Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Any small chest/cleavage tattoo ideas for women?

Q. I'm not really fond of chest tattoos, but my husband loves them and I was thinking of getting a small one over my cleavage. I'm also pregnant with my daughter and I was thinking of getting her foot prints over my heart, but what are some different ideas for small tasteful tattoos?
I know not to get a tattoo while pregnant... how else would I have my daughters foot prints if she hasn't been born yet?.... anyways, I'm just looking for any cute ideas because I plan on getting micro dermals right above my cleavage and was maybe thinking of a way to incorporate a tattoo with the dermals...

A. How about getting your daughters hand prints on your breasts, your husbands hand prints on your shoulders and the micro drermal of a heart above your cleavage-- I think that would be awesome!
Good luck hope this helps!

Help me develop this tattoo idea?
Q. I want a tattoo to commemorate an abusive relationship I had and serve as a reminder not to subject myself to such treatment again, but also to forgo expectations and recognize and accept people as they are. Ideally, I'd love to liken the experience to a myth or tall tale depicting a tattooable scene. Does anyone have any ideas?

A. i like the idea of a strong woman pin up design of her squashing abuse either the word or a significantly smaller man

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