.
The Samoan tattooing process used a number of tools which remained almost unchanged since their first use. �Autapulu� is a wide tattooing comb used to fill in the large dark areas of the tattoo. �Ausogi'aso tele� is a comb used for making thick lines. �Ausogi'aso laititi� is a comb used for making thin lines. �Aumogo� small comb is used for making small marks. �Sausau� is the mallet is used for striking the combs. It is almost two feet in length and made from the central rib of a coconut palm leaf. �Tuluma� is the pot used for holding the tattooing combs. Ipulama is the cup used for holding the dye. The dye is made from the soot collected from burnt lama nuts. �Tu'I� used to grind up the dye. These tools were primarily made out of animal bones to ensure sharpness.
The tattooing process itself would be 5 sessions, in theory. These 5 sessions would be spread out over 10 days in order for the inflammation to subside. The steps are as follows.
I. O le Taga Tapulu (back and small of the back) In the first session the height to which the tattoo will rise is decided (Ano le Tua), this is always such that the top of the design will show above the lavalava. Then the va'a, pula tama and pula tele are outlined and the design filled in.
II. O le Taga Fai'aso (the posterior) The aso fa'aifo are completed around to the abdomen and the 'asolaititi are finished. Next to be added are the saemutu, which vary in number depending upon social status. A matai will have four an orator three and anyone else would have two. Where it meets the 'ivimutu at the anus it is called tafaufile, where it covers the perineum it is called tasele, where it covers the scrotum it is called tafumiti and the area over the penis is called tafito. Needless to say this is very painful.
III. Taga Tapau The lausae, an area of solid tattooing, is added to the thighs beneath the aso e lua.
IV. Taga o Fusi ma Uluma
When the Samoan Islands were first seen by Europeans in 1722 three Dutch ships commanded by Jacob Roggewein visited the eastern island known as Manua. A crew member of one of the ships described the natives in these words, �They are friendly in their speech and courteous in their behavior, with no apparent trace of wildness or savagery. They do not paint themselves, as do the natives of some other islands, but on the lower part of the body they wear artfully woven silk tights or knee breeches. They are altogether the most charming and polite natives we have seen in all of the South Seas�"
The ships lay at anchor off the islands for several days, but the crews did not venture ashore and didn�t even get close enough to the natives to realize that they were not wearing silk leggings, but their legs were completely covered in tattoos.
In Samoa, the tradition of applying tattoo, or tatau, by hand has been unbroken for over two thousand years. Tools and techniques have changed little. The skill is often passed from father to son, each tattoo artist, or tufuga, learning the craft over many years of serving as his father's apprentice. A young artist-in-training often spent hours, and sometimes days, tapping designs into sand or tree bark using a special tattooing comb, or au. Honoring their tradition, Samoan tattoo artists made this tool from sharpened boar's teeth fastened together with a portion of the turtle shell and to a wooden handle.
Traditional Samoan tattooing of the �pe'a�, body tattoo, is an ordeal that is not lightly undergone. It takes many weeks to complete. The process is very painful and used to be a necessary prerequisite to receiving a matai title; this however is no longer the case. Tattooing was also a very costly procedure.
It was not uncommon for half a dozen boys to be tattooed at the same time, requiring the services of four or more artists. It was not just the men who received tattoos, but the women too; their designs are of a much lighter nature rather than having the large areas of solid dye which are frequently seen in men�s tattoos. The tattooing of women was not nearly as ritualized like men�s were.
Samoan society has long been defined by rank and title, with chiefs (ali'i) and their assistants, known as talking chiefs (tulafale). The tattooing ceremonies for young chiefs, typically conducted at the time of puberty, were part of their ascendance to a leadership role. The permanent marks left by the tattoo artists would forever celebrate their endurance and dedication to cultural traditions. The pain was extreme and the risk of death by infection was a concern; to back down from tattooing was to risk being labeled a �pala'ai� or coward. Those who could not endure the pain and abandoned their tattooing were left incomplete, would be forced to wear their mark of shame throughout their life. This would forever bring shame upon their family so it was avoided at all cost.
The Samoan tattooing process used a number of tools which remained almost unchanged since their first use. �Autapulu� is a wide tattooing comb used to fill in the large dark areas of the tattoo. �Ausogi'aso tele� is a comb used for making thick lines. �Ausogi'aso laititi� is a comb used for making thin lines. �Aumogo� small comb is used for making small marks. �Sausau� is the mallet is used for striking the combs. It is almost two feet in length and made from the central rib of a coconut palm leaf. �Tuluma� is the pot used for holding the tattooing combs. Ipulama is the cup used for holding the dye. The dye is made from the soot collected from burnt lama nuts. �Tu'I� used to grind up the dye. These tools were primarily made out of animal bones to ensure sharpness.
The tattooing process itself would be 5 sessions, in theory. These 5 sessions would be spread out over 10 days in order for the inflammation to subside. The steps are as follows.
I. O le Taga Tapulu (back and small of the back) In the first session the height to which the tattoo will rise is decided (Ano le Tua), this is always such that the top of the design will show above the lavalava. Then the va'a, pula tama and pula tele are outlined and the design filled in.
II. O le Taga Fai'aso (the posterior) The aso fa'aifo are completed around to the abdomen and the 'asolaititi are finished. Next to be added are the saemutu, which vary in number depending upon social status. A matai will have four an orator three and anyone else would have two. Where it meets the 'ivimutu at the anus it is called tafaufile, where it covers the perineum it is called tasele, where it covers the scrotum it is called tafumiti and the area over the penis is called tafito. Needless to say this is very painful.
III. Taga Tapau The lausae, an area of solid tattooing, is added to the thighs beneath the aso e lua.
IV. Taga o Fusi ma Uluma
half sleeve tattoo how is this religoues?
Q. http://fundraisercd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Half-sleeve-religious-tattoo-361-682x1024.jpg
I was looking for a half sleeve and wanted to get something religious and somehow this came up and it said Christian tattoo I saw it thought It was cool but I don't understand how this is Christian?
already have tattoos btw
I was looking for a half sleeve and wanted to get something religious and somehow this came up and it said Christian tattoo I saw it thought It was cool but I don't understand how this is Christian?
already have tattoos btw
A. Ta moko - significance of Maori tattoos
Ta moko - traditional M�ori tattooing, often on the face - is a taonga (treasure) to M�ori for which the purpose and applications are sacred.
Every moko contains ancestral / tribal messages specific to the wearer. These messages tell the story of the wearer's family and tribal affiliations, and their place in these social structures.
A moko�s message would also contain the wearer�s �value� by way of their genealogy, and their knowledge and standing in their social level.
Kirituhi means skin art and describes more general tattooing.
Reviving art form
Ta moko as an artform declined during the 20th century, however in recent times it has been revived as an important art form among M�ori that is worn as an expression of cultural pride and integrity.
M�ori writer / academic Dr Ngahuia Te Awekotuku, who is Professor of Psychology at Waikato University says: "Ta moko today is much more than a fashion statement, a passing fad for M�ori. It is about who we are, and whom we come from. It is about where we are going, and how we choose to get there. And it is about for always, forever."
FAQ: Ta moko - M�ori tattoo art
What is a moko?
Moko is a name for M�ori tattoo and the culture that surrounds it. It is the skin art form of the M�ori.
What's the difference between moko and tattoo?
'Tattoo' is the English version of the Tahitian word tatu. Tattoo is the tradition of marking the skin with ink and needles, whereas moko is the practice of scarring and marking the skin to reflect the whakapapa (genealogy) of the M�ori wearer. Moko can be seen as a cultural affirmation.
Do moko symbols have a meaning?
All symbols have meaning, usually a tribal link that tells the background and stories of the wearer. Moko is a visual language that connects the wearer to their whakapapa.
Does getting a moko hurt?
Yes. Needles are forced into the skin to insert ink into the puncture, so it's inevitable that it will hurt, although some people have a higher tolerance for pain than others.
Are moko the same today as before?
Most designs have a traditional base, but there have been many changes to what was traditionally used. New moko traditions are being created to sit alongside the old.
Why is moko applied to the bottom?
Aesthetically, the bottom is a very sensual area to look at. Traditionally, it links the back design to the designs on the backs of the legs. The spirals accentuate the roundness of the buttocks, enhancing the body.
Why do people get facial moko?
A moko on the face is the ultimate statement of one's identity as a M�ori. The head is believed to be the most sacred part of the body. To wear the moko on the face is to bear an undeniable declaration of who you are.
Is it only men that get moko?
Women wear moko on the face too. A woman's moko is worn on the chin, as well as occasionally appearing on the forehead, upper lip, nostrils, and throat.
Why does facial moko look so scary?
Sometimes facial moko is unfairly seen as intimidating, regardless of the wearer's intentions, but this can depend on the countenance of the wearer. The lines of a moko accentuate the lines of the face so emphasise the expressions.
What's the difference between electric needles and hand tools?
Artists sometimes alternate between the two, depending on the requests of the clients. Many opt for the needle as it is faster and more precise. However, some people are choosing hand tools or ihu in order to make the process more in line with traditional ways.
Do only M�ori get moko?
Moko is a M�ori tradition and the term is usually applied to skin markings that are done by and on M�ori. Markings that are not moko but inspired by M�ori design are sometimes called kirituhi (writing on skin).
How much does a moko cost?
That's a question for the wearer and the artist. Costs can vary according to the skill and expertise of the artist. The area of the body and skin type of the wearer may also be taken into account, as well as their age, financial position, and relationship to the artist.
What does moko mean today?
If the process is followed properly, moko continues to mean what it has always meant. It is a symbol of integrity, M�ori identity and prestige, as well as a reflection of whakapapa and history.
Are there any restrictions on a moko wearer?
This is up to the wearer. Some people opt to make lifestyle changes as part of the process of obtaining a moko, respecting their moko by choosing to do, or not do, certain things.
Ta moko - traditional M�ori tattooing, often on the face - is a taonga (treasure) to M�ori for which the purpose and applications are sacred.
Every moko contains ancestral / tribal messages specific to the wearer. These messages tell the story of the wearer's family and tribal affiliations, and their place in these social structures.
A moko�s message would also contain the wearer�s �value� by way of their genealogy, and their knowledge and standing in their social level.
Kirituhi means skin art and describes more general tattooing.
Reviving art form
Ta moko as an artform declined during the 20th century, however in recent times it has been revived as an important art form among M�ori that is worn as an expression of cultural pride and integrity.
M�ori writer / academic Dr Ngahuia Te Awekotuku, who is Professor of Psychology at Waikato University says: "Ta moko today is much more than a fashion statement, a passing fad for M�ori. It is about who we are, and whom we come from. It is about where we are going, and how we choose to get there. And it is about for always, forever."
FAQ: Ta moko - M�ori tattoo art
What is a moko?
Moko is a name for M�ori tattoo and the culture that surrounds it. It is the skin art form of the M�ori.
What's the difference between moko and tattoo?
'Tattoo' is the English version of the Tahitian word tatu. Tattoo is the tradition of marking the skin with ink and needles, whereas moko is the practice of scarring and marking the skin to reflect the whakapapa (genealogy) of the M�ori wearer. Moko can be seen as a cultural affirmation.
Do moko symbols have a meaning?
All symbols have meaning, usually a tribal link that tells the background and stories of the wearer. Moko is a visual language that connects the wearer to their whakapapa.
Does getting a moko hurt?
Yes. Needles are forced into the skin to insert ink into the puncture, so it's inevitable that it will hurt, although some people have a higher tolerance for pain than others.
Are moko the same today as before?
Most designs have a traditional base, but there have been many changes to what was traditionally used. New moko traditions are being created to sit alongside the old.
Why is moko applied to the bottom?
Aesthetically, the bottom is a very sensual area to look at. Traditionally, it links the back design to the designs on the backs of the legs. The spirals accentuate the roundness of the buttocks, enhancing the body.
Why do people get facial moko?
A moko on the face is the ultimate statement of one's identity as a M�ori. The head is believed to be the most sacred part of the body. To wear the moko on the face is to bear an undeniable declaration of who you are.
Is it only men that get moko?
Women wear moko on the face too. A woman's moko is worn on the chin, as well as occasionally appearing on the forehead, upper lip, nostrils, and throat.
Why does facial moko look so scary?
Sometimes facial moko is unfairly seen as intimidating, regardless of the wearer's intentions, but this can depend on the countenance of the wearer. The lines of a moko accentuate the lines of the face so emphasise the expressions.
What's the difference between electric needles and hand tools?
Artists sometimes alternate between the two, depending on the requests of the clients. Many opt for the needle as it is faster and more precise. However, some people are choosing hand tools or ihu in order to make the process more in line with traditional ways.
Do only M�ori get moko?
Moko is a M�ori tradition and the term is usually applied to skin markings that are done by and on M�ori. Markings that are not moko but inspired by M�ori design are sometimes called kirituhi (writing on skin).
How much does a moko cost?
That's a question for the wearer and the artist. Costs can vary according to the skill and expertise of the artist. The area of the body and skin type of the wearer may also be taken into account, as well as their age, financial position, and relationship to the artist.
What does moko mean today?
If the process is followed properly, moko continues to mean what it has always meant. It is a symbol of integrity, M�ori identity and prestige, as well as a reflection of whakapapa and history.
Are there any restrictions on a moko wearer?
This is up to the wearer. Some people opt to make lifestyle changes as part of the process of obtaining a moko, respecting their moko by choosing to do, or not do, certain things.
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